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Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

The Sun, The Sea, And The Sand! Empty The Sun, The Sea, And The Sand!

Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:26 am
La Mission:

The golden archer was ecstatic to make it. The sand was golden and the swells on the ocean looked divine. This was the picturesque view of a beach. The entire thing looked like it came out of a landscape painting. It was exciting for Kota to be able to spend time here. He changed out of his standard ninja attire into something more comfy. His armor and bow had seals. All the other gear was stored away in his personal space. A very useful jutsu for him to have learned.

“Excuse me!” Kota looked down to see a small boy. He looked like he was about six and had big blue eyes. The eyes were staring at him deeply. “Can you help me Mister?” Kota could not help smiling at the child. The hunter had a weak spot for children and cute animals. The archer would help the child with any request that he deemed reasonable. He had to limit it if he could be there all day. Kota did not underestimate the whimsy of a child.

“Sure kiddo. What can I do for you?” Kota responded. His response must have been pleasant as the kid's face lightened up with a smile.

The little boy pointed at the sand. “Would you help me make an awesome sand castle? It has to be the awesomest the world has ever seen.” The small one was asking Kota earnestly. The lack of malice and need to keep his guard up as high was refreshing. Kota gave the kid his word of agreement and started to get to work.

“Now. The basic to any good structure is to start with a base. The better the base the more we can pact down the sand. Do you have any tools?” The little boy went away to grab a pail and shovel. Kota peeped and made sure no one was looking. He could not use earth but wind release should be enough. He channeled chakra and used ninjutsu to make a reasonably sized moat. He made it deeper so the moat surrounded the base of the castle without taking away from the foundation. The little boy came back with his tools. “Alright. I started but I am gonna need your help. We are gonna have to work together to build the awesomest sand castle the world has ever seen.”

Kota directed the kid to put sand in his pail and add it onto a large pile. Kota was packing it down and adding details to the structure as it was being built. He let the kid add in his own artistic input into the castle. By the time the duo had finished they made a pretty big structure. It had arches, and a sand dragon. The details were very minute due to Kota’s own ocd when it came to design. He had spent almost an entire day building the castle with the kid. At first it was because it was what the small child wanted. Who knew Kota would get so into it because of his own tendencies. It was worth it for the smile on the boy's face when they finished. Kota wished the kid well as he set off.


TWC: 535

Claiming 5 stat points for Chakra boosting it up to 93.

My skill beloved presence doubles mission rewards (except tickets). 2,200 (2,000 for mission and 200 for genin bonus), 10 AP rewarded and 5 tickets.
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

The Sun, The Sea, And The Sand! Empty Re: The Sun, The Sea, And The Sand!

Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:28 pm
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