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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:03 pm
Enrai was feeling pretty good, as the weather, although controlled, was still feeling amazing as he sort of skipped and hopped towards the training facility of Suna. He was having a good time there so far, especially because he was able to get a large number of things done in this village that he felt would be really difficult if he had done it outside of the relative safety of the village walls. He was going a bit fast, so his hair was blowing in the breeze, and he felt like a kid again, almost. He always got a little giddy when he was going to go and learn new things, especially when it came to ninjutsu. He had been dabbling in other things, but nothing held his attention quite like ninjutsu, as it was flexible enough to do anything, and so he really enjoyed using it. He was going to focus really hard on it even more now, and so the thought of learning some jutsu of his new elemental affinities was making him over the moon.

He made his way to the front of the training facility, and decided to go inside, paying the woman at the front desk for the time. He was not a ninja of the village, so he did not get to use the training facility for free, but he did not mind because of how amazing it was. There were plenty of items and training tools there that could help anyone learn anything, and he especially liked these special elemental spheres. He had used them last time he had trained in his element, and they allowed him to visualize the chakra within him and change it into the nature that matched the hearts that he had gotten into his body. Right now he was hoping to find some other people that were going to try and learn some things with him, and he hoped that people would show up. He had been asking around the village a bit recently, so anyone who was listening or walking down the street probably caught his passing conversation about wanting to learn elemental ninjutsu with some other ninja.

For now though, Enrai simply walked over to one of the training sections and grabbed one of the elemental spheres, the one he chose being aligned with the element of fire, as he placed his chakra within it. The sphere started to manifest a strange swirling energy that quickly turned a bright crimson color, signifying the elemental affinity of the chakra within and swirling around. With minute changes in his will, Enrai was able to make the viscous liquid like state of his chakra change and swirl, and even slightly make some organic shapes. He had seen others that were more proficient with their element change the very structure to where the liquid did not look like liquid at all anymore. This showed a much better grasp on chakra control in regards to their element than Enrai had at the moment, but he was practicing. He quickly found a bench nearby to sit down and concentrate on his sphere.
WC: 520
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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Fri Jul 22, 2022 4:58 am
Shin would continue to release small panting breaths as he knelt in the center of his room within Sunagakure, specifically within a rented room in an inn known as Outer Heaven, a true hive of scum and villainy all things considered, but for one in his line of work… it was a veritable paradise. He was panting because he had just managed to escape from The Throne of Heroes within The Reverse, and area that he had only managed to enter the normally impossible to access area by overloading his Reverse Phasing… and he had only managed to escape by doing the same thing with his Reverse Teleportation, something he only truly mastered after what felt like years of training with the Heroic Spirits within The Throne of Heroes. His eyes allowed him to effortlessly peer through the walls and floors, seeing everything around him until he spotted a calendar… gods, it had only been one week, but he was far stronger than he had ever been before, and he understood a great deal more about the field that he had considered himself a master in before… gods he had been arrogant to think that.

He would quickly control his breathing and make his way towards the bathroom, eager for a shower to wash weeks worth of sweat and stench from his body. He stayed in for what felt like an hour before exiting, dressed in a clean version of his standard outfit, and made his way out of the inn and towards the training grounds of Sunagakure. When he arrived on the road to the training fields he spied a new addition… a rather large building with the words “Advanced Training Facility” sprawled proudly across a sign right above the large double doors. Peering within the building with his Byakugan allowed him to see everything, and it was a marvel… but more than that, he spotted a familiar face within… Enrai. It had been awhile since they had seen each other, even before the ‘months’ of imprisonment he had within the Throne of Heroes, and that was something he wanted to rectify. With his mind made up, Shin would enter the facility and make his way towards the receptionist, informing her of his desire to train and that he had organized a meeting here with a friend that he described to look like Enrai. The receptionist would beam and inform him of the fee to pay, which he would quickly give her, before informing him of the room Enrai found himself in. 

He would enter the rather spacious room as Enrai sat down upon a bench, peering intently into an orb that was glowing a fierce crimson from the chakra that he was flowing into it, chakra that Shin’s Byakugan was able to discern was Fire Natured… so this must have been some type of elemental chakra control exercise. He had managed to become quite adept with Fire Natured Chakra during his impromptu training arc… but he was still as hopeless with Ninjutsu itself as ever, and had yet to even learn a single technique that could use his new nature

“Impressive. I wasn’t aware you possessed an affinity for fire Enrai.” He would idly note, smirking lightly as he stood with his back to the door. 

WC: 548
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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:12 am
Enrai was partially disrupted from his chakra training exercise as a person entered the room. He was pretty chill about the whole thing, so he was not going to get offended at the little intrusion, especially once he learned who had finally come to visit him. His new buddy Shin had come to help him with some training, even though it was mostly going to be philosophical knowledge about the strange techniques that the man used when they fought the two killers in the bloodsport arena that they were in. The sudden crushing weight of his friend’s technique left him with a good impression of the space time technique, and so Enrai, who was completely clueless to that topic wanted some pointers. He was a really fast learner, being a science experiment tested in a lab devoted to memory and chakra control would do that to a person, and so he thought that he could pick up the specialty relatively quickly with a good enough teacher. Enrai chose to trust people first more than he distrusted them, and would simply kill them if his trust was betrayed, so he had no qualms in believing that his friend Shin was a master in this particular field of study.

Shin walked into the room before closing the door and noting that the chakra control exercise was impressive, and that Shin did not know that Enrai had an affinity for fire. Enrai gave a wry smile before picking up a couple more orbs, channeling some chakra in them. The four orbs in his hands quickly lit up with the four elements that he currently had access to, fire, wind, earth, and lightning, before the strain caused him to break out in a bit of sweat, placing the orbs on the ground for a bit of a break. “Yeah, I’m lucky enough to have gotten competence in four of the five elements so far, just looking for the final piece of the puzzle. I only really know how to form the chakra into useful things for the earth element, but that’s why I was doing some extra training here before you came.” Enrai finished his little speech about his elements before turning to his friends, wondering if he was going to start talking about space time immediately, or if he wanted to talk about some other stuff first.

Enrai did not care which one they were going to do, he just liked chatting, and the rather large and spacious room could have them to any number of things, although Enrai regretted not bringing any snacks and maybe some alcohol and playing cards, temporarily forgetting that they were in a training facility and attempting to better themselves. He was just going to listen to a philosophical question for a bit before digesting the knowledge on his own time, so he did not think that it had to be that formal of a meeting. Enrai stretched a bit as he placed the chakra training orbs back to where they belonged and started to give his full attention to his impromptu teacher.

[WC: 515]
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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Wed Jul 27, 2022 6:59 am
The Assassin would give a whistle as Enrai channelled his chakra into four of the orbs, one smouldering with a deep crimson colour to try to impress upon him the power of Fire, one crackling with a deep purple light to show the power of Lightning, one swirling a pale green to better express the power of Wind, and the final orb twisting a pallid brown to show the power of Earth. So, Enrai had access to four of the five basic elements… something that Shin, even after what felt like years of training within the Throne of Heroes, had managed to attain. He was proficient with three of the elements, with one being the element that Enrai was missing, those three being Earth, Water and Fire. However, despite his ability to use the elements in a more than passing fashion, Shin only really used his Ninjutsu to further augment his existing abilities. He didn’t particularly care to learn Ninjutsu based techniques that utilized his elements, and most Space-Time techniques didn’t incorporate them… meaning he would need to create techniques that allowed him to truly use and abuse the talents that he did possess. 

“Now that is even more impressive, I have yet to meet someone able to utilize four of the base elements. I am personally proficient in the use of Earth, Water and Fire… perhaps I could try to teach you how to use Water? Give you that final element that you’re missing? I’m not particularly skilled in the use of Ninjutsu, but I could certainly give you some advice when it comes to the manipulation of the element itself.” The Assassin would question in a rather good natured fashion. He had no way of knowing that the multiple hearts he could see beating within the man's chest were what gave him his uncanny ability to manipulate the elements, and as such he had no idea that his offer would be next to useless to the gray haired man that he considered to be one of his only true friends. 

WC: 342
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Ryo : 16000

Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:53 am
A chuckle could not help but escape from Enrai’s lips as the Hyuuga asked him if he could teach him the water element. He had no doubt about the man’s prowess, as Enrai always believed that it took far more control and intelligence to manipulate space than it was to turn chakra into flames in his mouth and spew it out or to spread your chakra throughout the earth under you and move it around. That was not quite the issue at the moment though, and Enrai was quick to correct what he felt was a bit of a misnomer, as he felt like he might have just laughed at his friend for thinking he would be a good teacher. “Ahh, well if you wanted to teach me the water element, I would have to kill you and harvest your organs. I’m a special breed when it comes to that." Enrai shrugged, thinking that this little bit of information would let the Hyuuga realize why he had multiple hearts and had ripped the heart out of that man and assimilated it into his own body in the arena a bit ago.

This was after that, and although there was no reason for him to keep it as a secret, especially because of the rumors surrounding what the Byakugan that the Hyuuga had could do, he still felt a bit awkward talking about it. Even in a cut throat world of shinobi, a person who was essentially made of threads and ripped the still beating hearts out of their opponents’ chests and then devoured them was something that was a bit more taboo than a ninja that was born with a set of animal ears or blue skin and gills. He had no doubt that Shin already knew about all this considering they had worked together and shown some things to each other, so it was easier mentioning this to him.

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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:14 am
The Assassin would give an almost challenging smirk at Enrai’s words, his smirk positively feral as he took in what the man was saying… what an interesting body his friend possessed, he had never seen its like before and knowing what he now knew almost left him feeling jealous… almost. His eyes were practically a cheat code in and of themselves, and there was absolutely nothing in the world he would trade them for… heh, they were about the only thing of worth that his parents and clan gave him in the end. He wondered whether the body Enrai possessed was something natural or whether it was something the man had gained via experimentation, in the end it mattered very little to him and if anything seemed like a major boon to his friend and partner… but it was still a question that interested him, at least a little.

“Hmmmmm, as tempting of an offer as that might be, I’m afraid I’ll need to decline, I am rather attached to my organs… or are they attached to me?” He would answer jokingly, taking an expression of mock thought at his little question near the end. He would release a light chuckle a moment later, before allowing his smirk to return.

“You are certainly an interesting man Enrai, I cannot say I have ever met anyone like you before… but that is something I am glad for, although I certainly wish that some of the idiots I have worked with in the past were more like you, would have made some jobs a lot easier.” He would say with yet another chuckle, but he meant every word. He enjoyed the company of Enrai about as much as he enjoyed the company of Hoori, which was saying something considering he and Hoori were brothers in all but blood… in that they were second cousins.

WC: 312

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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:01 am
Enrai was not worried about how his buddy would respond when he said what he had said, but he was very curious about what he would do. He knew the man was not going to hurt him or anything, considering he was sure that he would put two and two together in his head now, and obviously he was already used to the weirder things in the shinobi world, he always came off as more experienced to Enrai than the other people he had met along the way. Enrai simply kept his grin as the man smirked and then made a small joke about his organs being attached to him. Enrai chuckled a bit, before letting his buddy here continue, not wanting to interrupt whatever train of thought he had in his head. The man hinted that he was strange or unique, whichever one would make more sense to him, before saying that he was glad. Enrai nodded, before thinking about how he was pretty lucky to have headed to the Sand village and met this guys.

“Yeah, likewise. Sadly, I wouldn’t have wanted you anywhere near me before I started my journey to the Sand Village. Still, I do appreciate the help and stuff man.” Enrai said, patting the man on the shoulder before getting a bit serious. “Now tell me how time works.” Enrai said this with grave seriousness, as if this answer was important for the safety of the whole world or something. Enrai enjoyed taking jutsu apart and learning how certain bits of chakra interacted with others, but he had always felt that his control over said chakra was somewhat lacking, and so learning about a rather complicated subject like space and time jutsu would allow his chakra control to soar. At least, that was what Enrai wanted to happen when it came to further training. Enrai wanted to learn where to start, not really anything specific, as subjects like this that were so broad and complex would be greatly opened to interpretation on the user’s part, and he wanted to learn certain things about it himself.

[WC: 351]
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Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:30 pm
Shin would release a small chuckle as Enrai patted his shoulder, the words uttered beforehand didn’t offend or insult The Assassin in the least, that bluntness and almost awkward way of saying things was simply part of what made Enrai who he was… and frankly, it only made Shin like him more. He preferred the company of those that didn’t mince their words, and on top of that he greatly enjoyed trading barbs and insults with his friends. He would be brought out of his musing at the serious look that appeared on Enrai’s face before he spoke, and his words would make Shin blank for a moment, before a small glint appeared in his featureless eyes… oh now this was an interesting development, who would have guessed that the Ninjutsu Powerhouse that was Enrai would be interested in the rather esoteric art of Space-Time. 

“Well now… I can’t say this is a line of questioning that I had expected from you my friend, no offense intended there of course, it simply didn’t seem like the type of thing you would be all that interested in. Space-Time manipulation is… complicated, to say the least, and it requires a great deal of focus and an even greater deal of chakra control. Using pulses of specially molded chakra you will have the ability to manipulate the aspects of Spacetime, which is made up of the three physical dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time. Now, unfortunately, I am a master when it comes to the manipulation of the spatial dimensions, but I have yet to truly try my hand when it comes to the manipulation of time… not because it is all that much more difficult or anything, it is just that the consequences could be a lot more dire should my experimentation with it go awry. I have been trapped within the void between dimensions before during my experimentation with new jutsu concepts for spatial manipulation… but frankly, I would much prefer to be simply trapped within that sensory deprived hellscape than risk having time manipulation backfire on me, because that could be much more dangerous. The idea of turning back the clock until I am a child is already a bad one, but that is one of the best possible outcomes, the clock could be turned so far back that my very existence would be erased, perhaps it could be set forward and either leave me a doddering old fool or a pile of bones and dust.” The Assassin would explain with an equally serious look upon his face, spatial manipulation was simply safer to experiment with than time manipulation, and Shin developed all of his techniques through experimentation.

WC: 451
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Ryo : 16000

Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback] Empty Re: Training a Few Things [I/O, Flashback]

Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:44 pm
Enrai was paying rapt attention to his friend’s explanation about how the space time specialty worked, with space being far easier to manipulate and experiment with than time, because time could lock you in a special space where you have no idea what is happening, you just sort of, stop existing. Enrai was nodding along with the explanation, taking mental notes while he was still working on his chakra network in the back of his mind, and wondered what he should start messing with first. He was always one that would throw himself into dangerous situations, just as he did with the hearts when he was still messing with it. He had no idea what would happen if he put another heart into his chest in the beginning, and he even thought there would be really bad complications because he had a general understanding of medicine and knew that transplanted organs failed a lot.

Still, he thought it would work and then immediately did it without any preparation, and so there was no reason to go back. Enrai whistled after Shin finished his explanation, in awe of the very… descriptive nature that Shin had described the specialty with in regards to the danger to oneself and others. “Well, that seems fun. I’ll probably start looking into it more after today and mess with it a bit. Just don’t be surprised when I look for you at all hours of the day when I have questions.” Enrai would then chuckle before going back to his chakra control exercises, wondering if they should just get out of here and do something else, as if they were not going to train the same things, it was like they were in separate areas.

WC: 289
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