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Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Stat Page : Red Demon Flame of the Sand
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44500

So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private) Empty So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private)

Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:18 pm

Hinoishi took hold of Uramasa and went to dodge out of the way of Naki’s blade. It was at this moment that he got excited and surged his chakra through himself. He didn’t expect it but he stuck his feet to the ground and froze in awe of his huge shortcoming. The next thing Hinoishi saw was his own body. He was upside down and was falling but his body was still in the same position. He was watching from the perspective of his own severed head. Hinoishi’s head hit the floor and he woke up.”What the!” Hinoishi exclaimed, shooting straight up in his bed. He was out of breath huffing and puffing and he tried to calm himself down.

 He was a little sweaty as usual after he had the nightmares. Hinoishi had been having nightmares more often now but they got shorter. In the beginning he would be recreating the entire fight but now it was only his downfalls that he would relive at night. He got out of his bed even though it was earlier than usual because he knew he wouldn’t have the luxury of going back to sleep peacefully. He went down the black tatami hallway towards the kitchen and grabbed two eggs and a pan to cook on. He lit up the stove and got to cooking. Hinoishi cracked the eggs into the pan and watched them turn white and crackle for a little bit. He grabbed a slice of bread and put it next to the eggs on the pan. Hino put a cover on the pan after pouring a small amount of water on top of the uncooked eggs.

 The water vaporized and turned to steam poaching and cooking the top of the eggs. Hinoishi saw when the egg was still liquidy enough that it would stick to the bread and would still cook and decided to uncover the pan, place the bread on top of the eggs and flip the bread with the eggs on top. Hinoishi cranked the heat and poured a little more water not expecting wheat would happen next. Nothing special happened, the egg just ended up cooking a little quicker. Hinoishi plated the eggs fused with bread and sat down at the table to eat his breakfast. Hinoishi didn’t need any utensils because the bread acted like toast with eggs fused on top. He grabbed the bread from the bottom and took the first bite on top of the yolk of the egg. 

The yolk popped in Hinoishi’s mouth exploding with the bold flavor but then the mellow texture of the bread soaked up the yolk and opened the gate for the egg whites to balance out the food palate that Hinoishi was so accustomed to. Hinoishi cleaned his plate quickly and decided he would go out to do a mission. Hinoishi walked over through Sunagakure dressed in his shinobi attire making his way towards the mission board. Hinoishi goes through the various missions and notices two similar missions having to do with sand, both varying in rank drastically. Hinoishi looked over and noticed Naki, the shinobi he had fought and lost to in the chunin exams.

 Hinoishi went over and spoke,”Hi Naki! I’m about to handle a bunch of missions you want to come with?” Hinoishi gave enough time for naki to respond before turning back towards the board and saying,”Okay, I think we can handle these sand related missions since they should be close to each other and on our way back we can clean up the spire then after that we can enjoy some time at the beach,... Shall we?”. Hinoishi thought it would be a good idea to work with Naki to iron out any bad feelings he might feel, he might be able to get a good night's rest by the end of there adventure


Last edited by Hinoishi Uchiha on Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private) Empty Re: So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private)

Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:39 am
Naki was at his compound minding his own business waiting for the results of his test to be returned or let known, he would sit back and kind of relax against his couch looking around before getting up and going to the kitchen. He would decide to make himself something light for breakfast such as, bacon, scrambled eggs, and some pancakes. He knew that staying indoors waiting would drive him wild so he would have to go out and do something. He thought about going to go paint but he didn't have a muse for it today so he decided to go and get a few missions instead just to knock them out. He didn't know what to do but he had to focus on his cooking first before the missions. Afterwards he would head to the bathroom and got himself nice and clean before grabbing his demon set and his Mizuki as well as one of his other blades as you never know what kind of mission he'd be doing today. 

Naki would keep his mask around his sword hilt before grabbing his cloak tossing it on his body before making his way towards the headquarters. Once there he would head towards the area where he could get the missions until he heard a familiar voice as he turned around to face hinoishi as he wasn't expecting him to see him let alone at the mission area though he would look him over to see if he got his headband back.  "Hey, Hinoishi right. Yeah I was looking at a few of them too though I have done quite a few of them myself. Though maybe we can do a few however I already did this one."he said as he pointed at the I hate sand one.  "I can start on this one and when you return we can knock it out then go for the others afterwards." Naki didn't have any problems with Hinoishi to him the fight was just caused and they had to do it to advance themselves in the exams.

WC 346

Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Stat Page : Red Demon Flame of the Sand
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44500

So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private) Empty Re: So Much Sand!!! FT.Naki (Private)

Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:49 pm
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