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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Red Pill Empty The Red Pill

Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:20 pm
The Endless Summer:

As the Sun set on Mikadzuki Beach, it cast iridescent hues of pink and orange on the cerulean blue sky, and flocks of swans made their way home in formation. Seated at a plastic table outside a local cafe were two Genin whose paths had crossed during their short stay on the Beach. One had dark green hair and the other wore a starred knitted cyan cap over his blonde locks. The shinobi in cyan was the palm reader who went by The Fortuneteller. Saturn Sentobi, and the man sitting across from him whose palm lay rested in Saturn's own was Kosuke Sashihara, a friend that he had made on his journey.

Together, along with a couple of other Genin from Kumogakure, Kosuke and Saturn had covered the day shift at the local beach, acting as lifeguards although one of them couldn't really swim at that time. During their first meeting, Saturn had made a pact to his new friend, that he would give him a palm reading. Soon after, the vagabond had helped the Kumon clique in fighting off a pirate crew comprised of Captain Bartholomew Rogers and nineteen forsaken sailors. It was on his ship, that both Saturn and Kosuke bore witness to a gory gruesome death, that left at least the Genin from the Hidden Cloud scarred for the foreseeable future.

It was an event that he could not discuss with his compatriots, in fear that he may be judged for being soft. The shinobi from the country that he resided in were not faint of heart. He may not confess his empathy for the enemy when telling his tale at the Drunken Kage Bar, lest be he chastised by the audience and shamed for not being tough as expected of a Kumon shinobi.

Kosuke was different. Although he initially came off as stern and serious, he also had a calm jovial aura around him, and his presence felt comforting enough to Saturn. In addition to delivering on his promise to read Kosuke's palm, Saturn had hoped to slip in a reverse therapy session during the rendezvous that the two had arranged. Unfortunately for Saturn, as Kosuke's memories flashed through his own mind while he read his palm, he was forced to relive the events that had occurred during their last meeting.

Thankfully, Saturn did not have to wander long on the horrid ghastly sights witnessed on the beach. Soon, he was reminiscing about the man's journey to the beach. Much like in Saturn's own memory, there seemed to be a blackbox right before arriving at the Mikadzuki Beach. While Saturn thus far had thought that he arrived in phases, drifting in and out of visions of the beach. One time, he became aware of the beach on a long plastic chair where Kosuke and the others found him while he was getting a tan. Another time, he woke up in a wheelchair that he seemed to have stolen. It would seem as though Kosuke's journey was more linear.

Kosuke had left his village, and soon after, found himself at the beach on foot. This somehow seemed strange still.

"Sashihara-san, is your village near a beach?"

WC: 529
(Using Hiden: Psycho Mind Transmission on Kosuke)
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:52 pm
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Mikadzuki Beach was as a living entity, with Kosuke and Saturn serving as witnesses to a metamorphosis that was a daily occurrence in this place. As the sun ceded sovereignty of the sky to the moon, the visiting beachgoers and tourists would pack up and shuffle off after having had their fill of fun in the sun and the locals would come out along with the nightcrawlers to enjoy dinner and a different type of atmosphere as a bright splash of colors painted the backdrop of the sky. It was in the midst of this that the two shinobi, not tourists in the typical sense yet at the same time not locals, found themselves enjoying a rendezvous that had been preordained.

A chance meeting between the two had occurred within a previous mission as part of a large group on this very same beach during which an offer of a reading had been made along with a promise to meet again. They were an odd pair, each serving in the role of traveler but in differing capacities. Kosuke, a traveler of the land. Saturn, a traveler of the mind. Perhaps there was some indiscernible force that connected that two individuals. Some might call it fate. Or maybe they were just two ships passing and being drawn to each other by a temporary whirlpool of chance.

Kosuke's right hand lay open and palm up within Saturn's own, fingers unwrapped and vulnerable, and there was a brief flash of fear and an instinctive desire to retreat. After all, Kosuke had witnessed Saturn somehow extracting information from the animals on the beach in their prior encounter and while he did not believe that Saturn intended him any ills the thought of someone being able to penetrate and peer through his walls made him uneasy. And yet he steeled himself and cast away his fear to the depths of the ocean, at least for the time being.

While the focus of this gathering was on the palm reading, Ko was making observations of his own and there was something that the medical practitioner made note of in his companion. His initial read of Saturn had him viewing the man as upbeat and playful, a joker within a deck of cards perhaps, but now, after everything that had happened with Baruga and the pirate captain, things felt different. For his part, Ko had no knowledge of the history between the two village shinobi nor their connection to the pirate, if any, but he was certain that there was more to everything that what he had been witness to when he had emerged onto the deck of the ship that day.

 "Sashihara-san, is your village near a beach?"

Saturn speaking brought Kosuke out of his own mind and back to the cafe table with his cup of jasmine white tea untouched and captured hand. Sashihara-san... Despite our time together, he refers to me more formally than at our first meeting. Before it happened.

"No Kosuke-kun this time?" Ko gave a soft and somewhat playful smile before straightening up and proceeding to answer the question. "There is no beach near my village as far as I am aware. I am from Rice Country and while there is a northern coastline my village is nearly on the opposite side of the country. In fact, I had not seen a beach with my own eyes until arriving here." He spoke matter of factly about his home and circumstances. He could see no reason to lie and in fact he loved his home and was happy to talk about it. "It is a lovely place with wonderful views of the fields and landscape, perhaps you could visit sometime. In fact, it isn't that far from here-..." His sentence trailed off as he pushed his glasses up with his left hand and glanced to his left thoughtfully. He was trying as hard as he could to think of how he got to the beach but there was nothing there. Emptiness where memories should be...

WC: 673
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:05 am
"Kosuke-kun, Kosuke, Kos, Baka." Saturn simply said as he cracked a grin, trying to say that it was all the same to him. Personally, he did not care for receiving suffixal formalities on his own name when being addressed by his friends and strangers alike. Yet, as he read the palm of the man who had trusted him, he had not been incautious in treating him with respect and honor. Perhaps he had taken it a step too far, he thought. As an open minded man with many sins of his own, he tried not to judge other human beings he would encounter although some really depraved ones made it difficult for him to accept and understand. Saturn found no such glaring errors in Kosuke's past as he briefly scanned it. The man was a saint. My mother is dead too.. The Fortuneteller wanted to say but he bit his tongue, as his grin turned into a more empathetic, genuine smile. He teared up slightly at the eyes as he looked at his friend but did not let a single drop flow past his long eyelashes. Instead he took a long, calm inhalation through his nose before exhaling out from his pursed lips, peering into the manuscript of lines that was Kosuke's palm.

"There is a woman. She's beautiful. And very strong." He spoke in a deep raspy voice that slightly cracked as he uttered the words, "She's looking over you, Kosuke-kun." He looked up and smiled before peering back into his friend's palm. He had his own agenda for reading the vagabond's palm that evening. His main objective was to find out how he himself had come to arrive at the beach. Perhaps learning how others came would help shed some light on his circumstances. As he looked deeper into the palm he held, he ran into the same blackbox that kept him from knowing how he came. Frustrated, he searched deeper for clues. A dog... Wood.. Now he did not simply gloss over the facts, instead he peered into the depths of the past in his search for answers. He wondered if they had any commonalities together, or if some key missing information since arriving at the beach would be revealed deeper in Kosuke's past to help him connect the dots. Blackbox..

Damage Reduction Shield.. Mystical Palm.. So you can train here and it seems to be permanent.. He thought to himself as he tried to deduce the properties of the beach environment. Stressing his senses beyond, letting his ocular nerves inflate with blood.

"Stop. Looking."

He heard an ominous voice. He heard it around him and in front of him. It was coming from nowhere and everywhere. His heart rate increased, and he cautiously stopped looking as his eyes relaxed. He looked up at Kosuke to see if he heard the female voice as well, but it would appear that he was spoken to directly. Daring to defy the orders of his overseer, he peered again just as deeply, trying to bait the voice to reveal itself. Chakra Anesthesia, Healing Hands..

He narrated in his mind, provoking the strange voice. As he looked back up at Kosuke, the two were now sitting at his regular table at The Drunken Kage. It was a famous bar back in Kumogakure where Saturn would spend many nights both alone and with friends and friends with benefits. He knew the sounds and the smell of the place thoroughly and without a doubt around them now had manifested a perfect replica. Orange lights hung from the ceiling as the sloppily dressed bartenders conjured up cocktails for the customers at the counter. Pints, pitchers and power towers were delivered to the paying Kumons at the crowded tables all around. A group began to sing a viral Kumon hymn behind a green bard, and their endless chatter converged into a sing along.

Along came Yagi Raiten'nō,

he wasn't a very bright fellow,

but he's got a big pair of balls!

Forgot to tuck'm in his kidneys,

when he went to see the Boss.

Nobo said no homo, and cut his pinky off!

Took it from the knuckle, locked it in a cedar box!

That's just a rumor! Gritting his teeth upon taking offense to the hymn that dissed his friend and mentor, Saturn's cold blue eyes scanned the bar for the culprit. Having read Kosuke's palm, he was sure that the green haired man from Rice Country was real - at least as real as Saturn was. He could not have come to Kumogakure. Certain that he was under the spell of a hostile Genjutsu, Saturn's mind's eye opened in white. Seeing through the illusion, Saturn discovered that both he and Kosuke were sitting in a spot much different to what he had previously conceived. The sand below was black, and an ominous crescent moon oversaw the tide. The sky was dark and gloomy, and storm clouds loomed close to the waters in the distance. The cafe from which they had ordered their beverages appeared barren and abandoned. The signboard that previously read 'Mika-Mika' in a playful font was tilted, nearly falling off the building. The M's had fallen off and the sign read 'ika- ika' now.

Suspecting that Kosuke was ensnared as well, Saturn used Genjutsu release on the palm he held to be sure, before slapping his black coffee and Kosuke's beverage off of the table letting it spill into the sand below as the cups cracked and shattered. "Don't drink that! We're under attack!"

WC: 923
TWC: 1452
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:27 pm
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

"Kosuke-kun, Kosuke, Kos, Baka."

Kosuke found himself grinning with Saturn as he fired off the list of names. This form of friendly banter was not something he had much experience with growing up. Once his mother died he retreated further into his shell and spent his time studying or working with his father most of the time. In a way, in this moment, it felt like this was a piece of childhood that was lost to him being returned. Then Saturn's voice became somewhat haggard as he spoke of a woman as though he were actually reading Ko's mind.

That sounds like mom. She never shirked her duty, perhaps Saturn is right that even now in death she is watching us. Saturn looked back up at Ko a few more times but if he spoke again Kosuke didn't hear it. He closed his eyes for a moment and it felt like he was dozing off the sleep, or perhaps waking up from an deep slumber. When he next opened his eyes he was no longer sitting at that cafe table with Saturn but was instead laying on his back in the grass looking up at the sky with the sun peaking out of the clouds in places. As he sat up he found that he was not at Mikadzuki Beach any more, in fact he couldn't be sure that he had ever actually been there. Looking out before him stretched that picturesque view that he had become so intimately familiar with. He was back in his home village on the cliff looking out across the land of Rice.

"How is my little sleepy head doing?"

Kosuke froze for a moment as he heard the soft soothing voice that belonged to only one person. He jerked around suddenly to face the direction of the voice and saw the image of his mother standing a ways off as if she had been coming up the path from the village and stumbled upon him. Without stopping to process, Kosuke rose quickly and took off at a sprint towards his mother. His eyes seemed blurry either from tears or having just woken up as his perception of the woman never got clearer as he approached. None of it seemed important though and he was nearly bursting to tears as he went to envelope his mother in a monstrous hug. Yet it was not to be.

"Don't drink that! We're under attack!"

He was yanked from his paradise and back to the cafe as the man he remembered as Saturn knocked their beverages to the ground.

"NO! Take me back damnit, she was right there!" The sobs came out inadvertently. "she-she was right there...." The outburst was unlike anything the normally reserved and restrained man ever did. He just sat there looking down at his hands. "She was right there."

WC: 475
TWC: 1148
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:09 pm
"Kosuke-kun! Snap out of it!" Saturn pleaded. He was on high alert - his icy blue eyes livid as he scanned around frantically for any signs of the perpetrator. He would not tolerate being killed off while being ensnared in some Genjutsu. That would be an embarrassing way to have your lights switched off on you, he thought. He felt a chill down his spine as the thin hair on his body stood up straight. An ominous presence had left half of his face feeling numb. Peering under the table with the side of his eye, he peeped a dark silhouette. It was a woman with long hair, under the table, about to grab Kosuke's ankle as he reached out to hug his late mother in his vision. Shrieking out loud, the Fortuneteller stood up - causing his chair to violently fall back - and flipped the table to the side with all of his might, tossing it into the black sand to expose the sneaky assailant as she remained in her place, shocked to discover that she had been found out. Looking back begrudgingly at Saturn, she cursed before vanishing into a cloud of smoke.

Horrified, Saturn was on his feet, looking around vindictively for any signs of the creepy woman. His Mind's Eye of the Kagura was still active as he scanned the area. The sand was indeed black and the moon was indeed ominous. He walked towards the ocean and faced the beach, not expecting the bad actor to emerge from the sea. "Please keep an eye out towards the sea!" He asked the doctor. Closing his eyes to focus intently, he then opened them to reveal that his pupils were now completely white[1]. Overhead, seabirds - red crested mergansers - circled around the area. One of them was the leader that was now under the spell of Saturn's mind possession. He was scanning the area from above, hunting for the Genjutsu user that had interrupted his palm reading ceremony. He wondered what could have motivated her - if her real form was even female - to attack the duo.

From overhead, from the sharp eyes of the merganser, Saturn saw the same figure hiding behind the deformed signboard of Mika-Mika Cafe'. As he came back to his body to form hand seals to attack first, she dove from the building towards the green haired Kosuke Sashihara with her wrinkled hands stretched wide open - her long nails looking like claws of an ominous demon from the afterworld. Her rotten teeth seemed to smile and her pale complexion blended her into the gloomy weather that had come forth into the beach in her ghastly presence. "She's coming! Watch out! Behind you!!"

WC: 446
TWC: 1898

Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Sat Aug 27, 2022 7:30 pm
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

The despair began to fade and find itself replaced over time by another primordial emotion he rarely expressed. Rage. He was becoming more lucid to the fact that what had been before was only an illusion, a trick of the mind enacted up him against his consent. For a brief moment Kosuke considered whether Saturn was the culprit, having used some ability to pluck the strings of his mind to reveal memories from his past and then to take the pieces of those memories to ensnare him. While it seemed possible he quickly set aside such thoughts for the time being when Saturn called out once more before then shrieking and flipping the table between them.

"Kosuke-kun! Snap out of it!"

He had indeed been out of it. Saturn's actions of flipping the table revealed a presence that had gone completely unnoticed by Ko until this point adding another instance of failure in allowing himself to be caught unaware by an assailant. Before either of them could act further the woman disappeared into a cloud of smoke. A trick of some kind perhaps. Was she even there in the first place? Doubts about Saturn began to creep back into Kosuke's mind but he did not let it make him second guess his decisions for the time being. Saturn walked out towards the beach and water while asking Kosuke to watch the water all the same. He had seen the fortuneteller do something similar in the past standing still for some time and had an understanding that the man seemed to be defenseless while in this state. It reassured Ko that Saturn likely wouldn't defenselessly turn his back on him if he were the culprit behind this attack.

Whatever came next would likely be a sneak attack of some kind and in an effort to be able to react quickly to any threat Kosuke started to slowly go through a set of hand seals while observing the surroundings. Tiger. The dark sky and storm clouds forming gave the beach a feel that made Kosuke wonder whether he was still trapped within an illusion or if this actually was still the beach he had come to know as warm and inviting. Rat. There had been nothing of note to draw Kosuke's attention visually so he focused on listening for anything that may give a signal of the unknown assailants location. Then suddenly Saturn's voice booming out catching the doctor somewhat by surprise. Yet still he would turn with purpose to see the woman from before leaping from the now dilapidated building to land on top of him. Ox. An invisible cone of chakra would shoot forward at the woman seizing up her limbs as the paralysis took hold, Kosuke stepping to the side after activating the technique so as to avoid her attack and leave her landing and laying on the ground face down and unable to move. (Temporary Paralysis)

So you are the one responsible? 

Kosuke was seething at this person using his love for his mother to trap him within his own mind. In his head he went over the ways he could act next to deal with this villain. In one world he would rip open the earth beneath her and allow her to fall inside and become trapped and crushed as he mended the earth above the entomb her here until the life drained from her. In another he would flip the woman's body so that she was laying on her back and with his hand extended above her fire 250 chakra senbon into the woman rupturing her soft tissue organs and turning her into a pin cushion. In yet another world he would simply remove the hands, tongue, and eyes of the woman yet allow her to live out her life as a punishment for her transgression so that she could suffer but not be able to act as a shinobi any longer. 

It would all be so easy. I could end it right now.

But that was his anger controlling his brain and not telling the truth of his feelings. If he went through with that it would make him the same as Baruga, worse even in his eyes. He believed that she had acted without thinking and the look she had at the end was one of fear and regret. He would have no such excuse, in this situation he now had all the power and was in full control of his actions. With a sigh Kosuke went through a set of hand seals. Tiger. Horse. Rabbit. Rat. Dog. An aura would envelope both of his hands before quickly forming into the shape of sharp blades. (Chakra Scalpel) With these new surgical tools at his disposal Kosuke quickly went to work disarming the foe more permanently for the time being. In her defenseless state he would sever the tendons in both of her wrists and both feet. The skin would not be damaged but she would find herself unable to move around or form any hand seals with any significant speed and with extreme amounts of difficulty for the time being.

"Can I leave the rest to you? I apologize but I need to take some time for myself." Kosuke looked up to Saturn with disappointment not in his new friend but with himself. He had allowed himself to be exploited and shown for his weakest. Clearly there were issue he still needed to work through before he could live up to being the person he thought his mother and father would be proud of.

WC: 930
TWC: 2078
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:19 am
Saturn let out a sigh of relief when Kosuke immobilised the assailant effortlessly with his use of Temporary Paralysis Technique. Yet, he knew that simple technique would not be enough to keep the old hag in check. Before he could think of a solution, he noticed the sheer malice behind Kosuke's square frames and wondered what it might be that she made Kosuke see. As his green haired friend disarmed the Genjutsu user and left her to Saturn's own devices, the Genin from Kumogakure slowly approached the fallen enemy. She must have done something truly horrid to temper Kosuke, he though, and kneeled down planting his hand on the shady old woman's head to read her mind, to perceive the depth of her illusion on Kosuke and on her other targets.

As Kosuke left the scene, Saturn groaned out in frustration before taking out his kunai and slashing the woman's eyeballs and tongue. Sinking his knee into the enemy's ribs, he held her still while he removed her hands one after the other, and tossed them out into the sea. He spat on the ground next to her, and made his way out of the scene. He had seen enough of the beach, and he wanted to go back to his home in the mountains.

Exit Claims:
Mission rewards with Beloved Presence
- 25 Beachside Tickets
- 16,000 ryo (8,000 x2)
- 80 AP (40 AP x2)
1000 words towards Summoning Art: Rashomon
898 words towards DR shield
37 Bonus AP

+215 words (previously short from requirement, inadvertently.)
215 words towards Summoning Art: Rashomon
previously trained above and here:
Thus putting total words put into rashomon at 1000+215 in this thread and 239 from yay for summer.
Learned Kosuke Sashihara's signature (Hiden: Psycho Mind Transmission:

Last edited by Saturn on Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:28 am; edited 2 times in total
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:39 pm
Mission Rewards: Beloved Presence
- 25 Beachside Tickets
- 16,000 ryo (8,000 x2)
- 80 AP (40 AP x2)
WC Claims: 25% Max Stat discount
- Specialty: Space-Time (1500/1500) 
- Jutsu: Rock Pillar Spears 578 + 245 = (823/1000)

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

The Red Pill Empty Re: The Red Pill

Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:15 pm
Saturn wrote:Mission rewards with Beloved Presence
- 25 Beachside Tickets
- 16,000 ryo (8,000 x2)
- 80 AP (40 AP x2)
1000 words towards Summoning Art: Rashomon
898 words towards DR shield
37 Bonus AP

+215 words (previously short from requirement, inadvertently.)
215 words towards Summoning Art: Rashomon
previously trained above and here:
Thus putting total words put into rashomon at 1000+215 in this thread and 239 from yay for summer.
Learned Kosuke Sashihara's signature (Hiden: Psycho Mind Transmission:

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