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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:11 am
Mission Info:

Three days ago....

It was in the dead of night. A young boy not much older than Goro Chinoike was visiting the grave of his beloved grandfather. He had come alone, and he had brought with him a bouquet made up of Hemlock, Conqueror's Thristle, and Siren's Rose. The exotic collection of flowers that he had laid before the tombstone was gathered by the young Genin himself. It was his ritual to make this offering to his late ancestor on the second Wednesday of every month when the hour hand of the clock struck twelve at midnight. He had finished with his ceremony, and was about to leave the graveyard on his way back to his rural home in the outskirts of the village. That was when it happened.

He watched in horror at the sight of a green ghastly corpse, floating in the air with its limbs hanging from its sides, and its back faced down towards its own empty, desecrated grave. It wobbled back and forth, before its pale rotten face turned its head towards the youth. The worms crawling out of its rotten eyes were exposed when they were basked in the light of the moon in waxing gibbous. The corpse then zipped past him with a blurred acceleration, disappearing into the shadows in the forest beyond the confinements of the barren graveyard. A bloodcurdling scream escaped the lips of the horrified Genin as he caught a hint of its foul stench as it zipped past, breaking the silence of the night.

Saturn Sentobi stood in the middle of two vandalized graves with a shovel over his shoulder. The Sun had long set in the Kumon skies to give way to the full moon. "We're in this together.." He had told his partner Yōkye Ushitora before desecrating the graves of the two prominent Jounin. They were a couple who had died together while on a mission to retrieve a prisoner who had managed to escape from his cell. They were buried next to each other after succumbing to mercury poisoning. Now, they were the only two deceased jounin left at the graveyard in question after the others had gone missing.

Saturn had tried to catch the grave robbers in the act for two consecutive nights, hiding in the shadows while using his sensory jutsu and borrowing the eyes of rats, owls and even hawks with his hiden techniques, to no avail. The culprits were elusive and bodies still went missing. The shinobi theorized that they used Hiding with Camouflage along with certain other techniques to conceal their presence and carry out their robbery without being detected. They were being even more careful after a young boy reported what he saw when he was visiting his grandfather's grave. After collecting the records of those who were buried at the site, he established a pattern - that prominent shinobi were specifically targeted by the culprits - and he devised a desperate plan. He, and hopefully his partner, would lie in wait for the perpetrators inside the graves, sharing coffins with rotting corpses.

Yōkye was an interesting young man. He had already left a notable first impression on Saturn. The shinobi had a knack for reading the likes and dislikes of characters that he would encounter in his journey, but he was unable to read the dark haired shinobi who seemed to have neither. This inability to read him sparked in Saturn a slight irritation with himself, like an itch that he could not hope to scratch. It also sparked somewhat of a keen interest. It was also a breath of fresh air for the fortuneteller. His face lit up when he addressed his compatriot as he handed the shovel to him, to bury Saturn with it once he would get inside one of the coffins later,

"So, what do you say? I like our odds."

WC: 646
Yōkye Ushitora
Yōkye Ushitora
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 62
Speed: 25
Strength: 150
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:13 pm
It seemed…fitting, for someone that looks like Yōkye, being of the Ushitora clan was assigned a graveyard shift. With such a presentation that he possessed, he is often given distance. Many villagers, even shinobi tend to keep him at a good lengths away. He resembled that of a demon, an Oni of some sort. Alabaster skin, matching horns with tinted green points, black upper lip with feline-like slits within green eyes. He enthralled a stoic nature, emptiness within. So to him, this was just another quiet day.

He donned a white jacket, black sash, and a white hakama. The coattails of said jacket are longer than usually, trailing behind his feet; a high collar and black pants. The Ushitora is slender in build, yet fairly muscular of average height with a melancholic appearance.

Upon arriving to his destination, Yōkye acknowledged the fact that there was another already there. Recalling the context of the mission summary he deduced that this was Saturn, his partner. That, and the fact that he held a shovel. He stopped three meters behind the Yamanaka, hearing him speak about being in this together. The Ushitora did not show any form of reaction to this. It didn’t bother him that this stranger was speaking to him so familiarly. But he was curious as to what he meant by “this”. His eyes with the teal lines beneath them would trail lazily to the two graves. “What is this, “this” you speak of? We are simply here to investigate.” He said, establishing eye contact with Saturn as he did, if he looked back.

Noting the subtle display of irritation coming from him. Was it something that he said, he wondered. Would that have bothered him, Yōkye? No, not in the slightest sense. Then Saturn offered the shovel to Yōkye, before accepting it he would glance at it and piece the only possible suggestion. “You…want me to bury you. That seems a bit much, no?” The idea of going through the needless effort to move dirt from one point to another was rather tedious to the Oni. And his guess was right as his partner openly asked him if he liked the odds.

I do not. I think this is a waste of time. You and I can simply lie in wait for the criminals and then catch them in the act. You waiting in a box, six feet underground slowly losing oxygen hoping for them to randomly choose this specific grave out of all the other ones remaining will simply result in you loosing air and dying. I hear that when the lungs collapse it’s a very painful experience.” If his partner was to persist with the idea, Yōkye would indulge him. After all it was his death, he was going to get paid regardless.

TWC: 466
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:57 pm
Saturn's cyan outfit contrasted the Ushitora's monochrome pieces. His star patterned knit cap, horseshoe ornament and spoked cowboy boots did little to liken the two in terms of their taste in clothing. It was fitting that the two disagreed on the course of action that should be taken to catch the culprits in action. He had gotten up from being hunched over to dig with his shovel, then wiped his brow with the back of his forearm before he gazed back at his fellow genin with his light blue eyes - his own expression changing to be equally neutral and distant - and had finished the rest of his sentence while his face seemed to pause. "Yes. They can't slip past us if we're inside the coffins." He pitched his bizarre idea almost as though he was speaking to a child. He was used to ordering younger Genin around, who in turn would praise him for his ingenuity when it came to cracking bizarre cases such as the one that the two were dealt with. To him, it now felt as though an unstoppable force had met with an immovable object. He quickly deduced that his partner for the day was a stubborn breed. He listened to every word that Yōkye Ushitora had to say regarding his idea, and halfway through his commentary he stopped to pinch the bridge of his own nose with his eyes shut as though the man's opinion was giving him a migraine.  

"Lie in wait. Exactly." He snapped out of it and picked up from where Yōkye left off. "Asphyxiation is definitely not the best way to go, but these coffins are not random. I checked the records and did some digging. The culprits have been digging out the graves of prominent shinobi, two bodies every night since Monday, and these are the only two late Jounin left in this whole graveyard." He got the man in the white hakama up to speed. He was adaptable, and considered that maybe it was his own shortcoming in failing to brief his partner on what he had learned that had now led to his perfect plan being stalled. He would then hand him the shovel, making sure he received it before turning towards the graves. They were both gaped open, and last he checked - no less than a minute ago right before he had made his comment about their odds - each one contained a corpse in an opened casket. Although they were heavily disfigured from the rot and decay, their measurements matched the descriptions on the record that Saturn had checked. He got down on his knees before crawling into one of the holes, descending into one of the open coffins and laying on his back in the casket. As he looked up at the full moon with his arms crossed on his chest in the roomy container, he noticed something peculiar.

 "Hey Yōkye. This coffin is empty."

WC: 493
TWC: 1139
Yōkye Ushitora
Yōkye Ushitora
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 62
Speed: 25
Strength: 150
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:07 am
It wasn’t difficult to see, then again perhaps it was considering Yōkye’s lack of expression; he wasn’t grasping why they needed to hide within the coffins oppose to waiting somewhere out of sight for the grave robbers to show. It would also seem that his partner was not seeing things from his perspective on the matter either. Noting that he mirrored the Ushitora’s facial expression to get his point across, as if he was trying to level with him. Yōkye did not take offense to that, not like most Ushitora would have. Instead he shook his head while taking the shovel given to him into his right hand. He inspected the tool, then his eyes found those of Saturn’s and he gradually applied pressure to the tool, compressing and crushing its shaft as the sound of metal screeched and both ends bent south and north.

He then dropped the tool to the dirt, it kicked up some debris. “I am not rude, nor am I’m without rational thinking. I do not like this plan, but I can see that you are very much fond of it, because you’re the architect of it. So I will compromise with you. You can hide down there and I will wait up here.” He expressed his words as bluntly as he was wired. His tone was a melancholy and his eyes glared lazily.

It was then that Saturn found his way into the coffin, but what came next would have astonished most shinobi…the coffin was empty. “Empty?” Yōkye asked. Walking closer to the hole, looking down at Saturn what was positioned within. The Ushitora held both of his hands within his pants pockets. His demonic appearance looking down at the man would give off an eerie tint, but that wasn’t of his own will. “Do you think that they’ve already desecrated these graves? Or could it be that the Intel was wrong?” He awaited a response, as he did he looked about the graveyard and couldn’t help but to feel as if someone was watching them.

So, that’s it, is it…” Something without the veil of Death’s rest was giving a silhouette that once he noticed it he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. His keen focus would without a doubt grasp the attention of his partner.

WC: 384
TWC: 850
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:56 pm
"Empty. They must have taken them just now, right from under our noses." Saturn gazed up from inside the coffin to see the visage of a demon looking down at him. It would have sent chills down the spines of most shinobi, but Saturn was built different. His expression was a mirror image of the bland one on the Ushitora's face. He liked the view - a part of him regretted that he was still not dead - and hoped that the image that scarred his mind would meet him again upon his real death. It seemed like the beginning of a dark and sinister adventure.   He waited to reflect on his emotions on the matter before forming the seal of confrontation to use Mind's Eye of the Kagura. He had tried using the technique earlier, and the night before that to try and catch the culprits but to no avail. This time would prove to be different. They had been too bold and brazen with their act.

"I see them. Shit, they're underground. Two males with two corpses, rapidly moving towards my nine o' clock, now ten." His heart was racing, he could not afford to lose sight of the culprits. Overhead, an owl hooted, flying over Saturn's grave with impeccable timing. He formed handseals in quick succession, placing the image of the bird between his fingers that formed a heart shaped hand seal. His eyes rolled into the back of his skull, and so did the bird's. While his body stayed rigid and lifeless within the open coffin that he himself had dug up, the owl would land on the handle of the shovel on the ground with its back towards Yōkye. Its head then spun a full one hundred and eighty degrees backwards to face him before hooting. Saturn could sense the movement underground with the borrowed senses of the owl. Its uneven ears one placed higher than the other on its skull helped him determine the direction and distance from which he could now sense the burrowing culprits. He initially struggled with understanding the extrasensory capabilities of animals that weren't human, but after possessing ostriches, vultures, cats, bears, sharks, and now an owl, he was much too familiar. He could not only sense the culprits from his newly acquired senses, he could also see them from his active Mind's Eye of the Kagura. However, they were rapidly moving away from the effective range of his technique. He had one more trick up his sleeve.

This way, I'm certain.

The owl would speak telepathically with Yōkye, before taking flight in pursuit of the grave robbers, leaving Saturn's body behind.

WC: 442
TWC: 1581
Yōkye Ushitora
Yōkye Ushitora
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 62
Speed: 25
Strength: 150
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:17 am
So his eyes were playing tricks on him, yet his senses were spot on. With the remarks of Saturn, estimating the direction that the grave robbers were rushing towards Yōkye engaged. Using his strength to make up for his lack of speed, he would dart in a leap-like fashion in the direction that Saturn pointed out. Covering up to 80 meters at a speed of 25 as he did. He would seem to be floating. With his hands within his pockets still, he would slightly cock his head to the left of him noticing an owl maintaining the same feet in height and speed. It spoke to him, but not verbally, telepathically instead. Sounds like Saturn.

What is this, you’re a bird now?” No hint of him being impressed by this feat. He could not see beyond the surface of the graveyard, so he would have to rely on the guidance of the owl to help him location the runners. “You will need to help me find their precise location, or at the very least point out to me where they are heading so that I can cut them off.” He informed the owl. Taking another leap in the direction of where the bird was flying.

His eyes would lazily shift and focus on something. “You should move away, now…” He said calmly as 3 massive tombstones hurled in his direction, mostly to hinder him or deter his pursuit. These tombstone each posses a natural strength/health of 50. At the rate that they were closing in they were flung using some assistance. No matter, the Ushitora would remove one hand, his right hand, from his pocket. As the first of the three closed in he merely swat it from his path, crumbling it in the process. Immediately moving his arm and hand to catch the second one flinging it to the ground. In the process he underestimated the third ones speed and was smacked head on by it, but due to his body he was able to tank the blow with little to no deceleration to him and no harm. His coat was covered in dirt and debris.

Bursting through the smoke as he continue to following the bird with his same ole melancholy expression on his face.

WC: 378
TWC: 1,228
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:39 am
You run like a horse..

Saturn commented telepathically on the boy's running form as he flew overhead, guiding the Genin towards the right location. Behind them, Saturn's body awoke from its early grave, shadowing them from a safe distance with his active Mind's Eye of the Kagura. At that time, his mind was in two bodies at once. He was getting better at piloting multiple hosts simultaneously, but he narrowly evaded the debris when Yōkye swatted the massive tombstones that came flying in. He could have been crushed to a pulp had it not been for the warning before the reckless swat.
Oye, watch it!

He cursed, performing some aerial acrobatics to navigate the flying debris. When he caught sight of the pale boy he had just taken a direct hit. Shit, is he dead? He winced at what looked like a brutal hit, but was relieved when he saw that his partner was still standing, unfazed, dealing a crushing blow to the egos of the culprits.

As they made their way through the smoke, they were brought to a barren corner of the same graveyard. Two corpses were laid side by side in front of a crouching old man in a red mask with a shovel. His partner behind him was a towering man wearing an identical mask, no less than seven feet tall and buff with bulging muscles, the one responsible for heaving the tombstones earlier, it would appear. Saturn in his owl body landed on a branch of a fir tree, about ten meters to the right of Yōkye.

"You nosy brats. You've left us no choice but to bury you in those graves we emptied. Where's your friend?"

The tall man spoke in a gruff voice, pointing towards the Ushitora clansman as he walked towards him fearlessly. Neither he nor his partner noticed the three strange eyes that grew on the barks of trees placed no more than five meters apart, behind the corpses.

WC: 328
TWC: 1909
Yōkye Ushitora
Yōkye Ushitora
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 62
Speed: 25
Strength: 150
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:09 pm
He was tall, eclipsing the moon, the man with the red mask that stood 7 feet high. He spoke with a testosterone filled voice, booming to the ears. Yōkye, landing before them a few meters away, 5 to be exact, pat himself of debris from the tombstone that he both swat away and crashed into. He visually analyzed the man as he asked his question and began to advance towards the Ushihtora boldly.

Not here…obviously.

He replied, also marching towards the man with his hands snug within this pockets. Yōkye stood at 5’6 and a half feet tall, there was a clear difference in their height. Both being within one another range of reach, glaring into the eyes of each other. The expression on the mask was one of grim, while the Ushitora possessed a care-less expression. The man grunts as he went for an overhead hammer fist towards the Genin, hoping to knock him out cold. Yōkye casually removed his right hand from his pocket and raised it over his head to block the attack. There was a gust of wind from the impact. He was powerful, but so was Yōkye. There was a inaudible sound that came from  the masked man soon after the connection. He must have realized that this was no ordinary shinobi he was dealing with. Soon recognizing the horns that sat upon his forehead.

Really? Is this the best you can do? Stealing bodies from the graveyard and making threats you clearly cannot keep. I’m not impressed.

He spoke calmly, rotating his wrist to allow his hand to take hold off the fist of the giant. He then clutched his hand and snapped it down which with great force and momentum pulled the man towards him. At which point the right leg of Yōkye rise and snapped a foot towards the chin which successfully launched and knocked the man out. Remnants of his mask scattered from shattering from the blow. A loud thud would symbolize that he hit the ground hard.

The Ushitora would then glare at the old man. By this time his partner should already be on his part and subduing him as he saw fit. After which the Genin would wait for his partner to do what he needed to before addressing him. Letting him know that he was going before taking off.


WC: 392
TWC: 1,620

Mission Claims:
6,000 ryo
30 AP

Character Claims:
16 Stat points.
Strength: 140 -> 150
Chakra: 56 -> 62

Using 1500 WC to claim Blue Oni: Scatter
Using 120 WC towards learning Blue Oni: Storm Cradle
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:32 pm
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gung Ho Grave Robbers Empty Re: Gung Ho Grave Robbers

Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:42 am

Mission Claims: 12,000 Ryo + 60 AP in ryo = 3000 Ryo ===> 15,000 Ryo

1125 words towards Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden (B) [1125/1125]
784 words towards Counter-Strike (B) [784/1125]
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