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Oh, brother. [Mamoru] Empty Oh, brother. [Mamoru]

Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:33 pm

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Ryo 1000 x 5 x 2(BL) + (15,000 x 5) = 85,000
Tickets 250 x 5 = 1250 Tickets
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The day had progressed as usual, though she was still unfamiliar with the surrounds, and missing home – along with her brothers; she found herself doing odd or taxing tasks to pass by her time. She knew eventually, whatever was keeping her here would release her back home, but in the mean time – she planned to make the most of the situation. Remika travelled down the pathway, heading towards a small crowd forming that had caught the pure blood Kyuketsuki’s attention, wondering what was taking place to cause the crowd to form. At the distance she had reached, she could hear teams being picked; the smirk forming across the woman's lips as she made herself known, having closed the distance between herself and the group; “I’d be more than happy to join, if you needed more – of course.” The woman would state, though she hadn’t been interested in the majority of the silly things these humans seemed to enjoy, she herself found entertainment in watching them pumble each other with items in the past... This was a perfect chance for her to find out exactly why.

As the group agreed, suggesting to begin, and as more people joined they would sort it out as it happened, Remika took her place among the teenagers, as she seemed to appear to be more in their age range than that of the other adults; though she found this oddly insulting, considering she could sired their entire bloodlines – she listened and proceeded with the forming of snowballs, ensuring to pack them light enough to cause as much disbursement as possible.

She continued this as they would be quickly grabbed and thrown as the battle would begin to rage on; Remika taking only quick glances as she tried to gauge how it was going; that was until she spotted a familiar sight – the giant of a man, his white hair sticking out of the crowd of on gawkers, watching the battle take place; Remika would smirk, leaning back down to pack yet another snowball, only this time, she would pack it rather tightly, as she had an intended target, knowing that it had to be tight enough to make the distance.

As she formed her hands around the ball, feeling the wet liquid between her fingers as the heat of her chakra formed around it to help the ball to become as firm as it could become without becoming ice; she would raise herself from her position, taking quick aim – her bright red orbs locked onto Mamoru’s head as she launched the ball into the sky; watching as it rushed towards her elder brother – the giddiness of the situation coming into play before the realization of what she had done... But it was already to late, to late to yell for him, to late to take the ball back – within seconds the actions she had taken were complete as the ball came colliding towards the mans head; should it connect to him, he would certainly know that she was the one who sent the ball launching towards him.

She could feel the tightness forming in her chest as her legs became weakened – he would come for her, furry and all. Pressing her lips together, she prepared another snowball; lighter then the one she had launched towards him, ready for battle against him.

Post WC 556 // Total WC 556 // @Mamoru Ito
Mamoru Ito
Mamoru Ito
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Oh, brother. [Mamoru] Empty Re: Oh, brother. [Mamoru]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:35 am
There weren't many things in the world that could affect Mamoru. Strange sensations such as feelings or other human emotions always failed to get their grasp on him, so one could imagine not even the cold would be able to bother the True Noblesse. "Looks boring to me, is that supposed to be some sort of violence?" the Kyuketsuki pondered as he watched people throwing snow at each other. Standing slightly to the side he would witness the spectacle taking place, hardly enough to humor or entertain him but perhaps it would have a different effect on others. Maybe it were those childish games that brought a smile on people's faces. "It's the small things in life that matter" they always said.

It made him wonder and think back to the times when he and the rest of his family would engage in what he considered humane activities. And one way or another, it was always Remika who would find herself at the center of it all. "I'm sure she would have loved watching thi-", before he could finish his sentence he could hear a sudden thud, the cold and wet feeling of snow dripping down the back of his head. "Speak of the devil" Mamoru voiced upon seeing the perpetrator of the act after having turned around to find out who would be responsible. 

The male Kyuketsuki would crack his neck twice, a vein popping up on his forehead. "Remika, this is my favorite coat" the True Noblesse directed himself at her, his voice giving away the slight frustration he was feeling. Now that he directly faced her Mamoru noticed how she started to prepare a second snowball, more than likely one that would have his name written on it. "Oh no you don't". He would start to approach her, aware it was impossible to convince her to drop the act. "If you pick up that piece of snow there is no going back" Mamoru warned Remika a final time.

Certain that she had no intention to stop, he wouldn't just go down without a fight. "Oh now the gloves are coming off". Sprinting towards the female Kyuketsuki he made sure to keep an eye on her in case she decided to launch another snowball, preparing himself to dodge and return one of his own. 

(WC: 386)
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Oh, brother. [Mamoru] Empty Re: Oh, brother. [Mamoru]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:10 am

Remika heard the booming voice of Mamoru, her eyes twitching at the demand of his voice; but his warning wouldn’t sway her choice in her next actions, the ball perfectly formed in her hand would find itself being flung towards the other pure blood Kyuketsuki, the tips of her fingers sliding off of the snowball, causing it to spin throughout the sky, in the hopes it would connect with Mamoru before he found his way anywhere near her; as it finally left her hand she would quickly turn heal, the red cloak flying through the air as she felt the crunch of the snow underneath of her as pushed off the ground. Her red orbs no longer focused on her brother but rather the crowd of teenagers that she had joined up with – she knew that it was only a matter of time before he would catch up to her, and blending in with the crowd wasn’t fully her intention as she just needed to make a moments time to ensure she could a few more snowballs, kneeling on the ground in the middle of a group of teenage humans, she quickly made fast work of the snow under her, forming four balls, smaller in size than her last ones, but still enough in size to cause a burst of snow upon connection.

Her eyes scanning the area as she knelled down, her left knee touching the fluffy white powder, the red cloak scattered around her body, giving her delicate ivory skin cover from the beating sun. Her hood having fell in the process of running exposed her head, her long raven locs sprawled along her shoulders, back and chest as she looked like a crazed predator waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The woman could recall other actives, as a child where she found herself in battle against Mamoru, and the others... It had been many moons since the last time she felt this excitement, she had just been a small child back then; the brutal reality of losing her parents, her brothers parents attempting to hold a similar spot as her own had... Trying to make Remika feel included and loved, even if the emptiness was still there throughout that time... It wasn’t until their loss that the craze within the girl back then would have released, the bloodshed, the pain that she caused because of her own internal pain... She couldn’t feel ‘sorrow’ for the actions she took back then, nor was she truly punished for it, she had dealt with various attempts to calm her, from all three of them – Mamoru had been a solace, Azrail her mind, Ketsuatsu was her wildfire. The three brothers she had claimed, each were able to calm her, help her; in their own ways, and she for them.

Lost in her train of thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the crowd around her had begin to move away from her, leaving her utterly exposed to her surroundings, her eyes shooting upwards towards their movement, unsure why they started to scatter.

Post WC 509 // Total WC 1065 // @Mamoru Ito
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