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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

It's Elemental! Empty It's Elemental!

Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:45 pm
Mission Details
Mission Rewards: 6,000 Ryo, 30 AP, 1x Tungsten

Kujaku was standing outside of the mission hall where he recieved his usual work. He had recieved a letter this morning discussing a high ranked mission he was to embark on with some team mates. Kujaku was excited. He never got to leave the village for one, and he absolutely loved sight seeing as much as he loved the village of Hoshigakure no Sato. The excitement of traveling outside the village got him going quick in the morning, and he consumed his usual daily vitamin dose before he even drank his first cup of coffee. Kujaku was amped up.

The other reason he was so geeked up was because Kujaku absolutely loved working with others. Kujaku was a team member by heart, and some of his fondest academy memories were when he was working with other students to solve problems and create synchronistic combat sequences. Kujaku was a conquerer at heart, he loved to topple regimes of old and replace them with empires of illumination. In a team was where he found these limits broken best, and that possibility in the upcoming mission absolutely tantalized the young adults heart.

Kujaku barely thought about his dead father that morning. When he did t was only in passing as he looked in the mirror and strapped his headband on. Kujaku had eyes just like his Uchiha father, and it was startling to even him sometimes. The deep orange hue was unlike most Uchiha, and it really set him apart from others in his clan.

On this day Kujaku was dressed as he usually was on a rainy day. Kujaku was wearing a black v neck t shirt that had the clans emblem sewn onto the back. Over top of the t shirt was a black leather jacket with long sleeves. Kujaku was wearing leather gloves, and he had a hood on his jacket. He kept his hair tucked into his jacket and wore the hood up. Kujaku was wearing black pants, tight and stretchy. He had on typical ninja footwear and his headband was shined up nicely.

When he looked in the mirror and saw his dads reflection staring back at him it was the sheen of his headband that drew his attention away from the pit of despair in his heart. Kujaku was deeply torn by his fathers death. He had seen the murderers behead his father, and couldn't do anything about it. It was truly terrible for him to deal with, but being a ninja served as a guiding light for him. It gave him purpose. Kujaku had lost sight of his dream, to become Hogokage, but he hadn't lost sight of his work on this earth.

Kujaku wondered if his father looked down on him from heaven, but then simply tied his headband and thought no more of it.

Kujaku was focuse don making a great day out of today and he planned on pulling no stops. It was raining hard, with heavy overcast clouds. Visibility was down in the fog but it was still light enough rain that one could walk for fifteen minutes and only be surface wet. Kujaku left his house early with an umbrella and walked to the mission hall. When he arrived he folded up his umbrella and sealed it back into the scroll he kept on his back side. He had two, one for ninja work and one for accessibility.

Kujaku stepped inside and was happily greeted by the receptionist. He proceeded to wait in line and eventually Kujaku was given the mission voucher. It had all the details of his mission on it, and before Kujaku left the mission hall he read the voucher to himself.

"The Uchu no Taba is a local mine here in Haven Country. Much of the production based in Hoshigakure depends on certain minerals and ores mined from this location. It is up to this team of ninja to travel safely to the mine, locate rich deposits of tungsten ore, then perform the basic process of prufication on the ore by crushing it and washing it in a provided alkaline solution. Then return back to Hoshigakure with the collected ores and smelt it into tungsten. We are surveying this mine for high purity ores and your work will be much appreciated. Meet at the village gates twenty four hours after recieving this mission. Coordinates to the mine are provided in this voucher."

Kujaku read the letter back twice again to make sure he memorized every important detail there was, then he asked the receptionist for the alkaline solution. She gave him a small vial and he put it in his jacket pocket.

Kujaku went home and tried his best to take a day of rest before his long mission would begin. He was kind of fidgety though and couldn't sleep well.

When the day of the mission came by Kujaku noted he was expected at the village gates by nine in the morning. He made sure to be ready by eight and left at eight thirty. It was another rainy day with thick fog, but he hoped as they traveled the weather would change.

Kujaku made it to the gates by quarter to nine and waited at the appropriate spot for his team mates.

WordCount: 877
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:46 pm
Loghain would look down at the delivered scroll, reading it twice over to ensure that he was reading it correctly. He was to provide escort for a group of shinobi as they worked one of the mines in the outskirts of Hoshi. The wolf couldn't help but think back to the last time he had been on such a task, and how his role was quite the opposite that time. At that point, he was almost more of a liability than a help. Vaenar was the one taking the role of protector that time, but was in truth the protector of the group from Loghain if his unfortunate curse took hold... Oh how long ago that felt now.

The Jounin would gear up, but that truly only consisted of putting on a loosely fitting shirt and a pair of loose breaches. He was a bit of a minimalist when it came to these sorts of things, relying entirely on his body and bloodline to keep him from harm. It hasn't failed him yet, so why should he suspect otherwise? Loghain would then make his way to the gates where he was supposed to meet with the team. The first of which was an Uchiha by the name of Kujaku, to which the wolf would wonder if they were of any relation to Ciel. He didn't really understand the intricate nature of extended family and clans, so he would make sure to ask if they knew each other when the opportunity presented itself. The other member was someone by the name of Baliquis. Neither of these shinobi were people that the wolf was familiar with, but at the end of the day this was an assignment, not a day out with friends. 

The wolf couldn't help but find himself in a sour mood, the rain pouring down upon the village making everything (including him) a soaking wet mess. He would finally make it to the gates, glancing over at the young man standing there waiting. 

"Sebastian Loghain." He would offer with a nod to the man, trying to make the greeting as simple and straightforward as he was able. "Are you Kujaku Uchiha?" Loghain would ask, hoping that he had found at least one of the pair he was supposed to be guarding. "There should be one more on the way. Once you both are here I'll brief you both at the same time so that I don't have to keep repeating the same things." 

wc: 414

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Ryo : 500

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:32 pm

“What would you like me to do with them, Elder Baliquis?” The voice arose in the crematorium behind her as a temple worker stood to her left flank, facing her, but his elbow-length rubber gloves covered the sleeves of his white temple garb. A mask was over his face for the fumes, but Baliquis stood before two rolling metal slab tables in her normal attire and heels. Each had a child’s corpse. Her niece and nephew each lay on their metal table.

They had been scrubbed and cleaved, but it didn't add color to their ashen, greyed flesh. She could see the veins, and Baliquis stared down at them. The only sound in this room was the gently rumbling echo of the rain pouring down in the courtyards and outside the windows, skirting the airy walkways where the path to this area was hugged by red columns that dutifully held up a tiled roof.

Could she have been one of them once upon a time? Could Baliquis have been one of the columns holding up this temple and sheltering its inhabitants?

Would she have been happy that way? Baliquis internally chided herself for that last thought; there was no happiness for someone like her. Not until these filthy shinobi were gone, and as she gazed down at the small corpses, something darker in her purred, “Two down. More to go.” How ominously irritating; where had this voice come from? Either way, it didn’t matter.

Her plan to get guardianship and ownership over these two corpses had worked. The postal service returned the letter to their ‘father’ with several stamp marks of ‘Return to Sender’, which worked once more in her favor; so what was she doing now? Inspecting her new political game trophies. Yes, two corpses were a strange trophy to have, but that's not the point. It was the fact they were here. They did not belong to the church, to the royalty, not even to the fucking village; These two belonged to her and her alone. As did Izayumi’s ashes. Now they would remain with her as the first step to every other move she planned to make: First, it was ensuring the kiln made her sister into ashes so no one could use her. Then it was these two children. In a world where all the doors seemed shut, they were now opening to paths that had not been open to Baliquis before, and she could stand here all day. Drowning in the thoughts of the endless possibilities of what this could mean for her and how getting ownership of these two bodies made so many changes in the Sage’s plan and path, perhaps even the Grand Design. “Mortician, how long will the bodies keep?” Baliquis asked in the way that the temple expected of her with ‘remorse’ and ‘sadness.’ She was growing impatient with keeping up this facade of caring when she truly couldn't be bothered.

“If we pursued embalming, they would take longer to decompose, Elder.” They answered, “If we cremate them, they may last longer.”

Even as the man answered, she couldn't stop thinking about the images she got when she touched Rin. The dark laughter, the pale skin, and the white air; the way that strange man was sewn together like a pitiable rag doll. The pain of his attacks, the blackened threads- “Are you clinically capable of performing an autopsy, Mortician?” Baliquis asked, and they answered,

“Yes, Elder Balquis.” The mortician said, “I can begin right away.” Baliquis couldn't shake those images until she looked away from the children and to the mortician,

“There is a possibility these bodies contain a deadly genetic trait, a sort of living shinobi infection.” Baliquis said as she off-handedly tried to describe the threads she saw, and the Mortician hesitated, “Please perform an autopsy and quarantine the area when you begin; We need to ensure the temple is safe.” Baliquis turned on her heels and walked off but called back, “You may begin.”

“Yes, Elder.” The man said, and when she cleared the door, the man shut them behind her and locked them as she smirked and put on her black mask. As she walked away, Hena came rushing into the room, “Ah, Elder-You got a message.” She said and handed off the scroll to Baliquis, who took it and unraveled it. She continued walking down the column pathway as the pouring storm rain grew louder and obnoxiously demanded her attention. “Is it serious?” Hena asked as Baliquis read it,

“It is a mission.” Baliquis said, “Regarding mining and materials.” This was good… this was perfect.

This would work very well for her and Yuki’s shop and business plans. How wonderful. Baliquis closed the scroll, “Hena, do the others need anything from me?”

“They… haven’t assigned anything yet.” Henna said guiltily, and Bali brushed it off,

“I will be leaving for the day; do not wait up.” Baliquis said as she continued to make her way down the path to the rest of the temple, then to the meeting area.

She wore her casual outfit of a black mask, a black, long-sleeved cowled shirt that hung by her navel, and a navy bodysuit with a sweetheart neckline covering her chest before there was the black mesh body suit she wore. Her high-waisted, yellow to-dark red ombre skirt stood out against her personality and her favored aesthetic, but the orange of it matched her toenails and her black, open toe-heels. Hopefully, as she moved up and out, she could update her wardrobe better, but for today, she didn't particularly mind the rain; a bit of chakra and the natural control of water from her clan kept it off her just enough to keep her dry.

As she came to the gates and upon a small group of people, she saw a younger man with black hair but a symbol on the back of his shirt- what clan was that again? Uchiha? Then there was a man next to him, with darkened hair, broad-shouldered, and in a simple loose shirt and pants, but she stopped next to them, “Good evening; I am Baliquis Hozuki.”

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@Kujaku Uchiha
@“Sebastian Loghain”

Last edited by Baliquis on Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : coding)
Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:02 am
Kujaku didn't spend much time alone in the rain. Everyone arrived at just the right time, and that was good because the rain was steadily growing. As Kujaku stood there with his umbrella he looked around most innocently. Kujaku had a free mind today, focusing on the mission gave him that sort of clarity. To be free from reigns Kujaku was best at pulling the load. That was just how he was. It made him a great worker and that was something he prided himself on. Kujaku generally lived on an edge, and times of precedence boaded well for him.

When the first person arrived they were dressed simply. Kujaku saw them through the fog, and could clearly make out the silhouette of a man. As the man came in contact with Kujaku he introduced himself as Sebastian Loghain. Kujaku smiled and responded to his question in a cheerful tone of voice, "That's right. I'm Kujaku." Kujaku leaned backwards, the umbrella he was holding poured off a strong stream of water. The rain was getting heavier as time went on. "You must be the leader of this mission. I look forward to working with you, sir." Kujaku was always real respectful.

Kujaku picked up his large umbrella for Sebastion to get under. While hebwas waiting Kujaku spotted the third member making their way to the meeting point. They were next to a large statue of a white marble lion. The rain was still coming down pretty heavily but under the umbrella it wasn't so bad. The winds were mostly still, and humid. The fog was lightening up as time went on though. Kujaku waited with Sebastion by the statue, waiting for the third team member to arrive.

When she arrived she introduced herself as Baliquis Hozuki. Kujaku didn't recognize her among the shinobi forces but he didn't doubt her. For whatever reason she was given the mission just like he was, and Kujaku looked forward to working with her. Extending his fist out for a first bump Kujaku introduced himself while he kept his umbrella open for the group. It was big enough for three people.

"Well nice to meet you Ms. Baliquis. My name is Kujaku Uchiha." Kujaku turned to the leader of the group to give out formal instruction. He stood their with his bi colored hair, wet.

Kujaku hated being wet. In fact it was one of his least favorite ways to be next to cold, underground and inside the Bath House on seniors spa day. Kujaku didn't show it though, he kept the umbrella up for everyone to stay dry. Or at least as dry as they could.

Kujaku noticed the Hozuki woman was dry, and he wasnt surprised. He didn't fully understand the Hozuki bloodline but he had enough knowledge to know their familiarity with water Chakra. He figured she was talented to some degree with Chakra. Kujaku imagined her to be strong to be so brazen with her ability.

Kujaku never ever revealed his bloodline ability. The Sharingan was sacred to him, and his eyes were only truly opened in the face of battle. Kujaku was staunch on that, it was like a law to him. Kujaku was in fact terrified of those around him knowing he possessed a fully developed sharingan. He knew there were body snatches lurking around.

Often Kujaku wondered if his father was killed by body snatchers. All he could remember is coming into the room and seeing his father on the floor. Someone with an age heaved it high above his father's head and swung. Blood splattered all over the walls and on Kujaku. Then suddenly there was a strange overwhelming black presence filling the room. Fire. And Kujaku's eyes both burned. Then he woke up.

Kujaku had been researching body snatches that his father may have come in contact with. When he wasn't working for the village, or training, he was hot on the trails of local body snatching gangs. There were more of them than one would expect.

Kujaku figured Hozuki didn't have the same kind of lust after them as the Uchihas. Not only was the Uchiha bloodline coveted for all sorts of inhumane experiments, the Sharingan itself was known to be snatched from the very eye sockets of the living.

Kujaku's ultimate nightmare. He would sometimes dream of long, unpainted fingernails reaching forward toward his eye. When he tried to blink his eye would be snatched from him, and then Kujaku would wake up in a sweat.

A nightmare fit for only one with the noble dojutsu. Kujaku thought of how valuable his normal eye was. The Sharingan was truly a blessing beyond a miracle. He understood why thieves sought after it.

He didn't condone it though. Kujaku was wild, feral, chaotic, loose, dastardly, cruel even. But he wasn't evil, and those who stole from others body were filth as far as hebwas concerned.

The group was assembled with Kujaku holding his umbrella up for everyone, and the leader was ready to give instructions. Kujaku was excited, and he tried to overlook his thoughts on body snatching. He needed to focus, and he did. Kujaku was good at shutting off his mind and focusing on tasks at hand. He was a trained ninja after all.

WordCount: 883
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Fri Feb 17, 2023 11:22 pm
The wolf would listen as the young man confirmed his identity, to which he would nod. Kujaku would go on to speak as though Loghain was the leader on this mission. It was odd to hear such out loud, but that probably wasn't far from the reality of things. The paperwork suggested that he was the senior officer in this mission, and his reasoning for being there was to keep watch over the genin to ensure that criminals on the borders don't try anything foolish. When offered a place under the umbrella, the wolf would happily accept. He wasn't particularly fond of the rain, and it only seemed to be coming down even harder as the minutes passed. 

It wasn't long before the third member of their group approached, the powerfully built woman utilizing what he figured to be some sort of Water release technique in order to keep the rain at bay. She introduced herself as Baliquis Hozuki, another name which the wolf hadn't been entirely familiar with. Such is to be expected though, as most of his time is spent outside of the walls of Hoshi. He should probably find time to read up on those he is less familiar with. It wouldn't be long before Team Spring found itself comprised of Chuunin or higher ranked shinobi, and when that time came the wolf would likely need to take on another team if he was not fully stationed outside of Hoshigakure. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. This mission that we are tasked with is a simple one, the work itself far from difficult. But it is one fraught with dangers." This last line given emphasis, to help them understand just what it was that they were in for. "This mission is going to a local mine in order to assist with the gathering of Tungsten ore, though to call it local might be a bit of an understatement. The location of this mine is far outside of the safety of these Hoshi walls, out in the borders of Haven. I was assigned this task to ensure your safety during this mission, for the borders are filled with undesirables like bandits." He would then take a moment, allowing just what he was saying to truly sink in. He didn't know these two shinobi, nor was he familiar with their skillset and capabilities. Ideally such things wouldn't matter much, as he was their escort and guard. "Any time that a mission is undertaken so far from the village there is the possibility of threat from these criminals. In the event of such occurring, I ask that you keep your distance and if opportunity presents itself, flee." His words held a certain genuine concern for the well being of those under his ward. "Please know that I do not discredit your skills in defending yourselves, but I ask kindly that you listen to me in this matter. I will protect you both with my very life if need be. I just need to know that if I put myself in harms way, the time it buys will be used to keep yourselves alive. Do you both understand?" He would pause once more, letting the weight of everything he just said settle in and giving them time to answer. 

With a slight change in tone to a slightly less somber and serious one, "But let us hope that it does not come to such things."

Assuming that they were all on the same page, the wolf would begin his escort of the pair to the mines. The roads weren't so bad, the rain doing little more than causing puddles they would be forced to deal with. Once they got closer to the mine, the dirt road that they had to traverse to reach it was a muddy mess, boots easily sinking an inch or two into the soggy earth with each step. Before long they were at their destination, and so far it would seem as though the coast was clear. The keen nose of the wolf was keeping alert, an effort to detect anyone approaching long before they were an issue. 

Inside the mine there was a man leaning up against the wall, clearly waiting for something. The wolf figured that this must have been their point of contact on site.

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Ryo : 500

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:40 pm

“Well, nice to meet you, Ms.Baliquis. My name is Kujaku Uchiha.” The boy with the red-and-black hair said and Bali remained politely hollow about the whole thing to keep up with expectations. He was quite spirited and she nodded politely but then the broad-shouldered man began to speak,

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. This mission that we are tasked with is a simple one, the work itself is far from difficult. But it is one fraught with dangers.” A normal person would hesitate and consider turning back or making up some excuse to leave and go no further. For Baliquis? She hoped for death so the possibility of a swift end was too alluring to abandon so carelessly. "This mission is going to a local mine in order to assist with the gathering of Tungsten ore, though to call it local might be a bit of an understatement. The location of this mine is far outside of the safety of these Hoshi walls, out in the borders of Haven. I was assigned this task to ensure your safety during this mission, for the borders are filled with undesirables like bandits." He paused once more; emphasis. That's what the silence felt like and she nodded. Just to give an indicator that she was paying attention amid the downpour, "Any time that a mission is undertaken so far from the village there is the possibility of threat from these criminals. In the event of such occurring, I ask that you keep your distance and if opportunity presents itself, flee."

“How nice for him to show concern”, gurgled that darker voice inside of her that had been lurking for quite some time internally. Living in shadows snakily.

"Please know that I do not discredit your skills in defending yourselves, but I ask kindly that you listen to me in this matter. I will protect you both with my very life if need be. I just need to know that if I put myself in harms way, the time it buys will be used to keep yourselves alive. Do you both understand?" Baliquis nodded again to show she understood, "But let us hope that it does not come to such things."

With that, the man took the lead and lead them to the mines they needed to be at and she followed as she had done in many other missions; allow others to do the work. She followed to the mine and watched as the roads gave away to dirt roads. As they carried on the road grew muddier but she made sure to use her chakra in her feet to keep herself unaffected and unhindered.

As they got there a man was leaning against the wall and seemed to be idly standing by for something, but for what? For them? Perhaps but she couldn’t have known so she took initiative to speak up, “Good afternoon; We’re here about assisting in the mine?” Baliquis said, “Is there a specific area we need to go to that you can direct us to?”

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@“Kujaku Uchiha”
@“Sebastian Loghain”

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Ryo : 500

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:38 pm

After asking the man leaning against the wall her question, she realized that she had forgotten to fill out the necessary paperwork for the autopsy to be performed on what had once been her niece and nephew back at the temple morgue. She needed to get back, forge some paperwork, and fill it out so that the other Elders would not deny it to be performed- or worse- rescind its approval mid-surgery. She most definitely could not allow that to transpire or come to pass, and she needed whatever information that worker could find and provide.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I left something unattended,” Baliquis said to the group and politely excused herself before leaving and making her way back to the temple.

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Needed Word Count

1,660 / 1500


@Sebastian Logain
@Kujaku Uchiha

Mission Claims

  • + 6,000 Ryo
  • + 30 AP
  • + 1 Tungsten (Legacy Material)

WC Claims

Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:38 pm
The Hozuki would leave, needing to go back to deal with something they had forgotten. It was... strange, but the wolf simply shrugged it of. Upon speaking to the man, he would point the remaining pair in the right direction down the mine and where the ore was being dug out. 

Loghain wasn't one to dodge physical labor, so he would assist in digging out the ore. He was quite physically gifted, and held deep stamina reserves, so in no time at all they would have enough ore dug up to call this a success. The would then have to take it to be processed and washed, so the wolf would haul his bin over, keeping a close eye on Kujaku to ensure that he too was able to follow along. The wolf would make idle chat if spoken to, but if they were focused on the mission and refrained from such he wouldn't mind either way. He didn't really have a great deal of anything to say, nor did it seem like the genin did either. Perhaps they simple preferred to stay quiet, or maybe his speech earlier startled the boy. It wasn't his intention, but the wolf had to ensure that they understood the dangers of such an undertaking and a risky mission out to the borders. If they weren't so lucky next time to have a Jounin assigned to escort them, they would hopefully remember his words and stay extra cautious. Danger lurks everywhere out here, and even someone that looks friendly can be a bandit in waiting, hoping to rob you blind or kill you for a laugh. 

Once that was complete, they would be offered their reward. Each of them would be handed a rod of tungsten. Their work finished up here, the wolf would escort Kujaku back to the village safely and call this mission a relatively complete success. Stretching his muscles a bit, the wolf would walk into the gates, nodding to the gatekeepers that once were the same people to ensure he did not enter. He would walk over to the nearest restaurant that was serving some sort of meat dish and would order two of whatever the daily special was (as long as it was a meat dish). 


wc: 377
twc: 1514


1x B rank mission complete - 6000 ryo, 30 ap AP maxed so becomes 1500 ryo, 4000 ryo (rank bonus) 1x Tungsten (believe to be legacy material)

1313 wc towards Hundred Fist of Fury (B- Rank - using max stat discount)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

It's Elemental! Empty Re: It's Elemental!

Sat Mar 04, 2023 6:46 am
Approved for both
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