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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

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Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:06 pm
Mission Details
Rewards: 2,000 Ryo/10 AP

On this day Kujaku woke up feeling pretty good, which was unusual for him lately. Ever since he saw his father get beheaded and he burnt down his childhood home in a fit of rage things just hadn't been the same for the Uchiha. He had been swept into a pit of despair, and was withering away in grief. Kujaku wasn't doing alright mentallyand he had been changing. The childhood innocence he once held so closely to his heart had grown jaded next to his growing hatred.

To escape his sorrow Kujaku had been deeply engrossing himself in his work. He had been taking missions like a crazy man, staying up day after day by eating military rations and working nonstop. Somewhere down the line Kujaku had been noticed for his dedication and despite his sleepless look he had been chosen as an envoy for the local Academy students.

Kujaku was absolutely proud of himself, and today it showed. Typically he kind of stumbled out of bed lately. He used to be happy go lucky, but things had changed so much. Since those black flames engulfed the headless corpse of his father Kujaku had such deposition for himself. He felt like his eyes cursed him.

Overlooking the hatred for his Uchiha genetics Kujaku was thinking positively for the day. He got dressed before he drank his coffee. Kujaku was wearing his famous black t shirt with the Uchiha insignia on it and a black pair of leather pants. He was fully equipped with his ninja gear for the day; strapped up with a katana and wazikashi on his left side, his bo staff on his back, kunai and shuriken in their holsters, a tanto on his calf. Kujaku was certainly dressed to the T. He looked like a classic Uchiha.

After he got out of his room and started brewing his coffee Kujaku thought about what he would teach the students of. At first he considered teamwork, but that seemed too straight forward. He considered showing off his Chidori techniques, but that seemed too dangerous. He kept thinking of things to do, and drank his coffee at the kitchen table. As he was drinking his mom woke up, which wasn't unhead of on a Tuesday. She drank herself some coffee in silence.

Ever since Imani's husband was hunted down she had been real paranoid. She was definetely suffering, and she drank her coffee in silence.

Kujaku hurried up and drank his coffee, trying not to be burdened by his mothers poor attitude. He wished her a good bye and said "I love you," then dashed out of the door. Imani was happy to see him leave so eagerly, and as he left the house she smiled for the first time in a few days.

As Kujaku walked towards his destination, the village Academy, he ate a few military ration pills. The red ones had a natural stimulant in em, and would certainly keep him awake for the day. Kujaku was pretty tired, he had slept last night for the first time in a long time.

Geared up he quickly made it to the Academy. He lived pretty close to it in a residential district of the Village. Kujaku walked into the Academy and headed straight to the administrators office. He got a visitors pass and was instructed on which class he would be teaching. It was a small class of four and Kujaku was given a brief rundown of each student. Kujaku memorized all the details he could about each kid and happily thanked the administrator.

He had an hour until class started so Kujaku planned what he would teach. He decided he would go with chakra control and the cultivation of chakra. Kujaku was smiling for a long time and his cheeks were a bit sore. He realized he hadn't been so happy in so long, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was true happiness.

Kujaku suddenly felt like he was floating on the pride of a guest teacher at the Academy. He felt so small, and his smile faded. He leaned over on the bench he was sitting on. Kujaku felt a deep stab of falsehood in his heart and was reminded of his father. Those last moments he had with Yusuke Uchiha before someone cleaved his head off haunted him, and he felt it now more than ever.

Kujaku wasn't smiling anymore, and he leaned over further on the bench. His elbows were resting on his knees and he was looking lost. He stared off at the wall, wondering when the pain would stop.

WordCount: 769
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
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Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:32 pm
It was a day like most others, though Loghain had been inside the village walls this day. It wasn't a completely odd sight, but he usually found his peace out in the wilderness, farther away from civilization. Perhaps it was due to his heritage, or perhaps it was just what he had grown accustomed to all those years spent in a solitary exile of sorts. Despite this, he still called this place home. Now that he was in complete control of his bloodline, he didn't need to fear being around others. 

The Hound found himself passing by the academy this day, something that his patrols usually didn't allow him to do. Upon walking by one of the teachers saw him and waved the wolf down. They had a simple request of Sebastian, to act as a guest speaking and demonstrate some shinobi techniques.

"I think that you might have the wrong idea. I'm not really a -" His words were cut off, the teacher insisting that the Jounin help him out. He would sigh, but it would seem as though it could not have been helped. There were certain things that were requested of shinobi as they grew in rank, and community service seemed to be just one of those tasks. 

The wolf would reluctantly make his way into the building, the teacher leading the way. They would point to a waiting room, where another young man was seated on a bench, clearly waiting for something. "Greetings. Are you the one I am to instruct?" Loghain would ask, a bit clueless about this whole thing. While he found himself as a team leader and a teacher of sorts, it was far more grounded in field experience. He was far from an academic, and truth be told he hadn't even been through the academy himself. He was almost entirely self taught, going more from gut feelings and instinct than reading books and study. 

wc: 321

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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:19 pm
Sitting forlorn on the bench Kujaku was having flashbacks as someone approached him. His eyes had a certain glaze over them, like someone who had been over drugged in the hospital. He was clearly distraught, but by the time the person who approached him spoke Kujaku retained his focus.

Sitting there in all black the Uchiha insignia was visible and so too were his blades. Kujaku wondered if he looked like someone echo needed to be trained. If perhaps he had overdone it with all of his equipment.

Kujaku looked up and stood straight. He looked the man in the eyes and introduced himself. "I'm a guest instructor today. My name is Kujaku Uchiha." Kujaku extended a fist bump. There was a half inch scar from a time he had taken a kunai in the wrist. "Pleasure to meet ya." Kujaku spoke candidly and had a friendly tone.

If the man he was talking to looked deep inside Kujaku, if he gazed into his eyes, he would see that Kujaku was not in fact pleasurable. What was once a high on life had sunken his mood. Kujaku was uncharacteristically down trodden. Usually he kept the suffering quiet, usually inside of him there was no torment he couldn't contain. Demons housed his heart like ghosts in an abandoned mansion, but Kujaku was the ever so welcoming host. He kept his guests in their rooms, content and loaded by Kujakus vices like sleeplessness and pride. Usually.

Today was a different story, but he tried not to let it get to him. Kujaku spoke to the man, "I'm going to teach the class on text book Chakra control. Wall climbing exercises are in their future, haha. What uh, what are you gonna teach?" Kujaku asked as he offered a seat on the bench with his open palm.

WordCount: 304
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:15 pm
The young man looked to be of the Uchiha clan, which was quickly confirmed as the man introduced himself as such. The now risen man would offer a first bump, to which Loghain would follow suite to match, tapping his own fist against that of Kujaku. As he looked into the eyes of the wolf in greeting, Loghain would meet his gaze. There was an uneasy aura coming off of this man, almost as if he wasn't happy to be here... no, perhaps he just wasn't happy to be. A certain sadness was found within them, but hopefully such could be remedied and spirits lifted. 

The wolf would feel a bit embarrassed as the young man explained that he too was a guest instructor. Scratching his head, the wolf would offer his apologies. "Ah, please forgive me. I'm sure that you can tell, I am a little bit out of my element here. I hope that my misunderstanding is not the cause of your unease." Loghain would not linger on this last statement, quickly shifting tone to introduce himself, "I am Sebastian Loghain, and I too seem to be here to help instruct. Maybe the teacher needed a break from these kids?" He would ask with a smile, a lighthearted joke in attempt to lift the fog of sorrow hanging around the head of this Uchiha. 

Kujaku would go on to explain that they will be teaching chakra control, his words suggesting an emphasis on the surface walking and tree climbing techniques in particular. Loghain would put his index finger and thumb to his chin, not quite certain what he would teach them. "Truth be told, I was sort of ambushed and forced into this. I've not given it much thought." 

The voices of the children in the other room grew louder, perhaps a sign that they were nearly needed. "Usually I focus my efforts on teaching survival skills and battle conditioning... but such is not truly needed for students. I can't imagine they would be put in such dangerous scenarios." He would think for a moment before continuing with a simple solution to his problem, "I guess I'll just ask them what they would like me to show them. They will know what they need help with far more than I would."   

Loghain would keep his ears out for their cue from the teacher, but would continue with the conversation with Kujaku. This unease found within the man resonated with the wolf, and his very being pushed him to try and help the young man if he could. 

Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:40 pm
Kujaku lifted his lips when Sebastion made a little joke. It lightened his heart to know there were people with something good inside of them, no matter how bright or filling that goodness was. He smiled and let out a little chuckle. His aura seemed to lighten up a lot, his countenance taking on a brighter appearance. It was still clear that Kujaku was in the darkness though. No matter how bright the light shined, the darkness was there to wrap Kujaku in chaos.

Chaos akin to the journey of life. Kujaku didn't mind it so much. Besides grieving over hid father he had learn to sit inside of the cave. Kujaku looked better with a smile on his face. A smile like he had as he talked with Sebastion.

"Well we made it where we were needed. That's good. Hopefully we can give the instructor a moment of peacefulness." Kujaku pulled at one of his earrings. He was kind of nervous to talk with Sebastion so informally. He could tell the man was an esteemed shinobi. He wouldn't have been called to the scene if he weren't. Kujaku was beingnout up against the best, and he really had only hard work and determination to speak of.

He wondered if that was enough. His father had been a prodigy and even that wasn't enough ultimately.

Kujaku noticed hr thought so much on the ultimatums of life since his father died. His first brush with death truly revealed to Kujaku that life was on a clock. Kujaku put the deep thoughts away and silently cleared his mind. He had lost his smile for a moment.

Kujaku focused and paid extra attention to what Mr. Loghain was saying. He was talking about his specialty, outdoor survival. Kujaku could use a page from his book. He definitely thought he had ways to improve his camping experiences. Sebastion said he would give the kids the final say, Kujaku liked that.

The kids were beginning to cause a ruckus. Kujaku had been waiting at least twenty minutes on the bench. He wondered if there was a scheduled time for when the class would begin.

"Well that sounds like a good plan. Yanno, they don't tell us much. We're sposed to be guests."Kujaku grumbled. He couldn't help but comment since he was doingnso much wondering, both him and Mr. Loghain.

"So Mr. Loghain. I should tell you I'm a rookie still. Genin."Kujaku smiled warmly. He was proud of his rank and service to his home town village of Hoshigakure.

As the two were talking a kunoichi stepped through the door nearly silently. Kujaku didn't even notice her until she spoke. She let the men talk for a second and finish what they were saying. "Ten minutes." The woman whispered and then went back into the classroom.

WordCount: 470
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Special Guests! Empty Re: Special Guests!

Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:44 pm
The wolf would read a bit into the body language of his companion, noting a sense of unease or nervousness. The wolf was accustomed to such, especially around those that might have known about his bloodline but not the man himself. In response to Kujaku's words regarding them not telling them much the wolf would give a lighthearted laugh, "Yeah, it would seem as though they wish to keep it a surprise, not only for the children but for us as well." It was then that the young man would reveal something to Loghain, offering it up with a smile that seemed to wash away some of the unease in the room.

"A genin, huh? Well," The wolf would turn to look over to the woman approaching and letting them know how long they had before they were needed. "Glad to have you amongst the forces of Hoshigakure. That status means that you completed the academy, right? Sounds to me like you are the perfect person to give those students pointers on just what sort of dedication and training they need to master in order to find themselves amongst our ranks." Kujaku might think that any shinobi met those particular qualifications, but sadly such was not true. The wolf never attended the academy, and so while he might be able to help the children in specific fields they might have questions in, he has little to go off of as to what it is they really need to know in order to graduate. "And you don't have to call me Mister," The wolf would offer with a smile, "You may simply call me Sebastian, or just Loghain is fine as well."

The wolf was enjoying just shooting the breeze with Kujaku. He wanted to find out why the young man had such an aura, one of pain and suffering. Of course, he just met this man and didn't wish to pry. Perhaps in a future encounter. The wolf would continue to chat with Kujaku, offering small talk to delving into whatever matters he wished to talk about.

It wasn't long before the lady came back out and requested they enter into the classroom. The wolf would give a simple hand gesture suggesting that Kujaku enter first followed by Loghain. He hoped that these kids weren't going to be too rowdy. 

Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

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Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:13 pm
Kujaku was begining to feel comfortable with Sebastion. The crease in his brow lightened, and his jaw became unbleached. He looked less nervous than he did previously, but his aura was certainly just as dark. As he untroubled himself Kujaku recalled a time in his past where he was taught how ninjas give proper introductions to comrades.

"Establish your name, rank and if you trust the group of people you're with its best to tell them your ninja way. That's a personal detail that reveals a lot about one's self." Kujaku remembered his instructor telling him. Back at that time, as a blissful youth, Kujaku's ninja way was simple. To become the Hogokage was his dream.

Things had changed. Ever since Kujaku had come home to his father prone on the floor, with two ninja standing over him wielding scythes. Ever since he saw that ninja slice his father's head clean off Kujaku's vision of the future had changed. His credence had been altered by the result of terror.

Where love once rested in Kujaku's heart grief tore away a hole and hatred crept in. Kujaku no longer valued the protection of the village like he had as a youth. Now he sought means to an end as his life long dream.

Kujaku sought death. Every waking second he could feel every inch of his body aching from the weight of his load, hatred shaking him to his core.

To seek vengeance on those that wrong his family; that was Kujaku's ninja way.

Kujaku decided he wouldn't tell Sebastion about it. As he briefly thought about it his countenance resumed his gloomy look. That gloom was tightly bound to Kujaku's work record, an escape from sorrow for the ninja.

"Yeah I completed the academy. I've also got a great record for working nonstop in the village. I take missions on at all times. I never stop." Kujaku smiled and stuck a thumb up.

As Kujaku had his thumb held up the two ninja were greeted by the teacher once more. She pulled them both into the classroom. Kujaku followed behind Sebastion, reciting in his mind what he will tell the students about Chakra control.

WordCount: 364
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
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Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:53 pm
It was good that there was a light smile, the cracks forming slowly around the shroud of unease permeating the young man's very being. Perhaps with more time between the two he could get to know the youth, and perhaps help shine a proper light through whatever darkness was slowly consuming him.

"Taking on missions nonstop? I'm not sure if I should be more impressed or concerned." The wolf would say aloud, his tone playful but a hint of truth behind the words. "There is nothing wrong with taking a break now and again, for this life before us is difficult and filled with harsh realities. Sometimes it is best to step back from it all, take a breather and allow yourself to relax. Put worries at ease as best you can, and just enjoy the life you have while you have it." He would say as he walked towards the doorway into the classroom, "Always try to remember that in our line of work... tomorrow isn't promised." He spoke these words from the heart, as many of his friends had been struck from this world. Zaref... Tsubaki... and probably countless others that he didn't know well enough to speak their names. All were killed in the line of duty, each having been attempting to just do their best for the village. 

Once inside the class the kids went from rowdy and rambunctious during the teachers absence to polite and behaved as they walked in. A couple of the children would point and whisper to each other. Loghain couldn't help but be a bit surprised by how few students there were in the classroom, counting only four. He couldn't be sure if that was due to the general unease around the village regarding shinobi or if there simply weren't many children among the shinobi of the village. Actually, now that he thought about it he didn't really suspect that any of the shinobi had children. Perhaps children were simply a luxury that those in this business often couldn't afford. The teacher would thank the shinobi for their assistance and leave the room.

Trying his best to assist, he would listen to whatever it was the children were asking. One asked about the clone technique, which he would quickly perform, explaining the hand seals as he slowly did them for demonstration purposes. The children would roll their eyes, one even shouting, "WE KNOW THE HANDSEALS MISTER!" Scratching his head, he figured that maybe he was treating them too much like children and not enough like soon to be shinobi. "Ah, please forgive me. I should have suspected that your teacher already taught you such things." They would then yell, "SHOW US SOME COOL NINJUTSU!" Before the others would chime in, almost in a chant as they requested ninjutsu over and over. "I fear that I am not the person to demonstrate such." 

The kids would then point to Kujaku, "What about him?!" They would ask. 

Once all of the demonstrations were out of the way, the wolf would offer a handshake to Kujaku. "It was a pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to having the chance to work with you in the future." And with that said, the wolf would be off, continuing his patrols now that his helping of the academy was finished. 


twc:1694 (Mission wc far beyond exceeded)

500/500 for Jotun Grip to go from C to B
500/500 for Tai Infusion to go from C to B
500/500 for Temp Paralysis to go from D to C

Mission Claims: 
Reward: 2000 Ryo [base] + 4000ry [rank bonus] / 10 AP Max AP already so converts to 500 ryo = 6500 ryo total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

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Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:26 pm
Approved for Seb
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