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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

Photo OP Protoge Empty Photo OP Protoge

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:35 am

Kujaku was hard at work today. He had taken two missions already by noon, and this was his third. He had finished the other two in record breaking speed, but this one was more like a shift at work. While he wasn't hunting a cat or carrying groceries for someone, he was helping the community in another way and that pleased Kujaku.

Today he was working as a stage hand for a local play. It was up to him to turn the lights on at three specific points in the play, and Kujaku was practicing for two hours before the two hour show. He caught on quickly and mastered turning the lights on and off. Unfortunately Swinging the lights was a little harder for him and he spent most of his time in practice with that. Once the two hours were up Kujaku felt pretty confident in his ability.

The play started and Kujaku watched. He had only seen bits and pieces of the play during practice, so this was pretty cool. He had his first action at about a half hour into the play so he watched on blissfully.

The play was about a princess who was locked in a dinosaur filled castle. The main character was a spikey haired blonde guy who was to slay all the dragon beasts and rescue the princess. Kujaku wasn't exactly interested in such a corny plot, but watching his peers perform was most excellent. Kujaku even knew a few of them personally from his days in the Academy.

"Where art thou maiden!" The main character cried out. That was Kujaku's cue. He swung the lamp and flashed it on the supposedly sleeping princess. As he kept the light on for a few seconds a velocuraptor jumped out of the sides. Well a man dressed in a velociraptir suit.

"SNARL!" The actor cried out, and that was Kujakus cue to turn the light off. He did so. His first scene went swimmingly. He had about fifteen minutes until his next part and he watched on. The main character, Guy Lee, pounded the dinosaur to bits and pieces. Kujaku was most entertained, and even clapped with the audience.

The rest of the play went perfectly. Kujaku performed perfectly when duty called upon him. Once the play was over he was invited with the cast for a bow. Kujaku obliged, proud of the work the troupe put on. He was smiling wildly.

For a brief moment he forgot about the empty hole in his heart. He forgot how his father had been decapitated right before his very eyes. Kujaku felt no sorrow and grief. He forgot the burning down of his childhood home. Everything felt just right for Kujaku, he was content.

Another fine day of work for the shinobi. Once the play was done the crew and cast had a little after party. Kujaku decided to wait to turn his mission in. Just a half hour or so anyways. He stayed at the theater for drinks and smokes with the troupe.

Kujaku wasn't much of a drinker, in fact for a drink he ordered apple juice. Kujaku did enjoy a good smoke though, and was ditting next to an ash tray. He rolled the cherry of his cigarette in the ashtray, forming it into a point then he took a long hard drag. He smoked menthol.

After chatting up the crew for a good half an hour Kujaku bid his farewells and left the theater. There was a mission to be turned in and that meant there was money to be made. Kujaku dashed off towards the mission hall where he could recieve his reward for the mission.

WordCount: 614

Technique Training: 25% MAX Training discount
Chidori A Rank - Handseal Mastery (Past Training) (2,063/2,063)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Photo OP Protoge Empty Re: Photo OP Protoge

Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:18 pm
Approved, with the caveat that mastery is for half handseals, and you'll need to spend wc for another one to remove handseals from Chidori entirely.

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