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Yuina Ichiba
Yuina Ichiba
Stat Page : Yuina's Statsbook
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Morning Training Meet-Up

Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:02 am
A slow inhale of crisp, mountain air filled the lungs of young Yuina as she focused on her breathing while holding a handstand. Her blonde hair draped in all directions on the stone tiles of the training platform she had chosen to work at this morning. It was tranquil there for the girl, giving her some privacy to work on improving before she’d be placed with a squad. While excited to push onto the next stage of her career as a shinobi, the idea of working in a three man cell was a bit, tedious to say the least. Social skills have never been her strong suit, let alone getting along with others much. As she exhaled a heavy sigh, her arms began to shake from supporting her weight.

Not wanting to give up so quickly, Yuina pushed herself, trying to do a few pushups while upside down. Rather unsuccessfully, the girl managed to perform two sloppy repetitions before rolling onto her back and up on her heels with grace. Dusting away any debris and straighten out her qipao, Yuina took a moment to ponder her next step of training. Her physical abilities were lackluster compared to her ninjutsu, yet the kunoichi truly only knew the basics. It’d be easier if she had parents who were once shinobi, or any friends really that could help her out but alas, Yuina really had to just tough it out with what she had remember from the academy.

She’d take a moment to relax her mind as she concentrated her chakra towards her hands while interlocking her fingers into the seal of the snake. Momentarily her hands would begin to glow with a bold purple shine, as crackling lightning raced around her hands. Yuina’s mouth would gasp open in excitement, too much joy for the moment as her focus wavered too far and the lightning would fade just as quickly as it appeared. Hanging her head down for a moment Yuina groaned in annoyance for her sudden failure.

Word Count:
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:16 pm
Another day, another regimen.

It seemed as if everyday that Lucian was not assigned to a mission, he'd inadvertently end up training. It wasn't even a conscious effort at this point, but more like a calling. Almost like his body demanded him to push himself at all times. And truthfully Lucian preferred it this way. He had felt that if he sat around and was content with his status as a genin, he'd never grow. Plus, any edge he had over Ryuko or Travin would be more than enough to incentivize himself to hit the training grounds early in the day. And that's exactly where he found himself at sunrise. The genin arrived earlier, ensuring that he was the first to grace their battlegrounds. 

Truthfully it had been his first day using the training grounds, so he was a bit enamored upon realizing that they had been placed atop mountain peaks. The walkway to their foot had puzzled him, as upon arrival he'd proceed into a building. The building itself was small and didn't seem to have any rear doorways that would lead him to a training field. There was just a receptionist inside, who instructed Lucian that the way to get to the training grounds was actually by ascending one of the peaks near the building. He sort of laughed to himself before exiting the small building and walking towards the base of one of the mountains. Through his surface walking technique, ascending its face was relatively simple. And with his high speed, it took almost no time to climb the 75 meter mountain. Once atop of it, he'd find himself standing upon a leveled and paved peak, which was 50 meters in diameter. It was marvelous, and as he casted his gaze around he'd notice the number of nearby peaks which all had a similar design.

Now actual on the training platform, Lucian would observe the rising size begin to tower into the sky so that its rays shone down upon him. Its warmth was like a hug, being comforting rather than scalding. But he himself could withstand either climate, considering his innate resistance to heat. And so he'd spend the morning doing simple preparation: stretching, body weight exercises, and jogs around the peaks. Right around the time he completed his warm up, he'd observe a newcomer surfacing upon the same platform he had been training on. She seemed to be fatigued rather quickly after some basic exercises, perhaps from the strain of ascending the mountain. But Lucian paid little attention to her until she started an attempt at performing a certain jutsu. "Raiton?" he asked himself internally, "Probably little I can do to help..."

But he decided to approach her anyway. Maybe all she needed was a little motivation for a second attempt. He'd walk over, wearing his training gear and black cloak. His hood was resting perfectly on the crown of his head so that the slight gusts of wind didn't blow it off. Once he neared her, he'd call out to the girl. 

"Be patient with ninjutsu. It requires a lot of focus."

WC = 518
+1 Life Stack
Moka Goka
Moka Goka
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:26 pm
What was on the schedule for Moka on this fine day? Working out, of course. If you were to break down Moka’s typical day it would be Wake up, work out, shower, eat, work out, eat, work out, shower, work out, sleep. To some this would be a very boring and uneventful type of routine but to Moka this was as perfect as you could get and if she didn’t need to eat to sustain her body and to keep the gains she got from working out she would have more time to work out, but sadly her body needed sustenance and she at times did get to enjoy some more expensive foods after she hit a milestone in her training though typically the next day she was back to working out even harder to burn off those unneeded calories.
This is why she found herself back at the Training Grounds, more a home to her than her actual living abode. She enjoyed being here thanks to its high altitude and low oxygen forcing her body to work harder under more stress improving herself that much more than what she would be if she was anywhere else. As she continued to go through her physical regime she noticed that someone nearby was training their Ninjutsu and judging by the chakra type being shown they were training a Lightning type jutsu. Moka didn’t have that capability when it came to Lightning and she wasn’t sure if she would ever gain that ability so it was interesting to watch someone else utilize it. Lightning was after all the more common element here in Kumogakure, and it was said to be a element that spoke of power and speed so it was something she had interest in.
Approaching the person working on that particular jutsu she noticed another individual watching them too though it seemed they were actually talking to them, a dark skinned person she had seen around the village at point though she didn’t really see them here at the training grounds. It seemed they knew a bit about ninjutsu and the lightning element. “Show us your ability lightning girl. If I’m impressed maybe I’ll show you how to put some muscle on those bones.” Moka offered as she crossed her arms looking at the blonde haired woman and giving a slight glance over to the dark skinned boy.
WC: 398
Yuina Ichiba
Yuina Ichiba
Stat Page : Yuina's Statsbook
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:09 pm
The kunoichi would continue to just relax herself as she looked at her hands with a bit of scowl. It was tough for her to practice this sort of jutsu, especially without having a good Sensei to train her with it just yet. Perhaps it’d be best to remind herself she was lucky to already know what nature she could proficiently change her chakra into, but with the goal of mastering this rather basic jutsu giving her grief, a positive outlook was not what the young blonde possessed. Trying to prepare herself, the voice of a boy around her age would catch her attention, causing her to turn to see him after he spoke out.

He was a bit taller than her, young, perhaps also a genin? She’d tilt her head a bit, “Focus...” she’d mimic back in a soft tone, a bit confused on what he was trying to do by speaking to her. Before Yuina could conjure a witty reply, another person was engaging with her. This teen appeared to be about the same height as the guy who approached her, but she exuded energy with her attitude. What she offered was to put meat on Yuina’s bones if shown her lightning jutsu. A bit puzzled on what exactly she’d do to help, Yuina would inquire. “Are you wishing to exchange abilities through training? If so I’d happily accept such an offer.” Turing to Lucian, whose name she did not know yet, Yuina gave a nod and chirped like a bird once more to him, “Focus!” This time with some cheer.

Once again the genin girl would lock her fingers into her hand seal as she gathered chakra into her hands. Angling her body off to the side as to not aim towards her peers but to display her jutsu, crackles of her chakra would start to wrap around her wrists and clasped hands while Yuina would take a deep breath. “Sparks!” she’d subtly state, pushing her hands outward as the lighting chakra would flick outwards and crackle in a narrow cone before her. The rush of power felt invigorating! Yuina cracked a smile as her doe-like eyes would gaze between the two before her. “I...did it!” Yuina’s feet began to tap rapidly against the ground as she happily wiggled.

Word Count:
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:29 pm
Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his cloak, he'd laugh in response of the girl asking if he wanted to exchange abilities. 

"Funny, I don't think I know anything about Raiton. Though even if I did, I reserve all my training for my rivals."

His response had been slight pretentious, but more so inviting any takers to become a rival to him. Lucian was innately competitive, which meant that he talked a lot of trash. And all of his friends and rivals so far, namely Ryuko, Lucid, and Travin, all bore the same characteristics. It was one of the reasons they got along so well, but also didn't get along. He'd walk a little closer so that he was several meters out from the girl, and folded his arms in observation of her technique. She seemed to be vocally coaching herself, though subtly, to expel chakra in the form she had been practicing. It was something that he himself did too, though only when he had been alone. Interestingly enough it sort of told Lucian a little bit about the woman. Perhaps she was true to herself and determined, and didn't really care who was around to judge her. Traits like that were important, as to Lucian they were self motivating. And surely enough that motivation was fruitful, evident by the fact that her attempts at resulted in a successful expulsion of electrifying chakra from the palms of her hands.

His stoic expression would smoothly transition into one of a half smile and lowered eyes. It was always nice to see someone getting gratification of their hard work. He'd offer a thumbs up to the girl, and a short congratulations. "Great job, now then what's next for you?"

Around the same time he'd focus his attention to the loud mouthed girl, who commented that she would teach the sparky kunoichi how to bulk up. His eyebrow would raise, and he'd pull his hands from his pockets to fold them across his chest. "What, are you offering to be her teacher or something?" His tone had been sarcastic and cocky, characteristic of the fifteen year old boy he was. But more secretly, this was his way of gauging the other girl's ability in comparison.

WC = 374. TWC = 892
+1 Life Stack; 2 Total
Moka Goka
Moka Goka
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:28 pm
The girl working her lightning magic had been disturbed by the two other genin but Moka was pretty happy with the interaction, the girl didn’t let their interruption to stop her concentration on the technique she was working on and that was a promising sign for Moka as she enjoyed being around those who could push through things to get what they want or desire and with the show of a bunch of electricity to shoot out from the girl’s hands into a cone until it dispersed was quite interesting to see as Moka hadn’t really been focusing on taking care of her elemental techs and had been to focused on the physical side. “There you go, better than anything I could do with lightning.” Moka admitted and was more than interested to help this girl improve her physical abilities, “With that display I’ll definitely help you out with getting some muscles on those bones.” She said with a grin.
Moka would than turn to Lucian as his question on if she was offering to be the girl’s teacher or something of the sort, “More like Physical Trainer/Training Partner, but anyways what’s it to you?” She asked as she stared at the boy, his words so far had come off a bit cocky and made Moka think he was the type to think he was the coolest thing since sliced bread. “Isn’t the goal of our village is to be the strongest?” She asked simply, “As it is, then we should be helping each other grow faster and better.” Moka finished not really waiting for the boy to answer if he so chose too.
Turning back to the blonde haired girl working the lightning and sparks, Moka would come closer to her and offer a handshake, “Names Moka Goka. I ain’t all that with the jutsus just yet but I can certainly help you out with getting stronger physically.”

WC: 319
TWC: 717
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Sun May 21, 2023 3:38 pm
Lucian observed the interaction between Moka and the girl with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He couldn't deny that the girl's lightning technique had been impressive, and Moka's genuine interest in helping her improve was a refreshing sight. Though he had been sarcastic at first, Lucian had always appreciated individuals who possessed determination and the ability to overcome obstacles. However, he couldn't help but find Moka's straightforward manner and bold personality intriguing. It was sort of similar to his own.

When Moka turned her attention to him and questioned his motives, Lucian couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at her bluntness. It was true that his words had carried a hint of arrogance, but it was simply his way of testing the waters and understanding the dynamics between the group. He had always strived to be the best and believed in the strength of individuality. Yet, he also understood the importance of cooperation and unity within their village.

"The goal of our village is indeed to be the strongest," Lucian responded calmly, meeting Moka's gaze. "I believe in personal growth and strength, but I also recognize the power of collaboration. Helping one another grow faster and better ultimately benefits us all. If you're willing to contribute your physical expertise to this girl's training, then I see no reason to oppose it...But I personally find having a rival to be more motivational than a teacher."

Lucian's eyes then shifted to the blonde-haired girl who had been diligently practicing her lightning technique. He could sense her dedication and potential, and he admired her focus. As Moka approached her with an outstretched hand and introduced herself, Lucian decided to join in the greetings, stepping forward.

"I'm Lucian...interesting you're from the Goka Clan as well. Nice to meet you both," he said, extending his hand as well to whomever might shake it first.

Lucian's words held sincerity, although his confident demeanor remained. He understood the value of diverse skill sets and recognized that physical strength was just one piece of the puzzle. However before the interaction could develop too significantly, the Goka's stomach growled. It must have been time for a meal.

"Hey look, I'll catch you both later. I need to get something to eat...bad. Peace!"

With that, the Goka would depart from the group and leave the training grounds in the same manner which he had arrived. His goal: getting some grub.

- Exit - 

WC = 400. TWC = 1292
Claims (25% Max Stat Discount):
- 937.5 WC towards Murderous Slashes A (937.5/937.5)
- 354.5 WC towards mastering Incinerating Flare a second time for power (354.5/2062.5)
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Morning Training Meet-Up Empty Re: Morning Training Meet-Up

Sun May 21, 2023 3:39 pm
Lucian, approve
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