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Chilling like a Villain Empty Chilling like a Villain

Wed May 03, 2023 8:56 pm
Time. Time is the great equalizer for all things, with enough of it all things will succumb to it. It is the one resource that feels infinite till its not, the passage of it silent and continuous. Time was something people didn’t notice was passing them till it was much to late.

So where was Uta at in this moment of time? He wasn’t in any trouble, that he knew of. He wasn’t being chased or hunted or on the downhill slope of depression. Uta was in a small meager town that he had come upon during his travels around Key Country. This continent across the sea from the Mainland that was barely thought about by those of the Major Shinobi Villages, after all they had each other and all the mainland to pay attention too. Who cared about possible threats or alliances with the land across the way, it had been silent and uneventful for many of years, decades maybe even centuries of nothing but the stray wanderer migrating to the mainland to do there business positive or negative.

In this small town there was maybe 30 people, most of them family, relatives and the stray couple or two that had jumped ship from their hometown to move slightly down the trail then the others. Those types of couples that feel like they have truly grown up and did something with their lives by moving out of their hometown but not willing to go further then a day’s trip back to their birthplace. Uta had an annoyance with those types, it seemed like a false accomplishment to be happy about. Even baby birds spread their wings and flew great distances to find their new home.

Uta himself had left the mainland having been marked as a criminal by Kirigakure and decided that staying there on that island mash up wasn’t worth the time of being hunted to actively as Kirigakure didn’t take well to Missing-Ninjas from their village roaming freely unless they were harassing one of the other villages. So Uta had decided to check out the other land across the sea, see what fresh and new interactions and places he could claim or ruin or enjoy there. A short boat trip and he arrived in Key Country almost as far away from the mainland distance wise as he could get. Though easily accessible thanks to it being on the coast as it seemed that all countries here on this land seemed to be.

Today’s adventure if anyone could call it that was to simply enjoy the time, see Uta had been working quite a bit, coming up with plans and theories and completing tasks for some of that much needed Ryo. He needed to slow down for a bit to get himself centered once more. A moment of respite to the hustle as some would say, so that was the adventure. Relaxation.

Now the kicker for such a seemingly simple activity was how did Uta relax? Everyone tended to have some similar ways to relax and destress and Uta’s way that didn’t involve sipping down some fresh and warm A Negative Blood was enjoying sipping some rum from a cold glass within a tavern or under some shade.

Luckily for Uta Key country was a coastal country so taverns were aplenty and shade was even more so, these locals feeling the similar way of relaxing to work for them as well. So there wasn’t much walking that needed to be done to find a place that would suit his desire, that’s why he was now nursing an enjoyable cold glass inside the tavern. He might even move to the outdoor patio that had shade and chairs out there for patrons to enjoy.

For now he needed a refill and with a raised glass towards the barkeep he awaited his new glass.

WC: 643

Last edited by Uta on Wed May 17, 2023 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Ryo : 77500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Thu May 04, 2023 5:21 am
Akaime sighed, the rain fell softly as he looked ahead into the harbor. His time within this region continued; it was different and made him miss home. He certainly missed his parents, and the decency of the drink within his own village. Yet, here he was. A choice he made to leave his home.

The pitter-patter of rain upon his umbrella gave him a sense of equanimity. He didn't know what it was, but it was almost as if it was washing away all the tribulations that he had gone through. To start anew. However, this time it was almost as if the skies were warning him about the mission ahead. He couldn't shake this ominous feeling of dread. Even though there was the sound of rainfall and the push and pull of waves. Something fell over them that made it seem silent.

Sometimes when it’s unsettlingly quiet in a space that is usually characterized by disorderly noise and movement, Akaime’s hands itch. It’s a feeling not unlike the tightness in his chest before his body’s ready to go to battle with an uncertain demon that could go anyway. That feeling is one he’s well acquainted with, but it’s no less nagging despite its persistence. Today is no different.

He’s always found silence uneasy, discomforted by the uncertainty of no voices to echo thoughts other than his own. Sound, regardless of whether it is rough or near deafening, is a sign of life, a sign of movement at the very least. If he had been lucky enough in life to choose between dying in eerie silence while restricted to a sickbed or dying to the pained cries of battle, he’d have chosen the latter without a second thought. However, he’s been particularly lucky, though, but thinking too hard on it just makes his restlessness worsen.

Focusing on the skies ahead, it seems there is a breakthrough in the clouds as the shining sun’s rays come through, enveloping the lands around him. A small smile fell upon his lips as he turned around. Still holding his umbrella he moved forward.

Remnants of a spoken conversation. Footprints. Mere remains and vestiges. Akaime followed one fragment after another, trying to grasp at these illusory shadows that were brought on by the broken beams that fell upon the land from the moonlight. For a time, he felt like he was chasing ghosts. Few wanted anything to do with such a cursed, foolhardy endeavor. It'd been difficult to continue tracing the lines on to the next point.

The cool breeze whisked upon his cheeks, giving a subtle reminder of the attractions of spring. The renewal season. Where everything came back to a state of rejuvenation. Just like the sun shining through the storm. If only humanity could reach that state.

From the distance, he could see his path split off into a fork. One trail led into the heart of the town, while the other paved its way around to a small tavern. Taking the turn, he journeyed forth in the direction of the building. 

Standing outside the door, his gaze studied the woodwork and the layout of the building. It was old, but not too old. Splinters and fractures were very few and far between on this building, indicating it is only a couple decades old. He could hear the faint conversations from inside but nothing too serious. Clasping his umbrella closed, he gave a slight shove, and the door opened wide.

As he entered the tavern through the small, soft wooden door, he was welcomed by silence and a layer of smoke hanging below the ceiling. The bartender, who was most likely the owner, is pouring a drink for a customer and makes no effort to acknowledge Akaime's presence. It's as dull inside as it is on the outside. Wooden beams support the upper floor and the huge, dusty, candle-lit lamps attached to them. The walls are decorated with some sort of memorabilia that he couldn't decipher, though it looks like it hasn't been maintained for weeks.

The tavern itself is almost completely abandoned. The few people inside could be anybody really, but whoever they are, it really didn't matter to Akaime.

Walking forward, he positioned himself near the bar and waited to be attended to. He could hear the whispers around the room and began to pick up. All topics were yours truly, Akaime. They were mostly talking about his appearance. Something he experienced firsthand throughout his years. Although this town was a coastal one, it seems they didn’t have many travelers pass through; of course, foreigners would be the talk of the town. However, it seems to be that he wasn’t the only being whispered about.

"What are we having," the bartender finally approached the smaller male. His voice was gruff and rude, almost like he didn't want to have any customers. Or maybe customers that looked like him.

"I will have the yuzushu," Akaime requested to the much older bartender behind the counter. Giving a quick nod, he quickly made his drink. The citrus liquor is one of his favorites. While he fancied more traditional homebrewed sprites, this mixed one is in the top. A soft smile, and generous tip, the Chinoike took his drink. The liquid inside the glass was that of a faded yellow. Taking his straw, he swirled the ice cubes in a circular motion before taking a small sip. A warm sensation made its home into his abdomen as the sour flavor engulfed his taste buds. Giving a subtle moan, he turned his gaze back to the room before finding somewhere to sit.

“Ah,” Akaime’s eyes lit up with the sight of a familiar face. Uta. The tattooed man that he had the pleasure of working with on a mission a couple days before. A smile crept up on his face as he maneuvered over to the alabaster-skin individual.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Akaime said as he took a drink from her beverage. “Mind if I join you?” He asked but without waiting for a solid answer, he would take the seat across from him.

“So, how have you been, Uta?” He questioned as he placed his drink on the table in front of him, keeping his eyes locked on the gothic figure acrossed from him.

TWC: 1,050
Hotaru Koutaishi
Hotaru Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Shikigami Summoner
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Thu May 11, 2023 2:29 pm
And on gilded wings, an angel arrived.

Flying into one of the smallest villages within the Land of Keys, Matsubiro, was an amnesiac. One who time has not been kind to at all, in the slightest meaning of the phrase. Searching for answers considered to be long lost to the deep recesses of her mind, she was searching for any information on those years in which she can't simply remember. Intuition had led the kunoichi to believe that this was something that could be somewhat easily obtainable. At least to some degree. A recurring dream played out during the sleeping hours of the girl; one of a small grove in a bog or marsh, surrounded by fireflies. Her very namesake, Hotaru. This was the key piece which would leave her to believe that the dream was of importance. It was said that during her birth, the place in which it happened was lit by the flying insects. It had to have been some sort of sign from the celestial beings on high, or the spirits which remained all around them. How exactly to decipher it, or where exactly it could be in relevance to, was yet to be deciphered. But one thing was certain; the Koutaishi pureblood would need a venturing party for this endeavor. There was no way in which she'd be undergoing this task as a loose cannon. And she had just the two people in mind for doing it.

Surging downwards towards the tavern, not bothering to do so silently, the blonde woman would land with a whoosh of both air and the small, yet clear and concise crinkling of paper. A shadow would loom there within the frame, being cast upon the ground; from the outside though with the sun's positioning, the actual person casting it was a mere silhouette, just like the darkened figure on the floor. Wings were shown, flexing, before the hundreds of thousands of leaflets which made up the 2 meter span would scuttle noisily inward, toward the main body. And then, into the light of the inn, she would step. Hotaru's eyes  would scan over all who was inside. The few that there was. Before resting upon the two in question. Casually making her way over to the table without even stopping at the bar first, the lass would pull up a third chair to the table before taking the seat.

"Well then, we all finally meet once more. It is good to see us all still standing, given the...dangerous...context of our last job." Her voice, as it would twirl through the teeth would do so in a soft trill. Melodic, moving in very particular and well timed cadence. There was no stutter, no stumble while going through them. Each syllable being dictated with a grace that was so poised, it would make a dove cry.

WC: 475
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Wed May 17, 2023 1:09 pm
Uta’s desire to relax seemed to be on similar wavelength of others as his former partners in crime seemingly appeared one after the other, if he didn’t know better someone put a tracker of some sort on him. Though he wasn’t particularly against these two joining him in this moment of relaxation as long as they didn’t ruin his enjoyment of said activity. The first to appear was his polar opposite in appearance, the blond haired blue eye smaller man, this was Akaime and something about him told Uta that he was similar to the blood drinker but not quite the same. It was just a gut feeling at this point as they hadn’t exchanged more information then the basics during their job.

The other individual that decided to join the two males at the table was the woman that had shown up to get Uta out of that mansion quicker with flight made of paper or parchment. Uta had been curious about that ability and still planned to gather information about what clan that belonged too. This woman as he assumed was similar in appearance to Akaime in the sense that she was also another bright looking individual, maybe it was the trend now a days for criminals to be colorful and bright in their appearance. Must be a trend that Uta wouldn’t be engaging in, he quite enjoyed his dark colors and appearance especially his tattooed eyes that were blacked out beyond his blood red irises.

“Why yes you both can join me in my relaxation,” He offered as neither waited for a response, that to be honest he didn’t plan to give anyways. “As long as neither of you ruin it that is.” He said with a hint of seriousness. Uta wanted to be able to enjoy his drink and the weather without worrying about being annoyed or bothered beyond simple talk, maybe some crime talk if it was interesting enough.

WC: 324
TWC: 967
Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 77500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Wed May 24, 2023 5:14 am
A duo of blood users sat across from each other, one that donned black fabric and tainted eyes while the other was completely opposite. As Akaime was about to start conversing with the vampire, his introduction was interrupted by the arrival of another. The angelic origamer maker. Even though they were all missing-nin, something about her was warm. Kind of like the first glow of summer light. A feeling he hasn’t felt in quite a while. Giving Hotaru a bright smile, he welcomed her, “greetings.”

“Yes, while we are still standing, I can’t say about the few that aren’t.” Even though he spoke slightly above a whisper, a hint of evilness fell over his tone while he held his child-like expression. It was clear as day as to what he was talking about. Not only did Akaime kill the coach of the opposing team of the merchant, but he also killed one of the children from that team that stalked him in the alleyway. Perhaps he went a bit far with the kid that wasn’t much younger than him; but since his genjutsu did not work, he had to take the life of the boy. Ripping someone's head from their shoulders felt like ripping carpet up from the floor. 

Akaime grinned at the thought before continuing on. “No need to be so serious, Uta. I’m sure we could have a…bloody good time while we are all in each other's company. Don’t you think so?” Akaime turned his focus back to his look-alike before taking another sip from the alcoholic beverage. “So, besides petty theft, what other things are you both into?” Akaime said with mischievous yet seductive glance at both of his tablemates.

TWC: 1,332
Hotaru Koutaishi
Hotaru Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Shikigami Summoner
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:58 pm
And so she would sit, on the left hand side of the darker looking; more goth like-fellow. The one in which she had actually met the night before Hotaru knew that one to be called Uta. Much else of this man besides the name was still unknown, although the pale visage did give a clue about what clan this man possibly belonged to. There were legends of a clan born unto, similarly to the Koutaishi, a blessing received by a cosmic being. However, these legends were still only justly so, at least as far as the lass could remember. Within the span of that, what was definitive was that she's never met such a person at least...not until now, although still largely unknown to her. His overall general mannerisms were similar ones shown as yesterday, somewhat cold, like being near a corpse that had previously been on ice. Whereas the other man at the table acted as a foil to this air. Dressed in similarly lighter colored clothes, the other guy still gave off a not-so-pleasant vibe to a certain sense of the same degree as Uta. Whereas the previous was scare the pants off of you, the stranger gave off more of the, shivers down your spine kinda vibe.

"So, you must be the one who turned tail at the last second and bailed on us. I mean, hey, meant more money for us in the long run." The rogue kunoichi would wittily retort to the rather bland greeting, choosing to see through the charm of the bright smile granted by him. After all, the lot of them were all missing nin, and sometimes business had to be business. But with the joke aside, Hotaru would nod, offering a slight and sly smile to the both of them. "Oh, and by the way Uta, if you have to talk about the moment, then quite frankly. The moment was ruined to begin with." A display of words to show that he too wasn't safe from the sarcastic jests. The words would only be bet by the even more dramatized version of the casual nail check, the right hand would go up facing inward, the fingers resting gently on the palm.

She'd then listen as the man who didn't show up after the mission would also comment on Uta's remark, making note of Akaime's pun which only further added evidence to their potential, respective clans. Hotaru wouldn't comment on the thought of that however, nor give a kind of visual indicator displaying as such. But, before the dark haired man could chime in, she'd let her voice ring passively."Petty theft? Please, I was told that my family's ancestral grimoire, or one of them at least would be stored in the location, however. It wasn't. So I took the money and then some more that was found in the vault as equal compensation. But, can you really blame me. Besides, in the off chance such a thing were to occur, it would never be petty. My interests moreso lie within delving for knowledge lost to time, or secrets only kept amongst villages or clans. For it is knowledge, that equals true power."

There would be a pause long enough for Uta to also offer his response to this question, if he so chose to gave one. Then, once he would be finished, she'd speak up once more. "And what of yourself? What secrets shall you divulge?"

WC: 574
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:35 pm
“Adorable I have a jester and a clown to grace me with their presence.” Uta said as he finished his drink, there was something unique about this group of Missing-nin. The bright eyed and bushy tailed Akaime seemed like the least dangerous of the group but only till you looked him in the eyes, his sunny disposition offsetting his quite easily disturbing mannerisms and words. “I’m sure we could get into plenty of escapades depending on how much we keep from pestering each other into a brawl.” He mentioned as he replied back to Akaime’s mention of them having a “bloody” good time.

Hotaru was another person in this mix matched group that didn’t quite fit in with the regular theme of “Criminal” just as brightly colored and chipper for a lack of a better word, Uta had come in contact with this one during the end of his last job. From her own words it seemed she was looking for her ancestral grimoire an interesting bit of information after all things that get named ancestral tend to go for a good amount of Ryo on the Black Market. There were collectors for everything in this world, though if they were still looking for it, it would just be a waste of time for Uta to try and snag it prior.

Hotaru mentioned that knowledge equaled true power, “I’ll have to disagree with you on that one Hotaru, just having the knowledge doesn’t mean much.” He offered honestly, “Its how you apply it that equals true power. The ability to use what you have learned against those who would stand in your way is sometimes the best moment of the day.” Uta said having gotten another drink brought to the table for himself.

“I have no secrets to divulge. I am Uta and I simply enjoy life as I see fit, crime or otherwise is a means to an end.” He offered simply. “Since we were able to work well together on the last chunk of jobs, I think we could come together in the future to complete some more things of similar origins.” He offered as he looked at the two gauging their reactions and manners, if they liked the idea then they could discuss details more if they didn’t then that was the end of that. No harm, No foul. “This is a land of plenty of chances to truly live how we wish.”

WC: 406
Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Ryo : 77500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:05 am
“Clown? I know the grim reaper’s ugly sister did not just call me a clown,” Akaime said as his nostrils dramatically flared as he folded his arms across his chest. Closing his eyes, he shifted his head to the right to pretend that he was ignoring the tattooed fella. Exaggerating his movements as if he was entirely offended by the comment. After a few moments passed, he smiled and returned to his normal, stationary position. “Oh, I’m just playing.”

The next comment came from the origami maker as she implied that he was even a part of their heist on the rich. “Ha, you’re very funny. I was never on that part of the mission as I was dealing with other things. While your talents are lucrative for being able to infiltrate places undetected. Mine are much more…direct, so to speak. I mean, I turned a man’s neck-bones into the shape of a pretzel and then made all of his students believe one of them is the one that did it. Sure, perhaps murder isn’t the best way to go about it; but it is a concrete solution.” Akaime said with a smile. He didn’t delve into the student who had some sort of genjutsu resistance and tried to kill Akaime. He wondered what the boy felt when his arm blew to shreds in his final moments.

What was it that they say? For some people, dying is like going to sleep. Or dreaming. Something like that. It's hard to tell how long it takes. How much time passes. Kind of like real dreams. Like there's this one man that's mentioned sometimes from this village. There's supposedly a lot of things about the guy, but it doesn't seem like anyone has actually met him. He seems a little strange from what they say. Sits alone. Waiting. No one knows for what or who or whatever. And he's always smiling, always pleasant when people pass him by. They wave. He waves back. They greet him. He returns some nice words in kind.

He's like a lost dog, maybe? One of those really cheery ones that don't realize they've been abandoned. That's actually kind of sad. Even abandoned dogs eventually either leave or just die. He'll probably end up waiting forever without even realizing it. People come and go all the time. Lately, though, it seems like more are leaving. Emptying out this world. It's getting really bleak. Really quite boring, kind of. But who is really to blame for that. Akaime has been taking lives here recently and not thinking twice about it.

As the conversation shifts from one thing to another, he chooses to sit out on the topic of knowledge and power, not having much to give in that conversation. As another topic becomes head, this time it was Uta not giving any information. Keeping to his mystic aura about him, so it would make sense, topics on secrets begin to be delved out. “I agree with Uta, it could be very prosperous and profitable if we work together moving forward. Helping each other with personal and business settings.” Akaime said gleaming. Uta seemed to have similar interests in mind; however, Hotaru is, thus far, a complete mystery. But it does appear that her main priority is finding this ancestral grimoire. Maybe they could help her retrieve this lost relic.

“Secrets? Well, I’m pretty much an open book, so ask I will give you an answer. But speaking of the land, it seems the places around here have little law enforcement as well, so we could make it worthwhile.” Akaime said with a smile before taking another drink from his beverage. 

"However, I need to get going, I shall see ya'll around," with that said, Akaime left. Heading off into the lands of Hotsprings to find the temple that holds the secrets to his blood eyes. 

EXIT (using travel ticket to Hotsprings)
TWC: 2,001
20x4=80 (Training sole AP per maxed stat)
Memorizing Uta's Chakra Signature
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Chilling like a Villain Empty Re: Chilling like a Villain

Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:13 am
Akaime Chinoike wrote:EXIT (using travel ticket to Hotsprings)
TWC: 2,001
20x4=80 (Training sole AP per maxed stat)
Memorizing Uta's Chakra Signature

Please make sure to remove your travel Token!
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Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:42 pm

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