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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Sat May 13, 2023 1:59 pm
Mission Info:

Saturn Sentobi, Stats:

 The smell of fried chicken hung heavy in his breath as Saturn wiped the crumbs off of his chapped blue lips with the back of his cold metal hand. The parking lot behind Kumogakure Fried Chicken was mostly empty, as there were not a lot of civilian vehicles around in the village. There were a few bicycles clustered together, and some scattered around the compound. There were also horses - two with saddles and four tied to a single caravan. "You ate my chicken nuggets." Saturn seethed bitterly, clenching his fists. He had stopped moving his feet and let his friend Jun Shibasaki walk ahead by 50 meters away from the restaurant before he had called out. The two of them had met up at the newly opened business to discuss the possibility of teaming up for the second stage of the Chuunin Exams. Having been on multiple missions together with the sun mage, Saturn was positive that they would be a good match. The fortuneteller had seen his fellow Genin in action and had repeatedly told himself in the past that he would never want to be on the receiving end of any of Jun's vicious techniques. However, upon hearing news of Moyasu Nokoribi's death at the hands of an inmate in Warmonger's Arena while trying to pass the very same stage of the Chuunin Exams made Saturn wary. Half of their time in the joint was spent discussing the passing of their late friend, and the other half was spent discussing battle tactics. 

"Earlier, when I went to use the restroom, there were nine chicken nuggets in my box. When I returned, there were only eight chicken nuggets left." His voice was solemn and passionate, and his piercing blue eyes gazed fiercely at Jun's from across the parking lot. No matter how much they talked about battle theory, it would not amount to anything unless they could each apply it in practice. Although they had initially agreed to find a sparring partner strong enough to take the both of them on at once, Saturn had come up with a different idea. He did not wish to see his friend get slaughtered in Warmonger's Arena where the stakes were high, and the insatiable bloodthirsty crowd applied constant pressure. Saturn had already made one trip to the arena to prove his worth, and he felt the need to check if his compatriot was in form. He had seen Jun kill before, so he knew that the Shibasaki clansman was at least halfway there. "Fight me, Jun. If you survive, we can head to Warmonger's Arena first thing tomorrow. But if you don't, I'm taking your froggy wallet and using all your ryo to buy chicken nuggets." 

Saturn now clutched his axe, Minotaur's Labrys, in his left hand. He was not armored, but he wore a suspiciously large backpack. The restaurant (250x250m) was behind him, and he placed himself between the business and Jun to make him think twice before firing off his searing laser eyes into its sides. The rest of the parking lot was a flat open surface with no edges closing them in. "I will be trying to kill you. I'll have Mimas dress up as you and no one's even going to notice you're gone so don't hold back, chicken nugget. Bring it!"

WC: 555

Battle Info:
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Tue May 16, 2023 1:46 pm
Jun Shibasaki, Stats:

It's been a long time since Jun Shibasaki was last in the Village Hidden in the Clouds. For the past few months, after successfully passing the written exams of the Kumogakure Chuunin Exams, the young Shibasaki clansman self-exiled himself intp the lightning country’s mountains to undertake some intense training. There, he was able to refine and learn new techniques, and his powers and abilities increased considerably. After he watched his friend Saturn’s performance in the Warmonger arena, where he easily and quickly killed both his opponents, Jun knew that he had to become stronger to match his partner strenght in the second phase of the Chunin exams.

After greatly honing his skills, the young ninja was pretty confident that the warmonger arena would be pretty easy so he returned to the village in order to watch the fight of his fellow genin, Moyasu Nokiribi, who would open the second round of the exams… and boy that didn’t go well. Even though Jun witnessed Moyasu’s power and ability on Fire Release jutsus when fighting a mutant tree alongside him, the older shinobi was no match for the criminal he faced in the warmonger’s arena, who viciously murdered the Kumon genin before the eyes of a bloodthirsty crowd.

This made Jun rethink about how ready he actually was. Even though Moyasu went there alone and he would have Saturn by his side, the fall of his fellow genin prompted Jun to contact Saturn in order to gather up and strategize ahead of their fight. As Jun spent the past few months eating whatever he could find and hunt in the mountains, he was craving for some delicious fried chicken, so the meeting was set up in Kumo’s famous KFC, where the duo discussed the passing of their late friend, battle tactics and of course, enjoyed some really tasty and crunchy fried chicken.

On their way out, while they were walking by the almost empty parking lot of the restaurant, the fortuneteller stopped walking alongside Jun and suddenly called the Shibasaki clansman out for eating one of his chicken nuggets. Yes, he did actually stole a single chicken nugget from Saturn’s box as he went to the bathroom as he couldn’t resist the smell and his order took a little longer than his friend’s.

- Come on dude… it was a single nugget, chill out.

But it didn’t seemed that he would chill out, was Saturn was now clutching his deadly axe in his left hand, starring at Jun with the same vicious eyes that he had while proving his worth at the warmonger’s arena. It was a vicious, piercing and cold stare that made Jun realize he was actually being serious. The flamboyant Shinobi called Jun out for a fight right here right now, and vowed to not only take all his money to buy chicken nuggets, but to murder him and secretly replace him for a disguised Mimas. “He’s testing me…”

- I see… I think that there are better ways to test me without hurting yourself, old friend… - Jun slowly walked forward while speaking, giving Saturn a little ironic smile, before closing his eyes and re-opening them, revealing a his bright and flaming Perfect Tengans activated. – After this you will be the one paying me chicken nuggets… It’s on!

Right after speaking, the Shibasaki clansman, now standing 30m away from Saturn, who was between Jun and the restaurant, quickly did some handseals and activated his Lightning Clone technique, creating two clones made of Lightning Release Chakra that appeared at both of Jun’s sides, 1m from his position. The trio of Jun started doing fast handseals almost in synchrony, with Jun at the center casting Taiyōton: Nikkō Shokei (Sun Release: Sunlight Execution), creating a sunlight orb surrounded by interlinked rims of solar chakra that expanded around the trio at power and speed of 100 in a dome shaped area of 20m and releasing the sunlight orb, this technique's epicenter, floating just 20cm from his body, between himself and Saturn.

At the same time, the leftmost clone did the handseals for Taiyōton: Taiyō no Kakera Shuriken (Sun Shard Shuriken Technique). He conjured 5 solar chakra shurikens in each of his hands, before throwing a full right hand of shurikens (while keeping his left hands with the other 5 shurikens generated) at Saturn, with two shurikens going towards his knees, one towards his torso, two 1 meter above his head in case he tried jumping, with the Shurikens traveling at a speed of 95 and having a power of 95. The rightmost clone did handseals for a different technique, Lightning Release: Lightning Rat Violent Quake, conjuring 2 lightning discs of 2m in radius. He shoot two of this discs, one 3m to Saturn's right and the other one 3m from Saturn's left, traveling at a speed of 90 and having also 90 of power each.

Jun knew that Saturn would survive to this techniques as it was not his strongest ones, but the fortuneteller would definitely be hurt by the projectiles if he failed to properly react to this coordinated attack in time.   

WC: 850

Battle info:
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Fri May 19, 2023 2:08 pm
"The one that will be hurt is you, Shibasaki!" Saturn waited for Jun to summon his clones and launch his attacks before activating Raijin's Rage (+70/70 Chakra/Speed) and then spun his axe around to 'sign' Ram - Rat - Tiger - Snake - Bird at blistering speed using the Flowing Arts skill to use Imitation Black Hole. On forming the last hand seal, just as Jun's barrage of attacks reached the halfway point to his target, a pitch black sphere would manifest from the ether between Saturn and Jun at the 15 meter mark and expand out 15 meters at a speed and power of 105.

The area of effect of the slightly fast Space/Time technique would rapidly swallow up all three of Jun's offensive techniques, namely Sun Shard Shuriken,  Lightning Rat Violent Quake, and Nikko Shokei, render them obsolete and put them on cooldown, as well as dispel his clones and attempt to drag Jun to its center if he or his clones let its outer edge touch them.

At the same time, without the need for hand seals, Saturn would select the point 15 meters directly behind Jun, 45 meters from Saturn, from which to spawn Devouring Sphere. An immensely dark sphere would expand out from this point at a speed and power of 100 to its maximum radius of 15 meters. Should Jun find himself in either of the spheres, he would be dealt DoT damage equal to 30.

"Is that the best you've got? Try not to shit chicken nuggets in your pants.." He taunted his opponent as he watched cautiously for the sunbender's retaliation.

WC: 268
TWC: 823
Battle Info:
HP: 300/300
Mano De Plata (Right Arm): 150/150
Starting AP: 1250/1250
Nature Stacks: 1

Raijin's Rage: -50 AP
Imitation Black Hole (with Flowing Arts): -51 AP
Devouring Sphere: -23 AP

AP: 1126/1250

+1 Nature Stack (Natural Berserker)
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Fri May 19, 2023 4:27 pm
Jun thought he had Saturn on that coordinated, multi-technique attack, but the more experienced and battle forged ninja had many tricks on his sleeves. First, he activated his Raijin’s Rage enhanced, as he speed greatly improved and he quickly swung his axe as a way of doing handseals with it. He conjured a technique that Jun also had in his arsenal: Imitation black hole. The visual distortion was quite visible and Jun knew how this particular jutsu worked, and he knew that he had to get away from this tech’s range. This made the trio move backwards just a few steps (1m) as their techniques started being swallowed by the Imitation Black Hole. As they walked back, Jun glanced back in order to check on the group’s rear, which allowed him to see Saturn’s little surprise attack: he used another jutsu very familiar to Jun, Devouring Sphere, to make a little “Space-Time” sandwich out of the blonde genin.

The young Shibasaki clansman had just a split second to decide, as both Area of Effects of Saturn’s techniques were quickly expanding. Knowing (and seeing) Imitation Black Hole powerful “pulling” effect, it was safe for Jun to assume that the second technique used by the Fortuneteller was something easier to handle. The trio kept walking back and Jun activated his own Raijin’s Rage enhancer (+70 vigor and +70 Speed) and also activated, without the need for handseals, his Immolation Aura technique, releasing solar chakra from every single tenketsu he has, which covered his whole body in some kind of aura of 3m in radius, at a speed of 130 and having 130 in power as well. The aura, being more powerful than Devouring Sphere, protected Jun as it burned the parts of the chakra based, dark sphere of this technique, as his stood now 35m away from Saturn. His clones on the other hand, weren’t so lucky and quickly dissipated after being hit by Saturn’s Devouring Sphere and puffed out of existence.

Jun decided to retaliate right away, as he swiftly did handseals, being as fast as ever with his new enhanced speed. Bird → Dragon → Monkey → Boar →  Ram  →  Tiger, this resulted in Jun casting Lightning Creation: Thunderhawk. A shining hawk made of lightning chakra bursted Jun’s body and traveled towards Saturn’s position with a speed of 130 and power of 130, ramming through the pulling area of the Black Hole Imitation, while also passing on its way through the tear in space and time made the mentioned technique, destroying it and the jutsu as a result and placing it on cooldown. The bird kept going at Saturn’s location at full speed, and when it was about 5m from the flamboyant Shinobi, Jun waved the seal od confrontation, detonating it into a vast explosion of thunder, which expanded at the jutsu’s speed (130) in a spherical shaped area of 20m. Failing in dodging or defending from such thunder blast would electrocute and damage Saturn at jutsu power.

- Your destiny is the same of those chickens inside KFC: to be fried! – taunted back Jun as the bird detonated, but being more focused and cautious now as he watched Saturn’s next moves, ready to respond to the Fortuneteller’s trick.   

WC: 540
TWC: 1390

Battle Info::
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Fri May 19, 2023 11:07 pm
Saturn pointed his axe at Jun just as the sun bender released his Thunderhawk. The Lightning Release technique had to travel 30 meters before its detonation point, and thus the older Genin had the time to 'sign' again with his axe, spinning and twitching it in front of him: Dragon > Tiger > Boar > Dog > Horse > Bird. Upon pointing the axe forward, six scaled wings would flower from Saturn's back, phasing through his clothes, at a speed of 220 and begin to flutter rapidly, vanishing to the naked eye although Jun could still see the heat radiation emanated from them. This would cause an area of effect made of Wind Release to expand out at a speed and power of 220 to a range of 25 meters all around him. The wind would come into contact with the exploding thunderhawk just as it detonated, and upon overpowering it would push it out at a speed of 220, much faster than it could expand.

The explosion of Raiton would still occur and retain its properties, but its area of effect would be pushed out forcefully in Jun's direction until its center was 20 meters from the outer edge of the Wind Release technique that spawned from Saturn's body. Having pushed the sphere out, its outer edge would be 65 meters from Saturn at its final destination, and Jun would be caught in his own technique unless he reacted quickly. "Tell me, Jun. Do you leave your chicken out in the sunlight to fry when you cook at home?" Saturn retorted, waiting to catch a hint of his opponent's next move.

WC: 267
TWC: 1090

Battle Info:
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Sat May 20, 2023 1:33 am
Jun noticed the heat radiation in form of wings flowering from Saturn’s back after he waved his axe once again. The wings would start flapping and generating a powerful area of effect made of Wind Release that expanded from the Fortuneteller’s position. The winds generated by Saturn’s technique not only overpowered Jun’s lightning jutsu, but also was strong enough to send it right back at the young shinobi after it detonated in the form of a Raiton blast at great speed. Knowing well the power of his own technique, Jun quickly formed three handseals: Tiger ; Boar ; Ram, before holding out his hand and firing his Debuff Bolt (C-Rank) technique at the speed of 120. The rebuffing bolt would make contact with the incoming explosion of raiton right before it was about touch Jun’s immolation aura, debuffing its power by 20 and thus making it weaker than Immolation Aura, which protected Jun from the explosion by simply vaporizing the Raiton chakra making contact with it. He would also be protected by the paralysis effect of his own tech as the raiton jutsu never touched Jun.

As he could see that Saturn still had the six wings on, Jun decided use something he could not use wind to throw back at the Sunbender. He quickly moved 5m towards Saturn direction again while making swift handseals: Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird – Ox, casting Singularity at exactly 20m from his position, creating an expanding dome of pure gravitational energy which expanded at a speed of 80 (and also having 80 of power) until reaching its max range of 15m in radius (thus its outer edge would be 5m behind Saturn’s current position). 

- Yo, you have wings and yet you can’t fly… just like a chicken! – Jun fired back at Saturn, taunting the more seasoned Shinobi once again, but without letting his guard down, fully focused on Saturn’s next moves.

WC: 320
TWC: 1710

Battle Info::
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Mon May 22, 2023 10:03 pm
 Just as Jun began his movement 5 meters towards Saturn, the older Genin dropped his shoulders and made a beeline for his opponent at his full speed of 220, first covering a distance of 5 meters. At the same time, the gusts of wind around him would expand rapidly, stretching out an additional 10 meters also at a speed of 220 placing its new maximum reach at 35 meters. This would place Jun 10 meters inside the spherical area of effect unless he had taken action to prevent it, and should Jun fail to have a speed greater than or equal to 220 Saturn would be able to use the gusts of wind to throw him around within his technique at a speed of 220.

 If Jun were caught in this technique, Saturn would cause Jun to orbit around him all the way back to the wall of KFC (250 health) now 35 meters behind him at 220 speed. This move if successful would cause impact force damage to Jun equal to 235* (speed/2 + wall health/2) and send him crashing into the restaurant. "If I'm a chicken, then you're an egg, Shibasaki. I will come first!"

WC: 198
TWC: 1288

Battle Info:
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Tue May 23, 2023 12:03 pm
Jun was in the middle of his movement (5m) when Saturn also dashed forward (5m) at immense speed, reducing their distance to 25m. The fortuneteller was faster than Jun and started once again flapping his invisible dragonfly wings, releasing a gust of wind around him that quickly covered 35m in radius. Luckily for Jun, Raijin’s Rage power being even with Saturn’s technique prevented the young Shibasaki clansman to be thrown around by gusts.

Since he was unaffected, after seeing Saturn’s advance and having completed the handseals for Singularity while he was running, Jun kept on his plan and spawned his technique 20m always from his current position and 5m from Saturn’s, expanding 15m in all directions at 80 (and also having 80 of power). If Saturn failed to react to that, he would be damaged by the sheer gravitational power of this technique.

Just after casting Singularity, Jun once again started doing quick handseals while moving 5 meters backwards, Snake, Hare, Monkey, Bird, Ox. Those were the handseals for his False Darkness technique. He would than start to circle Saturn’s current position through the left (Jun’s) by moving 3.5 meters in a semi-circular motion (thus still being 30m from Saturn), and he would shoot lightning spears of 91 centimetre long, 31 centimetre wide from his mouth at every 50cm he moved, in a total of 6 spears (with the final one being shot at his final position, 3.5m from where he was).

Those spears had 140 in power and traveled at Saturn at a speed of also 140, coming from multiple angles as they were shot at different positions. Failing to react meant the fortuneteller would be struck by multiple lightning projectiles, but this didn’t made Jun let his guard down as he was still focused on Saturn’s next movements, though he did taunt his fellow genin once again:

- I will make a chicken kebab out of you, bro.

WC: 320
TWC: 2030

Battle Info::
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Wed May 24, 2023 12:15 pm
Saturn remained perfectly still as the force of Singularity enveloped his body, immediately causing him 30 damage. He was focused however, and cleared his body of the paralysing effects using Perfect Body as soon as he felt his muscles tense up. He was still complacent as Jun made his move to the left, signed his hand seals, and then released the bolts of lightning from his mouth from minutely differing angles. As soon as the last bolt left the Genin's mouth, in under a second, Saturn instantly activated Senses Beyond and lifted his metal arm up, swinging his prosthetic in the air at a speed of 210. At the same time, Jun would see two identical copies of Saturn next to the original, mimicking his actions on either side. Should he see these images, his speed and vigor would be debuffed by 30 each. Immediately afterwards, he beelined towards Jun at a speed of 210.

Swinging his arm would also spawn a second technique taking the appearance of a swirling mass of translucent white wind around Saturn in a radius of 10 meters around him at a speed and power of 210. The bolts of lightning upon making contact with this sheath would be destroyed and neutralised before they could come to harm Saturn. Jun however would still be at or under 35 meters from Saturn, and within the range of the strong gusts that still surrounded him. He would be subjected to a stat check for speed once again, and failing to have a speed stat greater than or equal to 220 would once again make him vulnerable. Saturn would take advantage of this and attempt to throw him into the wall of KFC at a speed of 220 once again since it would still be within range as Jun's movement was lateral. This move if successful would cause impact force damage to Jun equal to 235.

"Scrambled eggs shouldn't be able to talk. Sunny side down, bastard!" He retorted.

WC: 331
TWC: 1619

Battle Info:
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

KFC Parking Lot Scuffle Empty Re: KFC Parking Lot Scuffle

Wed May 24, 2023 7:34 pm
Jun offense was futile as the fortuneteller, although tanking the damage from Singularity, was able to resist its paralysis effect, so he kept flapping those annoying Dragonfly wings and so the wind gust kept on. As his Raijin’s Rage deactivated after the technique’s duration ended, Jun immediately activated his other enhancer (and deactivated Immolation Aura): Omega Mode, alongside his Omega Aura, enhancing both his Vigor and Speed by +90.

Jun’s legs would start to be coated by a multitude of very bright Solar Chakra constructs, from his knees to his foots. This same bright Solar Chakra would also coat Jun’s torso and arms, gaining the form of shinning long sleeved jacket that also covers his hands. Many spikes made of pure and bright solar Chakra would rise from this jacket, around his shoulders area, circling his torso over his back area from one shoulder to another. Two of those spikes would grow larger and connect to each other, from shoulder to shoulder, forming the Omega (Ω) symbol above Jun’s head. Finally, two bright horns of Solar Chakra rise from Jun’s head. He would be at the same time engulfed by a radiant, sustainable and omnidirectional aura/cloak of pure Solar Chakra originating from his body, with 210 power and at a speed of 210.

Saturn would use some kind of jutsu to create two identical copies of himself, that briefly appeared before vanishing, as he was still inside singularity’s area of effect and the images instantly subside as they clash with other techniques. But as Jun was indeed looking at Saturn and actually saw the copies and thus he got debuffed by the technique, so he instantly made three handseals: Boar; Tiger; Snake and he clapped his hands, resulting in him casting Minus Field (B-Rank), which created an chakra field that expanded at speed of 120 and upon making contact with the wind gust surrounding Jun, debuffed it for 30, thus making it weaker than Omega Aura, which protected Jun from being again thrown around.  

He would waste no time as Saturn beelined at him, now being 15m apart, so he would again make a couple handseals at full speed: Serpent→ Hare → Tiger → Monkey → Ram → Dragon. It was once again his Nikko Shokei technique, creating a sunlight orb surrounded by interlinked rims of solar chakra. Those rims expanded in a spherical shaped area of 20m at a speed of 130 (having 130 of power) and he release the sunlight orb, this technique's epicenter, floating just 20cm behind his body (and guarded by the aura). The rims released huge amounts of Solar Radiation into the area of effect of this technique, which failing to avoid would greatly harm Saturn.

At the very same moment the sunlight rims started expanding, Jun’s body became to glow before he suddenly released a huge, bright and also spherical shockwave of sunlight from his body, casting, without the need for handseals, another jutsu: Nikko Basuto. This sunlight shockwave would expand outward for 25m at a speed of 140 and had 140 of power, and it could not only hurt and push back Saturn, but that bright Sunlight could also blind the fortuneteller if not avoided.

Jun would once again taunt the older genin after he release the luminous explosion:

- Fried chicken, blind chicken… and now, dead chicken!

WC: 555
TWC: 2585

Battle Info:
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