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Mukuro Ketsua
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Drinks and Talks (Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Drinks and Talks (Ichigo)

Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:11 pm
There was a smile on his face as he poured them both a drink and nodded," Little Aoiryu has been waiting for a chance to prove himself to the village and to himself so I think this would do him a lot of good. Not to mention a lot of the genin are starving to make their name known, to become like our very own Lord of Lightning here," he'd give a small look to the male across from him as he leaned back into his seat for a moment. A lot had transpired in the world and now they were making the necessary plans to protect their own slice of the pie. He knew where to go from here and that meant doing a little digging into the transference device. The sad news about the Lord Yamaguchi was not without its merits. An issue not even he could help the "little" Lord with. Maximillian was an amazing medical ninja as well as the villages pride and joy when it came to puppetry. If Ichigo was the strength, the backbone of the village then Maximillian was definitely the heart and joy of it. Speaking of others, he would turn a curt eye to the window looking into the stormy clouds of the village as he sighed," Now that one will be a tough nut to crack but I will get on it to assure we can have a readily available way to travel to our new lands in peace and style. Now that we have that established is there anything else on your mind we can address or put on the table before we toast to the new beginnings of our home?," his eyes would return upon Ichigo as he examined the males face for anything that might have caused him some issues.

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