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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:40 pm
Dracoso had taken a seat at the edge of the training grounds. His thoughts floated between the medical inventions he hoped to bring into the world and the people he had begun training in the last year. With all the activity that was picking up around Kiri, he might find himself rather busy with supporting others. It made him smile as he felt like was reaching a new point in his own progress by seeing the growth that came out of those he taught. Substituting for the academy students was one thing, but seeing those who are no longer restrained to a classroom applying his words felt like he could help to shape a greater future for those around him.

He felt a soft nibble at the back of his neck as Sutsui pulled him from his thoughts. She sent a few messages into his mind to not get too caught up in his daydreaming, otherwise those very academy students might try to 'ambush' him again. Dracoso reminded her that the last time they tried that, he ended up with most of them asking him to let them summon his wolves to teach them after Sakai had left them confused with their Genjutsu. Sutsui chuckled at how it was the wolf they wanted to teach them instead of him, and he got a bit irritated and reminder her of when they asked if she could change her scales like a chameleon. He felt frustration come across their link as she sent an image of a chameleon with a big red X over it into his mind.

He relaxed back and kept an eye on the grounds in case anyone was looking for a partner. Most seemed to wander the grounds or try to practice their skills randomly. he always enjoyed meeting new people nowadays and sharing what knowledge he could.

{WC =310}
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:05 am
Leon would be almost fresh out the academy, he was walking the field looking at his hands, he was obviously lost in thought as he was opening and closing them both. The young Shinobi would then look forward as he was wearing a surgeon coat with his headband around his head. The cloak was a typical white though there was something different about it, around the bottom of it there was almost like a light blue ripple with a drop of a few drops of water going down his back towards the bottom where the ripple effect was. Leon had looked at this scroll his parents it was something about his family lineage and talked about how he would be able to use his eyes to cast genjutsu and other abilities too however Leon wasn't one to be a genjutsu type but he thought about it. This may come in handy in the future especially when it comes up in a fight he would definitely need to understand the basics of it all. Leon was the type of person to think ahead before just rushing forward, though at times brute force was best. However for Leon, he was looking to be a bit more of the supporting side of the field, he'd knew he can't be a liability so he had to work himself in other areas but he was more focused on being in the background a bit.

As Leon placed his scroll away he would start to look around the training grounds in hopes of finding someone who would be interested in practicing with him, maybe even teach him a thing or two. The Shinobi would place his hands into his pockets as he looked around before looking down at the ground and picking up some rocks. He would realize that he never went to the ninja shop to buy anything such as kunais, shrunken, or anything like that he needed to make his way there eventually. The young man would take the rocks and threw one a decent distance before throwing another one to collide with it and breaking them apart making them smack into anything else in vicinity. He would squint his eyes before picking up a few more rocks and started to throw them at each other causing other rocks to hit off each other as he threw other rocks to collide with those rocks. They would hit off each other before collapsing to the ground and hitting other objects around. He would place his hand on his chin as he thought about the trajectory and how they bounced off each other. Leon would then look around as he started to wonder if anyone else was gonna come to the training grounds. The genin would start to realize that he didn't plan for after the academy, which isn't like him, but he took this into account. The dark skin young man would adjust his hair and placed it in a ponytail to ensure it wouldn't be in his face.

WC 504
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 1:54 am
As Dracoso slowly took in the mostly empty facility grounds, he spotted a boy standing near one of the water sections of the training grounds. As the grounds had an area for each specialty and each element, it allowed for a wider variety of focused trainings based on what someone desired to train. The boy had begun to toss rocks in pairs, one to line up for a second to intercept the first, and was watching each collision. 'Maybe he is practicing for bukijutsu and learning about projectiles?' he would think to himself before giving himself a soft shrug. He stood up with a stretch and figured that guessing would not get him anywhere.

He jogged softly across the grounds, taking in the fresh air and enjoying the clear skies. He felt all the exercise and training he was doing would be a great warmup for when he got back into doing missions again. Now that the Mizukage had given him permission to continue teaching, he felt a lot lighter on his feet and in his thoughts. He made his way over and arrived just as the boy was tying his hair up into a ponytail which further emphasized the taper on either side. The surgeon's coat seemed a bit unusual on the training facilities, but he had met others who liked to fight in everything from pillow suits to nearly nothing. Dracoso put on a small smile and spoke up as he approached.

"Hello, I do not think we have met. My name is Dracoso, and I just returned recently to see that there are quite a few new ninjas. I am a teacher in the village, so I would be happy to assist with any training or questions you might have." Taking note of the boy's outfit and appearance, he was not familiar with the clan the boy came from and was curious to learn more. "From your appearance, you look to have an interest in the medical field of iryojutsu and possibly weaponry, based on your rock tossing?" Dracoso would ask.

{WC = 344}
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:13 am
Leon would be so lost in thought he almost missed this man approaching him, he would jump slightly, though he didn't physically jump his eyes just quickly shifted to the man as he approached. Leon would listen to him as he introduced himself as a teacher then brought up his attire and asked him about his choices. He didn't really think about his choices other than Iryojutsu so the thought of him learning bukijutsu would be ideal actually. He would turn to face him as the slender frame was somewhat exposed in behind his coat. Once again he was muscular but kind of skinny, he would rub the back of his head before nodding slight.  "Hey, I'm Leon, Leon Rentei. Honestly I am very interested in iryojutsu I like the idea and possiblity of helping people in the world as best as I can. I actually didn't have an idea of what else I wanted to learn but the idea of bukijutsu would actually be a good idea. I'm also trying to learn more jutsu too, the idea of what I'm looking to learn but.... Sorry I'm ranting you might not be able to help me with everything I am thinking about."

He would then move himself as he started to chuckle as he was about to be honest with him.  "Though I didn't exactly come prepared like I would normally, I messed up and forgot to go and get my equipment from the shop. I was so excited I didn't even think about it, hints why I was throwing rocks, but I learned something about trajectory so a win is a win." He chuckles before looking back at the water his eyes locked on its shine. There was always something about water was calming to him. It kept him level headed and it helped him understand life in a simpler way.

WC 314
Twc 818
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:12 pm
Dracoso listened to the boy's explanation and his name while nodding softly. He gave a soft smile to the Leon's interest in iryojutsu and the desire to help others. It resonated with Dracoso's own goals, to a degree. When Leon mentioned being unprepared, Dracoso gave a soft chuckle and replied with Leon had finished by saying, "trust me, I was very unprepared on my some of my first missions. I ended up making some pretty bad choices, especially when I learned that using the transformation jutsu does not transform your anatomy to fit what other creatures normal are capable of." He gave a soft shiver as the memory of the taste of weeds came to mind.

With a small shake of the head to clear his thoughts, he looked back to Leon and said, "well, Iryojutsu I have quite a bit of practice with. It's been my main interest since I was a child. Well..." He hesitated for a moment and corrected himself, "the field of medicine has been my interest. I used to pester doctors and teachers all over to learn about how the body and the brain worked and I...." he paused again, realizing that he was also beginning to rant. "I found that working with a person's mind and body can help you provide greater support than if you just focus on one or the other, I learned." He finished up and stretched his hands out.

"As for being prepared, the facilities here do provide some of the basic tools if you need them. You can rent them for free over at the entrance. For now though, I have plenty that I can share as well," he said, waving one hand over the ninja tool sealing bands on his wrists. He seallessly opened them with the basic sealing technique and dropped out a kunai, a hunter's senbon, an urchin's scabbard, a vial of paralysis poison, and a military ration pill.

"A good place to start-," Dracoso began as he slipped the scabbard to his hip and handed the kunai to Leon, "-is with the tools which you can attain. The first place you may want to stop by after our training is the Ninja Shop in the village. The owner can help you with some of the bundles which seriously help new ninjas get into their first missions." He would hold up the vial in one hand and the kunai in the other before saying, "there are many tools which a medical ninja can use, especially if you plan to pick up bukijutsu. The hunter's senbon, for instance, allows you to immobilize opponents after a delay while paralytic poisons, such as I have in this vial, can take hold immediately based on the individual's physical power. Poison such as this can be delivered either by blade or in the air. While items such as this-" he patted the scabbard as he spoke, "-can quickly coat a weapon with poisons such as this due to its delivery system."

He stopped for a minute for Leon to take it all in before saying, "as for jutsu, there are quite a few you can learn. Any ninja from a normal clan is able to learn all third rank jutsu, or C rank as some refer to them, and down across all specialties. So you could add in ninjutsu, genjutsu, even taijutsu, to provide a wider variety of ability. For now, we can focus on iryojutsu and some of the main jutsu that can come with it." He paused at this point and turned to the younger ninja to let him take it all in and respond as he was ready.

WC = 610
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:16 pm
Leon would listen to every word he said before questioning what he was thinking about when he used that transformation jutsu. Was it to protect him and the other person he was with? Was it to trick someone or something else into believing he was apart of their organization or group? He had so many questions now but that was to wait as he was becoming distracted and that was rude to Dracoso and he didn't deserve that. He would tune back into his words as he explained a bit of his interest in the same situation of how he became interested in iryojutsu and what he used to do just for information just for the sake of helping others. He would place a hand under his chin and listened as he stared at him. Listening to him start to rant then cut himself off was kind of funny as he gave a soft chuckle as he listened to him.

As he proceeded to pull out the different items along with a vial Leon became more interested. Listening to every word he said as he gave him a kunai for, what he believed, training only. He would grip the kunai as he watched him pat his scabbard and explain what damage a poisoned weapon could do as well as going into the idea of having a wide repertoire of ability and jutsu. Leon didn't think that far but it was smart to have a variety of abilities just in case it's needed. The young man would start to, unintentionally, rotate the kunai in his hand almost like a fidget spinner. " I see, but it's safe to assume that I don't need to completely douse the weapon in poison. It would always be better to use as much as you see fit. I wonder. How much do you think it'll take to drop a normal person? Just a drop? Then what about those with higher immunity for poisons?" He started to bombard him with questions some viable as he mentally remember to go to the ninja shop to get a bundle. "Though the idea of using bukijutsu is probably the best maybe I should deep dive the subject too." He told him as he watched the vial in his hand.

WC 380
TWC 1198
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:00 am
Dracoso chuckled softly to the questions, reminding him of when he was much younger. He used to prod and pester doctors and medical ninjas all the time about how the body worked. Could poison be turned into medicine and antidotes? Would something that hurt a dog also hurt a cat? Some of these were good starting questions, while others required a deeper understanding of biology and anatomy. Knowing that running a full lesson on this probably was too in-depth to cover for a training, he turned to Leon and took a moment to think on his response.

"It can change from person to person. Poisons are usually measured out in doses based on what is effective against a full-grown average adult. So, for someone who is in better shape, it may require a stronger type of poison, or it may not affect them at all. You would need to do your research ahead of time to determine whether or not your target or opponent was resistant or immune to certain poisons. My suggestion, and I will say that I rarely ever aim to kill myself, is to use the full dose either way. You are better off overestimating and achieving your goal in excess than underestimating and ending up with more problems."

Dracoso would pause at the mention of bukijutsu and think on what he had learned. "When it comes to bukijutsu, it can span quite a few different techniques. Some use bows and arrows, while others may use swords and kunai. Cutting weapons are very good for those who are quick and accurate while blunt weapons work better for those who use their strength as an advantage. I have learned a few techniques of my own, just to keep variety in how I respond to threats. The Bull Rush is where you charge forward and use your weapon to deflect other weapons and jutsu that do not overcome your strength. The Soft Wind Blowing technique does the same but it creates a wave that disrupts jutsu and objects in a cube around you. For thrown weapons, the Hidden Blade Rapid Homicide technique allows you to take a stance and then rapidly throw weapons to overcome jutsu and track down your opponent. Do any of these interest you to learn?" he would ask, look to Leon.

WC = 386
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:36 pm
Leon listened intently as he explained to him how exactly the poisons could work though it would be best to overestimate than under which is fair. Leon would then adjust his stance as he began to fidget with the kunai in his hand twirling it faster as his focused shifted to Dracoso's brief the sword techniques that he knew. Leon would start to think when he asked him if anything he said would be of interest which in turn caused Leon to nod a bit enthusiastically as he figured why not learn more about the sword as well as a bow too. If he can utilize both he might be able to achieve something greater.

"If it's alright with you I'm definitely interested in learning all three of those techniques. Possibly learn how to use a bow as well, I feel as if I can do more with a bow but at the same time learning how to use a sword can also be a big thing for me." He explained as he continues to twirl the kunai.  "As I don't have much knowledge into iryojutsu I figured if possible I can use a bow to help my team or just be at a distance. Maybe if I can figure out how to combine the bow with iryojutsu I can take it to a new height." Leon would then start to trail off as his thoughts started to take over his mind as he began to come up with something possibly new before snapping back to reality and looked at Dracoso again. "Oh sorry, kinda started to trail off there." He said chuckling as he rubbed the back of his head.

WC 281

TWC 1472
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:22 pm
Dracoso chuckled to the boy's enthusiasm and nodded to his comments. "I have considered using a bow as well, but it would be one made of chakra. For example, there are techniques that allow you to mimic or even create a bow using your chakra. With the correct hand seals-" he said as he formed three such seals before pressing his hands together. A flow of chakra compressed in his hands between spreading out above and below each hand into the form of a bow. "-you can form a recurve bow for basic use. While it is limited to your abilities with chakra and how tough your body might be, you can create it at any time. You can use normal arrows with this bow, even dipping them in different poisons or pastes, and combine them."

He would hold the bow before him, pointing out towards a rock sitting roughly twenty meters away. "You can also learn to create them through techniques-" he said as he drew the string of the bow back. As it steadily stretched, a line of frost seemed to hang where an arrow would normally rest. "-and use an elemental arrow to surprise your opponents." He launched the ice arrow from the bow, penetrating the center of the rock and sending a deep crack up to the top of it. As it broke, the arrow faded into a soft mist. Dracoso let the bow fade and looked back to Leon. "Having a bow made for you by a craftsman would give you an advantage over a chakra bow, as it lets you build a far more complex tool. Perhaps you can look for a blacksmith in town?"

He would think back on the boy's request and say, "as for iryojutsu, there are both offensive and defensive measure which you can use for medical techniques. Some use poisons or medical tools. Others enhance your own state. For example, one very effective technique you may want to learn is the cleansing aura technique. In case you are ever paralyzed, stunned, or put in a negative state, it allows you to recover immediately from negative effects. You can also learn the damage reduction shield technique, which can protect you from one or more direct strikes which would be lethal." He stopped and looked back to Leon as he said, "any thoughts on where you want to start overall?"

WC = 399
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei] Empty Re: Working with Hands and Mind[p/Leon Rentei]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:01 pm
Leon listened to every word that came from Dracoso as he watched him form a bow from chakra then fired it. Honestly to him getting one made for him is best however also knowing how to do one from chakra is a great idea. He would refocused on Dracoso as he brought up the two different kinds of ways to use iryojutsu and nods as he listened. "Honestly, starting off with the defense side of things would be best. If I go down in a fight in anyway then I have no way to protect the ones who are with me. So please anything you can teach me about defensive style iryojutsu I would be happy to learn and then if you have time we can move onto offensive style. As well as possibly more teachings on the way to use a bow I'd definitely like to know more about it and how to further extend it. That elemental arrow is a great idea and if I can do it maybe I can, if it's not already done, create a jutsu that allows me to make chakra poison elemental like arrows." He started to rant before stopping not wanting to overwhelm or give away all his ideas about what he's planning on doing with the knowledge he's about to learn.

He would wait for him to continue on with this lesson as he was still listening to his words like he was preaching gospel to him. Leon would start to do the motion of a bow drawback with his hands just to get a feel of it a bit.

WC 265
TWC 1737
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