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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Expanding The Business, FIGHT! Empty Expanding The Business, FIGHT!

Fri May 31, 2024 3:00 pm
Mission Details:

The fight that was currently on it's way was a thunderous one, the clash of each fighter's fist quaked upon each strike against one another. The crowd joined in on the symphony, they wanted more and more. The overture was received well, but the grand finale was just about the peak. Why would such a blood sport such as this be promoted? To be supported by those who they themselves could barely pick up a sword. Well, perhaps they lived vicariously through them, maybe in some twisted fantasy they wanted to be them. Truly, the main reason why they do, was just because they wanted a distraction from their 9 top 5 jobs. A distraction well crafted by the land of iron. Circus and bread, to cull the masses, to lull them into a swift and soothing slumber to prevent them from waking up to the truth that they were indeed, slaves.

Behind the crowd, high up in one of the boxed booths, a group of well suited individuals resided. They sat neatly in front of a round table, listening to the foreigner explain his sales pitch. The foreigner stuck out like a sore thumb, his accent, his garbs, his whole swagger was anything but local.

The Foreigner's attire consists of a Yakuta black leather jacket, altered to that of a vest. The inner workings still functional with no hindrance. Underneath his vest, he wears a thick navy blue hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. Attached to the right side of his belt, a knife holster to which Bushranger(An ANT knife) rested in. The locking strapped to keep it in the holster was buttoned in, although easily retrievable with a willful draw. Behind, were attached two weapon pouches with various tools and such for assistance. His pouches are covered by his hoodie, but are still accessible with ease. His pants being that of a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His boots on his feet also being solid black of a leather material with an emblem labeled "EU", it's made of metal stitched to the tongue of the boots. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. He also sports a full beard. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. His most notable tattoo, aside from his spiderweb tattoos that indicate that he has served time in Pelican Island, was his Jashinist Symbol that is stamped on the right side of his neck. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His other tools and such were also assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique due to his skill with the hidden arms technique. His crossbow, Mugger's Mark(An ANT Crossbow), is held against his back with an adjustable rope strap that wrapped around his torso, right shoulder to the lower left side of his torso. Tied in such a way for easy retrieval.

But surprisingly, none of that mattered. His plan was too good to pass up, the establishment of a criminal network North and South. The MaDKat, known Katsuragi, waved around in his hand a vial containing blood red elixir of some kind. In any other life, Katsuragi could have been a business man. They were tuned in, and interested in working with the Hashimoto Family.

"With this, you'll be able to control the fights and make sure the ones you want will get paid and the others pay to play. Hell, Jashin couldn't have come up with a better swig of sauce like this.", the crowd whispers among themselves as to what Jashin was. Katsuragi dropped his face in disbelief, but could somewhat understand why they never received the good word from the lord himself. To live in such a remote village such as this, the climate alone keeps much trade and visitors from coming painted quite the clear picture. "It's a religious group, no kage or any other bullshit like that. You'll be contacting the Hashimoto family in Tanzaku Town. You'll send one of your couriers to come pick it up, drop of the cash and we will send you on your merry way."

"hmmm, our village is a remote one, and the journey to Tanzaku is quite the passage. If we do this, we would like to lower fee per ounce.", Katsuragi remains silent for a moment. He was pretty firm on his price, as well as the hashimoto family. It was calculated in such a way that each would receive quite the percentage, along with the farmer in Rice country. Katsuragi made sure to take care of his fellow jashinist Farmer, Katsuragi always made sure to take care of his own after being reborn on the Jashin temple.

"I'm not gonna lie, we're pretty firm on the price. You didn't say shit about shipping and handling when we first met in rice country. We thought you'd have that covered. Let me see what I could do, but that price aint gonna change... Unless you have another interested party in mind that could serve as a mid way point for you. You bring them into the mix, you give them a price you see fit yata yata yata.", Katsuragi notices the group talk among themselves once more. He sighs upon waiting , but quickly covers up it up as a cough. He didnt want to blow the deal just yet.

"Perhaps, we could come to an agreement, Katsuragi. Yes, after we left the Rice country, we talked among other neighboring settlements within the fire country to see who else would be interested in your special elixir. They would be interested in working with us, if we sweeten in deal. There is a wanted missing ninja who escaped the village 25 years ago, and as eluded at every turn. But, word has it that he is here within the fight tournament. If you were to aid us in capturing him alive, I believe you will not only walk out of here with us at in you corner, but also another steady willing buyer.

Katsuragi's eyes wander off to the side in thought, pondering about the win win situation. "Well, it looks like I have no choice now does it... What does he look like?"

Endo Tatsuo, ex samurai of the land of snow. Known for using his ifst more often than the sword, he showed great potential as a warrior at the age of 10 when he single Handley took on his whole class by himself and won. Using only his bare hands, a feat never done in the village's history. However, his lack of respect towards his superiors only increased his chances of become a ronin. However, with his decorated samurai career, the higher ups kept taking a chance. Putting up with mere words was worth the results given. Eventually, The Samurai never came back from a mission, and eventually turned ronin; a masterless samurai. Despite the efforts, Endo was never found and continued to roam the land of snow doing whatever he pleased. After hearing the brief history of the samurai, Katsuragi sets off to search for the ronin.

Moment later, Katsuragi was seen sauntering about he grounds, "Geez, quite the fuckin turn out.", There were hundreds of people roaming about the fields now that the fight was over. the next one wasn't going live for another hour. The maintenance crew had to thoroughly clean the octagon cage after the last fight. The blood splattered everywhere, along with a few teeth. HIs stomach did make a few noises here and there along his search for the missing ninja. He stops, realizing what he was doing. "Am I hunting a Missing ninja? When the hell did I become a dog catcher?'", he couldn't believe what he was doing. But, for the Hashimoto family to secure a foothold in this pipeline, he needed to do this. He needed to get paid for all the work he put in, the past efforts surely were worth more than a couple ryo. He needed long money, the type of money that just kept coming in. However, first thing was first, he needed a bite to eat. Stopping at one of the few vendors, he stands in line impatiently while waiting to reach the front. He makes his way towards the front slowly, while looking around with his eyes to see if he could recognize the missing nin. If he had a mirror, the search would have been over much sooner. "Man o Man, do I need a miracle.", He now stands at the front looking over the menu to see what he wants. He was as hungry as a horse, he could eat the whole menu if he could. He ordered a few baos and sweet pies. A burger too with extra cheese. As for his drink, he just had try the infamous melon cola, extra large of course.

As he ate, he scanned the area, while remembering what his pending partners in crime said before his departure. "Pale skin, high cheekbones, taller than average, and has a thing for helping out blondes", what a simp he thought. The MaDKat scans the field looking for blondes amongst the crowd. There were quite a few, but they all kept to themselves as they were absent need of any help what so ever. However, he stumbles upon a guy that matched the description. He was older too, which added even more points. He takes a few steps towards the guy who was currently sitting on a bench near one of the food vendor stands. Amongst the crowd, stalking his prey like a tiger, a sudden ring of a bell rang through the air. The crowd suddenly shifted towards the ring again as the next fight was about to commence. He wanted to do the guy right here and there, take him down and rid himself of this frozen tundra of a village. But, he couldn't risk killing him, He knew himself, if things got out of hand, he would go wild himself. Sighing, he flows with the crowd towards the ring while keeping an eye on his new friend, who was also heading towards the ring.

"FIGHT!", the announcer yelled. The two closed the distanced between them with the upmost haste. Fists and kicks were flying everywhere. The best of the best had made it to the last round. The crowd showed their ever lasting support with screams of their own. Katsuragi on the other hand, remained silent, within the crowd. He stared towards the ring with a blank face, however he was in total disbelief that the man he was suppose to bring in was currently in the ring. One of the Iron Country's most wanted, out in the open fighting in the ring without a care in the world about the authorities. Then again, it had been over 25 years since his last sighting. He could drop a line to the suits right now, and he could have the ring flooded with guards. But, if the rumors about missing ninja were true, he would se something like that happen a mile away. Among all the other hindrances, he had to go at it alone in order to seal the deal. He groans and moans under the roar of the crowd. He was all alone, left to his won misery and stress.

"Just how am I gonna do this, I mean this Old guy is kicking the other guy's ass. If only...", it then suddenly hit him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the same vial of red elixir shown to the suits. This was how he would get the wanted fugitive to stay and fight. He slowly gets up and leaves the stands, the round was just about over. He makes his way to the lower ring but was quickly met by guards. Of course, he shows proof that he was invited here by the big wigs, and explains that he needs to get in there to display the product he showcased not too long ago. The reluctant guard of course does his due diligence, and checks this out before letting Katsuragi through. When word got back, Katsuragi was allowed through to the ring. He walks slowly up the the fighter fighting the wanted ninja, who was currently getting a mouth full from his coach.

"Damn, Son... Your coach sure knows how to lay it down on ya huh?", he goads the fighter, wanting him to feel more desperate to win and please his coach to avoid the yelling. The fighter yells back at Katsuragi, more so because of the fact that he didn't know who this guy was. Working his magic, Katsuragi convinces the fighter to drink the vial, allowing the blood of Jashin's chosen endow him with the strength of god. The fighter quickly drinks the vial and washes it down with water nearby. From his angle, and the way he drank the vial, none was more the wiser. He could already feel the surge of power, of energy surging through his body. He stood erect, on the balls of his feet. Amped up to the point as if he had never fought today, he was fresh and well rejuvenated. "Alright, kick his ASS!", Katsuragi yelled as the fighter flew into the ring. His movement was much different from before, Katsuragi could tell and the final round didn't even start.

The bel rung, and the fight was on the way. The newly enraged fighter attacks first, sending the wanted ninja back a few feet with the first blow. He was now dazed and confused as to what had just happened. Who was this guy, and what the hell was going on his facial expression stated. Katsuragi on the other hand had a grin wider than the Cheshire cat. The fighter was dominating the missing ninja, left and right. If the juice worked this good, he wondered how long it would last. Katsuragi meticulously watched the fighter to check for any adverse side effects, "Which there better not be one", he muttered to himself. Now entering within the last few seconds of the round, the juiced up fighter dominating the other fighter pound for pound. The final upper cut to the jaw ends it all. The wanted ninja falls helplessly to the ground now laying there almost lifelessly. "GAWD DAMN!", one of the coaches assistants yelled. This was without a doubt the fighter's best fight yet. He jumps and yells within the ring, joining in on the chanting from the crowd. He was still alive, both of them so the mission and the test trial were a success.

Katsuragi enters the ring, and walks over to the collapsed foe. He kneels down to get a good look at the knock out victim. His body was batter and bruised, but the facial confirmation by the suits was needed to secure the deal. He walks along with the guards who helped him carry the guy out of the ring. They all saunter up tot he office to get the final word from the suits. He hoped he was right, otherwise he had just wasted a fuck ton of time messing around with some old geezer. "Alright, this should be your guy. He's uh... a little beat up. But that only proof that the vial works. I'm selling you some real superior shit here", he eyes the suits in the room, watching them develop a bit of a vexed expression upon hearing the mention of the vial.

One of the suits walks towards the body to confirm it, "You used the blood with one of our fighters?", he said while kneeing down towards the wanted ninja. He nods upon initial inspection. "This is him, we have been searching for him for quite sometime. This will make the transitioning and our partnership with the Hashimoto Family more fluent and stronger. Thank you, Katsuragi. You did well in the negotiations, you did what you said you were going to do and you  provided. We look forward to this business deal. AH yes..., about our fighter. You gave him the blood?", he looks up to Katsuragi.

"Thanks, and yeah! Worked like a charm. Your boy clocked the wanted guy left and right as you can see", the man stands up and offers to shake his hand. Katsuragi shakes his hand solidifying the deal that would enrich the Hashimoto family in more ways than one. "Hell yeah...", he said as he made his way towards the door. He felt good about himself that he managed all of this by himself. The boys back home would love the new news.  

Now on the road again, he thinks back to how he met the Hashimoto family. He was with them without a doubt... but was he one of them. He knew all too well that family and like family wasn't the same. His father, currently being held in cloud high super max prison, wasn't really his blood father. He always wondered who his parents were, hence the whole finding his roots arc in his life that took him to the cloud village. But, after his little complication within the village, it was best that he would not return. It was a shame, he really wanted to get in touch with his roots and learn more about his ancestry. He thought it would help him form a better identity about himself. Or perhaps, find a place where he belonged and not a place where he would have to keep providing day in and day out. He stops for a moment to catch his breath, he didn't need any of it. He just needed to take one step at a time and report back to the Hashimoto Family with some good news.
TWC/ 3,016, claiming 6,000 ryo, 7,500 ryo due to rank bonus, 45Ap converted to 2,250 ryo due to maxed Ap
1,016 words towards Tank V7.2, previous training
1,313 words for Stomp and Stop B Rank 1,313(reduced due to maxed stats)
687 words towards Mark Tracking V7 687,750(reduced due to maxed stats)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Expanding The Business, FIGHT! Empty Re: Expanding The Business, FIGHT!

Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:55 am
Katsuragi wrote:TWC/ 3,016, claiming 6,000 ryo, 7,500 ryo due to rank bonus, 45Ap converted to 2,250 ryo due to maxed Ap
1,016 words towards Tank V7.2, previous training
1,313 words for Stomp and Stop B Rank 1,313(reduced due to maxed stats)
687 words towards Mark Tracking V7 687,750(reduced due to maxed stats)

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