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Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Back to basics: Sealing and Summoning Empty Back to basics: Sealing and Summoning

Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:11 pm
Hibiki arrived at the training grounds and began stretching himself and doing some basic exercises to warm up his body before running some laps of the grounds to wake himself up. He had agreed to meet Hikari to try and learn the basic summoning technique. The memories shared by the giant spider on one of his previous missions remained and Hikari’s had expressed that perhaps it might be worth Hibiki contacted them and seeing if they would be willing to agree some kind of summoning contract. Hibiki had dismissed the idea at first but the more he considered it the harder it was to deny the idea. The spider he had met was clearly an expert at using their strings and the strange ability to communicate via the thread could potentially have numerous benefits. If Hibiki could learn to master the use of string sin combat then his puppetry techniques could only get stronger and he also wondered if perhaps there was some way to incorporate the incredibly tough thread into future puppets, perhaps allowing for more anatomically correct puppets with more efficient tendons and mechanisms with less noise and less weight to hinder the puppet.

Hibiki understood that he would need to learn to walk before he could run and so he had asked Hikari to instruct him on the basic summoning technique a she was aware that she specialised in time space techniques and he trusted that she would be an excellent teacher. Hibiki had a few other techniques he wanted to make some headway on as well and was hoping that if he learned the summoning technique then Hikari might also be able to demonstrate one of her genjutsu techniques so he could work on that as well in the mean time. Genjutsu was not something Hibiki was particularly skilled at but he could not deny the effectiveness of it and it would never hurt to learn new techniques after all.

Once Hibiki had warmed up he chose a spot and began practicing the basic sealing technique which had recently been working on as another alternative to the space distortion technique and could allow him to carry further supplies and items or even puppets if required. Hibiki had also considered that knowing the basic skill could also allow him to learn more impressive sealing techniques that could further allow him to use non-lethal force if required without having to rely on puppetry. Hibiki began by carefully writing the required seals on a scroll he had borrowed for training purposes, carefully checking and rechecking the seals one he had finished. Hibiki decided to start by practicing the sealing of smaller things and build his way up in size whilst he awaited Hikari to arrive. At first he sealed away a single Ryo and gathered his chakra as he made the seals of dog -> snake -> ram -> ox before placing his a palm on the scroll and willing the technique to work.

Hibiki was disappointed to see the coin remained and he tried several more times before he was successfully able to store the ryo coin and two more before he could unseal it. Hibiki steadily increased the size and amount of the objects, starting with a handful of ryo, a shuriken and kunai, his sword and finally he tested the basic sealing technique with Jorogumo. Afte perhaps an hour he felt confident he had learned the ability and released Jorogumo from the seal before cleaning the scroll and rolling it back up, making a mental note to return it after his training session with Hikari. Hibiki sat back and rested a few moments as he began waiting for Hikari to arrive and noting the agreed time was approaching.

WC: 622 TWC 622
Hikari Kobayashi
Hikari Kobayashi
Stat Page : Hikari Kobayashi
Mission Record : The Kobayashi Records
Genjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Back to basics: Sealing and Summoning Empty Re: Back to basics: Sealing and Summoning

Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:24 pm
Hikari's awareness of a variety of specialties typically came from her reading of various subject materials. There were two specific specialties she focused on however that brought forth a degree of expertise, Jikujutsu and Genjutsu. Her own specialty mixed with that of her clan's posed a potent combination and one that would put her above the common chaff of the village easily, though she had a lot to learn and grow before she could save or defeat anyone of note. It was clear that she was trying to grow and develop herself but she also knew she needed to help others, thus she accepted Hibiki's request for training. She knew the young boy had potential and his prowess with Kanjutsu and Iryojutsu would indicate his chakra reserves and efficiency were superb in comparison to others, just like her own in a different way. It would be simply to say that either could focus on the other's skillset and replicate it given time.

However today was not a day of theoretical specialty readjustment, but rather a showcase of simpler concepts that all shinobi should learn about, summoning. She herself was still looking for a contract of her own for the more advanced methodology of summoning, but the basic principle is applicable and usable by the average shinobi, be it storing or retrieving tools. With consideration that Hibiki likely needed a better method to bring forth his puppets while also keeping them away or hidden, Hikari fully supported the idea of learning summoning and sealing techniques by Hibiki. Upon arrival, she could see that the young genin was already hard at work trying to figure out such concepts and execute them. A small nod from the young Kitsune would be seen by onlookers as she strode up to him, "Any progress Sato-san?"

WC: 300, TWC: 300
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