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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:47 pm

Once again, Kuiaratame found himself in the most peculiar of situations. he wasn't wrangling escaped crocodiles injected with berserking serums, nor was he saving the village from a plot so insidious he had to be in the know just to know he was in the know for the need to know mission. He was once again having to flex his palette. He understood it really, as a budding chef of 15, it only made sense that another mission had sought his expertise in the world of culinary experiences. Of course, this time it was a man who considered himself a connoisseur in the world of gastro. Kenchi could respect people who gave themselves their own titles, it was a very common thing, especially amongst shinobi. In fact, he had wondered many times what should his own moniker be? What alias would make him stand out in the history books? The Repentant. The Judge. The Redeemed. They were all kinda cool, he thought anyway, but they held no true value to him yet. Words without meaning were literally meaningless, so perhaps he would have to wait until an appropriate title had been bestowed upon him as a merit of his virtues, or in less savoury situations, his vices.

Finding himself outside of the large building that was home to the local connoisseur, he had to admire the architecture that stood out from the rather mundane of the village. The man truly wanted to stand out in the town, with artistic renditions of food acting as statues in his green front yard, which was situating multiple growing patches for vegetables that had already begun to sprout. In fact, Kenchi could even swear that some of the windows of his house were stained glass with full blown meals acting as the divinities. It was certainly a creative choice, not one that he fully understood, but he could appreciate the curious mind of a mad man all the same. After all, didnt they say that madness was adjacent to genius? Taking the lead, The Judge - wait, no, The Kid - nevermind. Kenchi wrapped his knuckles on the door, knocking not once, nor twice, but thrice! That's three times he knocked knocked knocked. Suddenly, Kenchi felt he had been transported into a world of make believe - A Genjutsu. An ominous voice called from behind the thick wooden door, cooing at him with a rhyme that was reminiscent of a giant in a story about a beanstalk, except it wasn't actually like that at all, it was more akin to a heavily deformed, and depending on sources, morally corrupt horror icon.

"One, two, The Connoisseur's coming for you."

Kenchi cocked his head to the side once he heard the words, looking behind him towards his companions. Had some rat kid dropped him into a Genjutsu? His scarlet eyes furrowed on Shojiro for a few seconds, attempting to make the boy believe that Kuiaratame knew exactly what he had done. What he had done exactly? No idea, but if he believed that Kuiaratame knew, perhaps it would stop. As his gaze lingered uneasily upon the youth, he heard the voice ring out once more which drew the boys attention back towards the door which saved him from the most peculiar of meetings.

"Three, four, I'm gonna' unlock this door."

That line made a lot more sense, and it was very appropriate when people had just knocked at the door. Kuiaratame found himself nodding in appreciation of the mans commitment to his bit of being a slightly... curious fellow. He was certainly a jokester, at least that's probably what his neighbours would say when they weren't making virile complaints to the housing association about his stay. Kenchi lifted a hand from inside his Ronin Robes, scratching lightly at a dull itch that had formed on the side of his cheek. There was an art in drawing out a meeting like this, it was like a situation he could neither escape nor complain about since the man was directly funding this excursion. Is this was slavery was all about?

"Five, six, grab your recipe books"

The rhyming pattern wasn't going particularly hard here, but he understood that the man was an expert in food rather than imposing rhyme schemes. Notably, the heavy latch on the door had sprung by now, followed by the slow creaking of the thick oak door opening inwards to a corridor that was drowning in the darkness. There was a dim light, but not enough to make analysis of the interior easy. Yet still, Kenchi attempted to adjust his eyes to the murky insides to see if there was a man responsible for the curious rhyme that he was forced to endure.

"Seven, eight, don't stay up late - Making the food, that is."

On the slight stutter, Kenchi took note of a surprisingly tall, slender man peering from the top of the door. He had been looking at his own level when the door had happened, and perhaps that was why he had not taken notice of this peculiar, lanky figure. That's alright, it was a weird situation, but surely nothing underhanded would go down, after all, he kinda knew kung fu.

"Nine, ten, I'm going to sleep again."

With that, the lanky figure disappeared into the inky blackness, leaving the group to figure out their own position here. Pushing open the heavy door, Kenchi stepped inside with trepidation of what was to come. It felt like he had spawned on the set of a horror movie, rather than a cooking mission. Some people could be so strange. Once he entered the hallway, his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting, enabling him to see that multiple doorways adorned this corridor, none of which openly seemed to be a kitchens entrance. There were some tables around with decorative bowls and figurines of food. On the walls were oil paintings of the lanky figure holding different meals as if they were his children, or even pets.

What the hell was going on here?
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 8250

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:28 pm
For some reason the world really wanted the three of them to dabble in the world of culinary arts, to try their hand at making exquisite dishes the likes of which had never been seen before. First it was crafting up an interactive meal for children at an orphanage, and now they were trying their luck against a supposed connoisseur, although from decorum he seemed more like a fanatic. Statues and stained-glass windows were adorned all over the yard and walls, the main subject of the usually beautiful masterpieces was food. Savory and sweet dishes alike littered the home, screaming that there was clearly something wrong with the one residing inside.

Sakura sighed to herself as they approached the door, her eyes watching the windows around the door. Something just felt…off. A shiver ran down her spine as Kuiaratame knocked, and a moment later she understood why. An eerie voice called out to them from behind the wooden door, the tune reminiscent of a children’s song yet the words were dark and grim.

“What the fuck’s his deal.” She hissed at her companions although the venom of her tone was directed at the creepy person behind the door. Her right hand rested on the hilt of her katana, with her left hand ready to release the blade from its sheath at a moment’s notice. If he wanted to come at them, she would gladly dice him up.

When the voice uttered a second verse to its rhyme, she narrowed her eyes at the door and tightened her grip on the hilt of her sword. Whatever monster stood behind the door seemed to be enjoying its game with them, relishing in drawing out the creepiness of their encounter. Sakura didn’t believe a human, or at least a sane one, would act this way, and wondered if they would even be able to complete the mission. If this was not a beast but an actual man, could he have tried something taboo, something…forbidden? Perhaps the gods were punishing him for coveting that which belonged to them?


The door groaned as if it hadn’t been opened in centuries and a dark, empty hallway greeted them, beckoning them to step foot inside and never leave. It was as if the stories children used to come up with to frighten each other had been born from their nightmares. Then, stepping out of the void just enough to be visible, was a creature that would haunt her for several nights to come.

Was it human? Was it the boogeyman? Was she still asleep and this was all a figment of her imagination?

For once, Sakura was speechless, without a single answer to the thoughts racing through her mind as her pink hued eyes stared at the thin, towering thing past the doorway. The moment she blinked it was gone, vanished back into the abyss without so much as a single sound. The small woman was about to voice her concern about what they had just seen when she noticed her brother walking forward, zero fear or hesitant evident in his steps.

“Brother wait! You don't seriously want to go in there after that?” Had this been a monster hunting mission she would’ve raced past him into the dark without a second thought, but this wasn’t a combat mission, at least it wasn’t supposed to be. She had her qualms about following the strange figure deeper inside the house of horrors and was shocked to see he didn’t seem to have a care in the world about it.

Alas her voice fell on deaf ears as by the time she ran over to him, the door was already pushed all the way open, and he had stepped inside. Not wanting to lose her brother to the monster inside, she followed beside him into the darkness, her eyes taking a little while to adjust to the dimly lit area.

“Would it kill him to have some candles?” She muttered under her breath as she looked around the room, wondering where the thing had gone. There were no traces of him to be found, just a multitude of doors and a collection of food inspired trinkets. The worst part about the entire house was the silence, as if there were no living, breathing things taking residence within, as if they were the only ones capable of making noise. “Okay, that’s enough of this game. Where’s the kitchen so we can cook you some delicious food and get out of here?”

She received no response to her question, and she huffed at the lack of decency from the owner. “Fine, we’ll just find it ourselves. Don’t be mad if we open a door we shouldn’t have.”

(WC: 789)
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:11 pm
Somebody in this group liked cooking. And it definitely was not Shojiro. But he was not going to tell them that. No, cooking was great. Feed stray kids with excessive dietary demands, sure. Feed some rich guy who had made food his entire personality, oh absolutely! Next thing they will be doing is feeding the entire village, with each person demanding a separate dish. The Gluttoyo village. At least the money was good. These people were certainly not lacking anything if they could hire trained fighters to do their cooking for them for no reason. Sure, the village was quite remote and lacked in things you may find in larger cities, but they clearly did not lack finances and creativity in spending them. Talk about excessive, Shojiro noted walking past a large stone carving of a bowl of some kind of pasta dish. But he resolved himself. His inner dissatisfaction was not seen on his face. No, he eagerly accompanied his two new friends. And as they were climbing up the steps towards the door into the building, he felt relieved that he had people beside him now. Especially when creepy voices started.

With the first verse, Shojiro's hand twitched towards his blade and a wave of panic surged over him. He may have uttered curses, but he stopped himself. Sakura did it for him though. She seemed even more alerted and spooked than he was. Turning to her brother, Shojiro was surprised to find Kuiaratame knowingly smiling at him. He was not spooked or creeped out by this at all. No, in fact, confidence and calm radiated from him, like he knew exactly what was going on and letting his pal here know it. Shojiro slowly exhaled through his nose to calm himself and relaxed his hand back to his side. He then nodded as if in understanding, confirmation or appreciation to Kuiaratame before the second verse. Which did make some more sense. The dragged out entry, the weird rhymes made it no less creepy, but at least the boy was not fearing for his life now.

When the door finally opened, Sho spotted a person he guessed was their host and the client for this job. Man had some serious Marfan syndrome going on, looked at them from the top of the entryway. He would probably have to crouch to exit. Makes sense he had people come cook for him, though it would have made more sense to have permanent chefs in the employ, than ask random ninjas visiting the village. Once the prolong invitation was done, the three of them stepped inside and looked around, adjusting to the lack of lighting. Shojiro looked around as well, clearly could not follow any clues towards a kitchen, as everything here was about food. But he figured if the man was going to sleep, then the direction he went in would not be kitchen, it would be their bedroom. And that seemed to be straight ahead and deeper into the house. So they should go either right or left. For some reason, if felt like kitchens are always on the left from the entry way. Ignoring all the bizarre decorations, the young shinobi turned left and gestured for his friends to follow. "Let us try this way. I have a feeling the kitchen might be through here."

557 wc.
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:24 am
An air of unease radiated between the trio, although the other two seemed to be feeling its effects more than Kuiaratame at this moment in time. Indeed, his sister had already made some rather harsh exclamations, and although Sho had nodded back to him in response to his gaze that was meant to let the boy know he might be under a Genjutsu, the words had continued. It wasn't ideal, but that's life, if nothing else the other two may gain confidence from Kui's lack of fear in this situation. After all, this was a mission instated by the village itself; they would have vetted the man and the request, ensuring it was safe for low-level shinobi to perform. The only thing he had to fear here was his comrades letting their dread take hold of them and acting unbecoming of tomorrow's heroes. So, with that in mind, he would slowly find himself at the back of the group so that he could oversee them. If it seemed at any moment that they were about to commit an act guided by apprehension, then he would be more capable of intercepting if he could see the build up to the explosion.

Sho, it seemed, had become the impromptu leader for the group as he guided them towards the first room on the left. Curiosity did grip Kui, as it seemed like such an extensive building in which there could be so much to see, so much to do... In fact, the boy would not be surprised if they could actually get lost in this complex. Furthermore, he was anticipating the building to be that of a labyrinthian design, and perhaps that would be why they were being paid so handsomely for this mission; perhaps the food was smoke screen for the true test that was handling uncomfortable situations, and being able to escape from a maze of bizarre and choking rooms that melded with suffocating corridors that would feel like they stretched endlessly.

Waiting for the other two to enter the first room on the left, Kuiaratame followed shortly behind, closing the door behind them which resonated with the sound of the latch clicking into place. Inside this layer of the building, Kuiaratame could see different artefacts propped throughout the room, which in all fairness did actually catch the gaze of Kuiaratame. The man may be... interesting, but he certainly had a fondness that extended just beyond the food; he cared about not only the history of nutrition, but the very foundation of which it was developed from; hell, this man even had an actual construction of a scaled down miniature pyramid formed from different foods in one corner. Most notably - the food wasn't even showing signs of rot, and yet it was clearly real food. He must have servants attend to these daily or something, which was some real money venture that Kuiaratame couldn't imagine doing no matter how well off he became, but he could respect that the man truly lived for his art.

Suddenly, something within him had started to scratch at his brain. It ushered thoughts into his mind that he otherwise would have shrugged off,but the temptation of the voice slowly seduced him over the course of the small rooms exploration. As he admired each of the different artifacts, such as a Kages makeshift spork which was just a fork and spoon melted together through a fire-jutsu if one was to believe the plaque associated with it, he felt his lips curling upwards into a smirk. He knew he shouldn't, he knew it was a bad idea, but when your friends were already getting creeped out and the house continued to get more unsettling as you delved in, he simply could not refrain.

"You know, when I was entering and my eyes adjusted, just before you two could see properly at the end of the hallway... I saw something phase through the walls. It... didn't look human." This of course was a complete fabrication borne from a teenagers bored mind, but he thought the other two would lap it up, so he'd continue to expand upon his point whilst looking at a scaled down replica of the Kage mountain faces from Konohagakure; once again, made out of more malleable food. "I think we need to be careful... because they could come through ANY wall, and that would be... scary!" His smirk immediately expanded into a toothy grin before he wiped it from his face, spinning around to look at his companions with a twinge of fear in his eyes, which he emphasised by suddenly darting his eyes around the room as if he was paranoid, "We need to find the kitchen as fast as we can, and just... hope there isn't a ghoul, or a head under a silver food dome!" Internally, this was one of the funniest things Kuiaratame could think of doing in this situation, and as long as he made sure that nobody acted wildly enough to either be hurt or hurt someone else, it was all harmless fun. Now, he just had to make sure they actually did find the kitchen in this bizarre place.
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 8250

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:54 pm
The two men remained calm and poised, as if this entire situation was an everyday occurrence, as if traipsing through a weird chef’s home without so much as a guide didn’t phase them in the slightest. Their lack of hesitation made Sakura feel as if she was overreacting, despite everything in her screaming they were the ones not reacting enough. A strange man speaking in rhymes and disappearing without a trance should be ringing alarm bells for the trio, even if the village had vetted the man and his request he could have easily lied to them in order to get approval. Sure they might have had someone present that could detect lies, but if someone were skilled enough they could easily convince themselves the story they told was the truth to bypass being caught.

Although it seemed her concerns fell on deaf ears as even Sho took up the mantle as he walked through the dimly lit room towards a door on their left, an instinct telling him that room was the kitchen. Much to their dismay, his gut feeling was wrong. Instead of being greeted by ovens they met countless replicas of famous structures built out of food, artifacts of utensils crafted for kages, and countless more paintings of food adorned the four walls circling them. One would think this was a trophy room, showcasing the creations the owner of the house was most pleased to have. Truth be told, Sakura thought the replicas were a massive waste of food if they were replaced daily, which considering how fresh they appeared to be was quite obviously the case. The village of Koyo did not have a large population that went without food, but it wasn’t completely obsolete, as with any village there were bound to be a few that had either lost their family in a strife between two nations or did not have the ability to become a shinobi and earn an income that way. Her opinion of their client was growing darker as they continued milling about the room, yet she kept her composure and did not let her displeasure flash across her face. At the end of the day she was no better than a beggar, doing meaningless missions like this in order to make a quick ryo or two in order to survive.

Sakura’s ears perked up as her brother broke through the silence, recounting his own experience in the eerie hallway right before the others had arrived. Of course the creepy house was haunted, she already had a feeling it would be with how dreary and quiet it was. Even the man they were supposed to cook for could’ve been a ghost for all she knew, he certainly looked and acted the part. She even hoped it was true he was a ghost, she wouldn’t have to hold back if she was fighting something that was already dead, and the village wouldn’t be able to say anything as there would’ve been no proof of any transgressions against a ghost.

Something in her brother’s tone felt…off. His voice never wavered as he recounted his tale and said they should be careful of this mysterious monster, and the added emphasis on the word scary after a short pause from him confirmed her suspicions. If he had actually been terrified of something he saw she knew her brother would’ve made haste to tell her of the horrifying creature the moment it happened and done anything he could to protect her instead of scaring her. She bit back a scoff after coming to the realization he was using her previous hesitation against her as amusement for himself. Two could play that game.

With a shaky hand she covered her mouth and darted her eyes around the room as Kui did the same,  her right hand resting on the hilt of her katana once more even though they all knew a physical weapon would be useful against a being with no corporeal form to damage. “P-please tell me you are j-joking, Kui! We can’t fight a g-hhost or a ghoul, our w-weapons would be u-useless against it!” Sakura inched closer to her brother as she spoke, her eyes continuing to look across the room as she moved to stand beside him. “I-I told you we s-should’ve never gone i-inside of this p-place. Let’s hurry t-to find the k-kitchen.”

Sakura grabbed onto his arm and began pulling Kuiaratame quickly and roughly towards the door to check out the other rooms on this floor, using her free hand to motion for Sho to join them. Haunted house rule number one was to always stay together, getting split up lowered your chance for survival and they were already at zero percent in that category. Wordlessly she would open the door and step back into the hallway, looking the same as it had when they first arrived: gloomy and quiet, not even a squeak from a mouse or a chirp from a cricket could be heard.

There were two more doors on their left to search through and three more doors on their right, if the kitchen was not found in any of the remaining rooms they would have to walk up the giant staircase in the middle of the entryway to search the upper levels of the expansive mansion. She didn’t expect this mission could take them all day to complete when cooking for the orphanage took only a handful of hours and there were dozens upon dozens of children they had to feed there.

“L-let’s try that d-door!” She quietly muttered and led the trio to the next door on the left side of the hallway, quietly twisting the doorknob until the door opened slowly as she peaked inside. A long white table adorned with plates and cutlery sat contently in the middle of the room, a thin table cloth cloaked the table and upon closer inspection Sakrua could make out the shapes of different food etched into the pale white fabric. As they stepped inside the room the rest of the interior came into view, causing her terrified facade to almost drop at the sight of two chandeliers hanging above the table, the one on the left had replaced the traditional light bulbs with fish shaped ones and the one on the right replaced them with farm animal shaped bulbs dimly illuminate the room, casting animal shaped shadows to dance across the floor.

For a moment she thought she saw the shadows look over at them as they entered, but shrugged it off as her eyes re-adjusting to the new light. It would be absolutely crazy for shadows to move on their own, and the house wasn’t actually haunted, Kui was just playing a prank on them…right?

(WC: 1,128)
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:06 pm
It was not a kitchen, which was immensely disappointing to Shojiro. As the group entered the room he had picked, it quickly became vividly apparent that this is not what they were searching for. Instead it seemed to be some kind of display room, with various food related exhibits, like an actual table sized food pyramid made up of actual fresh food. It was weird and not really all that interesting to Sho. The boy sighed as he looked around. It seemed like this was a dead end and their only option was to go back to the hallway. As he was slowly circling the room and back towards the door he heard Kui speak. And what a revelation that was.

Shojiro's own vision here had adjusted fairly fast and he could see quite well, and naturally he saw nothing of the like. If anything, the man by the door seemed sick. He did not attribute anything here to the supernatural. Unusual, weird and spooky - sure; not of the powers from the beyond. The thought did not even cross his mind. But when his friend turned around it seemed to be genuine worry and borderline terror in his face and voice, which surprised the young Shinkou. And Sakura appeared to be equally upset. Was Shojiro not realizing the danger here? Maybe they were just too superstitious? Or maybe they knew something he did not? Or, and this one worried him the most, this was a trap. And his enemies possessed the ability to move through solid matter, which is what Kui noticed, given that he had entered the mansion first. Had the hunters finally caught up to Shojiro, were they about to attack from any or all direction?

The black haired boy would grab the hilt of his sword and intensely scan every corner of the room. He was expecting at any moment to start hearing steps outside the room, but he did not. It was quiet, too quiet. And his heartbeat was deafening. He saw Sakura pull Kui towards the door while gesturing for their friend to follow. No way he was staying away from them in his house. He quickly joined the siblings and the trio returned to the hallway. Sakura picked the nearest door on the left and after carefully opening it she peeked inside. "Is anyone in there? See anyone? Is it safe?" Sho quietly questioned her. When she gave the go ahead or simply opened the door wider, he took it as a sign that the room was clear and entered together.

This one seemed like some kind of banquet room, though it was not all that big. So maybe just for the man and his closest friends or family to sit at and enjoy their meals. There were little to no other furniture in the room, suggesting the only purpose of this room was eating at the table in the middle. Shojiro glanced over at the fancy chandeliers dimly illuminating the room, but besides their intricate design and weird theme nothing else caught his attention. He stepped closer to the table, to be away from the walls, in case they attacked, hand still on the hilt. And while thinking he listened for any sounds. If the purpose of this room was to eat the meals and there were no other doors leading into it, then the kitchen must be next door. It would be a bad interior layout to have the kitchen far from here.

It was so quiet he could swear he was able to hear the heartbeats of both siblings, not to mention their steps and breathing. The Shinkou waited a bit, in case they would be attacked here, but it did not happen. "I think we should check the next room. It should be the kitchen. The quicker we are done with this mission, the sooner we can get out of this forsaken place." He would say to his companions in a hushed volume. Assuming they agreed in one form or another, he would proceed through the door and back into the silent hallway. Then to the door immediately to the left, the only one left on this wing of the first floor. If he had the siblings with him, he would breathe out to calm himself and then swiftly open the door and step inside. But the contents of the room were shocking...

738 wc.
1295 twc.
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:59 am
Something within Kenchi was beginning to feel the duality of both sorrow and longing. His comrades, Sakura and Shojiro, did not seem to be taking full advantage of their youth at this time. Upon their entry to the mans rather bizarre room, they both had seemed a little disappointed or even aggravated. There was no child like wonder in either of them, which broke the young dreamers heart knowing that despite their youthful age, they seemed to already be on the verge of discarding their childlike innocence in favour of being a shinobi. Perhaps it was inevitable that this was a world that was not made for children to remain so when choosing this profession. Perhaps there was even a meaning to be found from the other two, and what would eventually happen to him too should he forego the cocoon of innocence he was currently embraced by. Though, deep down, he did hope he could experience the world with two friends that were also children rather than two shinobi in childlike forms.

Biting back the welling that formed in his throat, pride soon came to him when his sister had fell hook line and sinker into his most deceptive trap. She was like a hare that had wandered too deep into a cage hidden amidst foliage! Now, the boy bit his lip and struggled to hide his euphoria at a scheme that was coming to fruition. Even with the vice-like grip of his sister and stuttering of her words, Kui could not help but feel immense satisfaction as he was dragged around the house like a rebellious child with their mother that was under a time crunch.

That was not a feeling he was unfamiliar with, even when they were both babies Sakura had first learnt how to grab by reaching out and closing her baby carrot fingers around Kenchis nose, which had prompted wailing from the dreamer and stressed out parents trying to separate him from the baby strength that Sakura had displayed. Now, as he was pulled through to other rooms, he was at least thankful that he did not have to lead the way as Sakura gestured for them to enter a particular door. Following quietly behind, he maintained his spooked demeanour, his hands fidgeting around his pockets but consciously avoiding even touching his equipment.

Upon entering the new room of the household, he noticed a long table that was covered with a cloth which bore many representations of food, quite well done Kui had to admit with an impressed lifting of his eyebrows and gentle nodding of his head. When someone dedicated this strongly to a craft, even if it was confusing to those outside of the field, you just could not help but respect it.

Following his sisters gaze, he saw the silhouettes of animals dancing around the room from their physical representations on the chandeliers above. It was actually quite a comforting experience, Kenchi had to admit. The movement of the animals reminded him of his childhood and how some of his friends had been able to create animals with their hands if they were provided a good source of light to make them really pop. Perhaps the man had been inspired by a similar situation in his own life, and that was why he had chosen these particular fittings for the lights.

With his eyes following along to the different forms of animals, he was severely entertained by how the room had tied itself together into a rhyme. The depictions of food on the table cloth matched with the food shapes that marinated around them on both the walls and the floor, painting a picture of a cycle of sorts. In fact, the figure of a lamb combined with an embedding of a leg of lamb on the cloth started to bring the boy to the point of salivating. It had been a long while since he had been able to afford a juicy lamb leg, especially combined with some of his families adversity to eating such meat. Perhaps there would be a lamb leg here he could exploit for himself. Perhaps just one, two, maybe a couple dozen bites.

Dragging his thumb across his lips, the boy bit a little onto the tip of his thumb as the thoughts whirled around his dome. Over his experience of this house, he was starting to see the method within the madness. To be surrounded by all of these glorifications of food and exaggerations of the cycle, the man was starting to see the sustenance required in life from a different light than most. In a twisted way, this had developed from an obsession into the most grandiose of appreciation. An eye opener for those that stepped into the House of Food. Perhaps the House of Hors d'Oeuvre would be more appropriate. In this room alone, he was remembering all of the foods from his youth. The experiences he had shared with his family over both grand feasts and mundane snacks at night with his sister. The food had been a mediator for moments in life which shaped the future. Perhaps that was why his sister still longed for fruit? Because it reminded her of their childhood when they were safe within the other place, away from prying eyes. One thing for sure was that it wasn't for the flavour of it, because who eats fruit for the flavour if it's not dipped in chocolate?

Sho had decided that this room was not the vibe that he was searching for, perhaps, given the chance, he would even say that the room itself was killing his vibe as his entire foray into the house seemed to have him on edge. Kui took no responsibility for that, there was no way his earlier comment about a potential spooky spectre had unnerved his companions to that degree. Walking out with him, having took note earlier of his hands fondness for holding the hilt of his katana, which could prove dangerous if the group were surprised by gaunt figures. Sho had opened the door up to reveal the most awe inspiring scene possible. A room that contained within it a life changing experience. Something that Sakura would have to describe due to the previous authors being a little lazy, but whatever it was... it was amazing. It almost blew the pilot hat right off of the young shinobis head, and it had even caused his robes to slip a little from his shoulders, revealing the surface of a zebra print shirt beneath the robes. Looking into the room, Kenchi was captivated. Entranced. It hit him like a thunderbolt, so he turned to his side and whispered to Sho, "Pinch me." The Dreamer beckoned, having to confirm his concern that he was not in a dream. With that said, his gaze lingered upon the wonder of the world hidden within this room.
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission] Empty Re: One Stop Shop to Flavour Town [Mission]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:21 pm
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:25 pm
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