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Cosplay Queen Saya
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Stop those morons! (mission) Empty Stop those morons! (mission)

Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:10 am
quest description

Go to mountains, get files back. 

"Let me see...." She was traveling quickly across the mountainous terrain searching for any signs of life. She knew they were around here somewhere but of course they would be hiding and difficult to find. Above her The two dolls scanned the area, helping to broaden her search parameters in hopes of making this as quick and painless as possible. The travel was getting boring, to be sure  but she had to do what she had to do in order to get some money. She let out a deep sigh coming up to another of the small houses sparsely spread across the face of the large mountain range, knocking politely on the door. The owner was a kind older lady with soft eyes and a warm smile, clearly not the person she was looking for, but still she asked her if she had any information about strange activities.

   “Oh no child. I don’t get out of this old shack much anymore” She said in a soft almost melodic tone that made the young konoichi smile. They continued to talk about this or that, the woman sharing her experiences and listening to Kira’s dreams. The conversation was however, as usual, interupted by her two familiars.

   “Miss Kira….I can see that you’re having a wonderful time, and i would never wish to interupt you enjoying yourself but there is a mission. Perhaps it would be helpful to say your goodbyes to this kind woman and continue looking for the thieves?”The small blue familiar spoke softly with a kind tone, spinning in the air every few seconds in it’s natural happy go lucky matter as it offered the suggestion to it’s master.  Kira let out a long annoyed sigh. She was upset that Shuurin had interupted her when she was finally getting to speak to someone genuinely kind, but in the back of her mind she knew the child was right. As much as she wanted to stay she had work to do and the faster she finished this the faster she could get back to training.

   “I appoligize for her rudeness but i fear she is right. It was lovely speaking to you but I have a mission I must return to. There is some information the Kage needs and I’ve been tasked to retrieve it. “ As she spoke the woman’s eyes turned downward to no longer meet her gaze. Something seemed just a bit off, though Kira couldn’t point her finger on it, and it made her wonder if this woman knew more then she let off.  Closing her eyes for a moment she allowed a ressonating calm to fill her body, calling forth her skills to study the woman using her new found understanding of chakra. Her body was filled with chakra, more then she would expect for an older woman seemingly not of a ninja back ground. “You know…” She started, deciding to search a little deeper into what was going on, “I’m sure they are just hiding out somewhere so talking a bit longer wont hurt anything i suppose. May I come in for some tee?”

   The woman shook her head, the kind smile returning to her features once more, but when she spoke this time her words seemed to waiver slightly. It was subtle and almost unnoticable to a normal person, but a nara mind is not so easilly mislead. “I’m sorry child, “ she started before letting out a long mucus filled cough into a hankerchief she held in her hand, “I’m afraid I’m all out of tea, and sadly I dont have many seats in this small cottage. “

   If there wasnt a reason for suspicion before, there was now. Something about this woman was more then strange and she would get to the bottom of it. She played it cool, not letting her suspicion show as they talked. They continued for a few moments exchanging pleasantries before Kira finally agreed that she should leave and turned to head off to the next cottage. They traveled for a couple minutes before stopping at a small group of trees to catch her breath and plan. The two dolls floated over quickly to stop hovering infront of her about two feet away, expecting some sort of plan that they would be needed for. To be honest she wasn’t sure what to do here asside from using force but assuming the old woman was her target under a transformation jutsu she wasn’t terribly sure she could pull off a fight against him. She turned to the two dolls, deciding it best not to bring them into this and with a wave of her hand they were gone and the small black scthe hair pin changed, two small lotus flowers appearing to either side of the weapon, one black and one blue. She slipped her hand into the large plain looking hempen bag at her side, shifting through the various items within to take out the porcelain mask and three senbon. These were her escape plan, she thought to herself as she slid the small weapons in between the holes of her fish net undershirt for safe keeping. Travel back to the house was slow and boring, mostly because she had opted to walk instead of moving quickly to ensure she wouldn’t be caught, but at least it gave her time to study her surroundings and think. As she approached she crouched down to sneak up to a large window on the left side of the wooden building, and after taking a moment to calm her nerves peeked inside. It was dark within. There was one small light in the very center dimly illuminating the room, most likely a candle lit to read by. The room was almost empty. There was no furniture, no bed, and nothing to use for cooking asside from the impossibly small heat of the candle which was odd to Kira. crowded around the center area, hovering close to the small lit candle were four men with scruffy faces passing around a group of papers she assumed to be exactly what she was looking for. Sliding her hand into the bag once more she pulled out one of the exploding tags, placing it on the window and preparing for her attack. She calmed her mind, knowing she would need to strike quick and without hesitation in order to stop this from turning incredibly ugly, and pulled on her charka senses before beginging the shock and awe. The plan was simple, She would use her hidden mist jutsu, blow the exploding tag, and then take them out one by one. It wasn’t a perfect plan, or even really ideal but with her targets safely huddled together and heself on the outside it seemed to be the only viable plan.

    Her hands moved slowly to seal the jutsu, bringnig her hands together with pointer fingers outstretched to form the tiger seal and waiting for the mist to envelope the area. The effects of her jutsu were incredibly fast, or at least she thought so considering it was the first time she’d ever remembered using it, and in a matter of seconds the area around the house was covered in a thick mist no one could see through. She stumbled and tripped trying to get around to the door and almost didn’t make it before the explosive tag went off spraying the pick pockets inside with glass and debris and surprising them. She darted into action when the explosion rang out, turning the door nob once to ensure it was locked before kicking at the lock to pop the door open regardless of the  protection keeing it closed. When she walked in it was like her world had cleared up. The mist poured into the room followed by the small konoichi but thanks to her vision she was able to easy figure out where each was and strike before they were able to get their bearings. Darting forward she struck at the first nin. He was young and thin with an incredibly muscular chest and a  grey and brown vest. His chakra was a bright vibrant light to the dark and undiscearnable  nothingness hidden within her mist allowing her to spin backward, brining the brute down  with a sweep of his leg. He jerked a bit first, trying to catch his balance, before turning towards the ground and falling with a loud thud she felt like could alert people. Naturally it did exactly that, causing the other three to swarm towards the sound. She moved backwards and to the left, watching as her prey crowded the man striking wildly in hopes that they would find whoever or whatever had attacked them and take care of the problem quickly. They took care of a problem alright, but instead of eliminating her, they drew kunai to stab outward and andy direction they could burrying their weapons deep into their fallen comrade. It was unfortunate for the man lying on the ground, she thought to herself. He was simply the closest to her and she had hoped to end this without actually taking anyone’s lives, and with as little injury as possible but she was a girl of small stature, with few abilities to defend herself and there were for buff men directly in front of her.

   “SHit!” One of them yelled when their associate cried out directly in front of them. his blood was spilling slowly across the floor of the small empty cottage as well as spattering up to speckle the three remaining ninja’s clothing. She took a breath, making sure it was slow and quiet, cloaring her head and preparing for the next strike. She knew that in the confusion they would be likely to strike quickly and without thinking but she didn’t want to summon the scythe sorrow of humanity in such close quarters and her taijutsu was severely lacking so she thought it better to allow their level of alertness to lower to one that she could more easilly manage. She smiled behind the mask, though the three thieves couldn’t see it, both because of the mist and the large porcelain mask. She was feeling excited to be a Ninja for the first time she could ever remember. Slowly, almost methodically she walked forward, targetting the next assailent who was just off to her left. Her hand slipped into the bag once more, reaching past the various medical supplies to take another of the Senbon needles and rotate it back and forth between her thumb and index finger. She had to plan the next attack perfectly as her mist would be releasing soon. She let the Senbon fly, aimed at her target’s neck and unfortunately she missed her target. The weapon hit him, of course, but instead of piercing the major vein in his neck and sprating a stream of blood onto the other two near him it bit into his shoulder just above the collar bone raising a loud scream of pain and allerting him of the direction she stood. She had to move fast to ensure her possition wasn’t comprimised for fear of having to fight the hree of them. As she shifted  around the room once more the ninja called out to his friends.

   “Over there. Just to the right of the door. He hit me with something!” He. She had to supress the urge to giggle as the poor mistaken man addressed her as a male. It was unfortunate that dangerous assaulants were asusmed to be male, though it was completely her fault. Had she not been hidden since the start of their fight, burried deep within the envoloping mist too thick to see through, they would have known their fate was sealed by a lone konoichi. It was however for the best because she still wasn’t sure that she would pull this mission off. Her mind shifted to Youka. He was the sole person to show her kindness. When she was close to death traveling through the lands of the village hidden in the rain she was weak from hunger and exaustion and would have been sick, or worse dead, within another day or so but he saw her and stopped to carry her to iwakagure village and nurse her back to health. After he’d introduced her to Echo who was kind enough to offer her these missions for his village everything seemed to fall into place. She was stronger now, and she felt more powerful with every passing day. She was already away from the door when they arrived. Her hand slid quickly back into the bag at her side to take out the kunai, needing a close range weapon and charged at the tall man standing in the back. She didn’t know what hit him. THe moment she was within range she ducked down to slash at his legs, cutting easilly through the back of his calves separating muscle and sinew and dropping him to the ground. Wrapping her free arm around his neck to brace his body against hers. The Kunia slid into and through his throat like a hot knife through butter spraying her last to targets with a seemingly unending stream of blood scaring them and draining the last signs of life from her second victim. Two down, two to go. Her next target, the man on the left turned from the door as he heard the spraying of blood. He couldn’t see her but he knew she was there. Instead of continuing to take his chances he slipped out the door with his companion in tow and out of the range of her hidden mist technique. Fucking hell, she thought to herself. Now she would have to actually fight them, though it was helpful that she would be in an open enough area to use her scythe. Slowly she stepped out from the house, raising a hand to adjust the mask across her face so that the blue raven looked as if it were posed to strike.

    “Well…..You are the idiots who took The kage’s financial reports. I really hope they were worth it. You won’t be leaving here with your lives….” The bluff felt weak as it slid past her lips but with the situations that had just happened it seemed that it had worked. “Sorrow…” She called and with a horrific blood curdling screech the weapon came into existence in her hands.

   “It some tiny bitch?!” They staggered back at her words but then realized her stature and stood tall. They were sure they had this in the bag, and in all honesty they might. Looking them face to face she could feel the familiar fear in the pit of her stomach but the moment it began to weigh down her body the switch happened once more as a catalyst to the situation ahead of her preemptive for the sake of her own safety. they rushed her and as they ran she lifted the ball at her feet not even taking the time to set it into a good momentum before kicking it strait forward, waiting for them to get within a couple feet. The poor fool to her left had no clue what was happening and the weapon struck him clean in the stomach. He lost his breath with a great heave and fell to the ground stunned as sthe right man drew a Katana from his back and slashed at her. She lifted the staff up, putting her other hand back where it belonged to brace against the strike and blocked before pushing off to her side, reflecting the weapon and setting up for a counter strike. He was dead before his body even hit the floor, struck down by the wicked curved blade of her scythe which now dripped real blood from the dark red groove above her cutting edge. There was one left, thank god and he was still writhing around in pain. It took little effort for her to remove his head from his body and finish things finally but as she turned to collect her documents and get back to the village she noticed a man standing before her. He looked powerful which made Hells angel’s blood heat up and her heart beat faster. She took inventory of her surroundings, seeing the chain doubled back behind her and geting an idea.

   “Hidden mist…” she started but was immediately cut off. He was in front of her before she could even move  and in the blink of an eye he slammed his fist into her stomach at full force, dropping her to the ground and sending thes scythe to be realeased and clang to the ground between them. His face formed a cruel smile as he stood over her. She was still struggling to gain her breath after the strike and as she looked up he drew a kunai over his head. It must have been some sort of jutsu, she thought to herself sure that there was no way a normal person could be that fast. Maybe the power difference between them was just way too much. It didn’t matter now. The demon and the child were dead the moment he brough his weapon down to slice her throat and as much skilll as Hells Angel had she was powerless to stop it. Her mind worked at light speed, thinking through anything she had left in her bag of tricks and then immediately remembered the weapon. Behind him her chain ran three feet before looping back around towards her.  Her last chance was in the hopes that she could catch him by surprise. As the weapon fell down she moved her hands together, wincing in the pain of moving through the after effects of her opponents strike and moments before the weapon bit into her neck she formed the life saving seals. The weapon below her strted to glow with a light blue aura and immediately afterward he froze in place.

    “ Shadow imitation shuuriken Jutsu” She spoke slowly, and as she did she raised her hands to match his and burry her empty fists in her stomach. When it entered his body their minds switched once more and The lost child Kira saw her final  enemy with his body exactly as hers was. She stood up, and so did he. She lifted her arm and so did he, and finally after being satistfied with her testing of the technique she drug her empty hand across his throat to end the fight. Without asting a second she ran into the house and grabbed the documents leaving the dead bodies and heading back to Iwa.  

total word count: 3117
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Stop those morons! (mission) Empty Re: Stop those morons! (mission)

Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:08 pm
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