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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Walk Around The Village - Page 5 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Yesterday at 9:29 pm
A light smile crossed her lips as he explained that the training involved a bit of paint, so it was best to remain unclothed. Slowly, she’d removed the shirt she had just buttoned up as he moved to his desk and pulled out some brushes along with a few paints.

”Sounds interesting, I have to admit, I’m quite excited.”

She’d walk over and help him open up the paints if he wished. She then propped her leg up and allowed him to paint a mark on her. His movements were precise but fluid, and as he applied it to her, he explained that they could start off with basic stuff, but was best to get more elaboate as they continued. With a nod, Junko picked up one of the brushes and dipped it in the purple paint. Unsure of what to place on him, she decided to begin small like he had. If he allowed, she’d paint the Unity Seal on his forearm. The stroke was gentle and slow, but just as precise as his.

Their difference in form and excecution showed off their difference in personality. He seemingly liked to address things head-on, to deal with situations swiftly and without hesitation. Junko, on the other hand, liked to deal with things a bit gentler, with a soft hand. However, when she needed to act, it was done with grace. She took any criticism he gave her and attempted to perfect her technique while under his watchful eye. For the next hour or so, they’d take turns drawing various seals and images on each other. At some point, Junko would playfully take a small amount of paint on her finger and wipe it on his face with a light giggle.

Soon though, their skin was covered in various colors and seals. Looking down at the paint covering her body, she considered getting a tattoo. Both of her clones had gotten some recently, and Junko admittedly wasn’t opposed to the idea but for now, she’d simply think the idea over. Hoping he was pleased with her work, she’d look at him with a smile.

”As fun as that was darling, I fear we’ll need to wash up again. Though I suppose that can wait until we’ve finished our training. Is there anything else you wish to show me?”

Should there be anything else he wished to show her, Junko would follow along closely. Performing and memorizing any hand seals he displayed while listening to the details of the technique. Afterwards, she’d thank him, though she adored his companionship, she appreciated everything he taught her. She loved being by his side and cherished the time they spent together, though she hoped these feelings would continue with miles between them. Momentarily she wondered if he’d take the chance to be with his bodyguard while not in her company, though she trusted him not to. She was unsure if he had a similar worry, though she hoped he trusted her just the same.

Once their training was completed, Junko would suggest the two of them shower and then head to bed. She was quite tired from the day's events and wanted nothing more than to comfortably curl up in his arms. Should he agree, the two of them would make their way to the bathroom once more to begin their preparations for bed.

Total WC: 11,817

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Walk Around The Village - Page 5 Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Today at 12:36 pm
He would take her help in opening the paint shaking some of them to mix it before it was opened. He would rest her leg on his lap as he painted and explain the training. After which he closed his eyes and allowed her to paint what she wished, he assumed she wouldn't be as immature to draw something strange on his forehead he hoped she was not counting on such a level of maturity from him despite his older age. Once, the brush strokes stopped he would look over the seal. "I think you have this part down." He figured this part would be more difficult for her, well possibly... sometimes Junko was as shy as a kitten and other times fierce as a lioness. Akabayashi assumed this was the latter, as she was undistracted by their state of dress.

He would take the brush once more dip it in some pink paint and apply what appeared to be the seal for the jutsu reduction zone. Once, finished he would show her the hand seals required to use it. "Now you should be able to apply eight seals to your body and this seal will allow you to reduce the impact of other techniques." After that he would allow her to practice, draw, or whatever else as he waited for her to fully understand the technique. Once, that was done they would go back to painting. He mostly would write things like Princess, complex diagrams for seals, little hearts, whatever she wanted him to attempt to draw. After she placed a swipe of paint on his face he would laugh with her. Before kissing her neck smearing the paint on his face onto her shoulder. Some of the paint was now in his nose, which made him turn from her and sneeze into his elbow.

"Just one more thing." He would say showing her the seals for minus field. After she had learned it, she seemed worried by something but the feeling seemed to go away as she suggested they take a shower before going to bed. He would smile and stand and put the paint away before grabbing a few towels. After their shower he would dress, put away the leftovers and teleport to his paths placing the last FTG marks at the final locations around the Moon borders. Once, he returned he would remove the clothes kiss his darling good night and place his arm around her waist as he began to drift off to sleep.

One month later...

Living with Junko had been going well, he would take her to work, pick her up, and wait around the house for her to return. Sometimes just sitting outside fishing for hours. He could see Yoshinori was getting more impatient with their vacation each passing day. Often returning with a clear look of dissaproval at him. Akabayashi had already told her that he loved Junko and though she seemed down at first, it became clear she was starting to accept it. No longer did she simply leave when the village leader of the Moon Village returned. She would at least talk for a few minutes before retiring to her room or going elsewhere now. For Akabayashi this meant something good and bad. The two were now on speaking terms, but the familiarity meant that they had been here too long and they had grown comfortable. They had to return to Kiri and he would tell Junko first, before Yoshinori. He would teleport to her office after work and pick her up before the weekend.

"Welcome home, dear." He would say his usual greeting more dour sounding than usual. "I think it is time I returned to Kiri. I have responsibilities I have avoided for far too long." Akabayashi would run his fingers through her hair as he spoke. "I say we enjoy this weekend and on Monday I return to Kiri. I will return as soon as I can." Otherwise that brother of hers may see the open vacancy left by my departure. He would rub her shoulders and kiss her forehead. Hoping she wasn't too upset by the sudden announcement. He would listen to everything she wanted to say positive or negative, but whatever she said he would respond with these few words. "I love you, Kiri is simply where I live. Wherever you are is home. "

WC: 738
TWC: 7940
Claims: Handing a marked kunai to the two paths, placing FTG marks in the following locations around Moon country 1 mark on the N, NE, NW S, SE, SW temples located around the Moon Country border. Marks are left both outside and inside the interdiction seals 2ft apart. Placing an FTG mark on Junko and the door to my residence in Tsuki.

Using 5280 WC to complete mastering Truth Seeking Orbs Previous WC Here.

Using 2500 for Entering Society With Bliss Bringing Hands.

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