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Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Call to Action? Empty A Call to Action?

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:33 pm
Monsoon stood in in front of the burnt ruins of a small home, in what would once be considering the living room. The flames had blacked the wooden and stone structure, the massive gaps in the walls and roof told of the explosive heat that took place. The stairs, strangely intact, had patterns of gray waves, the cause for the structure's integrity of the upper floor. The area in front of the ruin consisted of a square field, 30 by 30, , with a small stone path leading from its entrance to the home.

Monsoon Uchiha brushed his hair from his eyes and shieled them from the afternoon sun, to gauge the time. The late afternoon elongated the shadows of the surrounding wall and entrance archway. He looked past the archway, to scan for the familiar frame of a an awaited shinobi.

The Uchiha's garb was uncharacteristically simple; dark slippers, a dark shirt, and billowing, white bottoms. He place a hand on his waist, irritated by the wait. He trusted that one of his servants, those that worked at his grandfather's estate, would have delivered his letter to Zraix. Though, it would not surprise him that even they could fail at such a menial task. His message to the Hoshimura was brief, "The Dojo Yard, Late Afternoon. To familiar ruins."

If Zraix had accepted, Monsoon would see him coming to the particular ruins. As Zraix would pash over the threshold and into the area, Monsoon would smirk and spread his arms.

"I hope you recognize this building. It has some meaning between us. But, that is neither here nor there." Monsoon would choose his words with intention, "Zraix, do you recall our first meeting? When you interrupted my ruminations to 'test' my skill? You told me if I followed you my true power would be unleashed, that I would unlock the pinnacle of my potential." Pride would furiously burn behind Monsoon's eyes, bringing forth a sinister smile. "Well, that time is now! My sharingan has granted me a power that even you could not comprehend. A power to burn away everything in my sight. A power to reform and reshape destruction itself!" Monsoon would raise a hand in understanding while cocking his head in a way that allowed him to look down upon Zraix. "This had me thinking, about Fiero Morte. About your direction of it. It isn't your fault, Hoshimura. Were you born an Uchiha, you power would be unbridled, perhaps equal to where I am now." While speaking his next words, his pupils would dilate and swirl, his passion and pride would bleed through his gaze, transforming them into the fully matured, three-tomoe Sharingan. "Though unnecessary, I've come to challenge you. You are free to concede, Secondo."



3-Tomoe Sharingan
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Call to Action? Empty Re: A Call to Action?

Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:20 am
On a bench near his home Zraix sat with his legs crossed and hands laced behind his head- he gazed up at the sky and reflected on the current state of the village and his own contributions to it as of late- he was, to say the least, disappointed with himself in this respect. These thoughts would be interrupted by a boy of red and black hair approaching with haste from the left. The boy couldnt have been older than 15 and seemed anxious and almost worried as he approached the Hoshimura who turned his head slightly to meet the boy's gaze. With an indifferent expression he would address the young man, "Not to be rude, but I'm not in the mood to be bothered. Its been a long week and I only have a few more minutes to myself. What is it?" The boy would see Zraix sporting his Kisatsutai uniform with a white cloak draped over the back of his shoulders and at his left and right hip respectively were his wakizashi and his newly upgraded blade that remained nameless.

The boy came to a halt, panting with exhaustion- it was clear that he had traveled some distance and had not broken his pace in his journey even for a small break. "Sor.. sorry lord Hoshimura. Master Monsoon has requested that I deliver this message to you without delay. He demands your audience.." His expression unchanged Zraix would stand and close the distance between he and the boy, taking the letter from him and beginning to read it. The message was short and simple. Monsoon wished to meet in the Dojo training yard and from the boys tone it could not wait. "He disappears for months and demands an audience with me.. his captain.. the nerve. This ought to be good." Taking the letter and attaching it to the end of a kunai he would nod to the young man and ask his name before departing. "Oh! My apologies.. my name is Ryuuken Uchiha my lord." With a soft smile he would give another nod to the boy dismissing him before taking off in the direction of the training yard.

Upon arrival a home could be seen, one that had once been whole but now crumbled underneath the power of flames. Monsoon stood in front of this home and anyone with a beasts aptitude for deduction could see that it was his doing. A kunai would fall from the sky at a speed of 150 and land 3 feet in front of the Uchiha, the letter he had sent attached to it. "Its been a while." Zraix said standing atop a 2 meter tall boulder placed at the epicenter of the 30x30 square field in front of the burning home. His team mate looked well, even stronger than when they had last met but sadly, the same could not be said for the Hoshimura. He would listen to the words of the Uchiha as he boasted about his new abilities- it was true, he had grown stronger and he grew an ego to match.

With a heavy sigh the Zraix with place the palm of his right hand to his forehead and cock his head back before returning his vision to Monsoon, his Kenseigan now active. Drawing his Wakizashi with his right hand he would descend from the boulder he stood on and begin approaching Monsoon slowly, closing the 15 meter gap between them. "Come then." These words escaped his lips and with them a fierce gust of wind followed. He understood now that his team mate wished to challenge him for leadership and there were no words left to be spoken. They would battle and the rest would follow.

WC= 622

Zraix's Stats
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Call to Action? Empty Re: A Call to Action?

Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:53 pm
A sound of something piercing the ground drew Monsoon's eye away from the main path and to the floor, to a kunai wrapped in a letter written by his own hand. The Uchiha's eyes followed the presumed Kunai's path and found Zraix Hoshimura perched upon a boulder in the center of the square field. Not shaken by his sudden appearance, Monsoon continued his speech.

With his sharingan activated, Monsoon scanned the form of Zraix as he let out his sigh. The swordsman's hand went to the hilt of his wakizashi, a perceived slight by Monsoon. Walking, Zraix began to close the 15 meter gap between them. Ire welled as Monsoon saw the calm, focused and determined intention within his movements, which enraged the Uchiha.

Monsoon's sharingan would twirl, chakra would well up within like a geyser, subsuming his form, becoming tangible and giving him the appearance of a smoldering ember: with sparking wisps of dark, flame-like aura billowing around his body and increasing his vigor and strength by 60. While activating his Eternal Ember, Monsoon would string together the Tiger - Horse - Ram - Clone seals. Upon completion, Monsooon's chakra would divide, the action would cause smoke to plume around him. Another gust of wind would blow, clearing the smoke and revealing three Monsoons, side by side. Each had their own sharingan, while in the one in the center still glowed like smokeless fire. The other two Monsoons would make their way to Zraix. Aware of their massive difference in speed, they would move forward with the intent to react.

After completing the shadow clone jutsu, and with his sharingan fixed on Zraix, Monsoon would point his right index finger at Zraix's torso, aiming to avoid striking his own clones, should Zraix still be walking forward after the activation of the enhancer and clone jutsu. In a near instant and with no indication of chakra buildup due to Eternal Ember, a glowing red beam of fire chakra no wider than 40 mm would shoot toward Zraix's torso at a speed and power of 135. Should Burning Point strike him, it would burn clean through his Kiasatsutai Uniform and strike him for 135 power. Should Zraix choose to block with his wakizashi, burning point would melt the small blade and half, pierce through his uniform, and strike him for 135. After firing the jutsu, Monsoon would continue channeling the fire chakra in his index finger. He would then walk forward toward Zraix's location, trailing behind his clones.

Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Call to Action? Empty Re: A Call to Action?

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:05 pm
"A frontal assault eh?" Zraix said as he witnessed the handseals being strung along in swift and rhythmic fashion- he realized that Monsoon intended to attack with everything he had but meant to hold back just enough to reserve resources. The Hoshimura looked on in awe as his chakra swelled and he summoned two clones after increasing his power. Zraix was impressed by this use of strategy but was also taken back a bit- for he could not understand why his teammate was holding back, even now. He had challenged the Hoshimura but was almost daring him to lean into the challenge first. Unsure of what his true intention was, the ronin would close his eyes and take in a deep breath before exhaling with gusto. "Lets see how this plays out." He thought as he took in one more deep breath and exhaled violently.

Beads of sweat would begin to drop from his brow and chakra would swell up from within as the veins in his head, arms and legs grew in size, pulsating with each beat of his heart. The aura around him would take on a yellow hue, showcasing his use of lightning chakra to imbue his Total Concentration Breathing and Total Concentration Breathing Cloak. He looked on as his opponent continued to string together handseals, his body being surrounded and filled by a red energy that signified the use of fire style chakra. Zraix smirked as his Kenseigan effortlessly picked up on this detail and he plotted his next move. It was clear that Monsoon had heart and wanted to prove himself as a shinobi and a leader, however, there was one aspect of being a shinobi that he needed to understand in order to take the next step in his journey and that was humility.

Taking a lowered stance Zraix would place his Wakizashi at his right hip, the tip of the blade pointed at the ground- the lightning aura that already graced his body would begin to brighten as new sparks would join it and new lightning chakra enveloped him. Focusing this newly formed chakra to his legs and arms, the eyes of the Hoshimura now fixed themselves on the original Monsoon as he prepared to strike. Zraix would wait until the fiery beam of chakra left Monsoon's index finger before unleashing his attack. At a speed of 240 Zraix would dash at his opponent, rushing through and overpowering his Burning point technique- the ronin was now surrounded by a 2.5 meter sphere of lightning chakra that draped itself over his TCB Cloak which also sat at a health of 240. The Uchiha would find it difficult to react to this attack while cancelling his own and while his clones could prove to be a problem, they lacked the speed to intercept the ronin in the small 12 meter distance between he and the original Monsoon. Upon being within striking range, Zraix would deliver a slash at a speed and power of 240 to the torso of Monsoon. The Uchiha upon being within 2.5 meters of Zraix would first notice that the sphere of lightning chakra would block his ability to fully utilize reaction speed and soon after if the slash were to make contact, his opponent would become paralyzed. Zraix would make his cut on the left of Monsoons lower torso to ensure he missed any vital organs. He would ready his body to utilize a technique to guard against any deleterious effects that might be employed to weaken him or his technique.

Stats and Techniques:

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Call to Action? Empty Re: A Call to Action?

Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:52 pm
Since Burning Point does not require handseals, Monsoon only needed to raise his dominant hand and point his index finger to gather chakra. As Zraix would halt before activating his enhancer, as he waited for handseals, Monsoon would catch the tensing of the Ronin's muscles through his sharingan and it swelling chakra in his arms in legs as he stopped 12 meters away, in a low stance. This action would cause Monsoon's shadow clones to pause in their tracks, as they too possessed the Sharingan. As they made their way forward after being summoned by Monsoon's side, they would be no more than 1 meter apart and would stop 3 meters away from the ember-hued Monsoon Uchiha and 9 meters away from Zraix.

The tomoe of Monsoon's sharingan twirled as Zraix's chakra swelled with yellow chakra, crackling with such force it was like Zraix was a self contained lightning storm. The chakra, in an unfamiliar rhythm, swelled and swirled through the Hoshimura's body, flooding his system with a prowess unlike Monsoon had ever seen before. It's presence was unbridled and formed a cloak of crackling lightning chakra that surrounded Zraix. This energy would be focused in the ronin's arms and legs as he took a low stance. Through the tensing of the muscles in his wrist, the concentration of chakra in his limbs and the nature of his chakra's hue, Monsoon gleamed that Zraix intended to unleash a lightning based attack. As to what, he could not guess, as he had not known Zraix to have a lightning affinty. The Uchiha's gut would drop, Zraix's power was overwhelming. Rage would build as this sight was another slight against Monsoon's Pride, this affront would cause Monsoon's tomoe spin wildly. Defiance would concentrate its burning envy on the tip of Monsoon's index finger, and crackle forward in a 40 mm bast, flying between his clones, toward Monsoon. Yet, before his Blazing point could travel one meter, Zraix Hoshimura would reveal oblivion.

A concentrated breath would escape Zraix, the storm within would spark like lightning in activation, his short blade would crackle with thunderous energy and a hue of static crackled less than three meters around him. The sheer ferocity, the ability for Zraix to harness his enhanced power in such a concentrated form, was nigh awe-inspiring. All mental calculations, done in an instant through the perceptive vision and prowess of his sharingan, told him that nothing he could do could surpass the gap between he and Aegon's power. With a thunderous charge, the ronin made his way forward, and a singular vision came upon Monsoon's eyes.


Monsoon's tomoe spun into a black, circular blur, the speed was unbelievable. In his mind, shame rang its baleful bell, rousing Monsoon's pride to roar and bellow. How dare he be this weak, how dare he allow himself to be this pitiful. These feelings welled up inside, blazing chakra within his sharingan and causing blood to run down his face like tears. His sharingan morphed, his three tomoe divided and in its place was a sharingan that fortold of unending flames, and with it came a resounding vow.



In response to Hoshimura's activation of his technique, Monsoon Uchiha would activate his Mangekyo Sharingan. As well, he would dispel the shadow clone that was to the left of Aegon, the gap in power rendering his earlier strategy entirely useless.

The remaining shadow clone would take a low, martial stance, with one hand hovering over the other, almost reminiscent of a samurai readying an ia-do. Being less then a meter between the direct path of Hoshimura and Uchiha, the clone would position himself to be directly between Zraix's path and the real Monsoon, with enough space to avoid being struck by trail of the 40 mm width of blazing point. As well, the clone's low stance allowed the real Monsoon to see Zraix over his clone's shoulder. Thus, Zraix would need to push through and past the clone to continue his attack at Monsoon if he wished to take the most direct path, forward. These actions would occur while Zraix traveled around 6 meters, making his static aura 0.5 meters away from Monsoon's shadow clone.

While Zraix's static aura traveled 0.2 meters, the pupil on Monsoon's left eye would dilate and his shadow clone would activate a handsealess jutsu. A pinprick of black, smokeless flame, Amateratsu, smoldered over the surface of the right shoulder of the shadow clone and a similar flame began to snake itself around the shadow clone, starting from its body and coating it in flames. The instant the pinprick appeared, Monsoon's right pupil would dilate with the activation of Kagatsuchi. The black pinprick would begin pouring black flame behind the clone at a speed of 210, enchanting the the shadow clones Blaze Release: Wrapping fire with the power of Monsoon's Amateratsu, increasing its power to 210.  

Once the shadow clone was in range of the 2.5 meter static field around, the shadow clone's wrapping fire would activate, debuffing the power of Zraix's thunder clap and flash by 50 and decreasing its power to 190, causing it to be overpower by the shadow clone's mangekyo enchanted technique. Through Kagatsuchi, Monsoon would command his Amateratsu to form a 5 meter wall on both sides of his shadow clone, with flickering spaces to allow Monsoon sight of Zraix; a rough, smoldering facsimile of a Castle's entrance. As the square field was 30x30, his flames would be able to cut off all other paths forward paths to the real body, having a radius of 35 meters, with Monsoon's clone as the epicenter. The flames would creep over the edge of the field, blocking the exit as well.  

Should Zraix continue his attack, he would find the the enchanted flames of wrapping fire burn through his lightning slice. The wakizashi, having a health of 100, would melt upon contact, down to the hilt as the amateratsu's flames spread. However, due to Zraix's Total Concentration Cloak, the amateratsu could not harm Zraix. As well, due to no longer holding a blade, Monsoon wondered if Zraix's jutsu would persist, as his focus was gone. However, he was aware of Zraix's control of chakra, and would not be surprised if there was a jutsu he could use to gain another blade. His eternal mangekyo kept watch, as would the sharingan of his shadow clone.

If wrapping fire dispels melts the wakazashi, Monsoon's shadow clone would act. Having readied the Evening Elephant, the shadow clone would punch forward at a speed of 75. Using Kagatsuchi, Monsoon Uchiha would enchant the power of the clone's evening Elephant, bringing its power to 210. The 10 meter wide, black flame infused air cannon would be fired at point blank range and travel at 75 speed. Zraix was fast enough to react to the technique, even without enhanced, but the width of the infused taijutsu would make evasive actions difficult.


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