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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

Swimming Pools by Kendrick Gyojin and Shojiro-Z Empty Swimming Pools by Kendrick Gyojin and Shojiro-Z

Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:55 am

Life in the Village of Honey was always as sweet as one might first assume. Not only were the exports of different varieties of honey surging throughout the region, but the concoctions that were utilising the different types in order to produce different addictive flavours were consistently increasing in both number and potency. Yesterday Kenchi had caught wind of a rumour that a local bar were in the dire straits - they needed a few idle hands to help steady their boozy ship, and Kenchi could think of no two ninja more properly suited to this task than both he and Shojiro. He could invite his sister Sakura all along, but she had always been more adept at putting her hands on people and turning them into origami rather than the nimbleness required to operate in a cramped and intense location. Shojiro however had the makings of someone who would do anything to impress those around him, just like Kenchi but in a different flavour, much like the honey previously remarked on. He'd sent a letter to Shojiro as he woke up today; it should be fine time wise as their shifts were to be much later on in the day and he doubted the boy had much planned, but if he had and simply excluded Kenchi, then perhaps he had misunderstood the friendship they had both enjoyed in the recent days.

With nothing much to do for the majority of the day, Kenchi was slow to roll out of the warmth of his single bed in the tavern. The duvet seemed to wrap around him like a loving embrace that refused to shift despite his lightly kicking feet, but to be fair, he wasn't trying too hard. Eventually, his feet bought enough movement in the throw that it would expose his leg to the light breeze from his open window - An almost instant shift from comfy to uncomfortable. Slowly but surely, his body tossed to the right, facing the light coming in from the window, before his right hand snaked down to his left shoulder, idly scratching, and slowly opening up from his body like a slowly unwinding spring. The movement would shift the duvet fully from him to the side, crumpled, where it hopefully would not make a noise that would disturb his sister; that was if she wasn't already at the training grounds making a name for herself by assaulting any and all that would accept a spar with a smaller kunoichi. Throwing his legs off the side of the bed, Kenchi stared ahead at the open window. The sky was a vivid blue today with specklings of clouds decorating the canvas, a few birds flocked together and dispersed to their positions where they were no doubt being amply fed by the discarding of local bakery goods. For some reason, Honey always seemed to have more baked goods than the demand, or at least that was what the boy assumed when he would see the half-eaten bagels inside of the bins, or even worse, slightly outside. The bin was like 5 feet to the right, man!

The resolute cawing of the birds invoked the spirit of humanity within Kenchi. What right did he, one of Gods little creatures, have to not be making full use of his time on this continent if even the birds were making full usage of their waking hours? Slapping his thighs, he forced himself up into a stand before raising himself up on his tip toes. A nice stretch commenced through the muscles in his calves, eventually travelling up through his thighs and glutes. His abdomen would tense and extend even further, with some of his joints lightly releasing a cracking sound as he finished up his initial stretch. He'd still have to perform his yoga routine to ensure his flexibility wouldn't fade away overnight. Crouching down besides his bed in a squat, the boy retrieved a mat he'd been offered from a local after the cooking he had performed as part of a mission for their facility. It'd initially seemed like a curious way of extending favour, but Kenchi had soon grown to adore the light cushioning it provided for his body, especially on the wooden floors that the inns rooms were comprised of. Pulling it out fully next to the window, Kenchi stood on one end, repeating the same waking up stretch in order to alert his body that the day was about to begin and the stretches were next in line to test his body, so they better be ready!

Starting with a simple warm up, Kenchi extended one arm fully outwards until there was a light strain before hooking the elbow with his other arm, rotating slightly to the side and holding the position for a second or two to allow the stretch to work through his tight muscle. He'd repeat this for the other side, and then once more repeat the set so that the arms would be fairly warm with some circulation now ventilating the ol' pipes. Following this, Kenchi shifted his feet to be shoulder-width apart before lowering his torso down towards the ground, walking his palms down his shins, and then finally onto the mat beneath him so that he was extending his legs and straining his abdomen in the exertion. Holding the position for a little while, he'd rise once again before swinging through into the usual yoga routine. Dropping down onto the floor, he sat down with his legs folded beneath him and his hands resting atop his thighs. Closing his eyes, he inhaled sharply, feeling the passage of oxygen through his nose, down his throat and inflating his lungs. Exhaling slowly, he'd repeat the process whilst beginning to appreciate the minute details that made up his life currently - The distant vocals of the birds outside of the room, the shuffling of the foot traffic outside of the window, the feeling of the sunlight perforating the window and warming his skin. All of it contributed to allowing him to appreciate the sanctity of life and how precious any little moment could be. He would never be in this moment again, nor would he ever be as young as he is now. Sometimes things are beautiful because they can't ever be the same, and that was a lesson he had learnt early on into his life.

With his breathing regulation coming to fruition he'd start to expand upon his routine. Upon the creators realisation that he really couldn't be bothered to write an additional one thousand words describing a run of the mill yoga routine, it was decided and unanimously agreed by Andy and his creation that he'd simply say that Kenchi ran through the rest of a regular yoga routine that was aiming to wake him up from his slumber and get his body loose and limber for the days activities ahead - after all, he didn't want to strain himself in the strenuous routine of preparing drinks. Rolling his mat back up and pushing it safely under his bed so that there was no longer a tripping issue, he'd close the window on his side of the bed and make his way towards the bathroom. Fulfilling the rest of his morning routine of brushing his teeth, flossing, and of course the shower to ease his body of the stench it had accumulated during his yoga. He found that a cold shower was best for him at this time of the day as it hardened his mind and forced him to once again focus on his breathing so that the shower wasn't wholly uncomfortable. With how warm the climate of Honey had been during his stay, it didn't seem like he would be wet for long either if he didn't fully dry his hair, which he didn't intend to. It always looked better after he let the gods run their windy hands through it.

Drying off with his imported cotton towel, he'd replace it with a separate towel whilst throwing that towel into the washing basket at the corner of the room. Quietly closing the door and ensuring his sister was still asleep in her bed and not about to introduce him to the floor from a disturbed sleep, he'd start to put on his regular clothing since he wouldn't be needing his robings for such a simple mission. Pulling some white chinos up around his waist and tying them there with a red leather belt, he'd sit down onto his bed before slipping into some red dress shoes with black detailings. A simple red shirt would suffice as he pulled it over his head and arms, pulling it down to cover the rest of him up. Standing up from his bed, he'd throw on his white leather jacket that had black stripes running across it, emulating either the prey zebra or the more elusive albino tiger depending on how the individual viewed Kenchi. Picking up his keys from the side of his bed as well as his pouch in case he had to purchase anything, he would proceed to unlock the shared rooms door and lock it once more as soon as he stepped outside of the private domicile (That would be respected). Looking at the end of the corridor towards where their mum had been staying, he temporarily wondered if it was worth knocking on the door to talk to her, but given the early hours of the morning, he assumed she'd simply be annoyed with his presence at this hour. He'd just buy her some flowers instead on the way back, or even have them delivered!

Making his way down the creaking steps of the tavern he looked around to see that only the regulars were currently here, eating their breakfast and having a few light sips of tea. Nodding his head to them all, Kenchi sat down at the bar to have some light talk with the owner of the fine establishment. "Morning, Minoru. It sounded like a fruitful night for you yesterday! This place sure had been abuzz, what do you do to keep it so lively?" Kenchi flashed a grin at the older man who appeared to be in his late fifties with a thick beard that appeared to have stole most of the hair from his scalp. Minoru grinned back at the boy, wrapping his arm around his neck and playfully dragging his knuckles across his damp hair before pulling back, "Jeez, Kuiaratame, you're always wet when I see you. Are you some livin' hybrid 'tween fish and man? The regulars joined in with the shared laughter between the two, with one of the regulars even throwing out a line, "Either that or a cross between a zebra and a fish! You'd stick out in a crowd wouldn't you!" The room once again erupted into laughter with Kenchi jokingly pointing his finger at the man and talking in between his giggles, "Hey, watch it you. I'm not the one drinking ale at this time!" In response, the man lifted his cup in a cheer from the others before taking a swig. Sure, it was tea, but when the vibe was right it just all rolled together.

Turning back towards Minoru and allowing the laughter to subside from the two of them, he pressed once again, "There's a place on the other side of town that's looking for some help behind the bar. I was thinking I could go there and help out, good soul that I am, then if I do a good enough job I can take over for you here sometimes? Help pay off some of the debt accrued. Of course, I would greatly appreciate it even more if you could give me some pointers on what makes a good bartender. I don't know how to make any drinks... unless they're straight, I suppose." Kenchi flashed a cheesy grin at the man once again, bowing his head humbly so that Minoru could recognise this wasn't a light rib of his but a genuine appeal for circumstances. The older gentleman stopping the cleaning of one of his glasses momentarily, letting out a deep breath before settling the cloth and glass down in the sink and leaning onto the bar close to where Kenchi was seated.

"Y'see lad, you'll probably be cut from just the right kinda cloth for this kinda job. Making the drinks w'out issue and servin' 'em, getting tha' change. That's just one side'a the coin. The main role of a bartend, that's ta' listen. Help. Make 'em feel not so alone. Now, you're a dreamer kid, but you've got to be careful with what you say in those places. When people get to drinkin', they're more loose, they's accept ideas more readily than they would otherwise. Ya' get what I'm sayin'?" Minoru placed his hand down onto the bar, staring into Kenchis soul as he spoke so that the boy understood the importance of the knowledge imparted upon him. Kenchi got what he was putting down. He could be suggestive sometimes and his ideas may not always lead to the best outcomes. If a man was being extorted for money and he suggested to handle it to a man who was inebriated, it was entirely possible that many would make one of the worst decisions of his life. He'd have to be more lucid about what he said to these people, he'd simply have to reassure them. Brighter days were always on the horizon. Fortunately for Kenchi, he wouldn't have to worry too much about the regulars there that got drunk everyday since this was likely a one time gig. Ethics would surely come into paly if he noticed recurring customers, and he imagined the bar would not take too well to him suggesting they give it a few days rest.

"Y'know wha'? Come 'round 'ere and I'll show you a few a' the common drinks. I'll talk to the 'tenders at the place you go, and if they recommend ya', sure, you can work 'ere too. The regulars are already getting used to yer' ugly mug." Minoru chuckled. Listening to the man and grinning at the agreed upon circumstance, Kenchi did as he was told and moved to the other side of the bar, looking around at all of the different utensils around. Once more, the creator decided upon it with the essence of Kenchi that he was not truly that enticed by the wordcount to describe several different ways of making typical cocktails like Old Fashioneds, Mojitos and the rest of them, so he simply decided to elucidate that these are the essences of what he was taught before he was sent on his merry way by Minoru.

Thanking the man with a single wave of his hand as he closed the taverns door behind him, it wasn't exactly the right time to head to The Nine Tales bar just yet. There were a few hours to go, and so much to do in this wonderful town of Koyo. Should he visit one of the many bakeries and delight in the confection, or simply meander and enjoy the many sights that this village was able to offer? Kenchi was overwhelmed with choice paired with variety. He finally had a place that felt like home and he was even establishing a genuine life here where he wasn't simply seen as a shinobi who abandoned their village, but simply a man that was trying to do the right thing. Scratching his lip idly as all the thoughts ran through his head, he even realised he could simply meet up with Shojiro and spend the day with him, but perhaps the boy would get sick of his face if they spent too much time together in such a short timeframe.

Perhaps some light confectionary and a rest at one of the many local parks would be ideal for him. That way he could enjoy the hustle and bustle of life moving all around him while on his own dime. After all, he already had a mission established for the later part of the day so all he had to do now was wake up and enjoy the sunshine. Walking along his regular route to one of the many bakeries he'd established as his main squeeze, he ordered a spicy variant of a latte, combined with some mystery syrup so that he could ensure his taste buds were just as honed as the rest of his body; or at least, that was his current excuse for bulking up his calories. A few croissants were tossed into the bag for him and he paid for the honour. With the lipped coffee in one hand and the bag of goods in the other, he made his way back through the livening streets of the city. A lot of the children seemed to currently be in school given the distant sounds of play from one of the local academies and the stalls were largely still in the process of setting up. He'd offer a hand to them if his weren't currently occupied, so instead he enjoyed the luxury of being a spectator rather than a participant in their life.

Making his way to one of the more central parks of the village, the greenery of the fields were frequently interrupted with vivid fuschias and violets as different wildflowers established their presence along the routes. A few statues stood in the park there were monuments to the native wildlife of the continent, as well as different leaders of the village that had helped guide it into a better era than it had once been in. Finding a bench in the center that had the view he desired, the young ninja settled down onto one side of the green seating, settling his coffee and confectionary to the side momentarily so that he could take in the sights before him. Immersing himself in the scene, he closed his eyes and repeated his breathing exercise from the start of the day so that he could once more take in the pulse of the park - He could hear the buzzing of the bees performing their daily routine around the wildflowers, the gurgling of babies that were too young for schooling playing with their families on the luscious greens, the gentle trickling of the water from the fountain ahead with the statues of birds simulating sipping the water. Exhaling, he opened his eyes once more and took hold of the coffee to his right. Lifting it up, he brought the liquid to his lips and ingested some of the caffeinated beverage. The spices rolled around his tongue and clung to the inside of his cheeks before washing down his throat with the additional flavour of the syrup; it seemed to be some kind of peppermint. Unfortunate!

Lifting one of his feet up and resting his ankle upon his knee, he relaxed further into the bench as he admired the workings of life here. It was a lot less damp and cold than the climates he grew up in. He didn't have to worry about the mist dampening his clothes here. He almost even felt like a civilian himself as he opened up the sealed bag beside him, retrieving one of the croissants and snacking upon it. He feasted much akin to a raccoon that ate the trash, which was to say the crumbs got virtually everywhere and he appeared to be very defensive of his food; perhaps Sakura was always keen on taking his food by force, perhaps she was a very abusive sister to the adorable dreamer, who was to truly say?

Flicking his fingers free of the crumbs that had accumulated upon them, then puffing out his shirt so that the rest were also introduced to the floor, he slumped back into the bench once more. There was so much to appreciate about these tranquil moments. Many people around him had always stated that the calm comes before the storm, so it had to make him wonder if the storm was ever going to come to this peaceful village? What reason would Koyo have to experience the cataclysm of man? It seemed so far removed from the dealings of the major villages that it was essentially safe unless a high ranking official had decided they wanted to pretend an enemy lurked here and thus was deserving of the utmost contempt and immediate mobilisation of an army, but that would be ridiculous. Simply a non factor of an argument.

Pouring some more of the liquid down his throat, the coffee was starting to cool substantially but the current warmth was still at an acceptable level for Kui to delight in it. To relish it, even. Sure, a hotter beverage was always good since it was definitively fresh, but a slightly cooled one enabled a more relaxed drinking experience. He didn't have to worry about scalding his throat anymore, which was always useful. There had been a handful of times where he'd blindly trusted the powers that be and sipped his coffee only to have his tongue pay the consequences as the volcanic liquids swished around his taste buds wreaking destruction upon his palette. Pouring the rest of the beverage down his throat, he'd crush the recyclable cup and throw it into the nearest bin beside him. It still seemed fairly absent of much trash currently, but that was likely due to the day only beginning and the trash being collected last night if he was to make an assumption about the situation.

Keeping the rest of the croissants in the bag, he would simply conserve one for Shojiro, then the others for the staff at The Nine Tales. This was sure to win him over some favour and some legroom for when he inevitably made a copious mess up of the bars circumstances from not actually knowing how to prepare the drinks other than the quick "refresher" Minoru had given him, if you could even label it as such as it had been his first time learning about all of the concoctions possible. Perhaps a crash course was a more apt terminology, as he would certainly be crashing around the bartending area on the course to destruction.

Pushing himself up from the bench, it felt like he had been here for only a few minutes but the scenery had changed countless times in that timeframe; multiple families had come and gone, different picnics had been set up and collected. Time looks like it must have flown by and it was likely the appropriate time to go collect Shojiro from his lodgings. Making his way to one of the nearer cafes, he would place another order whilst settling the croissants down to the side. One milk tea, please! Paying for the beverage and making light talk with those inside, he'd collect the croissants and the milk tea before making his way back outside and into the much more alive city. He'd have to be careful on the way he walked as he attempted to find the location that Shojiro had initially given him in one of their background talks. It was a woodworkers house that was fairly esteemed in the village, if he recalled correctly. It was a strange place for the boy to be, but as they had met from the construction ideals, it did make some sense that it was his current abode, or at the very least, the best way to currently reach him.

When he eventually found his way outside of the woodworkers home, he'd step up to the front trepidatiously with the milk tea and croissants in one hand, wrapping his knuckles against the heavy wooden door and waiting for an answer from either the woodworker and details on where he could find the boy, or even Shojiro himself if he was to be fortunate on this fine day. Whilst he waited for an answer, he shifted the bag back into his other hand and gazed around at the yard of the woodworker. There were various discarding of timber and some trinkets that appeared to be made just to test the woodworkers ability, or would it even be Shojiros capability? There were small squirrels crafted out of lumber as well as other forest life, and even some symbols that seemed to be commemorating the gods. It truly was a pleasant place to be around, although he couldn't stand the idea of having to work here. His delicate hands? In a place such as this? Leave that for the more creative types that weren't scared of splinters under their finger nails. Though that being said, they were probably safe from any vampire invasions given how easy it'd be to fashion a stake in this place.

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