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Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Stat Page : Jinroku
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

Guarding the party Empty Guarding the party

Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:13 am

Blue clear skies, warm morning with serenity, is the village of Kumogakure. Jin, a young shinobi staying in kumo for quite some time, was seen approaching a mailbox. Don in his usual attire,  would approach the mailbox to take the letter sent to him. Ever since he got into the village, the boy had been surviving on the money he got from missions which had been really helpful for him. He applied for another mission last week and It seems the letter just came in. The green-eyed male would retrieve the letter and walk back to his apartment. With his door shut and locked, he would sit on his bed and open the letter to read.  “To whom it may concern, thank you for taking this job. I require some of the most professional and experienced ninja money could buy, as this is a rather delicate task. I will cover the clothing fee associated with purchasing a disguise for the party, so don’t cut corners. A few of my guests could potentially be targeted by mischievous assassins trying to ruin my party, and I need you to quietly take care of it. Please DO NOT harm the guests while trying to save them either.”

Jinroku would let out a smirk upon reading the last word, seeing how this was a very delicate mission, and thinking about rejecting the mission, as this was not something he had done before.  He not only has to eliminate the threat, but he also has to ensure that he does so quietly without harming the guest. What is even more ridiculous is that he has to blend in to do so and dress like the other guests, which isn’t something that the aranha is comfortable with. His usual attire, the black cloak is something that the aranha is used to because its bagginess helps conceal his arms. He would have to reach out to whoever would make his dress to make it extra baggy to conceal his two pairs of arms.   Jinroku would lie on his bed thinking about the mission. The dress of the mission would probably be taken care of by the organizer, so he just has to worry about the mission. It also seems that he would be the only one on this mission, which even makes the mission more difficult, given the large area he would have to surveil and the large number of guests that would be coming to the party.    The aranha had taken a lot of missions in the village before but he had not taken something like this before. The mission would especially need him to prepare and get used to the location where the party would be hosted. The green-eyed would carry his ninja bag, ensuring that all things were in place in the house, before setting out. He would take the letter with him, which he had put in his ninja bag that he carried across his body. The young Aranha was heading to the location of the party, to know the location and to get used to the place to avoid any delays or misinformation on D-day. He wanted to get all his facts right before that day, which would enable him to perform better.    The location of the party was not a place the Aranha had been to before or heard of, but he would ask those around for directions until he was able to locate the venue.  
Standing across a huge tree was the green-eyed aranha, with his arms folded and the other concealed in his black cloak, his eyes would gaze at the surroundings, scanning and observing the area. It was a large open, with tall trees for shade surrounding the place. Seems a tent would be used for the venue, cause no one would want their guests to sit under the scorching sun with no shades. The young Aranha would continue his surveillance, jumping from one tree to another, looking for any loophole the assassins might want to take advantage of. Jinroku would ensure to note down in his book all he observed in the area. “They could possibly gang up here”, he would say to himself as he saw a tree closer to the open field. the young Aranha does not know what kind of party it will be yet, whether a calm one or a loud one. All he knows is that it’s a party.     He had gathered a bit of information about the location, but he would need to gather more.       The aranha would be sitting on one of the trees in the area,  just occasionally observing the area as he read the book he brought along with him. He is a book worm so he loves to read. The green-eyed male would need to strategize how he intends to counter every threat, and he would also need to think of every possible scenario in which the assassin might want to attack and how to counter them. The goal is to do this quietly,  keep the guests safe, and not ruin the party. Jinroku still had a few days to go to the party day, and he needed to come up with a plan before that day. The young Aranha would remain on the tree, reading his book, as he continued to look for clues.    After a while, he would ready himself to leave the area, scanning the place once more, before taking his leave.

In the city, Jinroku thought of an idea. Asking people if they knew anything about the party coming up, what type of party it is, and the kind of people that are likely to attend. It would be best to ask the citizen, but there was no way he would know who was a citizen or who was not. After asking around who is a citizen and who isn’t, he finally found one. “Are you aware of the party that is going to take place at Danji Park?” he would ask before knowing whether to proceed to his next question or to look for someone else. “yes, I am aware of it. The party is held almost every year.  What about it?” The lady with blue eyes would reply. Jinroku’s face seems to radiant with  a warm smile as he finally found a citizen to aid his investigation.  A beautiful calm calm-looking lady, probably in her early twenties, and shorter than Jinrouku by a few inches in height. The young Aranha would proceed with his questions, “ What do you know about the party and what can you say about it?”. “Well, like I said the party takes place almost every year. Last year, an incident happened where the organizers of the party almost stopped hosting the party. There was an attack that injured one of the guests. The party is the party of nobles, which means it is strictly by invitation, no one knows how the infiltrators managed to do that last year. There is a possibility that they might attack again this year, but we’ll see…”, The young lady would reply, trying to be as detailed as she could be.         It seemed the aranha’s curiosity grew with the lady’s reply, and he is set to ask more questions, “who do you think might be behind this attack?  Do you know anyone, an opponent or something”?     the curious young lad asked.   “ I’m not sure who might be behind the attack, and I think it would be hard for anyone to say who the attackers are. But I do know the noble guests that attend the party belong to a certain goodwill organization party, it could be they have opponents or something, I don’t really know”, the lady would reply.   Having gotten enough of what he wanted, he would thank the lady and wave goodbye. The young Aranha would head home, tired from all his surveillance and investigation. He would definitely be too tired to cook, so he brought ramen along the way to eat when he got home. Getting home, he would undress himself, leaving only his boxers, and would set himself to eat.  The thought of how to go about the mission and how to be successful at it still lingers in his head as he eats his food. There are a lot of things he has to do to complete the mission. The first thing is to blend in, so no one even knows that there is a guard on the ground, since he would be dressed just like them anyways. Jinroku had requested his own dress to be extra baggy to  be able to keep some of his arms concealed.  The boy would not want to be the odd one out with three pairs of arms, as this could draw a lot of attention to himself. He would need to be stealthy in his approach, and as usual, his attire is chosen for practicality rather than for aesthetics.     Secondly, he needs to ensure, that everyone is safe while also watching out for any threat, he would need to be as stealthy as ever doing this. He also needs to ensure that he eliminates any threat without drawing attention. It’s a really difficult mission, even for someone like Jinroku.  Young Jinroku would finish his food, drop the plate in the kitchen, and go to bed. All through the night, he was thinking about the mission. He has never been this invested in a mission like this one, probably because of how delicate it seems. Eliminating the threat isn’t the problem, the problem is eliminating the threats without drawing attention. How is he supposed not to draw attention during a fight with the assassin? He does not even know how strong or experienced these assassins will be if he would even be able to take them all by himself. Jinroku was not worried, he was just trying to plan things ahead as much as possible. The young Aranha would finally sleep off after a while of pondering on his plan for the mission.

It was the next day, the Aranha would dress himself and ready himself to go scout the area for the party again. Having known and been to the location yesterday, it was easier to locate this time.  The green-eyed male arrived at the location earlier than he did yesterday because he did not have to ask around for directions like he did yesterday. The aranha positioned himself on a tree in the surroundings, scanning the area and observing if there had been any changes to what he saw yesterday. From what he gathered; nothing seems to have changed. Jinroku would draw the structure of the area in which book, more like a rough sketch, as he moved from tree to tree. The nearby area seems calm right now which means it’s not an area with a lot of people. The aranha was not sure why the organizers had chosen this location for the party, but there was nothing he could do about the location. The boy figured that more people could be susceptible to attacks because the area was an open field. A wide-scale attack would easily injure or kill a lot of people here.  The green-eyed male would finish drawing his sketch and already have a plan. He would defend all cardinal points using clones, while he would be in the area with the guests. The clones would be on the tree observing and scanning the area. This strategy gives Jinroku more hands and helps keep things in control.  The young Aranha would finally finalize his deal, heading home to prepare for the D-day which was a few days from now.  Even tho the boy had planned his move, he still occasionally goes to the location to observe the area and see if anything has changed.  
It was finally the D-day and Jinroku would wake up early to prep himself and get dressed. He had already received his dress the day before to avoid any impromptu delay. As soon as he got dressed, he would head over to the location where the party would be held. The aranha would ensure he was at the location minutes away from the party starting time. He would quickly scan the environment once more, having created shadow clones, two normal shadow clones, and two water shinobi, The four clones would be standing on the trees observing and scanning the area as they moved. The real Jinroku would move into the party as the party was about to start. Both the real Jinroku and the clones were all dressed in the party’s clothing. That’s how clone jutsu works anyways, the clones have the clothing and other stuff of the owner at the time of the creation.  The party began with calm music with guests arriving. Jinroku’s eyes were constantly subtly scanning the area. He looked just like the other guests, so no one would know he was here on a mission or anything. The dress he was given was moderately baggy too, concealing two pairs of his arms and revealing the rest.  Some of the guests took their seats as they arrived while others were on their feet gisting or chatting with other guests. But Jinroku knew what he was here for. The green-eyed shinobi moved from mark to mark observing the guests coming in and the surrounding. It could be possible that the attackers are disguised as guests which would make this mission even more difficult. To subdue such a threat without causing a scene would be a difficult job. Jinroku’s clones constantly surveilling the area too, though they stood on the tree. Both Jinroku and the clones were focused and working hard to see this party guarded.  
All seemed to be going well until two shurikens flew out of nowhere, from behind Jinroku’s clones. The attacker probably thought the target was a guest too, since they didn’t see the clone’s face. Unfortunately, they thought wrong. The shuriken would hit the two clones causing them to puff into a small cloud of smoke. This would instantly alert the other clone causing them to approach where the other two clones were attacked. Jinroku, also taking note of this, would head over to the place. So far, no one has noticed anything, except Jinroku, and that was the plan, to handle the situation quietly. The attackers would eventually reveal themselves. Equipped with throwable weapons, like shurikens, needles, etc, they also had swords with them. The young Aranha would release two more clones to occupy the space that the cover-up clones had left. He would return to the party while keeping track of what was going on with his clones. Jinroku could not just leave the party and go over to handle the two attackers. That would cause the guests here to be vulnerable. he needs to stay here to keep everyone safe.  It seems the two clones would have to handle these two attacks. The attackers initially mocked up the clones, laughing saying the real owner of the clones was too shy to face them. The attackers probably thought the clones were weak because of how easily they took out the initial clones with their shuriken, but that was just because the weapons came from a blind spot. There is no blind spot now for these clones, as even Jinroku was in contact with the clones helping them with information. The attacker soon realized they were up against a formidable opponent. All their attacks seem to have failed. They even tried the shuriken attack again, maybe they might stand a chance, but once bitten, they twice shy. That would not work again, they would have to try something else. Clones have been on the defense on these while, fending off all of their attacks, giving them a chance to turn back and leave, but it seems the attackers are quite stubborn. They’ve probably been paid so much that they aren’t willing to turn back easily despite all their attacks failing. The clone after all the chances they have given them to leave would proceed to attack the attackers severely injuring them, one with a broken rib and the other with a fractured arm. The attackers incurring such injuries had no choice but to flee the scene to avoid death, causing at this point the clones were ready to go for a killing blow, as instructed by the real Jinroku. Seems the threat has been eliminate without causing any scene. The young Aranha still could not believe that he had done it. The mission requirements and details really made the mission difficult but completed the missions. None of the guests were even aware of anything. The organizers must be proud of the arena’s feat. After a while of surveilling the young Aranha would sit to eat like the other guests while the clones continued scanning the environment. He would not let down his guard for one moment even when he was eating. The food was so good that the aranha requested another plate. After finishing eating. He rested for some minutes and continued his surveillance. The mission wasn’t over until the party was over and he was not going to let his guard down. Jinroku watched as the party lit up with music, the excitement filled the air. Food and drinks were all over the table with the guests enjoying themselves, while others chose to dance energetically. Despite all the distractions, the Aranha focused on the mission, making sure there was no threat in the area.
Later, the guest started leaving one after the other, till everyone was gone, except the organizer. The main organizer was really impressed about how the boy was able to guard the place, not even realizing who the guard was until the end of the party. The man would thank Jinroku and offer him his pay. Jinroku would choose to stay until everyone even the organisers had left the area to ensure that everyone was safe. He would disperse his clones and later he would proceed to head home, having such a stressful day, he would straight to bed to witness another day.

WC: 3026

Claiming  6000ryo,  30AP
+30 chakra
2119 into nin amplifier(381/2500 = 2500/2500)
907wc to  temp paralysis  (907/1500)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Guarding the party Empty Re: Guarding the party

Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:21 am
Jinroku wrote:

Claiming  6000ryo,  30AP
+30 chakra
2119 into nin amplifier(381/2500 = 2500/2500)
907wc to  temp paralysis  (907/1500)
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