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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:22 am
"Oh yes, how could I forget something like that." Jojo's eyes lightened up as she remembered that it was crucial to give out names but she herself always wound up forgetting to give out her own as she would then pop her neck and then smile as she said, "I am Jojo Kaguya," then taking the 'kiss over's' hand in a kind grasping shake she would say, "It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." She would then hear a steaming whine and would smile, "Morning tea seems to be finished, would either of you like some?" She was kind and charismatic when asking the question. And then a new person came into the cave and she would extend the offer to this new person as well, "Would you care for some tea as well?"
Dein Vinter
Dein Vinter
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:29 am
Dein snickered as Mist walked into the cave. "Damn... I've been found." He said with a chuckle he stood up and saluted Mist, whom was one of the few people he actually respected. "All I did was spill a little water Mist. Lighten up." He said casually. "At least I tried to clean it up." He said calmly. "I will admit, I did have a little fun watching the guards fall over each other though... but if I knew that they were gonna come whining to you I wouldn't have done it." He said calmly before letting out a sigh. "What's my punishment this time?" He asked without the smile.
Ecto Cross
Ecto Cross
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:34 am
"How many times do I have to tell you that I am NOT a kiss up. I just can't miss another opportunity to make a new friend." I say angrily, almost embarrassed. Ecto sometimes thinks that Dein is out to make him seem like a big flirt with everyone that he meets. "I would love some tea." I said politely to Jojo before turning to Mist. "I had nothing to do with it this time." I yell out as I point a finger at Dein.
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:45 am
"They always come whining to me, Dein. Which is why I'm the one who always finds you." Mist sighed, flipping back her blond hair. She smirked in Ecto's direction, "And I know you had nothing to do with it, otherwise people would have been complaining about you too."

The smirk dropped as she nodded at Jojo, "No, thank you."

She leant casually against the side of the cave and regarded Dein carefully, "As for your punishment..." She held up a small bell on a string, seemingly from nowhere, "Somewhere in the village is another bell that looks just like this one. I've mislaid it. Your punishment is to find it. These two can help you if they like."

Although it seemed like a meaningless chore, the 'punishment' was designed to teach Dein a lesson; stealth. Mist had no complaints about Dein's pranks, it was the fact that he kept getting caught that annoyed her. So she planned her own training for him, which would hopefully also test his investigation skills. Considering Mist was a medical-nin and had spent the years of her 'retirement' working in hospitals, the village hospital would be a good place for him to start. The test here was if Dein would think like that or if he'd just take the approach of trying to scour the entire village for the bell.
Dein Vinter
Dein Vinter
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:51 am
Dein sighed as he found out his punishment, Then thought about it and grinned. "So all I've got to do is go and find your little bell? This'll be fun. Ecto, don't worry, I'll find it on my own, and I couldn't ask Jojo since I just met her." He said with a smile, before heading out of the cave. 'now... where would Mist have put it...' He thought as he looked at the city in thought. He started thinking about her hobbies. He immediately thought medicine, so he headed toward the pharmacy to see if she left it there.
Ecto Cross
Ecto Cross
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:57 am
As Dein left he got a bright idea for a practical joke. He walked over to Mist with a big grin on his face. "Mist, if I pull a prank on Dein during his punishment, would I get in trouble?" He asked casually as he pulled out some explosive tags. "Dein has to search for one bell, right? What if I disguise these tags as bells and place them throughout the town?" I continue explaining to her as my grin gets wider. "So when he thinks he finds your bell, he gets a big surprise. He would have to start using his head to avoid the tags." He explained farther. He had no idea that Mist was testing him. Ecto's idea would only take Mist's test farther and cause Dein to use his brain more than he would like to use.
Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:14 pm
Jojo entered the horrid plan as the tea kettle odds were boiled over and toppled to the ground. She would pop her neck and even massage it as she would then look at the prankster as Dein left, "You do know that if you even use one of those there will be an explosion that will then alarm the town's people. Think and use your own head and decide whether your action will harm civilians or not." She may have had the kind tone earlier but this prank could very well disrupt the civilians. She would then look to the new person whom had entered and given the 'punishment' as Jojo would think through the possibilities, "Helping one in a punishment isn't at all a punishment... A lesson perhaps? But a lesson for what?" She would continue thinking and then say out loud, "If it is a lesson then why use multiple people to teach one skill?"
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:33 pm
Mist smirked at the girl as she re-entered with a pot of tea. Part of her likes the way the girl was thinking - looking outside the box and thinking of others, as well as being able to recognise the 'punishment' as a lesson - whilst the other part disliked the fact that she seemed to be against the idea,

"I'm Dein's teammate, not his mother." She replied with a careless flick of her tone, "I have a son, I don't need to spend my free time babysitting. As such, I couldn't care less about pranks that are played so long as they don't affect me. Teaching lessons that will help when on missions and even potentially save lives is a different matter; I just chose this moment to get him to do this training out of convenience. He was expecting to be 'punished' when I had no intention of doing anything more than tell him off; he created the opportunity so I took it. As for a lesson taught by multiple people - teamwork is a lesson in itself and being able to indentify different people and personality types by their actions is a life skill. As is preventing people from reaching their goals," she gestured to Ecto, "Which is why I agree with Cross's idea. As for the 'civilian' argument," Sher voice took on a tone of disdain, "Where do you think you live, little girl? A happy peaceful flower field? This is a ninja village. Its inhabitants aren't going to be scared by a few minor explosions. And while your at it, look at the tags more closely before making assumtions. They couldn't kill you if they were place on your heart when they exploded." That was a bit of an exaggeration, but not far off. The explosive tags made a small blast. The chances of anyone even being harmed by them was mininmal. But Mist's voice had been getting colder as she spoke, making it clear that she had no respect for someone who would make such foundless arguments against her.
Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:47 pm
Jojo would sigh, "You have time to lecture people but I must ask. We, who live in a ninja village, are still accountable for our actions. Whether it is a prank that is caused or a crime it stills comes to accountability and that is why I am against a prank of even this size. I do apologize for not looking at the paper bombs closely but these homes that are around our village and not to mention the children themselves may be harmed. I have nothing against you but we do happen to have babies around here in this 'ninja' village. Even a minimal explosion such as this can kill one of them."

She shook her head before stepping into a trap herself, "I don't expect that an idiot would even think to put one in a nursery but I do have to say that a minimal damage weapon such as this can easily be thought of as an act of treachery if taken into account." She then thought some more about this idea and then also said, "But if you think it is a good idea to teach lessons of stealth and decision then by all means use the paper bomb idea." Jojo would then walk out of the cave and see the sand everywhere out side her home, "For the record my name is Jojo Kaguya, I think I forgot to mention that to you when I offered tea." She would walk off into the sand and just walk towards the village itself curious as to what to do now.

Dein Vinter
Dein Vinter
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Jumping in the caves (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Jumping in the caves (Open)

Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:49 pm
Dein smirked as he walked toward the pharmacy. He knew perfectly well that Mist hadn't planned this, because the times before when she got him, she had just scolded him. He had just brought up the 'Punishment' as a joke, which completely blew up in his face. He didn't mind though. He had a secret like of doing stuff like this. He had walked past a statue of Cloud Okinaga, which his grandfather and Ecto's grandfather helped erect. He walked over to it and completely forgot Mist's 'Punishment'. He looked at the plaque that read "Lady Cloud Okinaga, Great Kazekage, Mother, and Master." He then saw a few of the names that were escribed down below and saw the name he had shared with his father and grandfather before him. A tear formed in his eye, and he heard a bell off in the distance, which brought him back to reality. "Hold on a second..." He said as a smile grew on his face. "Isn't Lady Cloud one of Mist's ancestors?" He asked as he punched himself in the hand. He had found that out when he had krept into the Kazekage's chamber and began to read the portfolios of the Genin in the city. He was more curious about his teammates than anyone else. He then began to look around the ground for the Bell that Mist had told him to find, and noticed on that was hanging from her fingers. He climbed up on the base of the statue and reached to grab the bell. He stretched as far as he could and grabbed it from Lady Cloud's fingers before dropping to the sand. "Gotcha" He said to no one else around him. He suddenly heard a hissing sound before the bell exploded with a pop in his hand. looking startled and confused he stood up and looked at his hand which now smelt ruffly of gunpowder, he knew who was the culprit of this little gag. Ecto had the thought process to pull a prank on Dein after he's gotten a scolding from anyone. He chuckled at his little friend's gag before walking down the street toward the pharmacy again. "I really do hope there's the real one in there... wouldn't want mist to think I'm an idiot, and completely worthless to the team" He said casually with a slight smile. His brain started to work more along the lines of Mist, and he turned away from the path to the pharmacy and made a new destination... the Village Hospital.
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