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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Hope To Become a Genin

Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:15 pm
Zero sat in the back of her class,just waiting for it to end so she could talk to her sensei alone.Yes...for her,it was embaressing to be a genin at 15,but it wasnt her fault.All the teachers that the young one had were cruel to her,so the girl ran and hid...Until now.This is the last time that she would try to become a kunochi,and if that didnt work,all the pain and suffering was for nothing.Younger kids stared and laughed at Zero because of her age and different looks.Just because her hair was short they called her a boy,and just because she wore goggles they called her bubbly eyes.Well,that didnt bother her.The teacher did.

The teacher this year was suprisingly quiet,and somewhat...nice.He told all the students what and what not to do on a mission,and how to throw kunai's and fire shuriken.Although she already knew everything,he taught her how to perfect it.To her,it was...confusing.Why would he treat her.,.so nice? That single thought bugged her but she shrugged it off and waited for the instructions that held her future.
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:25 pm
"All right boys and girls, the lesson's over now. Head on home and tell your parents or relatives about what you've learnt today. It'd be great if we were to become a major village one day!" The teacher said as he clapped his hands twice in quick succession. It was his habit, but he hadn't let on about it in all the time he had been at the academy. Anything that the students knew could be used against them if they were perhaps captured and the knowledge of their teacher was used to create a flawless transformation into him and thus compromise security.

He signalled Midnight over to him once everyone had left the room. He rested a shoulder on his desk and spoke to her through long hair that covered his eyes.
"I think it's time for the Genin Exam. Tell me though, how come you haven't become a Genin yet?" He asked. H was genuinely intrigued - was it that she had joined the academy late or was it that she had failed past exams?
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:37 pm
The young girl walked to him and listened to him speak before sighing and taking off her goggles and wiping the cover up on her face.Scars,bruises and deep lacerations covered her face down to her neck,some still bleeding."Nobody in this village likes me.I kilIed a ninja in my own backyard..I wasnt born here and my kekkei genkai is from a clan that has disappeared.Im different sensei,and my other senseis wouldnt pass me." She sighed an held her shoulder nervously,not knowing what he would say
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:08 pm
Being different wasn't a problem in the Ninja World and if anything, differences probably actually helped, particularly since they were harder for rogue ninjas to imitate and generalise these imitations to other ninja. If you were the last one of a clan, them the intel that rogue ninja collect of the said person could only be used against them.
"I wouldn't worry about it, to be honest. Look at you, you've been in a fair few fights." The sensei said, a hand gesturing toward her face.  "As long as that was a rogue ninja ou killed, you're fine. That shows promise from even a young age. So come on, let's stick it to your old examiners and go pass you!" He triumphantly slammed a hand on the table before standing and walking out of the room.
"I'm getting the materials, you stay!" He called back.
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:30 pm
The young girl blinked and slightly jumped as her sensei slammed his hand down onto the table.She didnt know if she should hug him or hide! But in her mind,the right thing to do is wait.And so she did.But for some odd reason her kekkei genkai kept activating on its own while remnants of the past kept popping up in her mind.This never happened before.She thought to herself 'What the hell is going on....?'
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:38 pm
The teacher re-entered the room, four kunai in one hand, wrapped in cloth. He adjusted his headband as he stepped past and closed the door with his foot so that his black hair was pushed back onto his head away from his eyes.
"Then we should begin the exam." He spoke, walking to the other side of the room and dropping the materials on a desk with a resounding clang. In the next split-second, he had picked up one of the kunais and thrown them at her.
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:50 pm
Before he could even blink,she was behind him with a kunai to his spine.Her voice was laced with amusement "Please dont hold back on this test.If im gonna be a genin i want to earn it" Zero softly and silently flipped over him with grace,but held the kunai in her hair on the tiny braid in the back of her head at the end.With a grin,the young ninja bounced in anticipation,staring into his eyes with a challenge.The blackness spread everywhere in her eyes,leaving only the white cresent moon shaped pupil stand out.This was going to be fun.
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:53 pm
The teacher couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Zero flicker away. It was a classic jutsu. Never mind, there was always next time.
When Zero then flipped over in an impressive fashion to the front of the teacher, he gave her a small grin.
"Never allow the enemy to come anywhere near you, or you may find yourself having to perform illusions to evade their gaze, such as doppelgangers. I'd like to see you perform the doppelganger please, and have it so that I cannot tell your clones from the original without chakra sensing." He grinned, adjusting his headband slightly. His hair remained on his forehead, where it had been fastened earlier. Not rushing this student would be the best thing currently, but he was still in disbelief as to why she hadn't been passed earlier simply on the basis of a few differences from other students. Underwater wasn't that prejudiced... was it?
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:12 pm
She nodded and bit down on her cheek nervously before making the hand signs,instead of the usual poof of white clouds,the shape changed to shimmering black lotus flowers,and it swirled around her and her clone.As the clouds vanished,the doppleganger's features and looks were the same,all the scars,bruises,and stiches were in the exact same place.It was the perfect clone! She looked at the teacher nervously and sighed "I did my best on the dopple ganger..."
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Hope To Become a Genin Empty Re: Hope To Become a Genin

Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:20 am
The teacher eyed the clone up and down before nodding slowly.
"I think that's good enough." He said, putting a hand to his mouth and pondering his next actions. He then took it away.
"Now I'd like you to transform into anything you like, be it a chair or desk. Camouflage is the best idea in these situations, but it may not always be available. Come on then, let's see." He began walking away back to his own desk, preparing to turn around after the transformation was complete.
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