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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:46 pm
After leaving his house, Ryu went to the forest for some time to relax. On his back was a plain katana he bought with the left over ryo he got. When he entered the forest found the tree he always goes to. "The
Forest," Ryu said taking a deep breath Ryu smelled the forest and his
body relaxed leaning against the tree, His mind clearing, the forest
always relaxed him. For Several minutes he just sat there listening to
the animals moving around him, they moved around him because he had that
smell they did not like, the smell of Iron. but Ryu would love to see
some of the animals just once even of a few seconds. Ryu did this every
day, as a way to reflect the happenings of the day. Ryu rested his head against remembering every thing that happened, it was near seven o'clock and the sun started to lower into the horizon.

word cont = 157

Last edited by Firedragon on Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding word cont)
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:23 pm
Katsu was lying in the forest , resting and enjoying the nature , the silence , the wind. He suddenly saw the boy that was standing in front of him , looking to another way. He couldn't have seen Katsu. "Maybe I should talk to him..." thought Katsu " a company wouldn't be bad. He won't know that I'm a missing-nin... I haven't committed any crime yet , and he is either not a ninja or just an academy student. He wouldn't know...". He got up from the ground and went near the bot. He looked touched the boy in his shoulder , since the boy was unable to see him , he smiled and said "Hi !".
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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:00 am
Startled out of his thoughts Ryu, when someone touched him
on the shoulder, "hi," said the boy. "Hi," Ryu respond,
this boy was just a little older then Ryu, "um...did you want
something?" Ryu said. Not, meaning to sound rude or impaction, but he
wanted to go back to his thinking. Ryu Smacks himself in the head, "Sorry,
My name is Senju Ryu." Ryu offered his hand to do a handshake. Ryu saw
this boy, he was wearing a blue hoodie and a Red trench coat. Ryu did not think
he saw Ryu's new Katana. Thinking out loud "I need to name this
still." Ryu move his katana off his back and held it in his hand looking
at it, the Katana he got from the ninja store, and it was plain and looked a
bit old. Ryu went back into thought looking for a name, when, **"Ryu, to
make wood you need to put earth in your left and water in your right, then mix
and create. There like that." a man's voice said.** Opening his eye's, Ryu
looked at his hands. "What was that?" Ryu Said forgetting that someone
was with him.
(word cont = 194)
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:26 am
"Name your sword ? Why don't you give it a name after you become a genin ? Like , on the first mission you go , or the first time you use it to harm somebody..." Katsu "My name is Katsu , by the way , I was going to do some training , do you want to join ?".

[sorry for the short post.]
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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:20 pm
"A name is important, with out a name it's like walking
around with a mask," Ryu Responded to Katsu. "Sure, I'll do some
training with you," Ryu put the Katana back on his back, and started with
his stretches, leaning left then right to stretch his legs, and then moved to
his arms. First the left moving it to his right shoulder and graving it with
his right hand, holding it for five seconds, then switching to his right.
jogging in-place, Ryu was almost finished with his warm up. can we do hand to hand **For weapons, an unnamed weapon will not give you all it's power, and can brake and leave you in trouble, so even if it's only once give it a name even before you fight, for a temporary names go with seasons, or a natural devastator.** pulling the Katana from it's sleeve, he looked at the blade, "Spring, your name shall be Spring for now."

((159 words))

Last edited by Firedragon on Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : adding word cont)
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:52 pm
"An unnamed weapon will not give you all ti's power..." repeated Nero as he drew his twin blades. "Let's match spring with my blades. Maybe I'll give them names later..." said Katsu as he held the blades towards him , walking away from him to an appropriate distance to start the spar. "Go ahead , " said Katsu "make the first move.". He was ready for some spar.

[sorry for the short post.]
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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:33 pm
Ryu took his stance his mind went blank with only two word in his mind 'don't Kill.' Holding Spring in his right hand moved in closing the distances he swag, aiming at his left side with the back of his blade, not even waiting to see if it would hit, Ryu spins right switch Spring to his right then twisting Spring to the dull edge again, now he was aiming for his shoulder, Ryu was not fast but with some sparing he could get better, he needed to make his Father proud.

((Word count: 92)
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:24 pm
Katsu used the blade in his left hand to misdirect the attack made to his left side. Then when the boy aimed for his shoulder , he used the other blade to defend himself from the slash made to his shoulder. He would then kick the guy , sending him back. Katsu believed it would work , realising he was slightly faster than his opponent as he saw him dashing to him before their blades clashed.

[WC so far : 299]
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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:49 pm
Evens would walk around in the forest for his relaxing vacation from missions, he walked through the delightfully happy forest, but for some time he seemed to sense something or someone, human being or beings? He walked just against the beings and then noticed someone, an academy student, looking at the age look from behind, but who knew, maybe a midget or something, and he was accompanied by another shinobi, not knowing if he was from here or somewhere else.
He would get close enough and then begin to wave with his arm. ''Hey there!!!'' he would yell while smiling, or ... trying to smile, his mouth was covered by his mouth mask, that mask with a picture of a dragon's mouth, on his right shoulder, a band with a picture of a tiger in a yin yang shape, on his left arm, a band with a tiger and a dragon in a yin yang shape, on his back, a big over sized dao sword, covered with light gray bandages.
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The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open) Empty Re: The Meeting In The Forest (Nkill, open)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:01 pm
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