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Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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A Meeting In The Forest [Private] Empty A Meeting In The Forest [Private]

Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:49 pm
Kino walked through the forest, the very forest he had gotten attacked in before. He sighed, remembering those days when he had fought the one known as Nashua Uchiha. Those fights has ended in defeat for Kino, however each of those fights he had gained not only experience, but the sharingan. Today he has the Mangekyou Sharingan, one of the last few stages in the sharingan. he was near Konohagakure, planing only a quick visit [Short]

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Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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A Meeting In The Forest [Private] Empty Re: A Meeting In The Forest [Private]

Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:50 am
Kino walked in the forest, all was peaceful until the moment where he had heard a voice coming from all around him, bouncing off the tree saying 'Hey you!!' He activated his sharingan, not the mangekyou sharingan no, the third tomoe of the sharingan. This was supposedly the last stage of the sharingan, until the mangekyou. Kino used to believe it to be the last stage, but now that he had achieved a stage beyond the third tomoe he didn't know whether or not the sharingan could go to limitless power. He would begin to search around the forest for where the voice had truly come from, the sharingan would allow him to see where the person would be, as it could detect chakra. He searched through the trees, through the leaves and near the branches and then would notice a small flying piece of chakra using his sharingan to detect it. He had heard the man saying that if he dodges this they would spar, if not then they would part ways from earth and heaven. Yet another attempt to be killed in this area, he would have to stop traveling to Konohagakure soon.

He kept his eyes on the flying object which had some chakra in it, soon enough it would come for Kino, as it got closer he would notice it being in a bird like shape. As it reached two feet, he would jump away, turning around and dashing as he reached a few feet back from his original area. The explosion that had come from the bird was indeed a surprise for Kino, yet it didn't seem to reach farther than a foot from the place Kino was originally standing at. he sighed, looking around for the launcher now.

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Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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A Meeting In The Forest [Private] Empty Re: A Meeting In The Forest [Private]

Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:54 pm
Kino continued to search through the trees, through the
branches and through the leaves of the forest of Konohagakure. He had indeed
been attacked in this area supposedly the most now. He would notice, yet again
a small chakra in the three branches, hiding in the leaves. A sigh escaped
Kino's mouth as he looked around, as he would soon hear the bouncing voice
again 'So...... you're an Uchiha too? Wonderful!' Kino listened to the words
coming from around him "Too?" he asked out loud, wondering if this man
had been an Uchiha, or perhaps something else. He was thinking on the style
this one used, Kino hadn't remembered seeing this before, even if his memory
had been lost Kino should have had it restored upon seeing this, as it had when
he had listened to the new Raikage's voice, it had reminded him of the time
that he had spoke in the war, just barely though. Or other times when Kino had
regained his memory, mostly through site's. Even though he hadn't had his full
memory regained, he would have remembered something like this. It seemed like
to ninjutsu, something that Kino had often used before his death. Like most
Uchiha Kino had used the fire ball jutsu, before death at least. This was due
to most
Uchiha, if not all having the element of fire. The fire ball jutsu was used as
a way for the Uchiha to tell if the younger members had matured, for the

Kino sighed, looking behind him as more chakra dashed for
him, he would look ahead to notice more. He quickly made a jump to the side, at
the same time heading forward a bit, at his full speed barely avoiding the
blast of the bombs.

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Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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A Meeting In The Forest [Private] Empty Re: A Meeting In The Forest [Private]

Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:42 pm
Kino watched as the
birds had not ended up exploding like the other ones had done, however he had
more focused on the new bomb like spider upon his back. He ran, away from the
area from where he was originally standing. He put his arm’s back behind him as
the sleeves of his cloak. He headed for a tree, deciding that he would head up
there to supposedly help himself avoid the flying bombs better. While dashing
at his full speed, he would perform a small set of hand signs. He had
multiplied times three, this had been a rather simple jutsu that most knew
after the academy. He continued to perform hand signs as he ran towards the
tree, yet nothing had seemingly happened after the set of hand signs. His two
others headed out into the forrest more, as Kino would begin to focus his
chakra in his feet, making it to where he would walk on the tree with ease. He
lifted his foot up as it touched flat on to the trunk of the tree, where he
would take his other foot and begin to run up the tree. His arms back, his
cloak had fallen off of him as he had ran up.

He would soon reach a branch, he placed his foot on the
bottom of it, the other foot quickly followed just slightly ahead though. ‘When
I say too…. I mean you and the Hokage as well as his brother’ He had heard the
man say, he quickly looked in his direction, where there was a branch rattling.
‘Man you Uchiha are interesting.’ He had heard the man say, Kino sat there and
continued to listen, his hand holding on to the branch, his two feet filled
with chakra on the bottom of it, the branch was strong enough to hold Kino’s
weight, and his chakra was focused well enough to keep him on without breaking
the branch with it or slipping off. He haheard the man introduce himself to be
a genin of the hidden leaf, yet again making Konohagakure the only village who
had ever attacked him. He watched as the man jumped from the tree. ‘I am Nathianiel
J. Sakata, The Artist of the Leaf.’ Kino
heard the man say “I am Kino M. Uchiha” Kino said in reply, allowing the man to
know the name of the one who he had rather randomly chalanged. He watched as the clay that the man had in a
mouth on his hand slither out, as what appeared to be a snake. ‘Isn’t it
beautiful?’ The man asked, Kino watching it, his sharingan still active. He
watched as the snake’s slithered past the tree he was in and headed for some
tree’s not too far behind the one he was in. ‘Their my favourite art, even if I
don’t favour animals, let alone insects, I completely and utterly favour my pet’s.’
Soon enough he had heard a boom somewhere behind him, Kino would lose focus in
the chakra in his feet and it would make him begin to slip off the branch, his
hand being the only reason that he hadn’t fell yet. ‘Their harmless, trust me.’
He had heard the man say, He would swing forward with his arm still on the branch,
he would jump forward soon landing on the ground, keeping his distance from the
man. He walked towards the right, of himself and headed off towards Konohagakure, his sharingan still active he kept an eye out for anymore attacks [EXIT]

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A Meeting In The Forest [Private] Empty Re: A Meeting In The Forest [Private]

Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:35 pm
wordword count?count?

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