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Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Calling All Kages Empty Calling All Kages

Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:36 pm
The time had come, the Kages needed to speak to one another and decide the future of the shinobi world. Clearly there were some issues with the fact that Sky Nation and Fire Nation had grown so large that Kirigakure no Sato was the only remaining Major Village that was not taken over. This Gokage Summit would be rather interesting, bringing together five powerful leaders to discuss things didn't always go as planned. There were going to be a few expections in this Summit, as a Kage could send a different shinobi in their place, but the shinobi would need to be worthy or else it would be looked at as a sign of disrespect. Not showing up to the Summit at all would result in the other Kages not viewing the village as a Major Village anymore and in that sense the Kage would lose his or her title as Kage.

"Dear Tenkage

This is a direct calling for a Gokage Summit. We all have things to discuss. If you do not wish to show up, you must have someone else in your village take your place that is worthy enough. If no one from your village shows up, we will no longer accept you as a Major Village. Once you've decided please make your way to the Land of Iron.

- Your Friend; The Raikage Nike."

He had written it in blood on a scroll and sent this one to the Tenkage of Tengakure no Sato, Zachariah.
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Calling All Kages Empty Re: Calling All Kages

Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:17 pm
Zachariah received the letter. "It's time for the man in the top hat to say hi to some Kage," he said as he walked into the elevator. Stepping in, it dropped, and he reached the ground floor. Walking out of the village, walking through the mists of industry, his form shifted. A smile spread across his face as he disappeared into the aether.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Calling All Kages Empty Re: Calling All Kages

Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:18 pm
Azaiyo would be told that he was to attend a certain meeting, a very important one at that. Azaiyo would ask himself "Why me for this meeting?" It had seemed that those shinobi of high class only were to attend this meeting, people like the Gokage. It had seemed as though Azaiyo had become a true representative of his village. Looking back upon the Kazekage Chambers in the Hidden Sand, numerous amounts of questions would fill Azaiyo's mind. "It's time I show who I am." Azaiyo thought to himself, beginning to travel to the Land of Iron. Wearing his legendary cloak, the Hidden Sand Cloak of Legends, his Under and Over armory, and most of all, the keys that revealed him to be a man of peace, Azaiyo would seek an unknown place, and begin to head in that direction.
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Calling All Kages Empty Re: Calling All Kages

Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:22 pm

Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Calling All Kages Empty Re: Calling All Kages

Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:08 am
[Delayed until new Mizukage is Chosen]
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