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Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:23 pm
Minato would be walking around the crazy village of Volcano in his Long black jacket and t-shirt as well as his black pants as he looked around the village with his crimson eyes looking for something fun to do. Despite him being an academy student he would have no friends as he scratched his head," i wonder what i am going to do today it seems like a bloody fun day to make friends," as he shuffled through the village. He would now jump onto a nearby rooftop taking of his bow setting it beside him as he waited for someone to come by him....
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty Re: A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:38 pm
Feeling a bit insane, which is normal for Yuri she walked around the desolate village looking at the blood streaked streets and walls. A slight cackle slips from her mouth as she admires the deadly beauty of the village. The stench of death fills her nose as she leans her head back and takes a deep breathe. "Oh what a good day to be alive." She says as she leaps onto a nearby roof almost knocking over someone. "Its not safe to sit so close to the edge, you could get hurt. Too bad you didnt ." She said smiling sadistically and then sitting next to him.
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty Re: A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:51 pm
Sitting on the roof enjoying this bloody paradise and the smells and sights that came with it, Minato would be interrupted by someone that was asking for a death wish,"Its not safe to sit so close to the edge, you could get hurt. Too bad you didnt as she sat down beside him. Looking at her with a crazed smile he would turn to her," it's not safe to sit by someone that would kill you for nothing, who are you," as he looked at her up and down. Judging from her appearance she was cute, but she would look cuter with her blood all over his hands. Smiling he would look down at her he would move his bow to the side holding it in his right hand.
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty Re: A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:21 am
"Yuri Uchiha. And what is yours?" She asked as she looked own at the kid. He didn't seem to scared and his come back was pretty witty. She cackled and leaned her head back again. "This village is beautiful today, I am rather bored. It's like there is just no one here to torment though." She had a slight cackle.
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty Re: A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:22 am
[I had to type by phone, I am very sorry it is short.]
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK) Empty Re: A fun time in The Volcano Village(NK)

Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:44 am
(its okay any interaction is a fun one)

Minato would listen to her name before answering his smile never changing," the names Minato Sahashi and i know the feeling. This village is always beautiful especially when the blood of someone is spilled everywhere. We could torture and fuck with the villagers down there, not like anyone would miss there meaningless lives," pointing at two villagers walking past them. He would wait for a response from here before doing anything as his smile would become more apparent.
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