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Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Look Ma! I gots me a new village - Page 2 Empty Re: Look Ma! I gots me a new village

Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:40 am
When Shinji showed off his chakra chains, Furozan was obviously interested in them. He loved learning about new bloodlines and what they could do, or what they even looked like. He was always fascinated by the Sharingan and had always wanted to see the eyes in person instead of in a book, but he had never been given the chance. So seeing the Chakra Chains was extremely interesting to him. He had only read about them, never even seen any pictures, but his excitement was cut short when he retracted them. He did not press the matter any further, though, he was sure the man did not want to be pressed about it.

As they walked through the building, Furozan made sure to make mental notes of everywhere they were going, the place was huge. If not for the Tenkage he would have gotten lost with ease. It did not help that Furozan was a curious lad and would have been distracted by tons of different things. If it were not for Shinji being in front of him he would have gotten lost with ease.

When the elevator opened and he was given the go ahead to go into his room, he walked in slowly. "By the gods." He sometimes spoke in that weird way, it was from some books he read when he was younger. It was about a God who came to earth and he often said bold things like that. Furozan always found comfort in the books so when he was taken aback or excited, he often muttered out some of his catchphrases.

His room back at Kirigakure had been barely big enough to squeeze in a twin size bed and a closet that could barely hold all of his clothes. This room was at least three times as big. Right as he walked in he noticed a window, with the blinds drawn, and he could see out over the entire village. Almost in the center of the room was a bed that was bigger than his own parents bed had been. To the right of the bed was a desk that was, obviously, empty and to the right of the desk was a sliding door closet that could have eaten his old closet five times. Left of the bed was a door that, upon further inspection, opened up into a bathroom. It was nothing fancy, sure, but compared to Furozan's old boarding area, it was a freaking kingdom.

"Are you sure this is the right room?" Furozan said with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Nervous because he hoped Shinji did not mistake the rooms and give him the wrong one. "This room is amazing! Are you sure I can stay here? I mean, I am new to this village and have not done anything to earn something so lavish...." Some people may have thought this room to be junk, but Furozan looked at it like the holy grail of living situations.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Look Ma! I gots me a new village - Page 2 Empty Re: Look Ma! I gots me a new village

Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:34 am
Shinji could not help, but laugh ever so lightly at Furozan's exclamation. Taking the liberty Shinji poked his head into the room with an interested look on his face. The room itself was not too impressive, but then again he was used to his room as kage that sat on top of the world. Stepping out of the room Shinji found that one of his anbu had taken the initiative and gotten a headband for Furozan. The anbu quickly bowed and handed the headband to Shinji who thanked her quickly and turned just to hear Furozan worrying about the room. At this point Shinji half considered sending him down to the broom closet and saying there had been a mistake, but thought better of it-that would be too mean. Instead Shinji spoke once again: "It is your room for as long as you see fit to stay in it. Natraully the food here will be free and we have maids come by every now and again, so do not worry too much about any messes." Taking on a more jocular tone Shinji continued without missing a beat: "However, do not leave too much of a mess, because those maids could probably kick your ass. They are all part of my anbu, so I would not try and mess with them." Pausing a bit Shinji tossed Furozan the headband with the Tengakure crest on it. The symbol of the village and pride of Shinji's life as of right now. He would do anything to protect those who wore these headbands. He would then ask a honest question of Furozan: "Now, do you have any questions?"He waited with a rather lazy look on his face and weary eyes. he had not gotten too much sleep as of late.
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Look Ma! I gots me a new village - Page 2 Empty Re: Look Ma! I gots me a new village

Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:51 pm
When Shinji gave him the headband, Furozan felt a few different emotions. He reached up and untied his headband and he put them side by side. He felt weird, taking it off, and putting another one on. He knew his village was no more, but the headband was special to him. He remembered the day he received it and how excited he was and he had worn it every day since then. None the less, he did not want to upset anyone in the village, so he quickly tied it around his head.

"I am a clean guy, so that should not be a problem." He looked around the room one more time, letting it all sink in. "What about a team? Will I be placed on one or what?" He remembered his first partner, Kankarou, and he mourned him for the first time since the attack. He forgot about him and he wondered if he was still alive.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Look Ma! I gots me a new village - Page 2 Empty Re: Look Ma! I gots me a new village

Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:20 am
Shinji gave a friendly smile to Furozan as he took the headband. Shinji knew it must be hard to move on from another village to another-he could not do something this boy had done it would have broken his heart. The least he could do was give the boy some time to get his thoughts straight. As it turned out it did not take long for Furozan to ask a question. Luckily this was a simple one for Shinji. He responded with a kindly voice that had just a bit of warmth in it: "Naturally I will find you a team in no time. It should not take much doing......Now, I must take my leave right now as I have a meeting with the elders. If you ever need anything then you know where to find me-we do live in the same building after all." With that Shinji turned to go. If Furozan did not stop him he would leave to go to his meeting. However, he had a feeling this was not the last time he would see this white haired youth.

{Exit, unless you have something else to ask/say.}
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