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Ryo : 271700

Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Training Yuudai (Private)

Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:38 am
Den walked through the village of Tengakure with the small dragon perched on his shoulders. He gripped the fabric of Den's shirt in order to keep his balance, using all four legs to keep his position on Den's left shoulder. The red dragon seemed to enjoy being up in the air, for the small dragon Den's shoulder would be high off of the ground. Yuudai would occasionally move his wings, as though he wanted to take off and fly. He was to young however, to be able to take off and soar into the sky. Den smiled and reached up to the dragon with his right hand, scratching the bottom of his head, the bottom of his jaw.

The newborn made a sound that could be compared to purring, an amusing trait that they had. Den had not intended for them to make that noise, but the anatomy of the creatures caused them to express pleasure with such a noise. Den thought it was cute for his newborn to make the noise, so he had made no attempts to rectify that error.

A few people looked at the baby dragon curiously, though no one screamed and ran. Den was glad that his plan seemed to be working, by introducing young dragons to society it would be easier for them to accept the creatures, rather than bring giant beasts capable of killing a normal man with ease. A few people even approached Den and Yuudai, inquiring as to what the creature was.

“Yuudai!” the little dragon answered once, to a small girl that asked Den what his pet was. The dragon mispronounced his name, but Den was surprised he was already trying to speak. The little girl looked at the dragon, surprised. Her eyes grew wide as they locked with Yuudai’s, who looked down from his perch towards her.

The young dragon hopped off of Den’s shoulder and onto the ground, giving the poor little girl a start. But Yuudai meant no harm, and slowly walked up to the girl, green eyes staring at her curiously, “It’s alright, he’s nice. You can pet him if you like, he especially likes it when you rub under his chin. The girl shyly reached out to the small dragon and began petting him, before giggling when she he heard him purr, “He’s amazing! His name is Yuudai, right? What is he? A flying lizard, or is he really a dragon?!” The girl looked up at him, amazed that he had such a beast with him. Den only smiled and nodded, letting out a chuckle as the girl looked once more at Yuudai with amazement.

Den watched as the young girl and Yuudai started playing. They ran through the streets chasing each other, switching around who was chasing who whenever one of them caught the other. Den had never played tag much as a child, he had always been introverted and focused a lot on his training. Seeing the amount of fun the girl and Yuudai were having, he wished he had taken breaks and made some friends in his early youth.

The dragon and the girl played for a little while, though when it started to get a little dark the girl went home, and Yuudai slowly walked back to Den, who had been waiting nearby to make sure neither of them got hurt. Den picked up the little dragon and held him in his arms, noticing that the dragon was more than a little tired. “Alright little guy, looks like you already worked yourself out, let’s go rest for a bit.” With that Den would use his power over space and time to teleport, only having to pause for a few seconds before appearing on top of one of the giant skyscrapers in the village. The dragon enjoyed the buildings of Tengakure. While he enjoyed being around the people of the village, he also enjoyed looking down towards them from the top of the skyscrapers. Den believed it was because the small dragon wanted to fly, though his wings were not yet strong enough. They had been doing exercises here to increase the strength of the baby, but he was not able to lift himself off of the ground just yet. The dragon flapped his wings and began to jump around the roof top, attempting to fly but finding himself failing every time.

“Yuudai, let’s wait until you’ve rested a bit. You’ve already worn yourself out running around.” Den walked over to the tired dragon, who had nearly collapsed form moving around so much. Den picked up the small beast, holding him in his arms as he rested. The small dragon rested his head against Den, quickly falling asleep. Den smiled as he looked upon the creature, he believed that when he got older Yuudai would not only be a powerful dragon, but a good friend as well.

Den sat at on top of the tower, with Yuudai on his lap. The young dragon was starting to get more powerful, Den wondered how long it would be before his first growth spurt. Den had to admit he would be a bit sad when Yuudai grew, he would no longer be able to have the beast perch on his shoulder or be able to carry him easily. But, it would be nice to actually be able to talk with him, and watch as he flew for the first time, and become a powerful ally.

Den pet the small dragon as he rested, noticing that the chakra levels of the beast were beginning to increase. Den believed the growth spurt would be soon, much to his dismay. A sad smile touched his face as he lifted the dragon up into his arms, allowing him to stand up.

Yuudai woke up as he began to walk down the side of the building, using the surface walking technique to avoid falling to his death. He was headed home, to the apartment he, Takehiko, and Toma shared. He figured neither of them would be home, Toma in Sanctuary and Takehiko out in the country border trying to find things.

TWC: 1021

+5 stats for Yuudai
+10 JP for Yuudai
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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:30 pm
Otsune Uchiha
Otsune Uchiha
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Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:43 pm
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Wed May 15, 2013 8:16 pm
Den and sat on the top of a plateau, his legs hanging off the edge of the large, seemingly natural construct. He was in Sanctuary, the realm in which his dragons existed. Their numbers had increased since his last visit, dragons now dominated the sky in this realm, and they had spread farther away from the location of their birth.

Yuudai sat next to Den, the young dragon having hit his first growth spurt. He was a lot larger than the small dragon that had constantly stood atop Den’s shoulder. “You’ve gotten a bit fat, haven’t ya?” as he spoke, Den patted the chest of the young dragon, who turned his head at Den, “Oh, I’m fat? You’re one to talk, you little stick.” It was still odd for Den to hear his companion talk, it hadn’t been but so long ago that he had only been able to speak his own name. As the dragon finished the joke, he swung his tail at Den’s back, sending the young man falling off the edge of the plateau.

Wind blew Den’s hair away from his face as he fell, quickly accelerating as he fell towards the ground. Is he trying to kill me? Den slowed to a stop in midair, Sanctuary’s gravity being manipulated to allow Den to simply remain in the air, still far above the ground. Looking back up, he saw Yuudai slowly make his way down the plateau, the dragon’s version of a smile plastered onto his face, “I got you so good Den! You’re so lightweight I easily knocked you off your spot. “The dragon laughed as he reached Den, stopping a meter above Den before he began to hover in the air.

Den laughed at the young dragon, “I suppose I am a bit skinny. But is that any excuse for bullying a blind man?” He motioned towards the bandage over his right eye, before disappearing in a flash of white light. He was back on top of the plateau, looking down at the red dragon, who was now very confused.

Den jumped off the plateau, manipulating Sanctuary so that he would remain completely silent as he fell, and also so that light would still touch Yuudai’s back despite Den blocking out the sun. The young dragon still looked up right before Den hit him however, that being the last place he looked while trying to find Den.

Den collided with the young dragon, reducing the force of the impact with his power so that Yuudai wasn’t harmed. The two then fell towards the ground below, laughing as they went/ Den did the same thing as he did when he slammed into Yuudai, and reduced the speed and thus the force of their fall, both of them landing on the ground softly.

TWC: 466

17/30 (Blindness in right eye)
3/40 (chakra stored in armor)
2 stats= 100 ryo
4 JP

+2 stats
+4 JP

Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Fri May 17, 2013 6:22 pm
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Fri May 17, 2013 6:26 pm
Den watched as Yuudai began to fly through the sky, high above the skyscrapers within the village. Den smiled as he watched his friend take his first flight in the real world, his left eye keeping close tabs on the young dragon’s movements. He was still rather slow though, and even though he was bigger Den had no intentions of taking him on dangerous missions. Yuudai was still just a child, and was neither strong nor fast. One day, perhaps, he would be a warrior, but it wasn’t going to be any time soon. He said nothing to the young dragon about that however, he didn’t want to hurt his feelings, or lead him to think he needed to prove himself of something like that.

After flying for a short time the young dragon landed on top of the building Den had been standing on, a large skyscraper near the outskirts of the village, “That was amazing, there was so much wind, and the clouds had water in them!” Yuudai had a few droplets of water on his scales as he looked toward Den, excitement on his face.

Patting his head, Den teleported the two of them back to Sanctuary. Den didn’t have anywhere for Yuudai to stay in the real world, so he let the young dragon stay with his family and fly whenever he wanted to.

TWC: 228

20/30 (blindness)
12/30 (chakra stored)

+1 stat
+2 JP
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Training Yuudai (Private) Empty Re: Training Yuudai (Private)

Fri May 17, 2013 6:26 pm
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