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The Wild Training  Empty The Wild Training

Tue May 07, 2013 2:32 pm
Well it was a normal day for Kumogakure the sun was up, the sky was cloudy and His training were still in play. It'd been a couple of days since he was healed at the infirmary, his injuries not as severe as before but still fairly cringe worthy.Musa had been out and about, wanting a quiet day in, going shopping for fruit and vegetables for dinner that night. He wondered for a moment and figured what to have for dinner before deciding on a leek soup with a side portion of dumplings. Win! He'd just finished paying the man at the vegetable stall for his purchase before wiping his brow."I'm not coming down with something am I?" He asked himself, looking up to the sky. The sun wasn't even that warm to be honest with you but he shrugged it off and passed it off for him being paranoid. He decided it best to just ignore the minor setback and head off home to cool down.Heading home, he came to his front door; pulling out his keys and opening the door as he entered. Locking the door behind him, he flung his scarf off from his neck and dumped it on a chair that was sat at the side of the hallway. He kicked off his shoes, flipping through the air and hitting the wall before landing on the ground, he walked towards his living room, the wooden floorboards slightly cold from having his bedroom window open, he placed the food on the living room coffee table before walking into the kitchen, the warm carpet now went to cold tiles of the kitchen. It was a rather nice, well decorated modern styled home since his parents were hard worker for Kumo. Holding no hope to seeing them again though, Musa opened the kitchen door but as he did an electric shock, ran through his arm and numbed it for awhile. Then it hit him. He is still no enough powerful to control his lightning chakara fully and hadn't trained his element yet and his skills also weren't at their full potential because of that...After having eaten his dinner, Musa made his way to a small, isolated part of the village where rarely anyone went to maybe to take a shortcut to their house but that was about it and everyone was busy anyway so the chances were slim. Musa's main Goal is to sharp his ninja skills and update them to the next level. Musa watched his hands as he tried to concentrate his power in both was clear that Musa’s concentrating power become improve after his mountain training and his confidence level also high and he is ready to do his next training. Taking an offensive stance, Musa charged his body with the kunai, and start running wildly in the forest, cutting all the things that came in his ways like rocks, stones, wood, trees and even dangerous animals also. After running for some short distance, he looked back and get surprised that even worked, he made a clear line of his path in the jungle from where he came . He knows that his previous training was really hard that’s why he became this much good. But this time there is something different and dangerous going on his mind. This time he has to survive in the jungle with no food, no medicine and even no bags for sleeping. To complete his basic needs he has to completely depend upon the forest resources because it helps him to know about the jungle, nature of it, different foods some are venom also and for food he has to kill some animals for that. After resting for some time, he begin to do his training and take out his all the kunaies and point them towards the trees present before him but not with open eyes but with closed his eyes. He could feel his body heat and focusing his mind and intelligence he held it in longer with each passing moment, just before he decided to release it all at once, the kunaies shooting outwards...his body pushed bach as he used so much power and collapsed as he had weak health. Still fully conscience, he dropped down and hit the dirt, skidding slightly across the ground; the dirt picking up on his cheek as he let out a small grunt...cuz none of the single kunaies hit his target !!!"Oh for the love of god...I have to be the most pathetic ninja yet! Being brought down by my own power and skill...". Oh dear god...enter incredibly embarrassing moment here much? He raised his hips as high as he could and tried to push to the best of his ability. He resembled a mentally disabled caterpillar...pushing for dear life. Rather funny to look at first but it seemed rather sad after a while.After an hour or something of wriggling about on the spot with disappointment, the paralysis wore off and Musa was again ready to do it but this time he is using his sensing power, now he is trying to focus only on the sense of his mind, then he take a deep breath and through all the kunaies once again. When he open his eyes the moment is mixed with the pass and fail, cuz only two kunaies hit the target out of five but he is happy cuz his sensing ability is start growing and help him to hit his target. After getting so much tired he climb the tree and waiting for the sleep.Next day his sleep was disturbed by heavy rainfall and he put some leaves over his body to cover him. But getting wet makes him mad and he leaves for the training without doing his Break fast, while walking in the jungle he find little rabbit hiding in the wood, with in an instant he thinks that this is the correct moment to test his speed in this weather and he ran towards his target but every small thing is not easy target, Musa slipped many times while catching rabbit but rabbit is still unleashed then he decide to use his kunai and then he through one of his kunai and bingo rabbit was down and Musa get his breakfast. After enjoying his meal he left to complete his mission. But after eating that rabbit, Musa began to feel lazy and slightly pathetic, and think not this time. He pushed himself up to his feet, staggering slightly as he got up. He panted once and cracked his neck from right to left, followed by the cracking of his knuckles; the surge of warmth rushing as the blood continued through his body.He walked away from where he was before, leaving towards a more open space, a more spacious and fresh area. It was a small, excluded area that people rarely went. There was a several trees and medium sized wooden dojo looking shelter in the area but it seemed rather run down and it had a few holes in it...maybe someone a while ago had gone and trained inside it? Ah who knows; anyway, Musa walked into the middle of the space and took in a long breath, inhaling the fresh, crisp air into his lungs before exhaling it out with a satisfying sigh."Alrighty then, seems like my skills is getting better...lets try and get it a little bit better though." He said to himself, slapping his hands together and rubbing them both vigorously together, a warmth beginning to form on the palms of his hands as the friction rubbed together. He smiled as the cloud starting to be clear and sun's light lit up his face, his purple eyes now a looks really scary and his smile a it is full of evilness, then suddenly he take out all the kunaies and together, forming a hand sign in which he began to focus his energy to his hands to kunaies, Holding kunaies tighter and tighter, he throw them all in once. He is confidence that they hit but still. He opened his eyes slowly and the view before his eyes was awesome all the kunaies hit there target. Musa yell Ah well...maybe it was time to take a break...Musa had been training for hours now and he seemed to be making some progress though it was only slight. But sky was again covered by clouds and several thunderstorm start appearing and by seeing light, Musa remember about his mothers book in which she wrote about it. Lightning, is one of the five basic elemental nature transformation techniques that allows the user to generate lightning by increasing the high frequency vibrations of their chakra, allowing for piercing damage and fast movement. The electricity paralyses the target so that they are unable to move and leave them vulnerable to a finishing strike."This was all he could remember, at some points it was a bit hazy so he was lucky to even remember most of it all... that and that earth was weak against Lightning but Lightning was also weak against Wind...which was strange for Musa since his element was lightning and one day he has to be do mstery in it and become great user of lightning chakara..Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, he sat down against a tree trunk, looking around him before, after about an hour of relaxing, getting up to his feet with determination in his mind. He was gonna do this though he really had no idea on how to do this...despite remembering what he could on the subject and how he will going to achieve it .He walked out into the open, his slightly darkened hair now flapping away in the wind along with his scarves, his purple eyes flashing ever so slightly as the lightning reflected from them, his face expressionless of any sort of emotion as he examined his surroundings. "How am I ever going to do this...especially on my own with no one to show me the ropes... He said to himself as he paced back and forth, contemplating on how to do this before slapping himself gently on the face, waking himself up to think of some ideas...Then he began to hate himself for it...the idea he had...wasn't of the best he'd ever come up with...actually...any idea would be better than this to be honest with you. Releasing a sigh from his pearly lips, he took up a stance and began to throw his kunaies again but this time with open eyes and they hit target exactly to the point. Now he has to survive in this weather only for one more day. Flashbacks of last time with his skills rushed through his head, the memory of his parents death and some failed training these two practically gang banging him with those thoughts, he become emotional and staring the wild pig down; his eyes now a fiery rage that could melt mountains. the wild pig noticed this and start running with his all might, wild pig running fast while making some weird which feels like he is asking for mercy and sniveling for forgiveness but Musa was having none of this. He picked picked kunai in hands and throw at him but that pig is fast he changing his direction continues which saving him from being hit by kunaies. What the hell? Musa suddenly think while chasing wild pig. He continued to chase him, while chasing he try to take deep breath and start thinking how to kill this Meal and he got his plan...He suddenly stopped chasing him and stop at there without any further movement and pig also stopped after running few more meters , thinking that Musa is left him alone but then suddenly Musa came out from the bushes and hit the pig with his kunai and hitting him many times urge to get away from Musa he attacked musa and bit his hand and leg with his wild and big teeth he bite Musa’s left hand severely and run away from him once again but now both are injured to the severe level. Musa stand up on his feet again and again deep breath and closing his wounds with his shirt clothes, He start smiling again just like evil hitting the dirt but still laughing. He began to find his meal again and after searching for a while both of theem are again encounter in the open field while pig was lying on the ground, shows that his injuries are major but his also stand up and ready to attack Musa again but this time Musa use his intelligence and dodge his attack and place a kicks on his back in order to kill him, pig fell to the ground but stand up again but in semi conscious way and he trying to attack musa again and again but none of his attack hurting musa , By seeing his courage and braveness musa looks in his eyes for the last time and it’s done Musa give his final blow, he hit him with his kunai directly to his heart giving him very fast death without making him suffer so much and wild pig was down.He took a step away from pig, And yelled so loudly that whole jungle animals can able to hear it just like Dragon’s roar, then he fell to the ground and looks towards the cloudy sky and start crying while saying that I did it, you did it musa and then veil laugh once again. After few hours of relaxing Musa stood up and said ...Oh dear god the pain he thought as he hit the dirt and skidded across it before coming to a halt...Musa's hair was now fully covered in dirt, mud and with some other things also. Sure the pain was unthinkable but for some odd reason he felt more powerful, more active, more devil.. Stumbling to his feet, he stood there, and yell once again for claiming his victory and look around him and looking back last time before leaving the forest. His hands felt more powerful while carrying that much big pig easily and seemed to pack a more punch to it...Well done near enough killed yourself in the process but you did it!

WC=2434, 12SP, 24JP
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The Wild Training  Empty Re: The Wild Training

Tue May 07, 2013 2:50 pm
Approved my good sir.
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