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Tanran Keitoku
Tanran Keitoku
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Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Art Thief Empty Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Art Thief

Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:32 pm
Mission Name:Art Thief
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Kumogakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:500

There have been reports that multiple people have had their paintings stolen from their homes or shops.
the thief and bring him in by any means, while at the same time
returning the stolen arts, or what remains, safely back to the rightful

Tanran's third mission was very similar to his second, both involving burglaries. This time rather than common household burglaries they were of paintings from both households or shops. His mission included him finding this thief through any means necessary, capturing him, returning all the stolen goods or what remains to their rightful owners and delivering the captured thief to a higher ranking shinobi. This required even greater skill than the last mission as the thief was not as predictable, and the only link between crimes was missing paintings.

Tanran began his mission in the art district of Kumogakure no Sato, as this is where most of the thieving happened, and where most of the village art was sold. He found out who had been burglarized so far and who would be out of their residences that day. About five people had art stolen from them so far and four planned on being out that day. Tanran planned to use the same tactic he had before by hiding in one of the people's residences that could be a target. He told two to stay in and two to go out as usual, so that the burglar did not see it coming. The two that went out were coincidentally located right next to each other.

Tanran chose the first house, for no apparent reasoning, other than that he had to choose one of them. He waited for many hours before he heard a door knob rattling, as if someone was trying to get in. He looked at the door knob of the building he was in, but it had not moved since he had been there. This meant that the burglar was at the store next door. After a few minutes of rattling, the door opened with a creek, meaning the unknown thief had gained entry.

Quickly, Tanran headed out the back door of the building he was occupying, and headed for the back of the one where all the noise was coming from. He performed the tiger and monkey hand seals before saying "Kaiton Kage Bunshin!" Three lightning clones appeared beside Tanran, and he instructed them to nearby rooftops, waiting for the thief to emerge out of the shop's rear. As expected, the thief emerged out of the back door, but it was two not one. He instructed two of his clones to pounce in front of the fleeing perpetrators, which they did with ease. The two thieves swung at the clones, striking them, which gave Tanran and the other clone time to sneak in from the rear. The first two clones and assailants made a great match, but a greater brawl soon ensued with the assailants beating the clones and getting stuck inside their electrical explosions. This stunned both of the thieves long enough for Tanran to subdue the suspects and start their journey to a higher ranking shinobi. Their guilt was apparent so he shared no conversation with them. He found no missing art work, but gave all the ryo the two men had on them back to it's rightful owners. After dropping the two men off, Tanran headed home, where he quickly fell asleep after completing his third mission.

Word Count: 531
Character Count: 2944
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