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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:58 pm
Haru's strikes would miss, as Yuri extended drew a kunia knife and extended it to push her further into the air, using it as some kind of stilt, to push her out of his jump's range. He would mutter a curse under his breath, as he began to descend towards the ground. He would land on the ground, bracing himself with one hand. He glanced up, surprised by the height that she'd achieved with that technique of hers. He'd have to ask about it later. But he could easily reach her with a stronger jump, as he wasn't prepared for that last time. She drew another kunia, likely to use the same technique a before, but Haru would carry on, launching himself up after her again. He would collide with her in midair, grabbing the hand that held the kunia by the wrist with one hand, and her shoulder with the other. He would spin in the air, hurling her towards the ground with just enough force for her to not be able to fight back, but not quite enough to hurt her very badly. As he began to fall, he would pull a smoke bomb from his pocket, hurling it at Yuri's feet, rendering her unable to see him. An ordinary Ninja couldn't see her either, but Haru was far from ordinary (Well, actually, he doubted that there was such a thing as an ordinary ninja. ), for he had the byakugan. He would land in the thick smoke created by the bomb, patrolling the outside edge of the smoke, ready to cut her off if she tried to move.

(WC: 270 TWC: 1622)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
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Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:59 am
There is no way Yuri could have escaped a series of attack unscathed given her lack in power against Haru. He got to land first due a lower jump height, Yuri knew very well that this gave herself a disadvantage right away. To double it up, she could a mixture sore and pain on her right hand from blocking his attacks. It was bad enough to keep moving it now, but should the need arises, she would not hesitate to use it again. She knew that close combat wasn't her forte like how Haru apparently turned it to his advantage. But still, she had to deal about landing and Haru did not seems to allow her a smooth one.

When Yuri got close to landing, Haru jumped up to her again. Her kunai isn't prepared for another extension this time with Haru catching her at her left hand and her corresponding shoulder. This forced her hand literally as her right hand is still free but injured enough to make her move cautiously. The next thing she know is herself getting turned for rounds. This messed up her sense of orientation slightly. However, she will not make mistakes of where she was grabbed on. Her right hand might not have enough catch onto his hand holding her left hand, but it definitely had enough time for the hand grabbing her shoulder. Running out of options for the moment, she grabbed hold of his hand during the duration of spin. The moment Haru let go, she knew that pulling him down together would not do her any good. So, she used her grip to shift the force of impact evenly to her whole body rather than touching ground with only a part of her body first.

This gave her the option to use her kunai to cushion the impact which made her swing her left hand downwards so that the kunai could land first to reduce the damage taken. As her right hand touched ground, her condition worsens for a second as the pain got stronger from the fall. She had to grind her teeth instead of shouting it out to prevent Haru from noticing it easily. As she looked up to the sky lying on the ground, smoke engulfed her vision. At this point of time, she knew that if she moved, it would be a one-sided battle. The situation is not doing her well now as she picked up her feet aware of Haru's vision on her. She knows that the smoke would subside for her vision again but she would be dead meat by then. But her sense of direction went back to normal again. This was when an idea popped up in her mind. She just had to retrieve them again as she gave a though about where her weapons would be lying around. This would be a gamble for her with the fact that she is also able to use her intention to fool the opponent. A few seconds passed and she extended her kunai to a meter long and started rushing out of the thick smoke. On her way, she would just slash the air from left to right to conjure an idea of where he is should he fall into her range of slashing.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:53 pm
Haru felt the fury nearing its end. He'd have to end it with a bang, then, because there was no way he could keep up with Yuri once this wore off. Haru would watch Yuri search for her weapons, blindly slashing with her.. sword? How did she already get to that? No, wait, it's just a kunia knife... a really, really long kunia knife. He would circle around her in the smoke, quickly getting behind her, before lunging forward, towards her back, his hands glowing blue from chakra. If he managed to reach her, he would begin his attack. 
"Eight Trigrams: Sixty four palms!" He would call, striking at her back with a quick flurry of 6 blows, running up her spine. (-5 chakra per blow). He would then lunge to her side, pushing up Yuri's arm (The one with the kunia knife it hand) to keep her from hitting him, quickly striking at her hip, side, and neck, with his free hand, before striking once on the arm he held with his other hand. He would then twist away, still holding Yuri's arm, attempting to keep her from striking him. The twist would end with him face to face with Yuri. Assuming every other strike met its mark, Haru would end the technique, not wanting to paralyze his teammate. He would push the arm he was holding away from himself, launching himself backwards, away from Yuri.

Eight Trigrams: Sixty Four Palms
(WC: 237  TWC:1859)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:46 am
Yuri would not stop protecting herself with her weapon until she found herself getting out of the smoke. Along the way, Haru was not detected to be close around her with her form of defense. She hoped that the smoke area won't be large. With Haru still have an edge over her, she expected an attempt from him before regaining her vision.

She did not make much progress before Haru got to her by the back. She could have guessed it just by the defense she put up on her front. However, this is the very reason for her to expect an attack from behind. But even with the valid vigilance, Yuri knew that she would need to get hit to make sure of where Haru can be. She could feel the first hit somewhere at her back, there was no time to figure out where she hit. But she could tell that it might be similar to the attack earlier on when Haru used his fingers to hit her neck. She is just in time to slash to her left as well. This time, she would add a distraction by forming a small sphere of stardust with her right hand lying low and palm facing Haru. Knowing that she could gauge the attack better, remaining in the smoke would not benefit her. So, Yuri let the first hit slide, giving her a little boost forward for her escape through its impact. With that, Yuri would shoot the sphere at where she thinks Haru would be and root her kunai on the ground as she uses it as a springboard to push herself forward by a few feet instantly to evade Haru's hits from getting her again, hence losing another kunai. She carefully executed the jump such that it would not let herself to lose the ground to continue her way out of the smoke by letting her body bent to the point that would look a bit like she was perpendicular to the kunai she had just lost.

She was confident of her escape as she receives more vision gradually though she considered her escape a scrambled one. She could feel the strain on her chakra pool by now.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:25 am
Haru saw Yuri slip away, launching herself away with that extending kunia technique. Several seconds ago, he could have easily caught up to her again, in the blink of an eye, but now he was suffering the drawbacks of his powerful technique. He could barely stand, from both his bodies fatigue and the sudden power withdrawal from ending the Fury. He thought about giving chase, but he was just too tired to fight, still recovering from the fury. As the smoke cleared, he saw a sphere of what he assumed was chakra fly towards him. He rolled to the left, away from it, before falling to his knees. He felt so much slower now, so much weaker. And so tired. He simply sat there, catching his breath, as he watched Yuri, getting ready to move if she mounted an attack. 
"...How do you do that?" He would ask her, slowly getting back to his feet. "You can move so fast, I could only keep up with you using an S-Ranked technique..." He would say. Why did she hide this kind of speed on their first meeting? She could have beat Rin out of those sewers effortlessly...

(WC: 202    TWC: 2060)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:10 pm
As Yuri ran out of the smoke, she took a look downwards to the right. Her strapped effects are wearing off soon and she had a injured right hand to be mindful of, she needed her weapons now more than before to cover for these weaknesses. Dashing out gave her the answer that her extended weapons are located at her left, making her change her direction to retrieve them quickly as Haru might quickly close in to thwart her intention again. She did not look back as she rushed for them due to her arsenal running out of options.

She was successful in picking them up again as she intend to get him with its range again or in the least get him away for a moment. As she could finally have the chance to turn back and did so. She could not see Haru right in front of her. She thought for a moment, thinking that it might be a trap or a change of plans in Haru. She looked around quickly for his blurry figure. She couldn't find it. But instead, she could now see Haru clearly and sitting down, not even intending to attack. She looked at him again and realize that he was short of breath. Why? She asked herself while walking to him carefully, thinking that she might risk falling into his trap.

But it proved to be that she got too careful. The one in front seems to be the real Haru. He asked her about her movement. I turned this way, blessed after escaping death when i was younger. I'm only improving what was given to me. How about you? What made you not attack all of a sudden? A moment ago she was pretty sure that he'll be forcing her to do that.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:56 pm
Haru would look down and laugh for a moment. 
"With great power comes... great need to take a nap..." He said, shrugging. "I've only used that once before, and it takes a little while to recover from it. I guess the body isn't meant to go from so much power to so little in such a short time." He would explain, getting to his feet slowly. "You're really, really fast, though. The only way I could keep up with you is using my fury, and that's not a move you want to use too often..." Said Haru. He walked towards her slowly. He stopped and checked his watch, before sighing. "Well, I guess I should get going, I was supposed to be sparring with my sister ten minutes ago, she'll kill me if I don't hurry over... See you soon, Yuri." He would lie, not because he didn't enjoy sparring with her, but because he was really, really tired. Haru slowly started to walk back towards the city, towards the Hyuuga tower he resided in. On the way back to the house, he wondered about his new teammate. "Blessed after escaping death"? What had happened to her? He didn't want to ask, but he would have to be sure to find out eventually.

(WC:225  TWC: 2285)
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Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
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Ryo : 181400

Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:14 pm
So its his Fury..  Yuri is walking to the hospital while thinking of the S-ranked technique that Haru used to keep himself up against her. It would seems to her that he did not have the upper hand all the time after all, but it was enough to pin down her lack of offensive techniques, giving her a hard time to maneuver around the training ground. his taijutsu lived up to his clan name as expected. Had her not risk being hit, she would have been hit at all her chakra points to deny her defenses. For now, she could feel her right hand getting worse with every path nearer to the hospital. Thinking about it, she was really close to fully hit all the time during the fight. Thankfully it ended earlier, or else to revert the weapons back to their form during the fight would be more tiring than she could imagine. As she could finally see the hospital, she make her way to the entrance carefully to avoid bumping to her right hand.

TWC: 3134
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+31 JP

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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Training (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:53 pm
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