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Riuzen Senju
Riuzen Senju
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:14 pm
Riuzen was walking towards the Village library, looking up towards the sky he saw nothing but ash. The ash flowed through the sky, while the sky itself had a orange tint to it. Scenic as it may be, It was still detrimental to one's health, breathing in all that ash. Still, Riuzen didn't let that stop him, for he had a mission today, one that would really test him to see if he could become a true Senju. Today he would learn how to a second element, which was highly rare at Riuzen's current rank. A Genin possessing two elements, definitely a good skill to have if one wanted to be promoted early.

Riuzen was dressed in a dark red shirt, which had the Senju crest labeled on the front. He also wore dark blue jeans, and pair of black sandals. His hair was brown, but had a specks of black ash, no thanks to the setting he was greeted with. He also had a brown leather pouch that was attached to his back right side of his waist, which held two kunai, the only two tools he had. But he felt that he wouldn't need such a thing, since he was only going to the library. Well, after when he was done with the place he did have plans to try out the new element, is he should be successful in learning it.

Upon reaching the Library he would gaze upon the entrance, a bit of low maintenance it would seem. The building was poorly kept, ash covered the roof, steps that led up to the entrance seemed to have a crack in every step. But appearances didn't mind Riuzen too much, for he was only here for the knowledge it held. Taking his first steps up the stairs, he would look towards the left and right, taking in his surrounding even further, "Not much people here..."
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:06 pm
The morning sky of the Volcano village was unusually orange today, while the clouds of ashes that Funkagakure became known for were still present, it was an incredibly scenic view though, and it was probably a view which would never get old, unfortunately the ashes were hazardous when breathed in, so Jin always wore something around his face, and that was what he was doing now, while Jin's Terumi blood meant he was basically unfazed by the heat emitted by the volcano, he was still vulnerable to the ash.

He was outside today to go to the Village library, shamefully, he basically forgot that this village even had a library, as he hardly saw anybody go in or out of that old building, besides, he was sure that whatever literature was here probably wasn't very interesting, infact, he reckoned the Kage probably controlled what books go in or out of this village, but he was certain that he'd be able to find books teaching elements, as today, he had to learn the Fire element, he had already learned the Earth element at the tender age of 7 years old, but now, he needed his second to be able to understand how to craft Lava, one of the Terumi's two bloodlines, and also, would look pretty good on his report card should he need to be promoted, a masterful Genin would have a lot more chances of getting into the illustrious Chuunin rank, something Jin really wanted to accomplish, and by god was he going to study today, usually elements weren't his thing, he wanted to learn more about fighting styles and taijutsu,  but he learned elements before them, so he figured that he should be perfecting his ninjutsu before attempting to travel along the Taijutsu path, as it was not an easy path to navigate, Taijutsu could be incredibly complex when it wanted to be, having to learn all those punches and kicks and where to strike on your opponent, it would have been a bit too much to learn at once, so you just focused on learning some Earth Jutsu, that proved a lot more effective, so now, you were here to learn Fire, and then came the complicated method of actually combining the two to form Lava, and since there was no chance of there being actually any books on the Lava as an element itself, as the Terumi, a clan who had died out would've published a book, and they were probably all destroyed when Kirigakure got demolished a long time ago, so Jin was basically solo on all of this.

Jin was dressed in a traditional blue chinese kung fu top, with white slacks and some black and white kung-fu shoes, around his head and face was a white cotton scarf to protect his breathing orifices from the harmful ash particles, which could cause serious damage to the pharynx, the larynx and the lungs, so protecting the nose and mouth was of upmost importance.

Jin's deep orange, almost salmon pink colored hair was tied with a single braid down the back tied in a knot at the end, a few stray bands on the front and side of his forehead, he didn't have any weapons on him, he didn't need them, he had his jutsu to protect him if need be, one punch from the Earth Spear jutsu was better than any small blade could offer when it came to damage.

He quickly made his way towards the slightly run down library and pushed the door open with a long, wincing creak, and, to his surprise, there was actually someone in there already.
"Hello." He spoke quietly, making his presence known, he couldn't be loud though, this was a library after all, so you had no right to make a racket in a location that was supposed to be intended for the upmost silence.

Jin's first thoughts of this place were "This place sucks." literally, there was hardly anything here, yeah there were books but everything looked so run down and unmaintained that it just didn't bring the village justice, well, the village had no justice in the first place, but still, there were way too many cracks, and did anybody even work here? Jin could even make out faded graffiti on the walls and stairs, this place was obviously not constructed with love and learning in mind, Jin could tell that much, nonetheless, he walked over to one of the bookshelves, looking for a book about elements, he had no clue where to find one however, as half the signs showing the genres and topics had fallen off, it looked as if he would have to look around and find this book all by his self, that would definately grow to become a pain in the ass eventually.

He tried to pull a book out, and, well disaster, one of the shelves on the bookcase had broken, sending books flying into a pile on the floor, Jin stood perfectly still, his eyes widening with a worried look on his face, there didn't seem to be anybody here apart from that guy, but he secretely hoped that he wasn't staff or anything like that, he didn't fancy getting any fines today, as he needed that money for something in particular, it was a secret though.

Amidst the pile of books was a large red tome, it looked rather old, as the pages have faded from white to being a dark beige color, he blew off the dust on the cover and examined the book further. "The Fire Element." - Shinji Hisoka.
Yep, looks like this was the book he was looking for, he walked over to one of the tables, which also seemed to sport faded graffiti, he placed the book on the desk and sat on one of the chairs, which broke basically instantly the second he sat on it, making him fall on his ass. "Shit!" He yelped as he fell backwards onto his rump, the chair basically in pieces, he huffed loudly at sat on the chair next to him, which let out a worrying creak, but it managed to support him, as Jin tried to get stuck in to this book.

Last edited by Jinichi Terumi on Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Riuzen Senju
Riuzen Senju
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:02 pm
After Riuzen entered the Library, His sight gazed through the vast emptiness of the building. It was almost the same as it was outside, empty, void of any signs of life. All that remained in the building were tall bookshelves, covered with ash and dust, a horrible combination. Riuzen had to start somewhere, where would he find the material he needed to begin learning? which section would he look, go right or left, either way Riuzen was determined to find the answers he sought out for. This was so, for his goal to be completed. To become the head clan master of the Senju clan, to guide them towards a better direction, then the scatter one. The more he thought about it the more he clenched his teeth together, he could almost taste his dream, they would indeed come true in time.  
After a few paces further into the library, he heard a faint hello, it came from behind Rizuen. Another soul, here, Riuzen found that quite impossible, but indeed there was. Maybe he wouldn't have to be here alone, in a barren place like this, a little company could do some good. On the other hand, this was the Volcano village, which meant his visitor could be a problem. Every citizen was tested on this, defend themselves from all who would do harm to them. Only the strong survived here, and Riuzen had no intent on becoming the victim here.
Turning around towards the direction of the voice, he would turn to see a pink haired kid, who obviously looked much older than Riuzen, for he was only 7 years old. Upon judgment, Riuzen figured he couldn't be all bad, he did just greet him, in a calm voice. Before Riuzen replied, he studied the visitor some more, just looking at his actions, to find out what he would be doing here. As he kept an eye on him, he made his way to a nearby book stand, which had many books on the cart, most likely were meant to be placed back on the shelf. Reach for a book, while still keeping one eye on the pink hair kid, the guy also picked up a book, which could of meant that he may have the same goal as Riuzen, possibly.
With that possibility, Riuzen shuffled through the book stand, trying to find anything that could be of use to him. Upon his search, he came across a book, known as "The history of the Water Element", it was of a soft cover design. It interested Riuzen enough to grab on to it, and so he did. Now holding the book in his left hand, he also caught a glimpse of another, "Knowing your elements", it did hold the possibility of learning more about the water element. But what really peaked his interest, was that he may hold some information on his clan element as well, the wood release. Riuzen had a pretty good knowledge of the 5 basic element, water, earth, fire, wind, and lightning; from his days in the academy. But, Riuzen didn't know much about the different clan elements, so why not take it? After thinking it through, Riuzen also grabbed the book, placing it in his left hand.
However, before he could place that second book in his hand, Riuzen heard a crash like sound coming over from where the pink haired kid was. Danger he thought, Riuzen quick looked over to see what the situation was, only to laugh it off slightly. The guy must have sat on a worn down chair, breaking it in the process. He could help but smile a bit, it happens to the best of us he thought. With book books now in his left hand, the boy finally decided to make his way over to him. The table was big enough to hold both of them, so he figured why not help the guy out, who knows, maybe he could help Riuzen out too. Also, the extra book Riuzen had, might help as well, seeing as it might cover all aspects of the different elements.
While walking over to the other guy, Riuzen asked him if he was alright, while still keeping a good eye on him. You could never drop your guard in this village, not for anyone. "Hey, you alright, you don't mind if I sit here do you?" The guy did just busted his ass, playing it off or not, anyone knows that that shit hurts. After talking, Riuzen would pull up a chair as well, with his right hand if he was allowed so buy the visitor. Once he did, he would drop the two books on the table, while testing his own chair to see if it was still sturdy enough to sit on. Both of his hands pressed on the seat section of the chair, it did not break which was a good sign. After that, he would then have a seat, only to open the book, "The History of The Water Element". Soon after, Riuzne would dive into the book, flipping through the table of contents to get to the material, whether the guy would reply or not, Riuzen would begin reading the book. The first page explained the concept of keeping your chakra light and fluid, like water, easy enough to describe he thought.
While Riuzen would read through the book, he would be open to talking to the guy if he wanted too, Riuzen was a very good multitasker. Maybe he could get to learn more about this guy, was he here for the same reason Riuzen was, or something different, who knows?
While reading further, he got to a section that talked about practicing a chakra technique that helped chakra to become more lucid. In fact, it stated that it could be practiced almost anywhere, even in your room. With this, maybe Riuzen didn't have to go back outside to he training pits. The library was as quiet as ever, with only two souls,
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:53 am
Jin found it terrible that a building intended to spread love and knowledge was so run down, and basically looked like it was going to be demolished, but, at least the books were still here, he still had no clue where the staff working here were, however, where on earth could they be? Usually there should be a librarian checking in books or renting them out, right? What happened here? It was if some massive accident happened here and nobody dared work here anymore, that probably wasn't the case, but it sure seemed that way, also, the fact that there were hardly any signs remaining which would tell you the genre or type of book, so you were basically left blinded if you wanted to look for something in particular, thankfully, Jin found his book by pure chance, and that was due to having broken a shelf.

Jin was actually surprised that someone else was here, he looked really young though, at least about half of Jin's age, he wondered if he was here to collect schoolbooks or something like that, but Jin didn't dare ask, he didn't want to offend the kid if he was actually a fully fledged ninja by now, which a lot of children were in this village, that kid looked pretty sane though, if anything he seemed to be just looking for a book to read, not eat them or some shit like that, so he must've been alright, it would be nice to have some sane company, which was actually a lot harder than it sounds in the Volcano village, murders and all sorts of crazy shit weren't uncommon here, this just made Jin hate the village and wish that he was born somewhere else, while the view was nice and the volcanos in the scenery gave everything a nice backdrop, the people here were just batshit crazy, and you didn't really know why, was it because of the Kage? He genuinely had no clue whatsoever, people could've made conspiracies over the village's attained insanity, but none of those conspiracies seemed to present anything which rang close to home, quite frankly, all these murders began to bore you and just became more of a nuisance than anything else, hence why he contemplated leaving many, many times, but he didn't even know if he had a chance of escaping from the sheer insanity of this village, he wondered if the insanity of this village would consume him one day, that'd be a scary thought.

Nonetheless, today was all about learning, hah, this brought him back to his year at the academy, he had learned a lot since then, including a good few jutsu, hah, and today it was like being right back at the academy again, because he had to do some studying, he almost laughed out loud as he reminesced over all of this, this was just too rich, it didn't matter though, this was important, he needed this to actually unlock his true potential, and also to further his prowess as a ninja, so he could get further and further in life, and to carve his own path in his ninja way, which, he didn't really have an idea of yet, but he was definately going to become a ninja, but that was all he knew about his future, oh, and maybe learn the secrets of his clan, and learn more about his family, he had no clue what was actually going on with them, he knew he was adopted, that was about it, he still had no knowledge of the Terumi whatsoever, and that would probably prove difficult in the future, he'd definately need to find a book or something about them to actually understand where they came from and where he'd actually be able to find them.

Ugh, busting his ass was definately an embarassing moment, but, hey, could be worse, the library could've been crowded, and that'd be a real embarassment, but it was in front of one kid, so he guessed it wasn't that bad, well, it was the shitty furniture to blame, mostly, the chair looked rigid before it just broke when he sat down on it, Jin wasn't even fat, if anything he looked rather skinny for his age, especially for a ninja.

Nonetheless, now was not the time to ponder over broken furniture, the kid had asked him a question. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine, thanks." He continued. It was definately nice of this kid to ask how he was doing after all of that, because it was a pretty traumatizing moment, well, more traumatizing for his ass than anything else, the boy had also asked him if he could take a seat next to him, well, he guessed a little company wouldn't hurt, besides, he didn't look like he was going to slaughter him so he nodded.
"Nah, go ahead." He accepted, there was no point denying another kid who looked like he had to study as well, maybe they had information that they could share with eachother, that'd be fun, and also helpful to a large extent. 

Jin read the blurb of the book by Shinji Hisoka, no, Jin hadn't heard of him either, but apparently he was a native of these parts and was known for his fire release.
"My name is Shinji Hisoka and I have written this book to show those who have not yet learned the art of Fire Release jutsu, and as such, this book was forged to aid those who are curious in learning the blazing arts, keep reading and one by one follow these steps and soon, you too could be a Fire Release legend." Well, that sounded exciting, Jin thought, he turned the page and read what seemed to be the introduction, which was all about the uses of the fire element and how it was primarily used for offense, and was the release of choice for many famous clans, and most notably, the Uchiha, Jin had heard about the Uchiha before, well, who hadn't, they always seemed to find a way to fuck villages over, so basically everyone had heard of them and had already grown tired of their shit. 

Jin kept reading: "The Fire Release element is definately the element of choice for most ninja due to its' almost purely offensive and supplementary role, most fire release jutsu are for inflicting severe burns upon the enemy, but some may just make simple clouds of smoke or some even just to distract enemies to perform a follow up attack, while its' roles are limited, it is a very versatile element for the roles that they fill.

In this book, I, Shinji Hisoka will teach you the basics on Fire Release, including the starting points, and then how to fully master the element and be able to use devastating fire release jutsu and torment your enemies in a blitz of flames."

Exciting, he looked over at the boy's book, it seemed as if he was trying to learn an element as well, that was exciting, maybe the two had the same goals, only he wanted to learn the Water element and Jin wanted Fire, it seems as if the two were going for polar opposites.
"Learning an element too?" He asked curiously, if they had the same goals, it'd definately be interesting, Jin had to learn this though, but the author had explained how to learn it rather simply, Jin already had experience learning a jutsu, so this shouldn't take him that long, well, it'd definately take him a while, but, probably not as long as someone who had to learn all their elements from scratch, Shinji first explained how you had to conjure said fire. "You must imagine that your chakra is not a mere flow of energy, but a massive inferno, it must be wild and untamed and unforgiving, just like one must imagine blades of chakra overlapping eachother to learn Wind Release, it is almost the same principal, you must learn to flourish your chakra.", Jin understood this, as he had to undergo a similar procedure to learn Earth Release, so, this wasn't too alien to him, if anything, it sorta struck close to home, having to learn all of these elements from scratch, Jin was kinda scared, he wasn't going to unleash the fire element in a library, he'd set every fucking book here on fire, that just wouldn't be beneficial for anybody whatsoever, so, Jin figured, if he'd be able to burn a small thing in his hand with the Fire Release, then he'd be on his first step to learning how to control the rabid and wild nature of fire itself, an element which is almost untamable, but, it seemed as if this Shinji Hisoka knew what he was talking about. "The easiest way to test your prowess this far is to take a small combustible object, such as a leaf or a sheet of tissue paper, press it inbetween your hands and to focus your fire chakra, you will know you have succeeded if the item you have chosen is burned, then you shall move on to the next stage, a far more difficult and tricky stage." Jin seemed to have hit the nail on the head with how to proceed with this jutsu learning, Jin looked around, well, yeah there were books but you weren't exactly going to rip pages out of what could be priceless literature, you looked at the empty desk on the other side of the library where the librarian would usually be, there seemed to be a pack of tissues and behind the desk, a box full of what seemed to be old schoolbooks fit for the dustbin, Jin got up. "Be right back." He noted as he got up and picked the old pack of tissue from the desk and walked back, sitting back down on the chair and doing as the book instructed. "If you selected a form of flammable paper, fold it up a couple of times into a relatively compact and square shape, place it between the palm of your two hands and focus your chakra." On the page next to it was a diagram on how to proceed with this, this Hisoka dude really had everything figured out here, how to proceed with the jutsu, how to learn it, how to learn the basics, this guy must've been really keen to tell the kiddies that fire release was the shit and that it was the new cool thing to do, fuck drugs, Fire Release was what people should be on, according to him, probably.

He placed the piece of folded up tissue paper between his hands and focused his chakra, this was a lot harder than it seemed, especially since he was used to compacting his chakra to make Earth release, but now you actually had to flare it out, you attempted to do just that, you opened your hands, nothing, the paper had emerged unscathed by all of this, and just ended up with a couple creases due to him pushing against it, ugh, it was time to rinse and repeat this shit, this may end up taking longer than he had expected it to take, but he was adamant to learn this, he needed to learn this, and so, he would, he'd have to find his own way to make Lava Release after this though, and that was definately going to be a laugh, only, not really, it'd probably end up being a serious pain in the ass.

How exactly was he going to proceed with this? Well, it was most definately just something that required repeating over and over again to actually get the hang of, after all elements weren't things that could just be learned like that, with a snap of a finger or something equally silly, he actually had to work for this, but, he knew that it'd definately be worth it in the long run.
Riuzen Senju
Riuzen Senju
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:29 pm
Reading the book that he found, Riuzen skimmed through the pages some more. He did however kept one finger on top of the page that explained how to do the exercise that would help him learn how to make water natured chakra. The key component that Riuzen would need if he wished to do this right, to learn water release jutsu. A smiled formed on Riuzen's face, he was just so antsy about learning this element. Just think, once Riuzen would learn this new water element, he would be one step closer towards learning his all powerful clan element, wood release. While keeping his index finger on the much needed page, Riuzen clenched his right hand, balling it into a fist. The power he could have, the power he could wield. Everything was going according to plan, the plan that would make him the leader of the Scattered Senju clan.
For a brief moment, Riuzne paused, taking a break from his reading while still keeping his hands near the book. How would Riuzen look in the future, would he goals come to pass. Would Riuzen really accomplish his goal, only time would tell. This train of thought was not of doubt, it was more of a, question of life. Sure Riuzen definitely saw himself as a leader, but what would he become, a good and true leader, or a corrupted one? No matter, Riuzen would fight all odds to achieve his goal, there must be a leader of the Senju, one that would guide them towards the path they were meant to strive for. In the text it was said that is was the Senju that built konohagakure, it was a Senju that became the first hokage, and it was a Senju that defended that village. But make no mistake, Riuzen didn't have any plans of going back to the as a resident, no, Riuzen planned to gather as many Senju he could possibly can, to strengthen his new home. Really, an army of Senju would be unstoppable, molding the Earth to their liking. Once Riuzen would return back to reality, he decided that he had been getting ahead of himself, he needed to focus on the now.
getting back to his book, Riuzen stumbled across another technique, like the one before. It talked about molding the chakra within the body without moving, it basically required only the mind. Reading further on to this he decided to try it out, Riuzen had to start sooner or later. When Riuzen finished that paragraph that talked about the technique, he closed his eyes just as the book instructed. Upon shutting his eyes he focused his mind on only one thing, water. Think about that he also began to think about a vast ocean, endless, beautiful. The technique was design to equipped a person who would study the water element mentally. The trick would cut the study time a normal person would use in half, but Riuzen also had another advantage, his heritage. being that of Senju meant that he also had an affinity to water release jutsu already. To make Wood release jutsu possible, one must channel both earth and water chakra together, as one. This ability had been passed down the lines of many Senju, only to reach none other than Riuzen Senju. In a brief moment, Riuzen himself felt a bit at ease, this trick really did help Riuzen become calm and lucid himself. Perhaps he should fall back on this trick whenever he felt stressed out about something, it really did work. Once he felt that his mind was lucid, he opened his eyes once more, a really helpful trick he thought. Riuzen flipped through the pages some more, with his right hand, seeing if he could pick up on some more helpful tricks.
While looking through the pages of his book, he would hear that man speak once more. Asking if he was here to learn an element as well. So the mystery man was here to learn an element, just as Riuzen. Riuzen decided to talk to the pink haired guy a bit, sort of a break between his work. Maybe he could get the guy's name too. So, Riuzen replied to the man's question with a calm and friendly voice. "Yeah, I gotta hit the books in order to learn this new element, Water release.  What element are you studying?" As he waited for a reply, Riuzen still kept his had in the book, looking over every page so that he could get this study session done and out of the way.
After Riuzne would receive a reply, or if he would receive on for that matter, he would continue to watch him. Apparently he too was preforming what appeared to be little training exercises from his book, from the looks of it. With that, Riuzen quickly turned back to his page, the page that he had kept his finger on, it was time for Riuzen to pick up the pace as well. As he flipped back to the previous page, he would read the section that contained the other training part. Riuzen read along, reading the instructions on how to do it, doing it properly that is. Once he did, he would soon start on his second little water training routine again. This time it would be a little different, more physical then mental. Riuzen then lifted up both of his hands, only to clap them together real softly. His hands were in the same position that most people are when in prayer, to their god. It would not be the same for Riuzen, as he gather more and more chakra within the palms of his closed hands. This was however not earth natured chakra, or at least he intended for it not to be earth natured chakra. The more he concentrated the more he felt his hands getting moist, a wet feeling. This sign meant that Riuzen was on the right track, so far. The moisture feeling meant that Riuzen was getting the hang of creating water style chakra. This is the basic and most important step for all water style jutsu users to do, in fact, most of them don't even realize they are doing it, due to the numerous amount of times they created water style jutsu. This concept goes the same for all elements of jutsu, the more you practice the more you will become accustomed to it, it will become a regular everyday routine. When Riuzen stopped channeling his chakra towards his palms, he would cease all action, only to open them to see the result of his labor, did it bare any fruit? When he opened his hands to see the results, tiny miniscule droplets of water cascaded down from his hands, almost looked like sweat if he didn't know any better. The picture in the book however displayed the person pouring out a good cup size amount of water from his hands, making Riuzen's effort look meaningless. But that wasn't so in his eyes, it was a step, a stepping stone towards his goal, learning the water release.
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:05 am
Jinichi scanned through the book like some form of deranged robot, trying to mimic the exact instructions that the author had broadcasted throughout the many words in this book, Fire Release was definately not an easy element to learn, a lot of ninja just didn't have the knack for it, but Jin wanted to learn this, he was excited to, it made him one step closer to his dream of unlocking his clan's true potential, reshaping the world, doing whatever he wanted, well, whatever he wanted to do he hadn't actually decided yet, his preferred plan was just to skip town, go somewhere else, maybe Suna? Tengakure? He heard Tengakure was a really nice place, but he had also heard that Suna had some incredibly masterful and tact ninja, a good place for anyone looking for a solid lease of life as a soldier, while Tengakure, well, not many people knew much about Tengakure for some reason, maybe word about the village doesn't spread too much around here, that wouldn't be surprising if the media was actually controlled by the Kage's office around these parts, maybe something was going on? Who knew? Nonetheless, maybe skipping town was something he shouldn't do, maybe he could just become a wandering nin and try to find the scattered remains of his clan, he had no clue whether they were still alive and kicking, he knew nothing about them, he had only been given his full name and true clan name a year back, but they couldn't provide any information about heritage or where they were set up, so maybe Jin should focus on trying to find them again, that'd be an interesting prospect, he thought he remembered being told that the clan originated somewhere around the Mist Village, but he wasn't sure if those leads were legit, he'd just have to find out for himself, which could bring up a whole bunch of nasty surprises, or maybe there just wasn't that much heritage? After all, the Terumi clan was nowhere near as fabled or as storied as the Uchiha or the Senju, or even the Hyuuga.

But what Jin wanted the most was someone to teach him, a Sensei, someone he could look up to, someone he could learn from, someone to teach him how to hone his abilities and become much stronger, but, that was definately not an option here, he'd probably have to head to another village to seek tutelage, as the jounin here, well, they just didn't do anything, so the chances of being in a Genin team in this village were basically minimal, which sucked, really, as he was really looking forward to having a bunch of comrades to relate to and to understand, and hopefully to forge more bonds and alliances with, even to make friends, that was an important part of being a ninja, the bonds you forge give you power, give you support, give you strength, and that was another thing Jin was really looking to do.

Anyway, Jin thought, it was time to stop reminescing right now about his clan or the village's future, if the village would harbor him or not, such elaborate thoughts could wait until later, right now, he had to learn this shit, he had to lock down and learn this element like the back of his god damned hand and that was definately what he was going to do, there was no turning back, he had to learn this, the Terumi clan's bloodline needed it, they had an affinity to fire, earth and water, he had to learn those three elements to truly unlock his bloodline's potential, to learn the second part of his bloodline, Boil Release, this style was purely offensive and supplementary, a skin melting gaseous mist which could set fire and melt anything in its path, it was an incredibly powerful type of jutsu, and as such, it was one he had to learn to unlock his true potential, and it was definately something he was going to do, and he was going to do it as soon as possible, maybe after Chuunin, and, speaking of Chuunin, apparently in Konoha there was an exam going on to test the ninjas' skill and to prove who deserved a promotion, maybe he'd mention it to that kid, maybe he knew anything about it, but, just as he thought about talking to the kid, he had already asked him a question. "I'm trying to learn Fire Release but its' really not as easy as everyone makes it out to be." He replied, continuing to focus on his book before asking his question. "Hey, did you hear that they're apparently hosting some form of exam in Konoha, apparently those who impress get promoted to Chuunin. Do you know anything about that?" He asked, hey, it wouldn't hurt to ask someone else about this, news about these kinds of things spread fast, and he just wanted to know if that tourney actually existed, and that it wasn't some kind of village speculation, because Jin was interested in proving himself to the others and showing that he is worth the rank up, because getting Chuunin rank would definately be nothing but a benefit for him, the ability to go on high-ranked missions? Aid a Genin team? All of these things were exciting prospects to him, and he wondered whether he should join or not, well, he just passed the academy, so chances are that he'd get battered by Genin who had spent all their time honing their skills, but still, if he managed to impress the kages with his fighting skills, maybe, just maybe he'd get a promotion...But that meant impressing...Osore...Osore Kinzoku, that mad Jashinist cannibal guy they had for a Kage, Jin didn't really feel so keen all of a sudden, that dude was a bona-fide psycho, and he'd probably either have to kill someone or eat someone to actually impress him, maybe he'd be able to impress one of the other Kage's then, maybe he could find a Kage to teach him stuff, that'd be interesting, maybe even a Sannin if there were even any around.

Jin was still trying to burn that stupid piece of tissue paper and it was no luck for now, he started to get a little aggravated, he wanted to learn this shit as quickly as possible so he didn't want to spend time dawdling, no, that wasn't right, he had to be patient, the more annoyed he got the less concentrated he's be on trying to learn this, he had to be fully concentrated and calm to do this, ok, deep breaths, 1, 2, perfect, now, focus.

Jin felt something between his palms, he opened one of his palms to find that half of the tissue paper had been burned, and was smouldering, Jin had a wide smile of shock, he was one step closer to doing this, while, you were supposed to burn the entire thing, Jin could do that again, but at least he knew that he was actually getting the hang of how to learn this element, and that he was getting closer and closert o mastering it and eventually mastering his bloodline, all of these exciting prospects now just became several steps closer to him than before, and boy was he excited for it, he was never gonna hold up now, he was going to do his best to try and master this element and use it to his advantage in combat, he was going to do as the manual says and to engulf all his foes in a devastating inferno.

He took another piece of paper this time around and focused whatever shard of fire chakra he had learned, he focused, he had to think about a wild, untamed inferno, he focused all his chakra, and with a slightly visible flash from between his palm, he widened his hands, and nothing but ashes fell down, Jin tried to resist leaping in success, he had basically done it, he was one step away from learning the whole thing, Jin sat back down and opened up the manual again, and flipped to the next chapter. 
"To prove that you are ready to learn Fire Release, you must be able to set a big pile of objects ablaze.
How to proceed with this method:
What you need: A large pile of combustible items, whether it be paper, coals, something which you may set alight.
Method: You must focus your chakra in much the same way as you did before, but, only, you must do it much more intensely, a much bigger blaze, a much more uncontrollable one, think wildfires."
A helpful tip, but there wasn't much to burn in this library, and then it ticked in Jin's mind, that bin full of old schoolbooks, that should burn just fine, Jin got up and went behind the desk, there was all sorts of shit here, old books, stuff the previous librarian must have left behind, but Jin just pilfered the bin full of books, the bin was made of tin so it shouldn't melt, meaning you could make a controlled blaze and not worry about setting the entire fucking library on fire, that was reassuring, at least.

Jin picked up the bin and placed it not so far away from the table, but far away from any bookcases or flammable items, Jin didn't exactly want to set the whole god damned library on fire and ruin every book that was here, that'd just be fucking annoying, plus, it'd make a massive mess AND the Kage would probably eat him alive for that, so Jin was definately going to be careful, while he was taking a massive risk here, he figured he'd be able to pull through with this, after all, it'd just be a bit of fire, there were probably about 10 books in there all in all, so there can't have been much to go wrong, it would've just been a small breeze, nonetheless, Jin placed his hand on one of the books and attempted to focus his chakra, but this time, he had to do as the book said, he had to make it almost twice as wild and as untamed as before, this entire thing had to be off the chain insane, and, uh, it didn't really work the first time around, there was just a light singeing of the book's plastic cover, that just wasn't going to do, he had to focus more and more, he had to get this done, he was so close to learning Fire Release, he couldn't back out now.

He focused even harder, still no dice, he had to figure out a way, and fast, he wasn't going to let this bin of books defeat him, he had gone through the first hurdle, and there was no way in hell he was going to let himself stumble at the second, he had to do this, and he had to do it today, but, damn this element learning session was not being forgiving towards him, if anything, it was actually being pretty brutal, he was definately going to be exhausted when he got home due to having severely stretched his chakra flow throughout this entire day, eh, it'd definately be worth it once he did succeed though, and succeed he will, he wasn't gonna settle for second place here, he was already so close to success, he could basically feel the rewards being reaped, so he was going to try one more time in the vain hope that he actually set this massive pile of shit alight, well, it'd be cool if he did, but honestly Jin seemed pretty doubtful of his chances in actually succeeding to do this in the the short space of time he had accomodated to himself, in reality he probably needed a little more time, after all, practice makes perfect, so they say.
Riuzen Senju
Riuzen Senju
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:58 pm
Riuzen attempted to try the technique once more, to obtain better results from before. This time he would use a bit more chakra than he had previously done. The book only suggested for a beginner to use a miniscule amount of chakra, however, upon reading the paragraph again, the context was quite clear at last. This book was designed to teach those that were of academy level class, basically those who's chakra was naturally filled with water style natured chakra. Well, this technique was only meant fro those who had water chakra to begin with, for there were many other exercises that were probably meant for those to learn water style jutsu if they didn't have water natured chakra to begin with, as the book's name stated. This prompted Riuzen to add more chakra, to speed up the pace. Now, Riuzen would clap his hands together once more, closing his eyes as well, he was in complete focus with his action he was about to commit. Now, he would summon a great amount of chakra towards his hands, now his hands glowed with a sky blue aura. His chakra now becoming visible due to the power and potency of the chakra. Chakra is normally invisible to the naked eye, but if you would strengthen it's power, it would then become visible. Now, his hands glowing in a radiant color, he would concentrate even more, his hands now become soft, wet. Now, he would open his eyes, and as he did the glow that came from his hands would disappear, due to the amount of focus and power that was taken away from it. Once he opened his eyes, he would feel something in his hands, something moving with each movement of his closed hands themselves. It waved as he did, until finally he realized that he had succeeded his goal. First, he would open the top of his closed hands, peering into the cup like shape he made, only to see himself look back at him. It was of course his reflection, from the water he had created, an abundant amount to be exact. "Yes", he said as he opened his hands fully, only to let the water cascade down onto his book, the pages were soaked, but Riuzen cared little for that book, as he was done with it. A goal now completed, Riuzen had finally learned how to harness and create water style chakra, in fact make it the actual element as well, water. With these two chakra elements that he now possessed, Water style, and earth style, he was finally read to receive his birth right, the wood release technique. "Soon", Riuzen would say in his mind, soon he would be able to complete his goal, the reunification od the Senju clan, under a worth just leader. No more shall they be scattered, only united. He looked down at his right hand, still dripping with the water he had created, balled it into a fist, his moment was nearly here. Normally one who had just completed a feat like so would retire for the rest for the day, only o look forward to the tomorrow, but not Riuzen. Riuzen would continue on forward, the other book he brought to the table had crossed his mind, the "Knowing your elements" book. The book had a very broad title, one that simple had to have knowledge on his clan elements. Soon, Riuzen would have the earth bend to his will. Riuzen, now ready to dive into the nest book, brushed the water element book towards the side, his right. After which eh would reach for the other book he had brought, which was much dryer compared to the other soggy one. Now ready to get started on his Wood release element, he quickly open the book towards the table of contents, looking for the section that talked about the famous Wood release element. Through constant searching, he finally found the page number that held the information about the wood release. Now, Riuzen flipped towards the page, readying himself to receive the information that was his by birth.
As he begun to read the pages, Riuzen would here a reply from his question, fire release. The guy was trying to learn the fire release technique, one that as very powerful, in fact the best offensive element there was, as he was told by his teacher. Riuzen wouldn't mind learning that element himself, but his wood release came first, he was ever so close to obtaining it. He looked down at his book once me, since his sight and attention was called upon by the guy's answer. So much for his to know and read, the section that contained the wood release was really packed with information. Then, another question came from the guy,  "Hey, did you hear that they're apparently hosting some form of exam in Konoha, apparently those who impress get promoted to Chuunin. Do you know anything about that?". Riuzen did however know about the chuunin exams that were going on, he had plans on joining it since it did pertain towards completing his goals. But, a few things were still needed for him to join, a eligible team that consisted of 3 members, and training. All o those requirements were on Riuzen's to do list, however, the time that sign ups began really conflicted with Riuzen, since he had still yet to join a team. In this village, more and more people disappear every year, Riuzen nodded his head with this thought. "Yes in fact I am well aware of the Chuunin exams, I did have plans to sign up, but due to rather some slight problems I am better off staying here. I am however trying to go to the leaf village, after I am done here. Not to stay, but to do a little... survey if you will." One of the main reasons why Riuzen wanted to join the exams, was because of the chance to go to the konohagakure, to do some research. Had to see how many of the Senju he could get, to get them to join him in the reunification of the Senju. Now looking up at the guy, he would ask him a question, a question that should have been asked a while ago. "By the way, what's your name?" Riuzen was curious to find out the guy's name, it was juts simple manners really, one that Riuzen simply lacked this day, poor manner on his part. After he would ask this question, he would return his attention towards him, for now he would continue reading his book. The wood release could not be held off any longer. Upon skimming the pages, he would reach a section that talked about channeling one's chakra, so that It could then turn into a energy of life. The concept di not confuse Riuzen one bit, as every bit of the words made sense to him. Trees were the product of life, the live and breath as well as age too. Then, Riuzen would try, try and create the wood element out for the first time. Riuzen stuck out his hand, right to be exact. he focused both his water and earth natured chakra into the balm of his hand. While doing so he would wait for it to spawn, the tree that was life itself. With all the concentration he would power even more chakra into his hand. In doing so it would begin to glow, just like before. His hand glowing with chakra, teeming with it. However, with all the concentration and chakra he poured into his hand, he still didn't produce the wood. Riuzen balled his hands in frustration, due to his failure. He also cursed at himself with in his mind, prompting himself to try harder, failure was not an option.
Reflecting on his error, he would place his head on his left hand, leaning on it at and arched angle, how would he be able to do it? He carelessly flipped through the pages some more, one by one looking at the pictures of the book, till he would find some way to produce the wood element. Just how he wondered, he also wondered how the other guy was doing, he did do some actions that were quite noticeable from his distance, being as he was in the same area as he was. He nodded his head left to right at some of the actions that took place. For now, Riuzen would concentrate  on how he would turn his screw up around, how he would go about creating the wood element by himself before the end of this day. And if fate deemed him to fail this day, at least he had accomplished one feat, Riuzen had successfully learned how to use the water release jutsu. The building creaked as the two studied, Riuzen now studying harder than ever.
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:34 am
Jin was excited, he had finally completed the first step to learning Fire Jutsu, an element he so dearly needed to learn if he wanted to use his clan's elements, which he also needed to further his prowess as a ninja and rise through the ranks, he needed to do all this to become a better ninja and become strong enough to try and discover his clan's fate, where they were currently living, and to get some answers from them, that was Jin's true quest, to figure out what on Earth had happened to his clan, the Terumi, they had a lot of heritage behind them, and heritage doesn't just disappear like that, they had to have gone somewhere, and Jin was going to find them out and ask a couple of questions, he wanted to know why they left him, and why they ran away, but that was then and this is now, and Jin was going to learn this fucking element even if it killed him, that was his motivation right now, learning the fire element could save his life against a wind release user, due to wind being weak to fire, learning this element would also boost his offensive prowess, due to fire being basically the primary choice for offensive attacks, along with Lightning, and even then, a lot of Lightning jutsu were supplementary, distractions or trying to herd the enemy.

Jin decided to take a break from this thing, and watch the other kid try and learn his element, maybe if he watched him learn it, he'd have a better stead at learning it himself when the time comes, it wouldn't be now, but he'd have to learn water eventually to learn the Boil release element, a combination of water and fire to create skin melting steam, Mei Terumi was definately a fan of this jutsu style, and used it to great effectiveness, her steam was hot enough to be able to melt susano'o's ribs, an incredibly difficult feat considering that Susano'o was often regarded as the ultimate defense for any ninja, and it was an Uchiha only tech, such a powerful tech being vanquished by a basic technique obviously meant that the Boil Release element didn't fuck around whatsoever, and that it was definately one of the more destructive elements, able to set fire to combustible objects and kill basically all vegetation trapped within the mist, it was a jutsu style which was completely unforgiving, thankfully, the one who casts it is immune to the mist's effects, thank god, accidentally melting yourself in a jutsu related incident would be absolutely horrible, Jin would hate to imagine how, not only stupid, but how gruesome that would sound, so the Boil Release element wasn't too bad due to the user being unaffected by the jutsu's destructive radius, Jin didn't know about Mei Terumi, if anything, he didn't know shit about his clan, neither did his adopted parents, all they knew that the basket he was given to them in had their clan's crest on it, but they never knew if Jin had a real name or not, hence the name Jinichi, as a lot of Terumi had 3 letter names, hence, Jin Terumi, Jin's name meant "First Son", this was given to him by his adopted parents, who did not have kids so hence why the name was a good one to both of his parents, Jin knew he was adopted, he was told by his parents, and Yami confirmed his genetic links to the Terumi clan when he went for a checkup at the hospital, it all came as a shock to him to know that he was in fact adopted, as it had never occured to him before, but now that he knew, he felt kind of lost on the inside, who was he really? Where was he really from? Did he still have a family? Well, surely some members of his clan must have been alive, it wasn't as if they'd all magically disappear for some unknown reason, there had to have been some reasoning behind his adoption, did they simply just not want him? Was something wrong with him? All this questions turned and stirred throughout his mind every time the thought of his clan echoed through his mind.

Nonetheless, he wasn't going to depress himself over the fate of his clan, he was gonna pay attention to this guy and how he was going to learn this element, because Jin doubted that the Water element was that easy to learn as well, so he paid attention, it seemed he was trying to get his chakra flow to a certain consistency, he noticed the faint glow of chakra beneath the child's hands, he had basically managed to do it, he had actually learned Water Release, and at the same time absolutely fucked over his book, that book just got wrecked by this dude's water, well, Jin probably just wrecked a hella lot of books by breaking the god damned shelf earlier on, but hey, who cares? It wasn't as if anyone actually came here or anything, if anything, the two must've actually been the only visitors here in weeks, well, to be honest Jin wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case, this place sucked hard.

Jin just wanted to rest up so he could have another go and setting those books alight, he got back up and put his hand on the pile of books, attempting to focus his chakra, he had to remember what he did when he burned the piece of tissue paper just a couple of minutes ago, he had to imagine that the chakra he was producing was a fiery inferno, a relentless blaze which engulfed and destroyed anything in its path, he pumped out chakra, finally setting one of the books alight in a flash fire, he had finally done it, he had advanced to the final stage, which was actually learning a proper fire jutsu, he didn't really know which one to learn, however, maybe looking at the book would help him, he continued the conversation with his friend. "Oh, right so it's in Konoha, I have no clue how I'm gonna get Chuunin if I go though, I haven't trained anywhere near enough. He sighed, he really wanted to join, it was probably far too late now to actually sign up, that was definately a bummer for him, oh well, there was always next time, besides, he probably wouldn't qualify anyway, cause he didn't have a full Genin team, which was definately a pain in the ass, because he probably would've been stoked to have ventured to Konoha and fight with the best of the best, but in truth, Jin would probably have gotten his ass kicked, so maybe it'd just be better to get a full team and then train like a madman to actually pass and maybe have a chance of winning the exams, which would be nice, if anything, yeah, that's probably what he'd do, just wait for the next one, that'd be a way better idea, that'd mean he'd have all the time in the world to get stronger, he wanted to become the fan favorite for the exams, the fighter people would bet money on, and he had good stead for it too, Jin felt himself get stronger and stronger each day, and he knew that by the time the next exams came around he'd be able to actually kick ass, once he had mastered the Lava Release element it was a one way ticket to stardom for him, he could already hear the crowd roaring his name, well, if he came from the Volcano village, everybody would probably fear him, thinking he was some cannibal maniac or some shit, which he wasn't, maybe he'd just jump village, that'd be a better option, they'd probably admire him a lot more if he went to Kumogakure, they often had a reputation for being some of the coolest people on the planet, maybe people would like him better if he was there instead, he'd probably end up appealing to more people, because a lot of people just saw the Volcano Village as the North Korea of the ninja world, people would probably hype him up if he was from Kumo, plus he'd have that entire village backing him, Kumogakure, a village which wasn't insane, nobody would support him if he was at the Volcano village, apart from maybe his teammates, and even then, half the Genin here were insane, so yeah, Jin was definately gonna jump ship to another village, but to which one? Kumo was definately a favorite, with Tengakure in second place, probably, a lot of people left the Volcano village for Tengakure, so it must've been a nice village, it seemed incredibly modern, and last but not least, Sunagakure, but apparently they got a bad rep due to their villagers being slightly insane back in the day, Gaara, for instance, basically became the face of Sunagakure after that Chuunin Exam a long way back, but since Gaara became Kazekage, the village got a much better rep, and was often crowned as the best village to live in, and plus, the humble style of living would definatly have been a bonus, but he didn't really know if there were many ninja, so he wasn't sure if he'd be able to find a Jounin to teach him, but, hey, all these plans and so little tme, you had a jutsu to learn.

He flipped back to the book's contents page, looking for a list of jutsu and how to use them, he new all about hand seals, but it had been a while since most of his jutsus didn't require them, so he had a lot to learn right now, it was mostly memorization work, nothing too distressing, but which one should he learn? Maybe, Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu? It was a classic jutsu, it required having a large chakra supply but it was an Uchiha clan favorite, a clan which was very picky on which fire jutsu to learn, plus, it was only a C-Rank so it'd be a good fire jutsu to start off with before moving to bigger, more powerful things, but this book had a good index about Fire jutsu, there was a long list of jutsu here, along with hand-seals and pictures of the jutsu's appearance, this was a very good book, Jin considered just taking it after he was done, infact, that's probably what he was gonna do, just pilfer this book for himself, as he could use the jutsu index to learn more fire techniques, but he figured that the Fireball Jutsu would be a good start to his arsenal of fire jutsu, he'd end up learning more, and eventually learn Lava techniques.

He heard the kid ask what his name was, Jin was gonna answer, obviously, they've been training together and he seemed nice. "My name's Jinichi Terumi, Jin for short." He introduced himself. "You?" he asked politely.

Jin got up and attempted to use the fireball jutsu, he threw one of the books in the bin up in the air and performed the indicated handseals "Katon! Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" He called, before putting his thumb and index finger into a circle shape and blowing out a rather large ball of fire, absolutely incinerating the book he had thrown, the fireball crashed into the concrete wall of the library, basically doing nothing but leaving a large black mark against the fire resistant structure, well, this building was made to survive a volcanic eruption so obviously a little fire jutsu wasn't gonna do much damage to it, but Jin was impressed by what he had just learned, he was now one step closer to learning the Lava release, but he didn't know where to look to learn it, maybe the book had some information about it, who knew? Jin looked at the index of the book. "Fire Release Variations: Page 230" Hm, Jin decided to look there, then.
Riuzen Senju
Riuzen Senju
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:04 am
Still reading the pages to see how he would create the wood element within the palm of his hand, he came across many different tactics towards completing such a feat. However, none of them were very clear, in fact, all of the information was just complete garbage. None of it stated how to use the wood release directly, just gave vague examples or tips, like the previous action he just did before, which ended in failure. Riuzen was fed up with this book already, he wished that he could learn from a true Senju, not a book that had the words of a Senju master. But, finding a Senju here in this village was a hard task itself. The only Senju he knew were that of his family, neither of them knew how to create the wood release. Riuzen's options were thinning, there wasn't that much of things he could do now, except try and decode the wretched book that sat in front of him. But it just seemed impossible, even the print was barely readable, perhaps it was because of the book. But, Riuzen couldn't give up, not now, not while he was so close. He just needed to have that wood release, he needed to unlock it not just for himself, but for his goal to be realized, to be reached. many of the lost Senju needed a leader, but that leader needed to be a symbol too, one that could use the clan element's strength as a symbol, a symbol of hope. Riuzen then shut the book, as he no longer needed it, he needed to find out how to use the wood release the old fashion way, when he closed the book he would place both palms on the table, spreading out his hands and fingers. Once he did so, he would concentrate a lot of chakra towards them, seeing if he could activate some form of chain reaction, that would stimulate his chakra into creating wood, life. It wasn't easy, to create life at will, only one being or entity could do such a thing, a God. Then, Riuzen paused for a second, God? If the Senju could do this, create wood which is in fact life, then that would mean that we Senju are Gods among men. At a logical point of view, Riuzen believed that he was correct, the Senju are the only one's who could create wood release jutsu, bring life where there is death. After his brief moment of thought, Riuzen got back to the task at hand, creating wood from the palm of his hands. Focusing his chakra still, Riuzen also started to move his fingers slight, as anything would help beyond this point. After a few moments of progress, he would stop, for the results were the same. Why, he questioned himself, why couldn't he create it? He had everything, the earth element, the water element, and the Senju blood that flowed through his veins. But yet, he still could do it, no matter how hard he tried. This was unbelievable, nodding his head he would from both his palms into a fist, due to the stress he was going through, a boy his age. One would figure a boy his age would be out playing around, having fun, but that luxury was taken a way from him ever since his family moved here. But now, what was there to do, Riuzen couldn't use the wood release, no matter how hard he tried, it was just impossible for him. maybe his goal was impossible too, since he couldn't become the symbol he needed to be for his people. Riuzen just stared at his hands, his empty hands, just looking at them as he wonder why, his hands were filled with defeat.

Looking up his company, he would then here the guy's name, Jinich Terumi. Wait, the Terumi? Riuzne had seen this name before, in the book that was closed an tossed to the side. Yes, it was all coming back to him, the famous dual kkg clan, a very powerful one at that. Who would of that, that Riuzen would get to see someone from that clan. But then, Riuzen would simile a bit, of course he was bound to meet one, just look at the climate here, it was perfect for people such as themselves. Lava was not to hard to find here, Riuzen would then give his name. "My name is Riuzen Senju." For not he would just talk a little to Jinich, till he could muster up the courage to attempt to try and create the wood.
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Growing New Leafs [P][NK] Empty Re: Growing New Leafs [P][NK]

Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:06 am
Jin was pretty proud of himself creating that large burst of fire and charring the book he had thrown into the air moments before, he never thought he had it in him, to be able to learn another element so quickly, but he had actually managed it, he was actually pretty surprised at his own talents to be able to pull such a feat off, because not everyone could muster up the sheer concentration and prowess to master yet another form of chakra manipulation, but he had done it, and he was damn proud of himself for pulling it off, he had never felt so capable in his life, he currently felt as if he could do anything right now, which was definately a powerful sentiment to be bearing, but he wasn't going to go all arrogant and headstrong despite this newfound courage he had just discovered within him, buut it was definately an empowering feeling and one he was going to relish throughout this day, as all it would do would spur him on to greater things to inspire him to feel even more empowered and unstoppable, he'd be on a literal roll, and be in great form, sheer determination wanted to be something that he was renowned for, and not just a simple trait like another other, he wanted the noun Jin and the adjective Determination and Ambition to be one whenever someone thought of him, he wanted his adamant determination to shine through whenever he was present, that was what he truly dreamed of, being recognized as one of the greatest ninjas to ever roam the face of the planet, that was his determination, and his ambition, also, he wanted to find out what happened to his family. And if it was guts he needed he wasn't afraid to go out and get em, he was more determined than he had ever been to actually discover more about himself, why he had to be adopted, he had so many questions and no answers, and he figured it was almost about time that he went out and got some, he was sick of being left in the dark about himself, who was he really? Why was he here? Did he have any siblings? Where were they? So many god damned questions and zero answers, it was really beginning to piss him off, ever since he had heard that he was adopted, he just wanted to figure out what happened to his birth family, it was unfair that he was just left for dead like this, left in a perpetual darkness with no light to be seen, but he was going to find that light, even if it was only a tiny spark or the slow, dim aura of candlelight, he was going to find it.

Nonetheless, all of this chakra manipulation was beginning to fatigue him, after all, having a depleted chakra system could prove to be fatal, and also all this stress from having to forcefully mould his chakra into a different state, plus using all of that chakra was definately going to put a massive burden on his chakra system, so he figured that he might as well just sit down and get a little bit of a rest, he'd just sit around and talk to this kid for a bit, maybe he had a couple of things to say to pass time, and, well, Jin definately learned something, the Senju were still around, Jin didn't expect them to be that far out of Konoha, which he new was basically the village they had founded and where they should've been most popular, but to see a Senju so far from home was definately interesting. "Oh! I've heard of you guys! You're those guys who founded Konoha, right?" He spoke, definately aware of this guy's heritage, he's definately from one of the most powerful clans currently in existence so this guy definately had a rich background, physically that is, he definately had one of the more fabled heritages, although, that must've put a lot of pressure on him, and probably would've been better if he didn't say anything about it, but it was definately interesting to meet someone with such a rich history behind their blood, Jin felt almost privileged, well, he wasn't gonna say that out loud though, that'd be pretty creepy, he was almost certain that having such a strong bloodline and heritage would put a lot of pressure on his back and he probably wouldn't want to be reminded of it so Jin thought otherwise about actually talking about the clan too much, since it'd probably do nothing but stress him out, and that was the last thing he wanted to do, he didn't want to actually annoy this kid, since he seemed to be one of the only sane people in this village so he didn't really want to get on his bad side, that'd probably ruin his only chance of friendship in this batshit insane villag and bonds were something he really needed to forge right now, as havng friends in high places often allowed you to reap a lot of rewards, after all, if he had friends over here they'd be a lot more supportive of you and stick by your side through thick and thin, and thick and thin was basically an everyday occurence here in this shithole of a village, so the more people there to support him, the better, in his opinion.

Seems as if this kid wanted to learn Wood release, which was his bloodline after all, and it would've been a very important day for this kid, Jin was certain, but christ did it take place in such a boring environment, the local library was hardly the most spectacular place to learn one's key element and source of all their strength, but nontheless, it was sure to be an amazing moment for him once he did manage to learn the element, Jin had just learned his element, and just wanted to rest up before he went on and tackled the lava element, which Jin knew wouldn't be an easy thing to learn after all, as it did require learning both the Earth and Fire elements, and also to know how to mix those two chakra natures together, already, trying to mix fire and earth and turning it into liquid sounded pretty complex as it is, but Jin was adamant to learn it, after all, it was his clan's bloodline and it needed to be learned if he wanted to get stronger and eventually win the Chuunin exams, well, that was the plan anyway, in truth, anything could happen, but Jin really wanted to win these exams, and he'd do anything in his power to make that happen, and that most likely meant rigorous training, but he was prepared to endure it if it meant winning those damned exams, but hell, nothing gets accomplished without a lot of hard work put into it, and Jin was going to be the one who tried his hardest to come out with a trophy and his name all over the village banners, he wanted people to throw confetti at him as he entered the arena and after the ceremony, he wanted to hear people chant his name, he wanted the villagers of the village he represented feel proud of him as they shared the experience of victory, showing the village's dominance, Jin dreamed of this almost every night, winning the exams, he wanted to be the one on that podium, bloody and bruised, with a medal around his neck handed to him by his kage, and a bouquet of flowers from the Hokage, with fireworks being set off after he rejoiced, yeah, it all seemed like something you'd see in a novel, and yes, it might have been incredibly cheesy but there was no denying that winning the Chuunin Exams was one of his dreams, even if he came second, he just wanted a podium finish, he knew that the entries to the one going on right now were closed, but he was going to make sure that he entered the next one with flying colors, and hopefully by then he would have been seen as one of the more powerful ninja competing, or even the most powerful, that'd be nice, after all, Jin was really upping his training so he could get stronger, it seemed as if he was getting stronger by the day, well, Jin definately felt that way, especially today, as he had learned an entirely new element, and basically just unlocked a whole other world of possibilities when it came to Jutsu, he was excited about learning some Fire jutsu, and eventually some Lava jutsu, Jin had learned a couple of Earth Jutsu already, but he was excited about learning a whole new index of jutsu, he wanted to master ninjutsu and eventually Taijutsu, it wouldn't come easy learning Taijutsu but he was prepared to endure anything if it meant learning it, as it was a very powerful and unpredictable art, and could be incredibly devastating when learned properly, like a lot of the Raikages, for instance who could basically decapitate someone with a mere clothesline, it was definately a destructive art, and he wanted to learn it, he also reckoned it'd be fun to learn too, sparring would be a good way to learn fighting techniques, along with trying to predict the opponent's moves and trying to find a way to counter them wold definately be a challenge, but it'd give Jin a lot of experience on the battlefield if he could take people out using hand-to-hand combat, so it's definately a useful thing to have when you're in a fight, the ability to dominate the opponent at close quarters with fast, unpredictable and powerful strikes to injure or discombobulate the opponent, ninjutsu and taijutsu could also be combined to form Nintaijutsu, which was a lot more extravagant, but at the same time a lot harder to master, but it was definately an interesting prospect to Jin,learning how to master both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, well, he was excited about everything he could do, turns out Jin was a lot stronger than he ever thought, and Jin was curious to see just how much stronger he could get, because right now even Jin was surprised with just how strong he was, maybe that was the Terumi blood flowing through his veins, maybe that was the source of all his strength, wel, it wouldn't exactly surprise him, after all there was a Terumi in power if Kirigakure at one point, although, Jin didn't know this quite yet.

Jin picked up the book that the kid left behind and flipped towards the index "Terumi - Page 95" now, this was beginning to pique his interest, he didn't thin there was any literature or any recorded activity of his clan, it was indeed true, this book knew something about his clan, it might not have been much, Jin's eyes widened, he didn't now shit about his clan before, but it seemed as if this book could tell him things that he didn't know about his clan before, he flipped towards the page indicated, and it came up with a short summary on the first paragraph, "The Terumi are a clan originating from Kirigakure, they are often renowned for having two Kekkei Genkais instead of the bog standard one for most clans, so this made them a rather overlooked clan, but an incredibly underestimated one as well, they are capable of mastering both Lava Release, the same several thousand degree lava that flows through the earth, and Boil Release, a form of superheated steam capable of melting event he most durable of substances, such a steel, or even the ribs of the Uchiha clan's fabled Susano'o jutsu, often regarded as the ultimate defense." Jin was interested now. "The clan hailed formerly from Kirigakure, but it is thought that a certain incident in Kirigakure either ended with the clan's extinction or the relocation of certain members, but as of now the fate of the clan remains unknown."
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