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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:10 pm
Daniel would have just waved bye to the waiter, just as he noticed that the current show had ended and sighed. It was then announced the next show would begin shortly and Daniel again came into a happy mood grinning from ear to ear. He was even so happy that he had barely noticed the two people who had just come and sat down at their table. A boy and a girl, for a moment Daniel was confused and was going to ask why they were there, but he then heard Tee ask why in a sarcastic voice. Before the two could reply Daniel was over joyed to have more company, but more importantly he was getting pancakes with whipped cream and a sweet apple juice, what kind of person wouldn't be happy with a meal like that, adding in, "Don't worry about them, I sure they just want to enjoy the show too and we do have pretty good seating, it would be rude not to share it." Daniel would smile at the new company completely ignoring the fact that one of them was a girl and that there was no reason for a girl to be in here, asking, "So what're your names? I'm Daniel and that's Tee," pointing at Tee, "You guys just missed the waiter, I'm sure you can ask for food when he comes around again!"

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:25 pm
Ayumi would glanced at the boy called Tee, as introduced by his friend Daniel, who was sitting beside him. She turned around and looked at him square in the eye, her eyes now narrowing, "Look... I don't know who the hell you are and what you are doing here, okay? And I don't care. I personally don't want be here. I'm only here because my brother dragged me here. Got it? Aaaannnnddd.... From what I can see... You not from here are you?" She would smirk at him before continuing, "And I'm pretty sure you and you're friend over there are underage... But you know what? I'm not gonna tell anyone that." She said smiling, rolling her eyes. Ugh! Why am I even being nice to this dude right here? she thought to herself. Ayumi then would turn her attention towards the other boy, Daniel, with a smile on her face, "Hi there by the way. I'm Ayumi."

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:38 pm
Just before the new show was about to start Daniel noticed a tension arising between the girl who had arrived and Tee. Daniel didn't want to be kicked out because of an argument or because of his age, so he decided he would need to stop them right now. Daniel directing his full attention to the two, even ignoring the current show, would say, "Guys please don't fight, I'm here to have fun and eat delicious pancakes with whipped cream and a sweet apple juiced! Let's just pretend like this almost argument never happened and enjoy the show!" Daniel had tried his hardest, even given both puppy dog eyes, at this point there was nothing else he could do and he hoped for the best. Since there was nothing else he could do he thought there was no point in trying to stop them if they hadn't stopped already. Diverting his attention to the newly started show his face became of pure awe when the stripper lady went upside down on the pole and split her legs. Talking to himself Daniel would announce loudly, "Is that even possible!? That's so cool!" Daniel's tummy grumbled and was curious to know why the food was taking so long even though it wasn't.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:46 pm
Ayumi would shake slightly as Tee replied to her long speech. She turned to look at Takeshi, her face full of anger, "Takeshi, look I wanna leave right now! This guy over here is such an asshole!" Takeshi would, of course, full on concentrate on the ladies dancing on the stage, ignoring her little sister.

Ayumi stared at her brother as he totally ignored her. She then would turn to look at Daniel, "Look.... Daniel. Can you please tell you friend here, the jerk, who apparently is an asshole to leave me alone?... Forever?!"

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:59 pm
From his side he could hear the girl getting mad at his new pal, Tee, but he doubted he could do anything and he believed if he did try anything he would get caught in the cross fire. Just as the show started to get crazier the girl asked her brother if they could leave, but he apparently was just as much in a trance as Daniel was. Daniel would then snap back to reality as he smelled something delicious, it was the elegant smell of pancakes. The waiter was walking back towards their table with a tray of what they had ordered he would then place Daniel's platter in front of him and whatever Tee ordered in front of Tee. Before the waiter could even ask them if they wanted anything else Daniel had already finished his food, it was the most important meal of the day. Since they waiter then asked, "So do you guys need anything else? Or anything at all," turning his attention to the girl and her brother. Depending on their answer the waiter would leave and get whatever they ordered. Since Daniel hadn't touched his apple juice and he wasn't even that thirsty he offered it to the mad looking girl, "Would you like my apple juice? I can live without a drink."

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:21 pm
Ayumi watched as a waiter appeared and served pancakes and drinks to the table with the two boys. She smirked, a plan forming in her head. She would then order two plates of pancakes and two glasses of orange juice. Takeshi glanced over to her, asking if she was really going to eat two plates of pancakes. Ayumi shook her head, a smile forming on her lips, "I'm not planning to eat them..." She realized that one of the boys, Daniel, offered her his drink. She would smile and say no politely.

As the ordered food and drinks arrived, she would stand up and walked over to the boys. "So..." She started, "Are you enjoying your time here in Konoha? So far?" She would ask with a smile on her face. "Well.... Anyways I would just like to officially welcome both of you to Konoha!" And with that, she would lift her left hand, placing it behind Tee's head, pushing it right into his plate of pizza. She smiled once again, "I hope you enjoy your time here~" and with that, she walked back to her seat.

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