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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:18 pm
Daniel would have woken up that morning, in the village of Konoha due to the fact that he was there until the Chuunin Exams were over, with an extreme amount of energy which would be something new for him due to the fact that he was always calm, he had no idea what was going on, but he liked it. "Hmm, I must have slept real good last night," Daniel would have thought to himself. Jumping out of bed, rather than slowly climbing, he would take a quick shower, brush his teeth, comb his hair and what not he would get into some clean clothes. He had so much energy he didn't even notice he put his shirt on inside out and backwards for that matter, the way this day was going to go it wouldn't have mattered to him. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he was a young man and his hormones were starting to kick in because it was that time of his life. He then, at that moment, decided he wanted to go have breakfast in a strip club, something he had never had the courage to do before. After somehow managing to sneak in he would take a seat at one of the tables closest to the stage waiting for a waiter to come along. Daniel also believed that since he was in another village it didn't matter what he did here because no one back home would know.

[Recovery 2/30]

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:34 pm
Just as Daniel was walking in, a boy bumped into him which scared the living shit out of Daniel causing him to jump forward almost bumping into a waiter with a tray. Just as he regained his balance, he turned around looking in all directions to make sure no one had caught him being in an adult only club. Then noticing that the boy who had bumped into him was standing before him, it was odd, but Daniel had a good feeling that this boy was also not supposed to be here and he decided to question him. Daniel puffed out his chest and stood as tall as he could which was still short to make himself look older. He would then walk up to the other boy and say in an obviously fake deep voice, "Hey! How old are you? You know you need to be eighteen to be in this club!" Making sure no one else heard him so he wouldn't be found out. He would then wait for a reply standing only half a meter away from the boy, tapping his foot on the ground which he supposedly believed all adults did when they were waiting for something or rather anything. Taking a quick glance to his right he would see some beautiful girls on stage dancing which caused him to start drooling as any perverted thirteen year old might do in a club.


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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:50 pm
Snapping out of his trance cast by the sexy women, Daniel heard the other boy reply saying that Daniel didn't work there. Daniel calculated the possibilities and he believed his impression of an adult was perfect, even though it wasn't, how could this guy have figured him out so easily, he must be the smartest guy alive or he had super secret special mind reading lie detecting powers which was a complete possibility. Daniel then needed to reply before the boy got them both in trouble. Daniel was scared most of all that the people here would somehow magically tell his parents about his little sexy adventure and he'd be grounded for the rest of his life, that would be terrible and he might not even become a Chuunin. Before wasting another moment Daniel quickly replied, "Wait! Don't yell, I'll tell you, I'm 13. Please, don't tell! I just wanted to see pretty girls and eat some breakfast!" Waiting to see how the boy would reply Daniel would quickly add in, "Let's just go sit down and pretend like none of this ever happened." Just as he finished talking the trance kicked back in and he started drooling over the dancing girls again.


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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:21 pm
After drooling just a bit longer, Daniel would realize the boy had accepted his offer of staying quiet and he had taken a seat at a nearby table. The boy had even introduced himself and asked Daniel for his name. Daniel didn't believe there was any reason to hold secrets from the boy so he would say, "Well, nice to meet you! My name is Daniel, I'm here for the Chuunin Exams, how about yourself?" Daniel having been still standing would look down at the chair to make sure it was clean without any unknown substances before taking a seat as he was incredibly cautious. He didn't want to go come with some sort of disease he had never researched before, even if he was a medical ninja. The seat was actually quite sanitary and looked really cushiony, bouncy almost. Daniel would then take a seat, resting his butt on the soft fabric, with all his built up energy he would bounce up and down on the chair waiting for the waiter to arrive and the other boy to reply. Continuing to watch the girls, Daniel would attempt to restrain himself from drooling yet again, but resulted in failure and again he was caught in the trance.


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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:37 pm
Daniel, hearing a snap of finger, would turn back towards Tee who had explained that he was here for the Chuunin exams, too. "What a coincidence," Daniel thought to himself, "I wonder what this boy's magical powers are, I wonder how fun it would be to fight someone who I met in a Strip Club." Giggling to himself about his thoughts he would explain, "That's pretty cool, so what can you do that's special? Like do you have any special abilities?" Distracted by his natural curiosity he would have only at this point noticed that the waiter was taking orders, embarrassed for ignoring the waiter he would then apologize and look at the menu, scanning it. Daniel then looked back up and asked, "Uhh, do you guys have some kind of lap dance special?" Of course it was only a joke, but the man just glared for a moment and laughed which signaled Daniel to order his real meal, "Can I have some pancakes with whipped cream? And an apple juice, too!" The waiter, again laughed, and took the order down. He probably knew the two were under age, but didn't mind because he himself had most likely been in their situation as a kid.

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:57 pm
"Hey Ayumi! Wanna hang out together today?" Takeshi would ask her little sister as he popped beside her. Ayumi turned to look at him, "Yeah sure." Takeshi turned and signaled her to follow him. Ayumi quickened her pace to catch him up, wondering where he was taking her to. "Where are we going?", she would ask him as they walked down the streets of Konoha. Takeshi would shrug his shoulder, smiling devilishly, "Just wait and see..."

A few minutes passed and they arrived to their destination. Ayumi read the sigh board out loud, "Strip club..." Her head nodded slowly, now that she know their destination. After a few seconds, she stopped nodding her head, her eyes widening, looking at her brother, who was standing beside her, grinning. "Ewwwww..... Takeshi you're such a perv! This is soooo gross. I'm leaving!" As she was about to leave, Takeshi would grabbed her arm and pulled her into the strip club, "Come on! It would be fun!"

Yeah... To you... she thought as she was dragged into the strip club. As they entered the strip club, all she could see was a bunch a men and ladies, dancing half naked. "Pervs..." She would mutter under her breath. Takeshi would dragged her to table near two boys and sat there, forcing her to sit with him. Ayumi glanced at the underage boys nearby then glanced back at her brother, only to find him drooling over a half naked lady. A sigh would escape from her lips. "I'm scarred for life..."

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