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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:52 pm
Again, taking a moment to not be distracted by the beautiful, half nude dancers, Daniel noticed that the tension had risen and his miniature speech had been for naught. The girl was now standing behind Tee about to smash his face into his delicious looking pizza. For a brief moment getting distracted by the pizza Daniel would think to himself, "Who eats pizza for breakfast? I wonder if it is good, it definitely looks good. Maybe I should take a piece to try it. Nah, I don't want to be rude." Tee then smacked the girl's hand away which seemed a bit too harsh when he could have simply moved out of the way. Daniel really didn't want to get in the middle of this even though he was beyond tempted, too. If a fight did start at least Daniel knew that he could most likely fix any injuries that may or may not occur. Hopefully, what was to start was a simple argument rather than a full on fight, they might get kicked out if something like that happened in the strip club. They might even be banned forever which is something Daniel was scared of. Daniel just blanked it out for the time being until things got serious, which he hoped would not.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:05 pm
Ayumi's eyes narrowed. I'm gonna teach him a lesson... She stood up, walking towards the boys, quickly smashing his pizza once she arrived. She would then take Daniel's apple juice and poured it on Tee, smiling innocently. She would look at Daniel, "I will get you a new apple juice." She would then reach over and picked up one of Daniel's pancakes, "Can I have this one? You can take the pancakes I have on my table."

Ayumi would mash the pancake on Tee's head, smiling at him, "In Konoha, this is how we welcome people who are rude."

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:24 pm
The fighting got louder and began to get more intense, Daniel sitting with his back turned away from the two was even a bit afraid. He thought that coming to a strip club would be fun and entertaining, but now that things were starting to get scary, he thought maybe he wasn't ready for this whole adult thing. He tried to tune out the voices behind him, but it was of no use, the girl had smashed the boy's pizza and smacked one of Daniel's pancakes in his face along with pouring his apple juice out. The girl promised she would get him another apple juice and that he could have one of her pancakes, Daniel just gulped and almost whimpering said, "Mm hm, thank you." He didn't suppose Tee would take this lightly they both, at this point, seemed pretty tempered. Tee would then surround her in a dark box which Daniel found kind of frightening. If she did not find a way to avoid it Daniel would ask Tee if she was okay in there. If something bad were to happen to here in there Daniel would decide whether to intervene or not. At this point people would have taken notice, the show stopping with all eyes on them. Even the Bouncer would seem a bit afraid standing back without attempting anything.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:57 pm
[double posted. Sorry!]

Last edited by Claire on Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:59 pm
In a sudden, Ayumi was surrounded by a black box. She looked around trying to figure out what it was. What the.... Takeshi however has been paying attention to the fight instead of the strip show. Once Ayumi was enclosed in the black box, he decided that it was time to step into the fight. He stood up and walked over to the boys, "Look, I don't who you two are, but you obviously aren't from Konoha. Anyways, can please let her out of there. She didn't mean to be a bitch to you; she is just in a bad mood because I dragged her in here. You can have the food and drinks we have on our table to replace yours. She didn't mean to attack you and call you names and stuff. So... I hope you accept the apology." He would finish it off with a sigh, looking at the boys, waiting for their answer.

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Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:21 pm
To Daniel's liking Tee let the girl out of his magical black box which still scared the living shit out of him, only after her brother apologized for her attitude. Once the black prison disappeared Tee also apologized to the girl which was a good thing, now the only hope that Daniel had was that the girl would also apologize to Tee. It was bound to happen if she was naturally a kind person, Daniel supposed she looked nice, but in a frustrated mood as her brother had explained. Everyone in the building still had their eyes on the two, some people gasping, even the stripper's had their full attention on the two. The awkward silence was starting to get to Daniel and he needed to dispose of it so he looked for the waiter in the crowd and called him over, "Excuse me waiter! Can I get some more pancakes?" At this point everyone in the club would most likely realize they were underage causing the manager to come from the back room, saying, "I want you all out of this club, now! Don't come back here til you're old enough, you got that?!" Daniel would see what the others would do before he would leave.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Lap Dance Special [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lap Dance Special [IO, NK]

Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:39 pm
Ayumi was let out of the black box after Takeshi apologized to Tee. She heard everything. Once she was let put, Tee apologized to her, asking her if they could start over again. Ayumi smiled, and shook his hand, "Hi Tee, nice to meet you. I'm Ayumi. Sorry that I was such a bitch to you. Like he said, I was just in a bad mood." She would then look at everyone in the bar who all seemed to have stopped in whatever they're doing. "Gosh, have you guys never seen a fight before? Or two people apologizing?" She would say loudly, rolling her eyes.

She would then order an apple juice for Daniel, apologizing for ruining his drink and pancake. A few seconds later, the manager of the strip club must have realized that they were all underage and threw them out of the club. Ayumi would shrug her shoulders and looked at the two boys, "And you guys know what? I can give you a tour around Konoha if you want too." She would say with a smile. "And again I'm very sorry for everything... And Tee? You know, you will always be an asshole... But a nice and friendly one~" Ayumi would laugh and walked away, waving at them. "Maybe we'll see each other again soon..."

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