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Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:49 am
Honestly. Ken was getting himself in some crappy situations..Falling off buildings. Crashing into his house's roof. it was just a annoying day for ken. So he decided. "YKNOW WHAT!? IM GOIN TO SUNA!" for no reason whatsoever. He looked back at tengakure and waved.  "HEY SHINJI! ILL BE BACK REAL SOON GOT IT!" Ken would say. Slowly doing a trot away from the village. Up and down the grassy plains of tengakure. Which had a special Round to them. making it seem like they were dunes of sand unlike hills. But either way he had kept going forward. Since forward was a good direction to go obviously. Right?

Ken was a bigger idiot than a idiot with idiot syndrome who eats idiot for lunch, Not breakfast, since idiot likes waffles for his breakfast most of the time. Ken had thought about many diseases. Since he HAD started his own medical company. he thought mostly of Bi-Polar-Ness and MPD. it would be KIIINDA fun having conversations with yourself. but it would probably lead to some evil personalities that just so happen want to be suicidal? No? Maybe? Either way ken was on a mission! A mission to beat the crap out of snakes! Wait what!? BAD KEN!


Last edited by Ken Vongola on Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:51 am
Uhm...approved of you walking over plains? but no exit? And there are no stat gains from this, there was no training or sparring involved.
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:59 am
Edited a Exit, And okay xD
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:07 am
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:08 am
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:31 am
[Stopping exit.]

Arthur, Knight of Tengakure was once again on an evening ride through the plains of Tengakure atop his steed Aggro, a fine horse for one such as himself.
Crossing over a path he pauses as a boy walks towards him and he calls out "Young lad! What are ye doing so far from Tengakure's walls?" He questions simply a tilt of his head to the left being accentuated with a blink of his blue eyes.
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:39 am
Ken would turn to the one who goes by the name arthur. "I am on a trip to suna! Land of deserts!" Ken would say As he turned right back around and said "Nice horse by the way!" Ken would continue forward "Being honest im just on my way for some pop rocks!" And slowly kens body got farther and farther away

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:44 am
The Knights hums at the boys strange declaration and brings his horse around so he may trot at the boys side "Suna? Pop rocks?" He asks his eyebrow raised in confusion, the boy looks quite vulnerable and he knows from experience that all manners of villains wander these lands they call home. "Young man it's dangerous out there, I've seen villains unlike any other wandering this lands, it'd be best if you were to go back to the village." He states his eyes narrowing and his frame straightening out slightly looking more regal "I hold the rank of Jounin, and as such I order you to turn back, get some friends to come along so it's not so dangerous." The Lion states calmly his armor shining slightly...the same kind the Tenkage Shinji would wear.

[Stopping exit once more.]
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:49 am
"But!" Ken would let out a whimper...He would lean his head down "Is their any way i can prove i am able to visit suna?" Ken would say "Also! Pop rocks are little candies that pop in your mouth. as the name implies" Ken would add. but then he looked right at arthur again "Please"
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK} Empty Re: Rolley-Polley Hills {P} {NK}

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:53 am
He hums in thought closing his eyes, he always did have a soft spot for children.
He sighs for a moment and bows his head in slight defeat "I shall accompany you, as your guard so no villainous cur may harm you." He states as a compromise granting the boy a small smile "I am Arthur of the house Pendragon, and you are?" He asks before dismounting his horse which turns and trots off, the boots upon Arthur's feet resembling a certain Tenkage candidate, not that Arthur or this boy would know that.

He adds after hearing the boys name, if he decides to answer "In the future, it would be wise to inform the Tenkage of your departure, or perhaps an ANBU so you are not mistaken for a deserter young man." He states calmly.
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