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Keiji Yokoshimana
Keiji Yokoshimana
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Remembering the pain (Solo) Empty Remembering the pain (Solo)

Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:04 pm
Kei remembered the fitness regimen the missing ninja holding him captive had put him through, trying to keep heir test subject is as good of shape as they possibly could. He remembered how around once a week , he would see one of his captors whisper and point at him,  and know for sure that was in for it today. They had devised a workout program that was as painful as it was effective. God knows he needed these workouts to keep himself in shape, and they eventually helped in his survival efforts after escaping, but he didn’t care for the way they went about it, letting him grow soft and weak again for six days, then pushing him to the limits on the seventh. It wasn’t fun, fair, or pleasant, because he had to go the rest of his days with sore muscles and headaches from over exerton. On one particular day, he remembered them suiting him up in training weights, something they usually did not do, and taking him for a run, one of the few occasions he was allowed fresh air during his kidnapping. As they strapped the weights to him, Kei said nothing, for he knew if he spoke he’d only be punished again. Kei got ready mentally to start his workout for the week, knowing it would be a lot harder then the rest. He'd spent very little time during his captivity devoted to his Jutsus, which had barely developed at all. He wished he had more time to spend developing his mind, not just his body. As they pushed him out of the hideout they stayed at, keeping him blindfolded so that he couldn’t reveal their location if he escaped, they urged him forward, smacking him in the face, which he could only figure was his signal to start to run on the narrow dirt trail that they had him on. He could hear their footsteps around him, keeping a watchful eye on him. He slowed to a more steady pace for a moment, but then he heard a kunai knife wiz by his head, so he picked up the pace. He pushed himself as hard as he could, forcing himself to focus on running, and running only. The trail wound around the hideout, and he could tell it was circular because they directed him slightly to the left every minute or so. As he neared the finish line of his first lap around the hideout, they pushed him to his knees and made him do a rapid set of push ups. He didn’t know how many they were making him do, but as he reached triple digets, he wondered how long this torture would continue. He’d been there for years now, with little of anything accomplished by his captors, who continued to believe his bloodline was transferable. Finally, theykicked him in the side, signaling for him to roll over and do another extremely long set of sit ups where his mind began to wander again. How long had he been here? Three years, maybe? He wasn’t sure any more. He wondered how his family was doing, and if they were still worried about him. He hoped they were. He wanted to go home more then anything, he wished beyond anything else for a chance to escape. Eventually, he finished his set of crunches, because they pulled him to his feet, yelling something he couldn’t understand into one ear, before forcing him to start running even faster then before. Already, he was beginning to wear out, but he couldn’t let that happen. If he stopped now, they’d hurt him even worse for sure. Anyways, he needed to push himself if he wanted to get any better, and ever have a chance of escaping. Before he started the next lap, he heard one of the medical ninja run in and yell at the ones in charge of exercising him.
“You idiots! Have you been training his chakra control at ALL?” Kei heard him yell. No response, Kei assumed he was shaking his head.
“That’s probably the reason we can’t get access to the Crystal eye! If he can’t control his chakra, how can he be expected to help us? Find a way to help him practice using the eye!” He yelled, storming off. The ninja looked at each other uneasily, then at the rock face on the side of the hideout.
“You can surface walk, right kid?” They asked. Kei shrugged.
“I haven’t done it since you guys kidnapped me.” He said, receiving a slap in the face in response.
“Well, you’d better start remembering, right now! Come on!” He yelled, dragging Kei to the side of the hideout, and pushing him up against the wall. Kei nervously stepped up, and upon receiving his usual signal to start (A punch in the gut), he started running. It felt ackward to be doing this, after all these years. He stumbled a few times, each time rewarding him with a backhand to the face.
As he finished his first lap around the side of the building, they jumped down, dragging Kei with them, and forced him to repeat the push up cycle, and then the sit ups, this time adding far more reps to each exercise. Dragging him to his feet again, they pushedhim forward, and he ran the next lap, the same way as before. He was trying to keep the exercise interesting for himself, but he didn’t know of many ways to dull this pain. So, without thinking, he tried using his cold flames, forgetting that he was wearing a blindfold. The cloth covering his eyes caught fire, and he panicked, trying to smother the flames with his hands. One of the missing ninja pulled off the blindfold, and covered his eyes, not wanting him to see anything. Then, the leader of them pushed him away.
“Hold on! Did he just use the Crystal eye?” He asked ,pulling the man away. “Listen, kid, I want you to use your eyes to burn the things I point to on command, ok? We’ll make this a lot more pleasant for you if you cooperate.” He said. Kei wanted to scream “I HAVE been cooperating!”, but he figured that would just get him punished. They started running again, and as he ran through the exercise, he noted that this workout was pointless. It wasn't going to improve his performance at all, the way it was set up, but since he DID get to finally use his eyes, he wasn’t complaining. He started to ready the cold  flames for use, as the leader started pointing out target. The man held out a torch.
“Your challenge was to keep the torch sustained throughout the workout, no matter what. Keep the flames going for a whole lap, and we can call it a day. Deal?” He said. Kei nodded. “And if he fails” Continued the leader. “I’ll light the torch myself and beat you with it, which wouldn't feel all that good to me, so I can only imagine what a little kid like you would feel going through that…” He said threateningly. Kei swallowed hard, before cautiously lighting the torch, focusing on it as they ran across the wall. As he finished the lap, they jumped down and made him preform more push ups, despite telling him they’d give him a break. Opon them telling him to get up, Kei jumped to his feet, glad to be done with the push ups. They signaled Kei once again to start, and Kei ran across the wall, focusing the chakra to his feet. He figured he would wear out soon, and he hoped the workout would soon be over. This probably looked really weird to watch, but it was training, and it was genuine hard work, however silly it looked. Finishing another lap, Kei was once again pushed, so he jumped to the floor for another set of push ups. He fell to the floor, rubbing his back in pain. The missing ninja roared in anger, kicking him until he got up.
“What happened… to my… break?” He asked. They just laughed. “You can rest when we tell you to, and only then!” Shouted one of them, kicking his gut for good measure. Finally recovering long enough to get to his feet, they made him do another set of push ups, another set of crunches, and then one more set of pushups. He started to get in a pattern again, and before he knew it, He'd ran another three laps around the building.
 Apparently deciding he needed something different to do, they pulled him back inside, and made him run across the training area to the small pool of water they had. They made him ran across the water, and then realized that was a perfect place to train Chakra control. “Focus the Chakra to your hands, and do another set of push ups on the water!” One of them commanded, and Kei obeyed, jumping down and doing another set of push ups, before his feet sunk into the water slowly. He panicked, trying to pull himself back out, before two of them grabbed him by either arm and pulled him back to his feet, and made him try again. This time, He focused too much on his feet and his head sunk into the water. Yelling in anger, the leader grabbed him by the hair and yanked him from the water. Coming out gasping for air, Kei took a moment to get some air in his lungs. They were bound determined to make him get this right, even if it took him all day, it seemed, so he’d just have to roll with the punches. He pulled himself up again, still dripping wet, and went down for another set of push ups, focusing his chakra as evenly as he could between his hands and feet. Succeeding at last to get a full set, Kei rolled over, without thinking, to do a set of sit ups. He fell into the water instantly. Coming up sputtering from the surprise drenching, which really wasn't so surprising, He pulled himself out of the water again, before they forced him to do another set of push ups, then telling him to try focusing the chakra to his back. The resulting exhaustion that Kei felt caused him to fall in to the pool again. Apparently it was a lot harder to focus it to such a large area, like his back, compared to somewhere small, like his feet. Exhausted, Kei slowly set to work completing a set of every exercise they’d ordered him to do already, save for running laps, on the water, Drenching himself too many times to count, but eventually succeeding in almost every workout he could think of, except Burpees. No matter how hard he tried, he could not focus his chakra fast enough to do those. Shrugging, seemingly finally satisfied with his work, Kei was pushed back into his room. Slipping the weights off of his arms and changing back into his clothes, he lie down on his small cot. This time, he actually felt like he'd become a little stronger, and boy, was he sore! He hurt EVERYWHERE, from his head to his feet, and his chakra pool was very strained. Still, he’d gotten to actually go outside today, and to use his eyes, AND to go for a swim (Kind of.), Which were not things Kei usually was allowed to do, in his life of captivity. He wondered if he would ever be allowed to go home, if he’d ever see his mom and dad again… He hoped so, otherwise that idea about starving himself that he had thought of earlier seemed to be the best option for him. But was it worth it anymore? He’d lost a considerable chunk of his childhood in this place, not to mention ALL contact with his family, and his left eye’s sight. What would become of him here? Only time would tell…
(End Flashback)

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Aura Shinkuri
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Remembering the pain (Solo) Empty Re: Remembering the pain (Solo)

Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:32 pm
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