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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Remembering the past Empty Remembering the past

Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:34 am
Kaze's mind wondered as his feet, carried him through the village towards his home. The sun was setting, street merchants were closing there stalls for the day, and villagers were hurrying home to their families. Kaze on the other hand had no reason to hurry home, no one was waiting for him at him; his mother probably wouldn't be home for quiet a while,  ever since his father had been killed in battle she had gotten a job that required her to work long shifts that often didn't end until late in the middle of the night, to pay for the upkeep of their home. It was large and lavish, his father always believed in having style and comfortable living, and with his talent and skill set, Itaze Uchiha was easily able to provide for his family. The missions he was given during his lifetime ,while short was very action packed, most of his missions were dangerous and high ranked, but the pay out was ridiculous and well worth it. When he was alive everything seemed simple, life just always seemed right no matter what happened,  it was always ok as long as his father was around. Unfortunately things had changed now, Itaze was no longer alive, it was just Kaze and his mother, but mostly just Kaze, he rarely saw his mother these days. He missed her dearly but he knew that she's only feel worse if she knew how he truly felt, so he would continue being strong, and pushing through life. It really hurt his heart in those rare moments, when he was with his mom just sitting around the house, and he would catch her looking at a picture of his father. Or other times where they would be talking and she would just pause and seemingly just lose herself in thought no doubt thinking about her lost husband. 

There were many things Kaze knew about his mother that she thought he was oblivious to; like stopping by her husband's grave every night on her way home, visiting a graveyard in the middle of the night all alone, creepy right, but love will make you do some crazy things. She may claim to have moved past her husband's death but deep down Kaze knew it still hurt her as if it had just happened, but there was nothing that could be done to change that, he was gone. Only time can mend a broken heart, and sometimes a heart that has been shattered can't be pieced back together; he feared in his mother's case it may be the latter. The young Uchiha had tried multiple things to help his mother but nothing seemed to work, she rarely seemed to be her complete and normal self, not to say that she acted much different from how she had before Itaze's death, only a person that was around her everyday would be able to pick up on the subtle changes of her behavior. The most reason time Kaze could remember his mother being completely normal, was the day he had become a genin, her face had that same glow it had had when his father was alive, and her smile was so full of joy and sincerity it hurt to know that she was no longer as happy as she deserved to be, as much as she should be happy, Rose Uchiha would probably never get what she deserves again. Although she truly was happy in that moment and he knew that everything she had told him she meant wholeheartedly; one of those things had stuck with him, "Kaze, you're finally a genin. You graduated at the top of your class, just like your father knew you would, but remember what he told you. Stay humble, take care of others, and always have fun." Those words had sunk into his mind, they were the exact words his father had always lived by, the words he tried to live his life by now.

Blinking and taking in his surroundings, Kaze realized he was outside of the building where his mother worked. It wasn't dark yet, so the shall we say shadier business that sometimes took place late at night at his mother's job wouldn't be happening for a while so he decided to pay her a visit before he went home. She hated for him to be around once the darker business started taking place, even though he was a ninja and was more than capable of handling himself. Pushing the revolving door open he turned for the stairs, taking them up to the 10th floor where his mother worked. He had seen some unspeakable things in this building, but he never questioned it, mostly because he knew how proud his mother was and that she would refuse to move into a smaller house because of her proud Uchiha blood, and seeing that he was unable to take dangerous missions that would pay him enough to cover the cost of the house, he kept his mouth shut.

The sun was now completely gone, leaving the clear night sky behind. His mother had shooed him away once her more rowdy customers, started to come in, he hated living her like that but what else could he do. Continuing on his way home, thought once again took him. His mind settled on the day he had come of age as an Uchiha as tradition had been in the past, the day he had mastered the great fireball technique.

It had all started when his father realized that Kaze's first elemental affinity was fire, he was extremely excited, Itaze had said something about how long ago all Uchiha were born with fire as there first element, he had also said only Uchiha's of the purest blood still possessed this trait nowadays. From that day his father had trained him to use the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique; those were long hard working days, but he wouldn't have traded it for anything. He wasn't sure if it was because he had such a small amount of time with his father before he was gone, or if he genuinely enjoyed those grueling days. His father never yelled at him while teaching him, he was only four but his father had always treated him as his equal. The first thing Itaze had his son do was read about the jutsu, to help give him a basic understanding of what the technique was and what it did exactly. 

"So father, the great fireball technique, allows for the user to expel a large orb of fire from their mouth or with proper manipulation of one's chakra can allow for the technique to be used as a continuous flamethrower?" Looking up four year old Kaze could see his father smiling down at him, "Yes, Kaze that is right. Now you will learn how to gather and control the chakra needed for jutsu, but you being so young your chakra reserves aren't yet where they need to be so we will first spend time building up your reserves. How's that sound?" Itaze asked a smile still evident on his face. "Sounds good to me!" Kaze responded an innocent grin spreading across his face, reaching for the door.

Kaze had to endure several days of very difficult training, it left him sore and unable to move every night but he never complained. He knew everything he was going through would pay off in the end. The training seemed endless, hours on top of hours he would spend spitting flames from his mouth, so much that his cheeks and corners of his mouth were slightly burned, his chest and throat felt like they were on fire whenever he breathed. They had been left raw from the constant use of chakra he had been doing the past few days; but no matter how tired he got whenever he looked at his father's smiling face it always seemed he could go just a little bit longer each day, until he got to the point where using so much chakra was no longer a troublesome task for him.

It had taken time but, it was worth it. Kaze was now able to spend his time on working to master his control of the technique rather than just burn off chakra to build his reserves. Now he had to focus on the small details of kneading his chakra properly inside of his body, building it up in his chest right below his throat, once he had gathered enough chakra, he would expel it from his mouth driving it up and through his throat. He had done it so many times that he barely had to think when performing the technique, it was more so muscle memory. Even with all of this training Kaze was still unable to properly perform the jutsu, it would always start out perfectly fine, the chakra would be mixed, and gathered properly, before being expelled forming a powerful raging flamethrower; after a few seconds Kaze's fire would always fizzle out as if it had been doused with water. "Kaze when using this technique as a flamethrower you have to feed a continuous flow of chakra to your mouth, if you were attempting to just form a fireball it would be perfect, because you're building your chakra perfectly, you just have to keep it flowing." Taking his father's words into account and trying to put them into action, the kid once again built chakra up in his chest, waiting until it all had been kneaded properly, patiently waiting to feel the tinge of a burn in his chest before spewing it from his mouth. Brilliant flames shot from his mouth in a constant flamethrower, this time Kaze was continuously building chakra up in his chest funneling it through his throat and to his mouth enabling him to shoot a nonstop flamethrower. Cutting the jutsu off, he looked towards his father who had a proud smile on his face, his son was now a man, by ancient Uchiha traditions anyways.

Snapping out of his thoughts once more Kaze turned on a street in the Uchiha district, nearing his home; the streets were empty as he walked them, it would always be odd for him to see the district quiet no matter how many times he saw it, he had seen the hustle and bustle during the day too many times to just forget it. While it was peaceful and relaxing to be greeted by quiet streets on his way home, he still looked forward to the morning where he would see children out playing, reminding him of how just a few years ago he had been doing the same thing. Now he was a ninja, a full fledged shinobi and he had to continue to grow stronger, if he wanted to one day become an even more powerful shinobi than his father had been.

Sliding the door open to his home, he slipped his shoes off at the door and made his way upstairs towards his room, it had been a long day and his bed was calling his name. There was nothing better than a hot bath and a soft bed after a hard days work, and Kaze wanted nothing more than those two things. He looked out of his window taking in the quiet night once more before turning and heading for the bathroom. He slowly peeled his shirt off, after already having tossed the pouches containing his tools onto his bed, Kaze sat down on the floor and began to remove the tape that covered his legs from his ankles all the way up past his shorts, stopping just shy of his thigh. He wasn't exactly sure why he always put tape on but one thing he was sure about was how good he was going to sleep, and how good his bath was going to make his body feel. His muscles were sore and his mind was tired, who knows he might just sleep in the bath tonight, it couldn't hurt him could it?

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
TWC: 2015/2000
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:46 am

You also get ten stats <3
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:22 am
Sitting at home, once again Kaze appeared lost in his thoughts, it was almost laughable how often this seemed to occur; although if you knew what he was thinking about it might break your heart. He wasn't quiet sure how exactly he remembered or how he was able to recall every single year his father had been alive, but every image was so clear. They could be completely insignificant memories about his father doing something so simple as playing hide and seek with him or extremely complex memories like all of the jutsu his father had taught him. Sometimes Kaze wondered what made his father push him so hard, it was never in a commanding or demanding way, it was hard work but his father, Itaze, always managed to make it fun or seem less like work. During those days Itaze was always smiling and cheering his son or trying to help by giving him hints on ways to do something more efficiently or quicker. To this day Kaze still followed some of the exact training methods his father at taught him when he was younger. 

Whenever he started reminiscing about his past, well at least the past that revolved around the time his father was alive, he would end up losing track of time as he just went through memory after memory. Some of them bringing joy to his heart, others bringing pain and remorse. He internally laughed as his mind brought up the time where he was mad at the world, he hated almost everything and everyone at that time. How foolish Kaze had been almost caused him to lose several good friends of his because of his ignorance...

"Hey Kaze do you want to play ninja, with us?" Frowning at his friend Tsumi, he rudely replied, "No I don't, get lost." She seemed hurt by his words, but Kaze could have cared less at the time, he was nine now and mad at the world. Why did his father have to die, how come all of his friends still had their entire families. All of his friends who were also Uchihas had at least one family member who was a shinobi, yet nothing bad happened to them, and over half of his friends who weren't of Uchiha blood had a member of their family who was a ninja, but out of all of those people he was the one who had to suffer. It wasn't fair to him and his mother, they had gone from the perfect happy life to one where they had to sacrifice. Yes you could say he was spoiled early in his life, and in all honesty he still was, but that's not what mattered. Everything had changed and it was all so so sudden and it was such a sharp turn in his life, it had truly taken his world flipped it upside down and stomped on it until it was no longer recognizable. Kaze couldn't fathom a reason for why he deserved such a punishment especially at such a young age, why ruin a child's time in life where they should always be smiling and enjoying life, instead Kaze had spent the last two years of his life filled with hatred. It had escalated from sadness, to grief, and now anger.

"Kaze?" It was his mother, she surprisingly had the day off, her boss was a kind man, but he couldn't give her much time off seeing that his business was very busy and Kaze's mother just so happened to have the most important job of the company. Hearing her voice actually caused the rage filled boy to smile a little, it was times like this when he almost was able to live life normally again. He turned to leave his spot sitting outside of his house. "Kaze why din't you go and play ninja with your friends? You used to love going out to play with them." Frowning at his mother's words he tried to explain himself, but Rose Uchiha wasn't having it and somehow Kaze found himself walking through the village searching for his friends. 

He had already searched the normal spots, where they would play ninja, they must have found a new spot to play. Turning a corner Kaze's eyes spotted Tsumi and the rest of his friends standing in a circle no doubt arguing about something that had happened during their game of ninja. "No way, that's cheating, we all agreed that whoever was the ninja could only use one paper shiriken." He still hadn't been noticed due to there heated verbal debate. It was slightly funny to Kaze, he knew that these types of arguments could go on for hours, they were often humorous and he also knew that the rest of his friends were perfectly fine with letting this argument play out. So it was on him to intervene, as it normally was, stepping forward into the circle, he heard the arguing voices pause. Looking around the circle, he could see everyone's eyes were trained on him, they were happy to see him yes but they were more so surprised, he hadn't actually done anything with them for roughly three months. Anytime he decided to go out with them he had to be honest, Kaze did have fun, hanging out and playing wasn't actually the problem, the thing that bothered him was actually when it was time for him to go home, and when he would be reminded that while his friends were going home to their full, normal, happy families, he was going home to a half empty home. So he preferred to avoid that all together, he was learning to control his anger and by staying away from situations that would make him feel that hatred or resentment. At this time it couldn't be avoided, and he truly felt better when he was around his buddies. "Hey Kaze, what's up man."  After a moments pause he was greeted with pats on the back from his friends, cheers, and a very needed hug from Tsumi. She always forgave him, it seemed that she understood that he didn't mean everything he said, instead he was just still hurting on the inside. 

The young girl was the same age as Kaze, she was very pretty and every boy her age was slightly jealous of Kaze. Yes they were young, but they were kind of boyfriend and girlfriend, both of their mothers thought it was adorable, calling it puppy love. It had all started 6 months ago, of course they had known each other almost their entire lives, but they hadn't developed feelings for each other until recently. The events actually being set up by actions of the previous day.

Kaze was out training with like he normally would almost everyday, on this occasion he was working on learning a new fire based jutsu, he had already read up on it and had a basic understanding of what should happen. The technique was the Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire or as Kaze preferred to call it Phoenix Flower. This jutsu when done properly would create a volley of small fireballs shooting out wildly, he was also able to control each fireball with chakra making the fireballs even more difficult to avoid, in addition to this he could slip shuriken into the fireball as well adding another layer to the attack. After all of the time he put into learning the Great Fireball technique you would think it'd be a simple task for him to learn this jutsu. However he had spent the entire day trying to learn it but to no avail; Kaze was tired and decided to call it a day. Little did he know his close friend Tsumi had been watching him from a distance, she had something she wanted to tell the young Uchiha training before her eyes. (A little Hinata-esque  lol) Normally she wouldn't be afraid to talk to him, they were good friends after all but this was something different, but she had to put her foot down, tomorrow she would talk to him, it couldn't be put off any longer.

The next day Kaze was out training again, picking up from where he had left off yesterday. He had been going at it for hours and he had actually managed to make some progress, he was able to shoot two fireballs in a volley. He wasn't sure what he was doing wrong, the amount of chakra that was gathered in his chest should have easily been enough to create more than two fireballs, yet that was the largest amount of fireball he could create, the rest of the chakra being wasted in transition and he wasn't sure why. "Hey Kaze!" Tsumi chimed walking up to him a big grin on her face. Returning her smile he responded, "Hey Tsumi, nice to see you." Blushing slightly in shock at his words, did he really think it was nice to see her? She was startled from her thoughts by a question coming from her male counterpart, "Tsumi I know you have the same elemental affinity as me, but do you know the phoenix flower jutsu? I've been trying to learn it and could do with some help." Her face brightened even more at the thought of being able to help her crush. "Yeah I know that jutsu, let's see if I can help you out. Let me see what you've got." She replied brightly taking a few steps back to give Kaze some space. Doing a few quick hand seals and building up the necessary chakra in his chest before spewing out two fireballs, turning to face his friend he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck smiling, "That's all I've got," Tsumi looked at him apparently in thought trying to figure out what he was doing wrong. "So you can perform the jutsu, but two fireballs isn't going to cut it. Hmm, I wonder are you building up one large sum of chakra?" Kaze looked at her with a puzzled look on his face, he had assumed he was supposed to build up one large mass of chakra but it seemed like he was about to be told otherwise, "That is most likely your problem, this technique requires more precision than power. Unlike a jutsu like the great fireball technique which requires either a continuous flow of chakra or one large sum to properly perform it, the phoenix flower jutsu is easier to perform by building up separate smaller masses of chakra. So you want to shoot each mass of chakra out as soon as it is amassed, the faster you are able to create balls of chakra and shoot them out one by one, the more fireballs you will be able to shoot." He couldn't help but smiling, she had made it seem so simple, now it was time to put her words to the test. Forming the rat, tiger, dog, ox, rabbit, and tiger seal once more, the young Uchiha built up a small ball of chakra in his chest quickly expelling it and mimicking the process six more times, bringing his total number of fireballs to seven. It had worked like a charm, everything Tsumi had told him worked, if only he had known this the day before he would have already mastered this jutsu, nearly two days of hard work could have been cut down to a couple of hours if he had known that one small detail. Turning to his friend he engulfed her in a hug lifting her off of her feet and swinging Tsumi around he a circle causing her to wrap her arms around his neck giggling. Kaze was very thankful for Tsumi's help and wanted to repay her, coming to a pause he looked at her, "Hey Tsumi, I really appreciate your help, is there anything I can do to repay?" She looked at him from her perch in his arms, this was her chance, she had to tell him how she felt. "Well actually, there is something I need to talk to you about something. I-it's just that I k-kind of have crush on you and wanted to know how you felt about me." Kaze paused for a moment looking down towards the ground, suddenly returning his gaze to her, flashing a reassuring smile, "Well that's funny because I feel the exact same way about you." Her heart almost stopped hearing those words, a blush covering her face as she realized what the words meant.

Fire Release: Phoenix Flower and I believe +10 stats
TWC: 2093/2000
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:36 am

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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:53 pm
Walking through the Uchiha District the young genin came face to face with a group of people, they seemed to be regular villagers. This struck him as odd considering that normal villagers didn't really come into the Uchiha compound except on business, for some reason the villagers of Konoha looked at the his clan in a fearful way, Kaze wasn't sure why maybe it was respect or maybe there was some event that took place before his birth that caused this. Since this was an occasion that didn't happen often he took the chance to ask the villagers where they were going and if he could help in anyway. "Hello, my name is Kaze Uchiha, I'd gladly help you find your way if you would just tell me where you are trying to get." The largest of the group a tall muscular man, stepped out to face Kaze, "We know who you are you little brat. And no we don't need your help." Ignoring the way the rude way the man spoke the young boy calmly responded, "How exactly do you know who I am?" The large man turned back to his pals laughing at the question, the group was a made up entirely of men, around six or seven of them, each looking a bit shady in their own unique ways. Facing Kaze again the man answered, "Well in his own right your father was a great ninja, if he wasn't an Uchiha I'd actually respect him. But he was a filthy Uchiha and no matter how talented a ninja he was I'm glad he's dead." The large man paused to let his words sink in, a dark look creeping onto Kaze's face. "So since we hate you and your clan, we decided to come down here and express our feelings." Knowing exactly what this guy and his group of thugs were planning to do the young genin slipped into a fighting stance. "You'll have to get through me first." The gang of thugs laughed in his face before one stepped forward swinging a fist toward Kaze, it was easily caught, the thug received a punch to his face amplified by a sickening crunch coming from his nose. The man tumbled to the ground reaching for his nose, the rest of his friends surrounding him. "You're gonna pay for that." While the largest man of the group once again stepped up to face Kaze, the rest of the men surrounding the guy who had just had his nose broken and shouting encouragement to their friend. "Get him Mogu!" Twitching his head slightly to the left to dodge Mogu's punch causing the man to stumble forwards, simple stepping behind the foolish man Kaze placed his hands together, similar to the tiger seal, placing enough chakra into his extended fingers to prove a point. "One thousand years of death!" He exclaimed slamming his fingers into, well his opponents rear area lifting the man off of his feet and launching him into the air. After pausing to watch as the man known as Mogu sailed through the air he would face the group, telling them to get lost unless they wanted the same thing to happen to them. Smirking as they quickly ran off, clearly not wanting any part of him Kaze began to wonder around in his thoughts once more.

(I couldn't help it lol)
One thousand years of death +2 stats 
WC: 559/500
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:35 am

Approved <3
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:25 pm
Why did it seem that today more than most days Kaze couldn't  shake all of these memories, that were just flooding his head, he couldn't help it but so far they hadn't been bad memories. More so simple things like time he had spent with his father, or jutsu he had been taught, and plenty of other things. Normally distracting himself with other activities would clear his head but today was a day off from training so that was out of the equation, he had been pushing himself and if he didn't rest to day his body wouldn't be able to handle the rigors of training regiment that was planned for tomorrow. Pondering what there possibly was to do today, he didn't want to bother his mother, she had just got in from work a few hours ago and Kaze knew she was tired. Deciding the best thing to do would be leaving the house and allowing his mother to get her much deserved rest. Slipping on his sandals ninja sandals, he slipped out into the afternoon sun, oddly it wasn't overly hot it was kind of comfortable. Walking from the Uchiha district Kaze's mind once again began to replay past moments of his life. This time it was one of the few times he had seen his father fight, he had heard his father was one of the best ninja in the village but this was the first time he would witness it first hand.

"Kaze! Come on it's time to go." His mother shouted into the house waiting at the door for her son, to come. It was the day of his fourth birthday, he had been looking forward to this day for almost three whole weeks, every since his parents had told him they would be going outside the village for his birthday he couldn't get it off of his mind. Kaze wasn't exactly sure what they were going outside the village for but he did know that since it was for his birthday there was some sort of surprise. "Where is dad?" Kaze asked wondering where his father could be at. "He promised he would be here for my birthday." Rose Uchiha lovingly eyed her son, "Well he was sent out on a mission, but he did say that it wouldn't take long and that he would meet us at our destination. At this her son's eyes brightened, he always enjoyed seeing his father, and never complained about him being gone all the time doing missions.

Kaze walked alongside his mother, there were four figures out in the distance that he couldn't make out, he could only assume that the tallest one was his father, the other three most likely his squad for the mission he had been sent out on. Excited as he was to meet up with his father, the young boy remained by his mother's side, obediently walking the remaining distance to the group of people. It wasn't until they were right on top of the mysterious figures did his mother Rose realize who they were... ninja. She could tell from their headbands that they were from Sunagakure, and if they were on this road it could only mean one thing, they were looking for Rose and her son. The mother and child had been traveling on a small back road to avoid the everyday foot traffic that Konoha's main roads contained, they had been the only people travelling the road. Rose could only guess that because of her husbands well known name around the ninja world, that it was known he had a family and who they were. This was further backed up when the sand shinobi called them by name, "I take it you two are Rose and Kaze Uchiha, if so you're coming with us." Rose's heart dropped, knowing the only option they had was to oblige the ninja from Sunagakure, she was no ninja, and her son was too young to help in anyway. They couldn't run unless she wanted to slim down the chance that they get out of this situation with their lives. So as much as she was against it, she followed the sand ninja, ushering her son along with her, although she did still have a plan. Her husband had given her a bracelet, it was a normal bracelet other than the villages symbols on the inside of it, he had told her if she was ever captured by another village's ninja to mark which village it was and drop the bracelet. Very simple, she pulled this off easily, the sand shinobi didn't expect much from Rose or her son so they hadn't really paid her much attention, allowing her to slip the bracelet onto the ground with anyone noticing.

Kaze was beginning to tire and he had no trouble letting it be known, "Mister how much longer do we have to walk, my legs are tired." The young boy pulled on the man's shirttail repeating himself until the ninja looked down on him, a strained look on his face. Rose laughed to herself knowing that her son was being very bothersome, but honestly they were essentially being kidnapped so she had no need to worry about harm coming to her son. Otherwise it would have already happened, Kaze had been going on for thirty minutes and he didn't plan on stopping until he got a break. "Gah, if we stop and rest will you shut up kid?" The ninja the young Uchiha had been pestering had finally caved, smiling Kaze replied, "Maybe." The group came to a stop in a clearing, they had been walking for a few hours and for the non-shinobi of the group needing a rest should have been expected.

Suddenly several shuriken hit the ground around the ninja of Sunagakure, startling them as well as their prisoners. Rose quickly shielded her son from any possible threats using her body as a shield, while her captors all drew their weapons of choice preparing for another attack. The air was silent as a few tense moments passed by, suddenly a loud crackling started up, it almost resembled that of chirping birds. There it was in the hand of none other than Itaze Uchiha, "Chidori!" He shouted plunging his hand through one of his families captors.  Leaping towards his family Itaze wove three quick hand seals, immediately after several floating heads of fire appeared around him, "Fire Release: Demon Lantern. Take Kaze and run, I will handle this." Scooping her son up Rose turned back towards the village running as fast as her legs would carry her, meanwhile Kaze stared over her shoulder in awe of his father, he was so strong.

Ducking and dodging a fast combination of punches and kicks Itaze, smirked forcefully bringing his knee up into his attackers stomach knocking him back and allowing for Itaze to slip behind him and place a kunai to his neck, "You made a mistake when you came after my family." Slitting the ninja's throat dropped the body, black lightning beginning to leap from his body suddenly forming a panther and charging at one of the two remaining enemy ninja while he charged the other another chidori forming in his hand as he ran. Itaze skidded to halt surprised his attack had missed, this enemy might actually be a challenge, glancing to where the only other remaining kidnapper had been only seconds before it was clear she wouldn't be a problem seeing that his black panther jutsu had taken care of her. Facing the last mysterious shinobi he asked for his name. "I am the Rising Wind of Sunagakure, Lee Ditame." Lee nodded towards Itaze most likely asking his name with the motion. "I am Itaze Uchiha, Konoha's top ninja. What a battle this should be." Smiling he slid into a fighting stance, and activating his sharingan he awaited his opponent's first move. Surely he wouldn't kill him but at least a little fun could be had, right?

Kaze frowned as they moved further and further away from the ensuing fight, his father was amazing, he had eliminated all except one of the ninja who had held he and his mother captive effortlessly. It was one on one now and he was going to miss it, his mother was running with all of her heart, she had complete faith her husband would win, after all there was a reason he was so well known around the world, but she still needed to get as far away as possible. Sometimes Itaze would get a little too excited in the midst of a battle and end up going too far, on one specific occasions he had completely leveled a mountain with an attack. It was truly a wonder to see him in action, but spectate at your own risk. She felt a tremor shake the ground as her son erupted into a fit a cheering no doubt taking in as much of the battle as he possibly could, a few moments later a strong blast of wind from the attack that had most likely caused the tremor hit her back knocking her slightly off balance as she continued to run.

Kaze sat on one of the any couches in the lavish house his family lived in, his father had easily won the battle and even kept his opponent alive. Now he was meeting with the hokage, relaying the events of his mission that had been handled earlier during the day and more importantly the events that had happened only a few hours ago. The anticipation almost spewed out of him as waited for his father to return home so he could pester him until he told him about the battle and every detail it entailed. Rose smiled at her son, thinking how he hadn't been afraid once during the whole ordeal, it seemed like he was more excited than anything, surely he would make a splendid ninja. Hearing the door Kaze dashed towards it diving towards his father, neither one of his parents could help but laugh as he began begging to her the story of Itaze's battle. Smiling broadly the man lovingly carried his son back to the couch and placed him on it, sitting on the couch across from where his son was seated, Itaze engaged in telling the story, but not before asking one question. "Tell me Kaze, how much of the battle did you see?" Pouting and crossing his arms the young boy eyed his mother with mock anger in his eyes causing both Itaze and Rose Uchiha to laugh at their son. "Not much mom is pretty fast to not be a ninja, the last thing I saw was a big dragon hit the ground." Grinning once again, happy to know he had quiet a lot to tell, "You pretty much missed the entire thing. Let's get started.

Lee charged, swinging a quick combo at Itaze, each blow was dodged or batted away easily, clearly the sand ninja was just feeling him out. The two engaged in a short bout of taijutsu, just testing out each others abilities; this wasn't really Itaze's style but he would play along for the sake of having a interesting battle. It wasn't often he met an opponent capable of matching his speed, so he was very intrigued whenever it happened. The only other occasion being a rogue ninja from Kumogakure, her name being Shimei, very talented, it was a shame he had had to kill her. If she hadn't been a missing ninja he had a feeling they would have been good friends; anyways back to the battle, Lee had proved his ability to go blow for blow with Itaze in taijutsu but now it was time to see if he could match jutsus with him. Weaving a short series of hand signs the Uchiha created a dragon made of earth his Sunagakure counter part immediately doing the same. The dragons whirled around each other quickly before slamming together in a battle of force, in the end Itaze's dragon managed to pull out the victory driving its foe into the ground. At that moment the battle had been decided, there was a clear winner not even two minutes into it, but where is the fun in ending a fight with such potential. Several flaming ghost heads again appeared around Itaze as he finished a set of hand signs, before moving onto another set of signs, creating another dragon made of earth. The dragon moved forward attacking Lee, while the Konoha shinobi directed the flaming heads at his enemy right when he would move to avoid the dragon, trying to catch him in the cross fire, but each head was met with a ball of water shot from Lee's mouth causing them to fizzle out on contact. The Uchiha knew his attack shouldn't have worked he was just letting his curiosity get the best of him, and dragging the battle out, it had already been decided that he would be the inevitable winner, this known he still wanted to know how far he would be pushed. Ram, snake, and tiger were the next seals formed before a large cloud formed over the Rising Sun of Sunagakure, raining black oil onto the man, making him more susceptible to any of Itaze's fire attacks; oh how he loved the element, it was so wild and free, very difficult to control similar to himself, you could try to cage him but in the end he would do what he wanted to in the first place. Leaping to the side to avoid an attack from his opponent Itaze shot out a powerful stream of water that narrowly missed its target instead cutting a few trees in half. The man he had engaged in combat had proved to be a rather boring fighter and now Itaze thought it was time to end this anticlimactic clash. Shooting a few balls of fire at Lee, the Uchiha had managed to get him slightly of balance, know that the sand ninja knew he was covered in oil his efforts to avoid fire based attacks were more urgent and less controlled, making the task of getting close to him while he was off balance very easy. Capitalizing on his previous attack Itaze quickly dashed in rapidly closing the gap that had been formed, upon reaching striking distance he dropped into a crouch firing his leg upwards connecting with Lee's jaw knocking him upwards into the sky. leaping up and mirroring the man for a moment the Uchiha's next move had been decided, rotating his hip he swung a kick sideways bringing it all the way around so it would push his opponent downward. Using the impact of the kick being blocked Itaze swung around to be above Lee, quickly raining down a volley of blows each one causing the speed of the sand ninja's descent to increase until it was too late for him to break his fall and he crashed into the earth below creating a large crater. Still in the air his fall much slower than his counterparts, the Konoha shinobi smirked before forming a few hand seals and blowing out a powerful flamethrower effectively cooking the oil covered man; he had to keep the sand ninja alive so instead of letting him roast he formed a few hand seals and drenched the man in water dousing the flames allowing the man to only sustain some burns of various degrees mostly third degree but he would be fine, after he was tended to by doctors. However after that he would be interrogated until he spilled every piece of information he had on his home village, he would most likely be a tough one to crack, but Itaze had plenty of faith in the abilities of the interrogation unit, their methods were tried and true, if anyone could get the information it would be them.

Kaze sat quiet and motionless hanging on his father's every word, he didn't want to miss a single detail. It was uncanny how strong Itaze was, and how effortless he appeared to make battle seem, hearing some stories the young child often pondered if he would ever be that strong, or what kind of ninja he would end up being. Would he be kind, powerful, and respected like his father, or would he be feared, and antagonized for some of his decisions? The possibilities were seemed endless, some nights Kaze would lie awake just wondering what his life would be like in a few years. As his father finished retelling what had happened after Rose had carried Kaze away, the young boy had remembered something and just had to ask. "Father what was that jutsu called with flaming heads, and will you teach it to me one day?" This made his father smile again, seeing his son be so interested in being a shinobi excited him just a little more than he feared it. "That jutsu, let me see. I believe the one you're talking about is Fire Release: Demon Lantern, and once you're capable of performing it I will teach you."

That was it, snapping out of his thoughts Kaze had finally remembered the justsu he had planned to learn so many years ago, and he just so happened to be passing by the Uchiha District's training grounds, it was fate that he learn that jutsu today. The training ground was empty as well, the perfect settings, every thing had lined up, now all that was needed was effort. This jutsu didn't require any physical movement so Kaze didn't bother to remove his jacket, it would have been nice if he had a book to read about what exactly he needed to do, his memories would just have to do. Diving into his mind the genin searched for the memory that had just been playing, what had his father told him about the jutsu? If he was remembering the technique called for three hand seals: the dog, horse, and tiger, and then a number of heads made of fire which should resemble ghost. Taking a few steps forwards towards a training dummy, his chosen target, Kaze slowly performed the three necessary hand signs. Next he gathered his chakra, dividing it evenly into five separate heads each forming around him in a circle. Since the jutsu wasn't as simple as other techniques he had learned the young boy thought it would be best for him to start with a small number of ghost heads and work his way up as he further grasped the concept and became more comfortable with it, after all he was teaching himself based on memories from several years ago. Kaze swirled the five flaming heads around in a circle about himself, satisfied with his ability to control five heads he decided to bump up the difficulty of the technique creating five more, this time he tried to rotate them in a slightly more intricate pattern. Five heads were at head level and the other five were about a meter above the lower circle, slowly he began the process of spinning them around in a circle, once he did this Kaze then started to alternate the two rows, continuously spinning them and weaving them in between each other as he did this. Bumping up the difficulty once more by adding ten more heads for a grand total of twenty he once started the rotation process this time with four layers of heads each spread a meter above the other. Grinning to himself as he looked up and saw that he had pulled of a pattern that he wasn't quite sure how to describe, the first and third layers were spinning diagonally alternating as they did this while the second and fourth layers appeared to be battling against one another, spinning around each other, rising and falling mirroring each other, one might describe it as almost beautiful if the flames weren't floating fireballs in the shape of ghost heads, upon noticing that detail one might decide it best for them to run. Kaze felt he had almost mastered the jutsu all he had to do was add movement in one more way, this time it wouldn't involve the fire moving instead it would be him whom would be moving. Adding motion to the jutsu was one thing, it was a requirement of the jutsu, so if he was going to use it he would have to be able to control the movements of the fireballs. Now that he was moving it was a whole different story, Kaze would now have to focus on keeping the jutsu up without fully focusing on it, the majority of his attention had to be on moving or he would get sloppy with his actions and end up being wounded or worse in a battle, so he had to get this right. Starting with a jog to ease into the transition the Uchiha slowly sped up until he was at his full speed, weaving in and out of obstacles that littered the training grounds, leaping over dummies, anything he could think of to make this test more difficult. Kaze was young but he knew the more emphasis he put on something and the more awkward positions he put himself in during his training the easier it would be for him in battle. Satisfied with his ability to sustain the jutsu Kaze decided to call it a day, turning for his house he grinned looking up towards the sky knowing his father was proud of him.

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Remembering the past Empty Re: Remembering the past

Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:34 pm

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