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D-Rank: Missing Pets Empty D-Rank: Missing Pets

Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:53 pm

Kojin jumped from building to building currently soloing a mission. He was broke and he was getting impatient on waiting for his team to do a mission. He needed to buy some equipment and he needed it fast. So right now he was doing a simple D-Rank mission. Apparently he was supposed to capture some cats that had ran away from an old lady. Now why would she have so much cats? He didn't know and didn't want to find out either. 'Okay, first I have to find blossom. An orange cat.. easy enough I guess' he thought. He looked around the area hoping the find this cat quickly. There wasn't anything he saw from the spot he was in, so the boy decided to stop at an ally to find something. Fortunately, there was an orange cat eating from a garbage can near... a restaurant that served fish.

'Of course' he thought. He took the backpack he was carrying off his back and silently unzipped it. He, very carefully, used his chakra to walk up the wall and then walk sideways towards the cat. Luckily, the cat was too engrossed in it's meal to notice him. So at the right moment, he was able to surprise the cat and capture it in the bag. After it had stopped squirming, he took it out of the bag and soothed it until it wasn't tense in his arms anymore. He finally put it back in the bag and zipped it up, leaving a small hole so the cat can breath. "Now onto the next one" he murmured. He decided to go on foot since he couldn't really look into alleys while jumping on buildings. The boy made his way out the ally and into the streets of Sunagakure. He continued to survey everyplace he passed by.

Eventually he saw to more cats! One of them were white while the other was black. 'They must be Muffin and Plum' he wondered. He cautiously approached them like he did with Blossom. They both seemed to be sleeping in front of a Candy Store. As Kojin neared them he picked them up one by one, hoping they wouldn't wake up. He put them in his large backpack as well. All of the cats seemed to be sleeping together. "Aww, they look so cute" he said quietly. Okay, three was down now two was left. As he zipped the back pack up the same way he did before, he noticed two more cats running away from a screaming old man. He quickly went over to the scene, making sure he didn't wake up the felines in his backpack. He went passed the old man who seemed to be out of breath. He could just go back to him later today. Right now he had a mission to complete.

He pursued the cats as the made a turn into a toy shop. "Really? Now it's just going to be harder to find them" he complained as he entered the shop. He found one of the cats that was named Buttons lying down on the counter. Kojin immediately picked the cat up and put it in the backpack. It kept surprising him when the cats didn't really put up a fight. The owner must have taught them very well. The boy turned his head to spot the other one on top of a chandelier. Now which toy shop bothered to have a chandelier on the ceiling? "Come on.. come on little kitty cat..." he told it quietly. It surprised him when the cat just went straight for his face! Using his fast reflexes, he caught the cat just before it could claw at his face. "Woooah there! Calm down little kitty" he chuckled. Seemed like he had to hold this one.

Kojin carried the cat in his arms as he walked out of the shop. Fortunately, nothing broke in there so that was good. He grinned as he walked towards the old lady's house, ready to return the cats.

{EXIT-- TWC: 676
Mission Complete, gained 500 ryo and 3 JP)

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D-Rank: Missing Pets Empty Re: D-Rank: Missing Pets

Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:58 pm
Dude you're quick af...
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