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Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

C Ranked Mission: The Abandoned Tower Empty C Ranked Mission: The Abandoned Tower

Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:21 pm

It was a cool evening and Shinji sat at a small restaurant gorging himself on what appeared to be octopus eyes. Despite this rather odd cuisine Shinji was content with where he was at. No longer being kage allowed him plenty of time to indulge in all sort of things such as eating whenever and wherever he wanted to. Of course this always came with a cost and this cost usually came as a bill. Luckily he had been able to quickly complete a few petty missions here and there. Sure, it was a bit demeaning having to carry out low class missions, but hey it paid the bills nicely, so he could not complain all that much. Well, he could complain, but no one would care all that much, so he chose not to. Finishing off his meal Shinji reached into his pocket and pulled out the last of his spending ryo and slapped it on the table to pay for the meal. He had just enough left over to pay, but not enough to tip, so he left as quickly as possible to avoid the glares from the waiters.

Obviously he knew that he would need more cash if he wished to keep living the lifestyle he had been living, so off he went to the mission command center as per usual. There was probably some lame mission he could blaze through in a few quick moments and be back in time to catch a midnight snack. His record thus far was a three minute mission: he had saved a cat from a tree..truly he is a grand hero who should be looked up to by all. All that aside Shinji strode into the mission command center with a long confident gait. Walking up to a rather diminutive jounin he spoke with a commanding voice that he never really used as a kage, "Give me a mission and make it snappy." The jounin jumped at the harsh tone and quickly sorted through the pile of mission directives in front of him and handed Shinji one. Bowing ever so slightly Shinji went on his way with a new mission to carry out. Perhaps this one would be a challenge, but Shinji could not help laugh at the would take a whole lot to challenge him at this point.

Leaving the mission command he glanced down at the mission he was to undertake and it seemed like it was going to be a boring one. Apparently a few noises had been hared at some abandoned tower, which was odd on one point. Shinji was pretty sure he had knocked down most abandoned skyscrapers when he was kage. In the end it did not matter, because he had a job to do, so off he went in a blur of speed. Alas, in his first blur of speed he found himself on the wrong side of town...He was never all that good at directions. Maybe he had taken a left when he should have taken a right. Honestly, he would never know. All he did know was that he was in the wrong place and that he had to get to the right place.

After another few minutes Shinji found himself in the right neighborhood. His first impressions? This place was creepy as all get up. One the neighborhood was center around a graveyard. Two the neighborhood was centered around a graveyard and three the neighborhood was centered around a FREAKING graveyard. Who the hell does this kind of thing? On top of it all Shinji heard a slight creaking behind him. Whipping around at break neck pace the former Tenkage spotted the most terrifying thing he may have seen in his life: a puppet vendor.

And old lady was pushing an old cart filled with puppets and upon closer inspection these puppets were all the same. They had a white face and red markings. On of the sample ones even had a voice recording and continually asked, "Would you like to play a game?" Thoroughly freaked out Shinji Turned around once more and tred to ignore the ladies entreaties to come buy a puppet. Why had he not knocked down this whole neighborhood when he was a kage? Perhaps he would suggest it to Den later. All the same he had a mission to get done and this creep atmosphere spurred him on to go a lot faster.

After asking around some rather questionable houses Shinji was directed straight to the tower in question. He really should have guessed that it was the tower he had been sent to deal with when he passed it before. The tower was four stories tall and looked a bit run down to say the least. A few windows were smashed out here and there and curtains were hanging out of a few windows. It was downright creepy. Dusk was just starting to fall and Shinji felt like he was being watched, but by eyes that he could not see. Extending his chakra out he felt a lone chakra signature in a near by alley. Rather suspicious Shinji made hi way over there with a speed that normal humans could not even see.

Arriving at the entrance of the alley Shinji was struck by an odd sight. There was an old man with a long white beard seemingly praying. Rather confused Shinji asked what the man was doing, "Excuse me sir, but what are you doing praying in the alley?" Shinji was not very religious, but he did know praying when he saw it. The old man finished his prayer and then turned to Shinji and bowed his head after which he spoke, "Oh, it is very simple my friend. I am performing a exorcism on the spirits in that tower over there." The man said it straight out and that surpirsed Shinji quite a bit. Though as he said those words the hair on the back of his neck stood on end like someone or something was breathing down his neck. Whipping around again he found nothing there.

Not wanting to look like a freak Shinji thanked the man, "Thank you for that information. Good evening." However, by the time Shinji had said this the man was gone and, no, he had not run away. He was just flat out gone. No chakra signature no nothing. That feeling was coming back to Shinji. Sighing he knew he was not going to like this. Walking up to the tower Shinji smashed down the front door and walked right in. His first impression? It was dark...really, really, really dark. Then there was a scream. A loud shrill scream. Acting on instinct Shinji raced through the building till he made to the top and to his surprise he found nothing..maybe it was really haunted? Using his chakra senses one more time he felt no chakra signatures, but heard footsteps of an army and screams of tortured souls.

Shinji had two options: go back out the front door or get to the roof and run down the side of the building. The choice was clear, Shinji was on the roof in a heartbeat. Without much thought he was running down the building as the screams and footsteps grew louder. Oddly enough when he reached the ground the noises were gone..just flat out gone. At this point Shinji knew there was only one truly logical thing left thing to do: blow up the tower. There was just no way around...sad, but true. It was the only real way that the Uzumaki knew that was a fail safe against all things ghastly and ghoulish as this tower was clearly haunted.

Backing a bit away from the tower Shinji turned around and faced it. Luckily there were no buildings behind this tower, which made Shinji's job that much easier.Weaving a few quick hand signs Shinji dropped to one knee and brought his right hand up to his mouth and blew outwards channeling as much wind chakra as he could. It was no real contest. In an instant the building was in shambles and leveled. Getting up off his knee Shinji walked through the ruble and found no bodies and heard no weird noises. Clearly it was a SUCCESSFUL MISSION. There would be no more noises coming from the tower ever again as it did not exist. With that Shinji blurred away and to mission command to collect his well deserved payment and to suggest that creepsville be condemned for overt amounts of creepiness.

{TWC: 1432/1300, +1400 ryo}

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