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I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions] Empty I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions]

Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:38 pm
Xyxer had now retrieved his ryo and was able to now truly enjoy his wanderer rank. Leaving the gates of the village he had lost and gained a doujutsu, he decided that perhaps he should see what a shark looks like from the inside.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions] Empty Re: I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions]

Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:24 pm
As chance would have it, Shinji was walking the walls or rather he was walking atop the walls. He had time to kill after his surgery and he was always interested in people's comings and goings around Tengakure; some people called it stalking, but Shinji preferred to call it people watching. For the most part there had been nothing to note save for a few merchants going back and forth, but Shinji did not mind. It was not like he had anything better to be doing. However, that all changed when the former kage spotted a rather irksome fellow who he quickly identified as Xyxer. Being the nice person he was Shinji figured he should return the syringe that Xyxer had given him. Although being rather lazy Shinji saw no other option than to throw the syringe at the leaving shinobi. Thus, as Xyxer passed through the gates, Shinji, who now sat atop the archway of the gates drew back his right hand that now held the syringe and threw it with accuracy only gained from endless training. In this case the training involved throwing pencils and other various sharp objects at the ceiling of his office while he was kage to keep boredom at bay. Were Xyxer not to react to the syringe moving with a speed of 60 then it would hit him squarely in the back of his head. Granted it would not hurt the man as it would hit him dull side first, but it would be a bit of a jolt. As the syringe flew through the air Shinji waited with bated breath to see the outcome.

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I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions] Empty Re: I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions]

Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:55 pm
Xyxer noticed a queer sight on the ground and so he decided to crouch down and investigate it; mud. There was mud on the ground. Clearly a sign of a bad omen. Was he standing on a crack? As those thoughts went through his mind, the syringe flew over his head and into the ground in front of him. Looking back up at it simply he picked it up, noticing it had the same label from before he shrugged his shoulders and continued fucking off.

[Exit] +1 syringe yo
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions] Empty Re: I got about tree fiddy [Pls no invasions]

Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:22 pm
Dumb luck, yes, that was it. Shinji figured it was the only thing that could have saved the man from an unpleasant knock to the head. Shrugging to himself, Shinji did not bother to call out to the man. He had a feeling their paths would cross again at some point-even if that point were in the after life. Shinji considered Xyxer a friend and as such he respected the man and his leaving on a journey to god knows where. All the same, Shinji found that it was rather comfortable atop the archway of the gates, so he decided to remain their for a while. Once night began to fall the lone figure of Shinji could be seen making its way back to an inn on the other side of town.

{-1 Syringe, 3/30 for eye recovery and exit}

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