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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:40 pm
Haru looked out at the city from atop one of the tallest buildings in the village. He was wearing his usual robes, all of his gear present in case he needed to use it (He was paranoid like that), leaning against a rail with one hand, the other hanging at his side, limp. The building just happened to be the hotel he was staying at for the moment. The place he was standing was the “Scenic overlook” of the building, which allowed a pretty decent view of the city. He hadn’t heard much from his overseer, the blue haired girl (Whose name he couldn’t remember), but he took it as a relief. A break from the missions to do what he liked was just what he needed. The problem was, he didn’t really have anything to do… Haru had very few real friends. There was always his genin team, but Haru hadn’t seen Yuri in a while, and even worse, the person who was closest to being a “Friend” to him, Dante, had committed suicide a few days ago. Which was depressing as hell. Rin, the team leader was training with him, though he didn’t really see Rin as someone to just hang out with and talk to…
”Which leaves Takeo…” Muttered Haru to himself. He immediately burst out laughing, with a laugh that lasted unusually long. Finally recovering from his fit of laughter, and feeling substantially better, he looked back out over the rail. The sun was setting, a gap in the buildings giving Haru a pretty good view of the sun setting in the city’s surrounding plains, the glare not bothering him in the slightest. He just needed a bit of a walk, that was all. That should get him into better spirits.
Sighing quietly, he casually pulled his leg up onto the railing, stepping up, and balancing on top of it, before launching himself straight up into the air. He did a few twists as his body began to succumb to gravity. He ended up facing the ground, with his body parallel to the building. As he passed the rail, falling straight to the bottom, he twisted forward and stuck his foot out, catching the building and beginning to run down the side of the building, his extreme speed allowing him to keep up with the rate of his falling. He began to slow his descent as he ran down the building, before launching himself off, doing a flip in the air so that his feet were poised to land correctly. He landed in the sidewalk of a street a bit of a ways away from his hotel. His feet caught the ground smoothly, stepping forward at an alarming rate as he recovered from the speed he had just been moving. He reached a walking pace, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked. Stopping for a moment, he looked back at the hotel. He sure had gone far…
Shrugging, he kept walking, smiling pleasantly at a woman holding a baby in her arm, staring at him in shock. He flashed his headband, which was wrapped around his neck, and she nodded quickly, understanding that what she had just witnessed was normal. She quickly made her way away from him, clearly surprised by what she had just witnessed. Haru felt a little bad about scaring her, but in his defense, that was a pretty badass entry. He slumped down in a metal bench a few meters from where he’d landed, leaning back and pulling a book from his pocket. Memoirs of Might Gai, the cover said. He popped the book open, holding it in one hand, resting his other arm on the back of the bench. He read the book intently, flipping a page every so often or laughing quietly at a remark about “The springtime of youth”

(Word count: 642)
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:43 pm
No matter how long Haruna spent inside the city, she could never get used to her surroundings. It had been several months, almost a year, in fact, since she had arrived there and getting lost was still something that happened with a slightly alarming frequency. The young priestess blamed this on the fact that she often got nervous when surrounded by large crowds of people. This feeling of nervousness quickly became a distraction, which culminated with her arriving over an hour late to wherever she had planned on going. The only place she knew how to get to effectively was the hospital where she worked as a trainee, simply helping with minor activities and observing the highly trained medical shinobi so as to learn from them.
But today was her day off. Haruna never exactly knew what to do with free time. She was relatively new to the village, having grown up in the village of Sunagakure all of her life. Well, not exactly in the village per se… She had grown up in a Shrine. She hadn’t left the place once until she was assigned to serve in Tengakure by the superiors of her organization – the Shizen no Miko. The young Genin now lived in the branch of the organization that lay in the outskirts of the skyscrapers. She was still adapting to living with new people. It was… strange, more so since she didn’t have her older sister with her anymore. As she walked down the streets, she said a brief prayer to Hokuto.
When her eyes snapped back open, they drifted towards one of the taller buildings in the city. She could barely see the tiny figure of a person on top of the building. She didn’t give it much thought until she saw him leap of the railing. Haruna let out a shocked gasp. Did he just…? Was he…? She panicked, trying to remember what she had learned about medical ninjutsu that could possibly help in this situation. However, there was nothing in her current arsenal that could turn a pile of mush back into a human being. But of course, the young girl was pulled out of her reverie as the boy casually began walking along the building wall.
Ah. Of course. He was a shinobi. It was easy to forget that she was in what was essentially the military heart of the Sky Country when she was surrounded by civilians. But of course she had been about to make a fool out of herself. She was needlessly worrying about a random stranger who obviously didn’t need her help. Haruna frowned, letting something that vaguely resembled anger boil in the pit of her stomach. The young priestess kept an eye on the boy – of course, it had to be a boy – as he headed past her and towards a bench on the far side of the street.

Boys. That was another subject that Haruna was… uncomfortable with. Men had been nothing short of a myth to her before she left the shrine. She had been raised in an environment exclusively made up of women. She had never seen a man up close before moving out of the Shrine. And given her naturally shy disposition, Haruna could never quite figure out how to behave near one of them. This made her hesitate briefly as she followed him.
The young Genin was unsure as to why she went after him. She had the intention of reprimanding him for scaring the living daylights out of her, but given her demeanor… well… she stood in front of the boy. She stared at him as an awkward silence passed by. He was reading a book – The Memoires of Might Guy. Haruna tilted her head to the side, wondering if she had ever read that particular book before. She was rather fond of literature and had read thousands of titles in her short life. To be fair, there really wasn’t much to do in the shrine besides training and praying. Not the most thrilling lifestyle out there.

In any case, Haruna resumed her awkward stare, trying to think of what to say. “I… I… um…” she blushed, unable to form a proper sentence. Of course, this would change depending on the way the boy spoke to her. Her temper was rather… quick to shift, to say the least.

WC: 727
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:17 pm
Haru sniggered at a remark made by the book. There was some good humor in this thing… or was the guy being serious? Whatever the reason, he was enjoying it quite a bit. So much in fact, that he hadn’t noticed the young girl approaching him yet. Weird, he usually would have noticed someone like that, she looked quite a bit different then the average Tengakurian… Tenkagurite? Huh. Whatever the reason, he hadn’t noticed the girl, who he apparently walked right by, or otherwise came from an alleyway or something. Probably the mix of adrenaline rush and dopamine from just jumping off the side of a building and shrugging it off like it was nothing. Secretly, he had actually pulled a muscle when landing on the sidewalk, but he didn’t want to let that show, so he’d just ignored it. It was starting to bug him quite a bit, but he couldn’t do anything about it now, people were probably watching. He would turn on his byakugan, subconsciously checking to make sure no one was indeed watching him anymore. It was that moment that he would notice her, just before she spoke. His face still behind the book, she probably couldn’t see the eye activated. He waited, listening as she spoke… Well, stuttered, really…
”You need something?” He would ask, putting on a convincing pleasant tone. He’d been forced to do that a lot lately, what with the strange missions he’d been getting on the spot. The ANBU trainee’s most recent mission had been to get a little girl her balloon back, the same day he had been assigned an S rank mission to kill a giant beast that had been summoned in the plains… it was an interesting day for him. Still, you couldn’t detect a frustration in Haru’s voice, for there wasn’t one. He was completely relaxed, happy to help out.
”Cat got your tongue?” He would ask if she didn’t speak for a moment.

(Twc: 969)
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:57 pm
Haruna fidgeted, shifting her weight from one side of her body to the other while keeping her gaze fixed on her hands. She fiddled with her fingers, trying to keep herself calm and willing the crimson flush in her cheeks to go away. Why did this sort of thing have to always happen when she was trying to be serious? She couldn’t help but wonder. She let out a frustrated groan as she regained part of her composure. And then the boy addressed her. He seemed polite enough, asking if she needed anything from him. She looked at him curiously for a moment. His eyes were still glued to the book in front of her, which made it difficult to see his face. It made Haruna wonder at which point he had seen her standing there.
She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the boy commenting on the fact that she was stumbling on her own words. Great, this was just what she needed. She mentally chastised herself in a sarcastic tone for making such a great first impression. However, this finally spurred her forward, enough to actually get a proper sentence out. “No, I just…” Well, so much or getting a proper sentence out.

However, her shy voice didn’t exactly sound frail. It had a bit of a frustrated undertone to it. Her blush deepened. “Showing off like that is reckless,” there, she managed to properly get the words out. “You could have hurt someone or you could have hurt yourself,” she continued. Her voice wasn’t raised. Haruna wasn’t exactly yelling. He sounded more firm and confident than anything else. It didn’t sound chastising either. The young girl sounded more concerned than anything else. This wasn’t initially how she intended to sound, but she supposed it would do the trick.

WC: 1031
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:55 pm
Haru sat calmly in the same position, flipping a page in his book. He didn’t move from the position he was sitting in, he simply retained his posture, as he examined the girl closer. She looked about fourteen, fifteen years old… She was quite a bit shorter then him, although he appeared to have a few years on her as well. She had dark hair and dark eyes to match, but it was her clothes that intrigued him the most. They had strange markings with a sort of yin-yang symbol. Usually, that could be dismissed as merely a work of fashion, but these symbols were different.
He listened as the girl stumbled over her words, finally finding a metaphorical solid grip in her words, as she said, in a concerned tone, that he shouldn’t be so reckless. As she finished speaking, Haru deactivated the byakugan, moving the book away, revealing his face, which for some reason had a mixture of boredom eternally etched into his expressions, no matter what he did. Sighing as he thought for a moment about what the girl said, he prepared to speak, shifting slightly to ease the cramp in his leg away.
”I wasn’t showing off.” He would explain, snapping the book shut as he spoke. ”If I was, I wouldn’t have aimed for this block. The Tenkage’s tower is right over there.” He would say, pointing to the building that towered over all the others of Tengakure, home of Den, the current Tenkage. ”And that’s a much more suitable place to be showing off. No, miss, I was just getting the blood flowing.” He would say politely, looking her in the eyes. He was, in truth, intending to show off just a little. Just enough to give him that little dopamine buzz. But he certainly wasn’t going to admit that, not a chance in hell. 

(TWC: 1080)
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:22 pm
Haruna was curious now. She looked at the boy’s face, now able to detail him entirely. Black hair with white streaks sat atop his head in a messy fashion. His expression seemed bored and almost a little cocky, though she could have been mistaken about that. Maybe she was reading into it a little too much, maybe not. His clothes were intricately adorned. He wore a full set of combat robes, as if he were going straight into combat. But that didn’t seem to be the case. He was just casually sitting in a bench that was nowhere near what Haruna thought were the typical meeting points in the city. Most of those were near the outskirts so that people could set off towards their destination more quickly. Maybe he was just paranoid. And again, maybe Haruna was wrong altogether.
What caught her attention most were his eyes. She was staring at them as she stared into his. He had the white eyes of a blind man. And yet he didn’t seem to be blind. Strange, or at least the young priestess thought it was. In her mostly sheltered life, she had yet to come across a Hyuuga. She had read about them, and this boy fit the description, but she didn’t want to assume.

He stated that he wasn’t showing off, that he was simply looking for a way to get high on adrenaline. “So do you make a habit of diving head first off buildings to get blood pumping or are you just one of those adrenaline junkies?” There was still a hint of shyness to her words intermixed with a bit of playfulness and teasing. “I’ve got to say, I’ve been here for a few months already and you’ve the first person I’ve seen pull off a stunt like that,” she would say a few seconds later, looking up at the top of the building that he had jumped from.

WC: 1354
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:46 pm
Haru noticed the girl staring at his eyes: Something he’d grown used to, being a Hyuuga. He decided to just not acknowledge it, as per usual for him. He looked calmly back into the girl’s eyes, not breaking eye contact. He would chuckle slightly as she called him an adrenaline junkie. He legitimately thought for a moment when she asked if he had a habit of diving off buildings.
”Well, usually, I just run down the side, I hate stairs.” He would say, leaning back in the chair again. ”And I guess I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie. You kinda have to be, when you’re a shinobi.” He commented, detecting what he though was teasing in her voice, as the girl continued speaking. Apparently she hadn’t seen anyone jump off a building like he just had in a few months of living here… odd… ”Well, usually it’s just me. Even then, I’m surprised you haven’t seen me doing it before. It’s a helluva way to get around.” He said, grinning as he spoke.
He would hold out his hand for her to shake. ”I’m Haru, by the way.” He said, keeping his last name a secret on purpose. Last time he’d told a stranger his surname, well… it didn’t go too well. So he’d keep it on the down low. ”Resident Taijutsu expert, part time adrenaline junkie.” He said, a little teasingly back at her. If she shook his hand, he would release her hand after a moment, standing up from the bench. ”What about you?” He would ask her, waiting for her to tell him her name. In the back of his mind, he reflected a little on this girl. She said she’d been here for a few months, so she was… maybe a refugee from Kirigakure? It would be quite a bit of time since they’d gotten the initial wave of refugees, but hey, you never know. Haru personally knew three such people, one of whom was his senesi. Or maybe she was just a normal person who moved in to Tenga. Who knows? 

(TWC: 1428)
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:00 pm
Haruna shrugged as the boy spoke about leaping off buildings because they were quicker than taking the stairs. She was under the impression that elevators were quicker than all of the above, but maybe the thrill seeking side of the boy was trying to justify his peculiar way of getting around. But the young priestess had barely met him. It would be rude to state her assumptions out loud. She knew that this was the type of thing that the elder priestesses would reprimand her for as they had done several times during Haruna’s early childhood. “I just settle for taking the elevators,” she settled for saying. A slightly naïve smile crossed her features. She let out a sot giggle at his “adrenaline junkie” comment.

Haruna hesitantly extended her hand to greet Haru as he introduced himself. She looked at it for a few seconds, not sure of what to do. “Oh, r-right!” she said, chastising herself out loud. “I’m Haruna,” she said, not saying her last name to keep it hidden, but rather because she simply didn’t have one. She usually just identified herself as a member of the Shizen no Miko. “Like I said, I recently moved here. I’m a member of the Shizen no Miko. We tend to travel a lot,” she explained. She didn’t specify that she was a priestess or what her organization did. She almost always assumed that this was common knowledge, mostly because it had always been to her. The young girl bowed slightly as she let go of Haru’s hand. “I’m also a medic,” she added a little hastily, thinking it would be rude not to give back the same amount of information she got from him.

WC: 1639
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:13 pm
Haru sniggered as she made the comment about the elevators. To each his (or her) own, he supposed. She could have her stairs, and he’d stick to never being late for anything, ever. He would smile as she shook his hand, waiting patiently for her to say her name. After a moment of hesitation, she spoke. Haruna… Haru mentally burst out laughing. Their names were almost exactly the same. Of course, Haru had always had this sort of problem, Haru being a fairly common name, but he’d never had the same such problem because a girl’s name was too similar to his. He frowned as she mentioned her organization… the Shizen no Miko, she said… He’d honestly never heard of them, but she said it like it was something he should know… She also mentioned they moved around a lot, and that she was a medic. Tengakure didn’t have a lot of medical ninja, in Haru’s experience, so a new medic would help them quite a lot. Still, he wondered where exactly she had come from, and what was this… Shizen no Miko?
”Shizen No Miko?” He asked her quizzically. ”What is that, exactly?. He’d never heard that name before, and he felt a little foolish for asking, but he wanted to know where exactly she came from. He would subconsciously start walking down the sidewalk, gesturing for her to follow him. Wakingand talking would do him some good, he had left the hotel just to stretch his legs, after all. If she hadn’t started walking yet, he would look back for a moment, gesturing for her to follow again, before continuing down the path. ”And you said you’ve only been here for a while… Where did you move here from?” Haru asked. In his time, he hadn’t traveled all that much. To Hidden leaf twice… well, three times, technically, and hidden cloud once for a mission, and that was pretty much the extent of it. But he’d love the chance to start traveling some day. Maybe become a wanderer. He loved the idea of traveling. Seeing the world. He didn’t yet understand that Haruna had pretty much grown up at a shrine, away from most other people.

(TWC: 1756)
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:27 pm
Haruna looked slightly surprised at the fact that he asked what her organization was and did. To her, it was obvious. Then again, she realized that the Shizen no Miko’s presence was small and scattered outside of the main shrine in Sunagakure. “The Shizen no Miko are priestesses of the Shinto religion. We follow a strict code that often makes us travel. We don’t really set roots anywhere and we only possess what we need to survive. We’re protectors of the innocent,” she explained in a very short and concise way. She didn’t want to bore him by going into the specifics of it all. Well, she wouldn’t mind doing so if he asked. But her voice had noticeably dropped when she spoke of the Code she had to follow.
It was because of that same Code that she had had to kill her best friend, her sister. The wound was still fresh and new. It had only been a month since she had set after Hokuto. She was still coping with her death. But she couldn’t let herself sink into depression because of it. She was better than that. She had to carry on. If she didn’t, all her previous actions would be in vain. She would skip over those thoughts for now, though. Haru would probably still be listening to her. Unless he interrupted her, the young priestess would speak again.

“Our main shrine is in Sunagakure. I was raised and trained there by the priestesses. I recently took the initiation rite. Afterwards, they sent me here,” she would conclude. A ghost of a smile would make its way across her features, but it wouldn’t quite reach her eyes. By this point, she was following Haru down the street. She was unsure as to where they were going and why. Well, best to at least follow someone who actually knew his way around the city. “Where are we going?” she would then ask.

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