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Requesting Training [p][nk] Empty Requesting Training [p][nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:00 am
Fionnuala awoke to find that she was covered in sweat after a hard night of sleep. She found it difficult after all she was the youngest in her family and felt she had the most to prove. Fionnuala wanted to talk a shower she garbed her favorite towel knowing that today be a hard day for her. As she looked at the towel her mother had gave her she laughed her mother had embroidered the white towel with dark purple flowers. The shower room smelled of shampoo and soap the hot water was almost out so her shower would be short a great way to start her day she thought. After the shower she went and got dressed wearing her favorite out fit her top was dark purple and than the bottom changed to white than she put on her dark purple skirt, followed by her dark purple leggings and gloves although not the best outfit on in the academy she felt it said a lot about her. Fionnuala started to pull back her hair it did not want to corporate as small whips of her flame red hair came out she grew frustrated today she was to meet the village leader everything must be perfect. After ten minutes of fighting her hair she finally got it all back and looked in the mirror and smiled she had manged to tame it again as a finale touch she put on her dark purple cape her mother had made her. As she started out of her room she could hear the classes be given and stopped for a moment to listen in. Her attention was broken when a girl walked by and laughed Fionnuala looked she saw a girl slightly older than her she wore a birght pink shirt, a black skirt, white knee high socks and black heels she made Fionnuala feel uncomfortable. Looking down and her dark purple shoes she began to think of everything she hopped to achieve this year but that was to much to think about at the time she turned her mind to the day it would not matter what she wanted if today did not go well. Looking at the door way to the academy the oak wood had some of the most amazing details she could ever remember seeing the carpenter had put a lot of work into this the way the wood appeared to swirl and dive than at the top of the door the five dots that would repent the snow falling to the ground it must have taken months to construct it. Walking out the door a sudden chill ran though Fionnuala it was a cooled day but on the bright side there was no snow on the ground but you could see the leafs the golds, reds, and yellows laid together to make a symphony the colors so bright they might as well be singing. As Fionnuala watch the leave blow in the wind almost as if dancing the leaves swirled up reveling one of the Fujitsu seals they seemed to be everywhere the black seals where warm with heat reminding Fionnuala that had it not be for the leader the village would be covered in snow. Most days she saw no need for them but today she saw there importance and was happy to see them what would be a half a days walk would have taken twice as long had they not been there. Thinking about the snow drew her mind to how cold it was as she pulled her cape closer around her.
As she counted her walk Fionnuala notice that she was being flowed by some older boys she deiced to confront them. As she turned to see what they wanted with her Fionnuala heard one of the boys say no way she will make it she is far to cute and vulnerable. They both began to laugh as they grew closer she decide she would not let these guy push her around she did not want to fight but she would if she had to she would. They stopped in front " aren't you a little to young to be out here by your self?" "NO" Fionnuala replied . They both laughed at her " So do you want to see how good you really are?" Fionnuala looked at them "I'm not afraid of you!" Than out of no where stepped this man he was tall and wore a blue shirt and black pants he was armed his hair was green with black streaks in it. "So it's a fight you want is it" he said with a smile. The boys said no we where just playing. "Than why not with some who stud a chance". "No we where just leaving." Just as quickly as they had arrived they where gone. Fionnuala turned to thank the man who had stepped in, but he was gone. So she continued her walk, but the questions who was he? Why did he help me? Still burned in her mind but no matter she had to prepare her mind for the task she was about to under go. The birds sing as they flew over made the walk seem shorter than it was. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw a white lily! Fionnuala ran over to it just to smell it they where not something you got to see everyday as she looked at it she longed to take the flower with her but she knew she could enjoy it more if she left it there so she took one last smell. The lilly filled her noise the smell so sweet it was almost incredible. She finally arrived at the leaders house she awaited him, but her day was far from over!
Ryuk Uzumaki
Ryuk Uzumaki
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Requesting Training [p][nk] Empty Re: Requesting Training [p][nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:30 am
Demetri sat in his office his eyes closed as a unknown chakra signature approached the building, he was able to tell this thanks to a skill he had picked up a while back. Walking over to the door he would open it and let the person inside. The room itsself was pretty small and lined with three bookshelves, against the walls save for the wall with the door on it it held bottles of liquor, The girl had red hair and wore an outfit that was predominantly purple. Looking at the girl and back down at the list in his hand he would read the name off as though asking her a question. "Fionnuala?" he asked waiting on her response it was not often that he would accecpt request from the academy students for a mission but something drew him to say yes to this one. Demetri would look at the girl and say "I have pressing concerns in another village i must return to finish this at a later date." and form a hand seal and be off in a blur of speed. A helper would enter the room and see if the girl needed anything else.

[Go punch a log or run around to get some stat points i have to head to another village right now but i will gladly have a topic with you once i return.]
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