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Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:22 pm
The Yuki got some bread and whole wheat flour out of his pantry. Measuring out the proper quantities, he dumped them into a bowl. He put the whole wheat, but not the bread, flour back into the pantry. Measuring out one and a quarter teaspoons of yeast, he dumped it into the bowl. Lastly, he measured out half a teaspoon of salt. Using a wooden spoon, he mixed this all together. Using a wooden spoon was somewhat difficult, but it saved him time in the cleanup. This would allow him to use one utensil instead of two utensils. The Yuki then measured out one and one-third cups of water and dumped it into the bowl. Using the spoon at first, he mixed the ingredients together until the dry ingredients had absorbed the water. He then lightly floured his hands, then mixed it together with his hands. After about 30 seconds or so, he had a nice ball. He lifted it out of the bowl, lightly dusted the bottom of the bowl with flour, and put the ball of dough back in. He covered the top of the bowl with cling film and set it aside. He put it next to the window, where it would receive plenty of heat. At this time, it was about noon. The Yuki, who had only been wearing pajamas, went back upstairs and put on his clothes. He wore a light blue t-shirt, white dress pants, and dark blue sandals. He put on a navy blue scarf, wrapped it around his neck. The end that had the Yuki clan symbol stitched on with white thread was facing forward. The Yuki had a goal for today. Instead of training just to achieve more power, he was heading to the Hokage’s office. The Yuki made his way to the Hokage building, and asked the secretary, “Excuse me, mam, could I have a meeting with the Hokage? Sorry I didn’t make an appointment.”

The secretary said, “He might be in right now. You can go ahead and go up to the office and see if he’s there.”

The Yuki said, “Thank you so much.” He then walked up to the Hokage’s office and knocked on the door.

WC: 369
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:42 pm
It was lunch time and yen quietly floated in the air glossing over his books on the policies and his steady study of various historic journals and scrolls. When he was a genin he was heavy in studying the genjutsu arts, and history, and now at the top he was care about the weitten accounts of what has happened between konoha,and various nations, from kumo to kiri. And was about to grab ahold of his recent assistant love sakumo. Still missing now and desiring to find the truth.

The knock on the office door made yen pull back his hand and he spoke up.


As he floated above the ground supported by his insects and his insects placed him in his chair.

"Young yoi yuki what brings you here today?"

Yen adressed as he consulted the boy and gestured him to take a seat.
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:07 pm
The Yuki heard, who assumed to be Yensung, grant him permission to enter the room. Yoi opened the door, which opened with a painful squeaking noise. The Frost Monarch internally grimaced slightly. He closed the door and sat in the chair indicated by the Hokage, Yensung. Yoi, summoning up his courage, said, "Greetings Hokage-Sama. I'm here to request permission to travel to Kirigakure. The Blood Games will be occurring there, and I would like to participate after my unfortunate loss in the Chunnin Exams."

Yoi knew that Yensung had been there the day that he returned from his Tea Country mission. Yoi hoped Yensung didn't judge him solely on that. Yoi had gotten much stronger. By his own estimations, he was twice as strong the beginning of the Chunnin Exams, and three times as strong as the Tea Country mission. Yoi really hoped he could go.

WC: 146
TWC: 515
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 1500

Requesting an Exit (P) Empty Re: Requesting an Exit (P)

Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:06 pm
Yen listened to yoi's request. Yes the yuki lost his fight vs mr tadashi namikaze. But he also showed grit from the terrible injuries he sustained. It gave yen much more respect to the genin before him. However simple experience was not enough of course. But it spoke volumes. Enough for an task in mind for the genin.

"Yes that comes to mind that kiri holds its violent exams. But it is an opportunity for information for konohas salvation. I you can go. But you have a mission as well. You will discover, and gauge their combative capabilities in kiri. Watch for xyxer, and if he isn't around find a way to establish a foothold."

Yen stated as he prepared the passport for the boy.

"Am i understood yoi?"
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Tue Mar 31, 2020 9:09 pm
The Yuki was left in anticipation as Yensung started talking. The Hokage didn't give his response immediately, making Yoi wait. But when Yoi did get permission to go, he let out an internal sigh of relief. Yoi didn't know what he would have don't if he couldn't had gone. Yensung's English was a little... broken, but no matter. Yoi could go! Yoi let out a small smile. However, Yensung continued talking. Yoi heard the Hokage laying out quite the task for Yoi. Perform reconnaissance in a foreign village. Yoi's job was to observe the combative abilities of a village, while observing the status of their leadership, and even establishing a foothold. Yoi found it almost ironic. Konoha was Kiri's vassal state, yet Konoha was still trying to spy on them. It was like if Yoi spied on Yensung. Which of course, he would never do.

As Yensung started writing what assumed to be a passport, Yoi was asked if he understood. Yoi thought deeply. In his heart, he knew he understood. But the logical side of his brain questioned if he understood. If he was ready. Yoi's last reconnaissance mission in a foreign country had ended in well... disaster. But this time was different. Yoi was way stronger than last time. And he wasn't some small fry Genin. He was almost a Chunnin level shinobi, with a very important job. Yoi said to Yensung, "Yes sir. I understand." Yoi likely wouldn't be leaving for a while, as no date for the Blood Games had been announced. But the earlier Yoi got there, the more he could learn. At this point, it was merely a matter of timing.

WC: 277
TWC: 792
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

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Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:06 am
Yen scratched out the last of the boy's passport as yoi tbought it over and yen looked at yoi with concern. Like a father to a sick child. Yes thdy boy got it but he knew silence. The boy was reflecting on his past.

"Yoi. I lost my eye as a chunin to a stray kunai,but i never let it hold me back. Wounds teach more than you will ever know. They teach you what to look out for, and yes to slways prepare. I am proud of your recovery. Now konoha calls on you for its freedom. Do not disappoint"

Yens tone was soft and kind. However his last words held weight. Still the boy was set to go.

,"good luck and succeeded at all costs. Understand?"
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:22 pm
Yensung must have noticed Yoi's pause, as Yensung went into a story about an injury he had suffered as a chunnin. He talked about how injuries made one stronger. Yoi wholeheartedly agreed with this. Yensung's words now gained a soft tone, yet still carrying meaning. Yoi, listening to Yensung wishing him good luck, smiled internally. Yoi thought the Hokage would be disappointed in Yoi for getting injured, but it was exactly the opposite. Yoi, with a tone of confidence, said, "Yes sir. I understand and I won't disappoint my village."

WC: 90
TWC: 882
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Requesting an Exit (P) Empty Re: Requesting an Exit (P)

Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:30 pm
Now that was the response yen liked to hear. An shot of confidence. In the boy which spoke leagues above many others. And a showing promise of the leader in the yuki. A good sign in bouncing back from defeat and if anything it was a truly heroic story. But one not uncommon.

"Very well mr yuki. Dismissed and i await your results."

Yen spoke up as he waved off the boy with a smile.

,(exit when yoi does no claims)
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:44 pm
Yoi picked up his passport and exited the office. The Yuki bowed, said, "Thank you Hokage-sama." He then left the office.

TWC: 903


903 words to Fire Release (3821/6000) with max stat discount
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
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Ryo : 12000

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:15 am
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