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Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:00 pm
Austin quickly grabbed and caught the sheath as he saw the kid about to strike him he uses the sheath as a shield and blocked the sword with it. Austin then quickly ducked down and used his dads dagger and goes for a strike in the kids stomach looking for a blow.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:46 pm
The grin on Keisuke's face grew wide once 'his' sword connected with the sheath in Austin's hand. 'This guy is good.. really good!' he thought. Mere moments before Austin even tried to stab him, Kei inserted a bit more strength into his strike and cut through the sheath. This should have majorly set back the speed of his slash, making him able to maneuver the weapon however he wanted. Exactly after 'his' sword cut through the useless sheath, Keisuke jumped back by a meter two seconds before the dagger could hit his stomach. 'Now that the sheath is broken, he shouldn't be able to do much with it anymore.' Currently, it appeared as if trying to attack would be too troublesome. So, Kei would just wait to see Austin's next move and attempt to counter it. The boy drew 'his' sword back to his body and shuffled back by around 3 feet right after.

He knew the strange midget who gave him the sword was still watching them fight. Now, he wasn't much of a fighter so he didn't know if the guy was impressed or just bored. Keisuke knew he would be bored himself it someone backed off just like he wad doing. Then again, all people were different so he couldn't just assume things. The academy student felt hot for some reason. Whether it was from the scarf he was wearing or the sun beating down onto his back.. he wasn't quite sure. All he knew was that this heat had to go away soon before he cold start complaining about it. The fact that the wind wasn't blowing only made everything worse... Now onto a different topic other than how hot the poor kid was. It was pretty peculiar that some random person gave him this weapon to fight with.

Everything only became more unusual when the person said this was a fight to the death. Why did he wants them to kill each other? The kid could have simply said "Oh! You guys should, like, totally go all out! Not kill each other or anything.. but like full strength, yo!." .. Okay.. it didn't have to be something like that but it should have been something quite similar. If Austin was going to really try and kill him, then he should probably be doing the same. Though, he has no reason to try and really make his opponent dead. Injuring him to the point of surgery? No problem in that area, it could actually be pretty funny. The look on Austin's face as he cut off his leg would be hilarious. In fact, Keisuke could really picture him doing something major like that without any second thought.

If that weird little kid were to pop and stop him from cutting off Austin's limb... that will most likely piss Kei off. After all, he was the one who promoted this fighting and said "Fight to the death, blah blah." Oh well, he would just have to deal with it...
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:42 pm
The kids were slow, like really really slow. It seemed to hake ages for the one kid to strike at the other, and even longer for the other boy to attempt to block the sword with the sheath.

That's when things went wrong.

The kid, who Toma had been nice enough to give the sword to, had fucking broken it! Toma was so screwed when Den found out, that was his favorite sword! Maybe he could fix it later? Possibly, the weapon was made from Sanctuary, so it could probably be repaired there or something.

Regardless, Toma decided to let the fight continue longer. Maybe he'd step in if one of them got hurt, but he wanted to see what would happen if he made those 2 fight they their life was on the line. Not as like, a test or anything. He was just curious as to how they'd act.

In Sanctuary, Den had the sudden sensation that maybe his sword had been broken, but that couldn't be possible. It was in his armory, in his dimension. That only he, Takehiko, and To.... hmmm. Maybe he should check his armory....

But he was having fun, practicing ninjutsu somewhere outside the village. He was trying to relearn the shadow clone jutsu, because apparently all the time he had spent focusing on space time manipulation and medical ninjutsu had left him rusty in using normal jutsu. So he went abut training that, rather than checking on his awesome sword.

1 Nature chakra added
5 chakra stored in armor

Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:31 pm
As Austin now using his new speed stats to his advantage. Runs toward the mysterious boy while running he prepares his melee kunai and prepares to strike him in his stomach. As Austin smirking he sidesteps fast enough to end up behind the boy. Now you can either forfeit or die right here. Says Austin but Austin not looking to kill anyone just wanting the kid to go all out in the fight. As Austin looks at the kid on the roof realizes that that must have been his favorite sword. But Austin going back to the fight gets the melee kunai in a stance that will knock someone out if directly hit.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:56 pm
Keisuke grinned once he saw Austin charge towards him. Yeah, this could really work for his advantage. Backing off was a really good idea. As he prepared himself for Austin coming to strike him, he couldn't help but wonder why the guy loved attacking people's stomach so much. It wasn't too vulnerable.. and it was easy for a person to evade. Kei quickly dodged to the left to avoid Austin's strike, standing a foot away from where his opponent currently was. Not even a moment after, he performed a low sweeping kick aimed for Austin's ankles. This should have caused the Nara to fall onto his back. Instantly, Kei would point the sword on Austin's neck. ".. I say you give up before I kill you," he would say, a smile on his face. He honestly felt as if the battle was going pretty well so far. Everything was so exhilarating! Knowing that if you mess up once, you could lose your life. If this was how shinobi would always battle, he would definitely enjoy it!
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:27 pm
(It's been at least 3 days... I'm going to exit since you already got genin. Maybe we can continue another time.)

Kei frowned once it seemed the guy was frozen after his attack connected. He took the sword away from Austin's neck and placed it by his side. Looked like he would need to get some sort of sheathe for it since he broke it's original. That strange little kid had already left to the area so Keisuke guessed he could keep the sword for a bit. "That was a bit boring," he commented, "If we ever meet again you need to bring your game on... pervert." He finished his sentence with a smirk on his face. The boy then turned in the direction of where Tengakure was located since he was at the gates. As he began walking, he used his free hand to wave at Austin. Though he kept his eyes straight ahead. "See you."

{EXIT -- TWC: 1561
-Holding onto Kaze no Ha until Den comes back
-Gained 7 stats and 15 JP ... Holy shit I'm on a roll}
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:32 pm
Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:38 pm
As Austin walks away looking at his spar partner smiling. "He was pretty good Eh next time I might have to try." Austin walks off and dissappers in a flash.

(Exit Not doing the training)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:22 pm

600 words towards Toma's byakugan

1 Nature Chakra for Den
5 chakra stored in Den's armor
600/3500 towards changing main spec to ninjutsu

Edit: 300 ryo as well
Ryuk Uzumaki
Ryuk Uzumaki
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:50 pm
Approved for all
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