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Ninja Gotta Eat. Empty Ninja Gotta Eat.

Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:17 pm
Johnny woke up from a nap and walk around he's house "I haven't seen brother Samarou in weeks he must be on another mission without telling me" Johnny smirked "At least I can go out without him giving me shit" Johnny looked around for some money he notice some laying around the house ran out "Hopes Brother won't be looking for that Zahahha!" Johnny made his way towards the city the sun was going down and the lights began to lite up "Whoa this is so cool I hate the fact the brother won't ever let me out" Johnny notice a ramen shop and he's belly began to growling "Looks like this will be my first stop" Johnny enter the ramen shop looked at the cook with a smile waving he's hand "I'll take a bowl of your best ramen sir!" Johnny took a seat as he waited for he's ramen.
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Ninja Gotta Eat. Empty Re: Ninja Gotta Eat.

Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:36 pm
"Comin' right up!"

The cook yelled after setting a piping hot bowl of his spiciest ramn upon the counter in front of a small body whose short stature barely granted him sight over the counter, even with the help of that tall stool that he sat upon. The small hands of that child reached up to pick up the bow, and bring the rim close to his lips. Any normal human being would've dropped the bowl by now, for the soup had been freshly made and the bowl itself had reached a temperature that would burn to touch. The small boy, instead of dropping the bowl, inhaled a great whiff of the delicacy's scent. The scent alone would have caused any human to cock their head back in disgust as the scent burned into their nostril, but this small boy wouldn't have it any other way. 

The boy was shirtless, and his lower body was covered completely by what appeared to be a black pair of sports pants. His hair, blacker than the fethers of a raven, was wrapped into a bun, giving him a soft, feminine glow if one were to look at his face from the right angle. His irides, darker than night, were focused upon the bowl of steaming liquid he held in his hands, and, as he small male held the bowl there, the liquid within was getting even hotter. Pink lips parted as the bowl was brought to his lips, and, as the bowl was tilted, pouring more and more of that steaming liquid into the young males mouth, the liquid hissed and steamed. This didn't bother the boy at all. He continued to drink the soup, and, in mere moments, the soup would be gone...


He was... satisfied.
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Ninja Gotta Eat. Empty Re: Ninja Gotta Eat.

Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:40 pm
Johnny looked over and notice a kid next to him and he seem to enjoying his soup eating the whole thing without even taking a breath.

"I'll have what his having Zahahah!"

Johnny looked at the boy and introduce himself

"Hey there my name Johnny I hope that soups as good as you made it looked"

Johnny had a warm looked on he's face as he waited for a reply back from the boy
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Ninja Gotta Eat. Empty Re: Ninja Gotta Eat.

Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:40 pm
A small CLINK could be heard as the small boy brought that bowl carelessly towards the table. There was no one else in the small shop besides the small boy, the cook, and the third male, so the small boy assumed that the third male was talking to him. Still, the small boy's  eyes never met met Johnny's figure. The small boy's head did not turn, nor did he give any indication that he had  heard Johnny speak. Kenzo simply replied.

"Kenzo... Uchiha"

Kenzo paused before giving his cursed  last name. It appeared that the small boy had not been interested at all in Johnny's affairs, fort seemed that he would not give Johnny his full attention. Though Kenzo had been sitting in that store, his mind was elsewhere.
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