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Green Akari
Green Akari
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Gotta Run [P] Empty Gotta Run [P]

Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:01 pm
Green dashed away, skateboard in hand, sending glances behind him every so often. He didn't understand. Why did his clan's leader want him dead? Only a few hours prior, he and his mother went to a small meeting with other Akari clan members in Konoha. They had talked - well, only his mother and the others talked, he was half asleep - for the entirety of the meeting on topics Green really could care less about. It seemed to be about the few members who went rogue, and those that stayed loyal to the clan, those who still believed they were the "light" in the "darkness." However, the clan leader seemed doubtful, and Green can remember the man questioning each and every Akari, one by one. Eventually it landed on his mother, who gave her answer, and then it fell onto him.

Being only half awake, Green didn't think about what he was to say before speaking, and let the words flow. He called them all stupid for their ideas, saying their methods did more harm than good. After all, how can doing a wrong make a right? How can killing other shinobi create peace? The boy didn't exactly know what would happen next, but he did know one thing. It was that he didn't expect the leader to try and strike him down while yelling things about him being a "rogue." If it weren't for his mother coming to the rescue, and ordering him to run, who knew what could've happened to him. So, he escaped from the meeting and other clan members, running away for his life.

As he did so, he could only think. What was he supposed to do now? As great as he was, he didn't know how to handle this situation. Fortunately, he was aware that it wasn't safe in the village, not in one with so much Akari clan members. Hell, he could go into a store just to buy something and be immediately attacked by one of them. Such a case left only one option for Green: to leave. He needed to leave Konohagakure, and quickly. His life depended on it.

He didn't know where to go, but wherever he had to be away from here.

[End/Topic Closed.]
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