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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Gotta Catch a Thief  Empty Gotta Catch a Thief

Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:52 pm

BANG BANG BANG.... Slowly Kisuke stirred in his bed, the knocks from the front door not fully waking him up. Remaining asleep in a tangle of sheets and pillows, Kisuke fell back asleep, dismissing the knock as his neighbours or something else. A few moments later the three loud knocks came again, much louder than before. Slowly stirring around in his bed again. With drowsy eyes and lazy, lethargic eyes Kisuke would look across the room to the bed of his younger brother who was still sound asleep. "Guess I'm getting that." He mumbled to himself as he pushed himself out off bed and away from the tangle of sheets. In nothing but his boxers, Kisuke dragged himself out of the room, across the hallway and towards the front door. Three more knocks louder than the previous series of knocks came just as Kisuke was at the front door. With slouched shoulders and half closed eyes, Kisuke would wipe the crust away from his eyes with the back of his left hand as he grabbed hold of the doorknob with his right hand and twisted it open.

Standing before him was a taller, broader Konohagakure Chunnin with a folder slightly concealed under his right arm pit. Quickly the Chunnin at his door grabbed the folder out from under his armpit and asked "Uchiha Kisuke?" Not being able to make out any of his facial features as he was still rubbing his eyes, Kisuke simply nodded as he moved from rubbing his eyes to scratching the back of his head. The Chunnin extended his arm, holding out the folder for Kisuke to grab. "Your next mission. All the details you need to know are inside this folder." Kisuke, still without looking at the shinobis face or acknowledging him would grab hold of the folder. "Good luck." The elder shinobi said as they both turned around and Kisuke softly closed the door to his apartment behind him. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, Kisuke would open up the folder and started rummaging through the contents of the folder. Grabbing hold of a document, now with eyes wide awake he began reading the details of his mission. "Really, they want me to catch another monkey and this time I have to do it alone." He was not actually catching a monkey, in fact they had him catching a local thief. Getting up from his chair, Kisuke would pour himself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice as he sat back at the table and searched and read through all the contents of the folder while he ate his breakfast.

Once done eating and having finished reading and checking everything out, Kisuke said to himself "Alright, well it appears that whoever this thief is is more active during the night and at the beginning of the week. So I'll have to go do my research and questioning in the morning so I can catch this guy in the act at night." Putting everything neatly together and back in the folder, Kisuke closed the folder and left it on the table as he went back to the room he and his brother shared to get ready.

Kisuke emerged from his room wearing his usual attire. Draped over his shoulders was his leather black jacket, unzipped revealing the white t-shirt he wore under. His Konoha head guard was lightly tied around his waist, acting as a replacement belt for his black jeans. Writing a little letter for when his brother woke up, telling him that he was going out to do a mission, Kisuke left it on the kitchen table and took the mission folder. Sliding it inside his leather jacket, the young Uchiha stepped outside his front door to begin his mission.  

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Gotta Catch a Thief  Empty Re: Gotta Catch a Thief

Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:41 pm
Kisuke descended the stair case of his apartment building and hit the streets as he began heading towards the centre of the village. His apartment building was located at the centre of the Uchiha district so he had to walk across most of the district to get to the rest of the village. Slowly strolling down the street, Kisuke sipped his hands out of the pockets of his leather jacket. His right hand held a white box of cigarettes while his left hand held a tiny brown box of matches, since he no longer used a lighter after giving away his lucky lighter to Kouse. Tapping the top of the cigarette box on his left arm a couple of times till a single cigarette popped out, Kisuke slipped the top of the cigarette into the edge of his lips. Now with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, the Uchiha put the cigarette box back into his jacket pocket. With surgical precision, Kisuke opened the flap of the match box and took out a single match. Closing the flap, Kisuke flicked the match across its box, lighting the bud of the match. Cupping his hands over his cigarette, Kisuke light the end of it. As a thin stream of smoke began ascending from the end of the cigarette. Taking in three quick inhales from his little cancer causing invention, Kisuke sipped both of his hands back into his leather pockets as he continued on his way.

The Uchiha, now walking through the streets of Konoha, stuck his hand into his jacket and pulled out the folder he received with the mission details. Balancing the opened file in one hand, Kisuke would flick and slide through the forms, documents and papers as he looked for one of the ones that gave the location of one of the crime scenes. Once he found what he was looking for the young Uchiha started following the directions towards the crime scene as he turned and changed streets. A few minutes later, Kisuke arrived at the corner of a street where an elderly man was standing in front of a shattered store window sweeping up a mess of broken glass. Shutting the folder shut and slipping it back into the confinements of his jacket, Kisuke approached the older man. 

Grabbing his cigarette with two of his fingers, before taking one last inhale Kisuke and would exhale the pale white fumes while speaking "Hey sir." The hunched old man would look up from his pile of broomed glass and stopped sweeping. Wiping his brow with the sleeve of his shirt, he would turn to face Kisuke and ask "Yes son, how may I help you." Kisuke would look past the old man, through the broken shop window and into the shop behind him. Inside there was more broken glass and missing items "I can see you've been robbed. I've been tasked with finding the person who's done it." "Finally." The old man exclaimed with both joy and annoyance. "There have been others who have gotten robbed from also. You would think you would have came before." Twirling the cigarette around in his fingers, Kisuke responded "I'm sorry but I got the mission this morning. I was wondering if I could take a look inside your shop. See if there are maybe any clues I can find to capture this person." "Go ahead son." The old man said as he turned back towards his duties and began sweeping the broken glass once again. "Dont know if you are going to find anything in there but your willing to try,"

Nodding, Kisuke would slip the cigarette back in between his lips as he stepped past the old shop keeper and over. Stepping in, Kisuke slipped in hands into his pockets as he slowly patrolled the vandalised store. Looking around, Kisuke analysed and looked around for any possible clues. After having done a turn of the place, Kisuke came back to the front window of the store. Kneeling down, he sorted through the rubbish and broken glass. Out of the garbage he pulled out a tiny cloth with some blood on it, what appeared to be a torn piece of clothing, maybe a pair of pants. Taking it in his left hand, Kisuke would raise from his kneeling position and made his way back towards the front exit. Stepping outside in the rising sun of the morning, Kisuke mumbled with his cigarette still in his mouth "I found this. Belong to you." The old man slightly shifted his head, lifting his gaze to look at the cloth Kisuke was holding up in his left hand. "No. Do not have any clothes that color." Kisuke nodded a few times as he said "It probably belongs to whoever broke into your store. I can use this." The old man went back to his cleaning as Kisuke turned around and started walking towards the nearest alley. "My mission supervisor will be back if I catch the culprit. If not, ill be back."

Kisuke turned the first alley on his left as he slipped the piece of torn clothing into the back pocket of his pants. Once in the centre of the alley, far from the old man Kisuke would pull a kunai out from the weapon pouch hidden by his leather jacket on the back of his waist. Pricking the tip of his thumb with the kunai, he placed his back into his weapon pouch and performed the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram seals in quick succession. Bending on knee and crouching towards the ground, Kisuke slapped his hand onto the surface of the ground. A series of kanji spread from where he hand made contact with the ground followed by a tiny explosion of white smoke. Out of the white smoke emerged two large wings, stretching out to an extraordinary 12 feet. The wings began to flap, blowing away the smoke and revealing Torakku. Hovering in the air to be face to face to the now fully standing Kisuke, the 3ft tall summon hissed "Ahhhh, Kisuke. Hows it going?" Pulling the cloth out of his back pocket, Kisuke gave it to Torakku and said "Need you to track down this scent." Grabbing hold of it with his little claws Torakku said "This should be fun." Sticking the cloth onto his face, Torakku took once large inhale as he took in the scent. 

Dropping the cloth, Torakku would crane his neck and swiftly start flapping his wings faster and faster, ascending higher into the air. "He's not in the immediate area. His scent is weak but there's still a trial." Torakku began to cackle as Kisuke used his chakra to climb to the roof of the nearest building. With his giant wing span, Torakku slowly soared through the air as he tracked the scent, craning his neck from left to right and constantly flaring his nostrils to sniff the air. Meanwhile, still smoke his cigarette Kisuke calmly followed Torakku with patience. Lowering his altitude, Torakku soared at eye level to Kisuke. "Were approaching his location now. He's over there in the park." Jumping over the gab of an alley way and landing on the roof of another building, Kisuke saw the park up ahead. Throwing away his cigarette, Kisuke would nod and said "Take me to him."

With a soft landing, Kisuke arrived at the park. Torakku still flying but only a few feet above the ground allowed himself to slowly soar forward as he continued leading Kisuke towards the location of the thief. Pointing forward with one of his stubby fingers to a kid sitting at a park bench, Torakku said as he finally stopped sniffing the air "That the one." "Good work Torakku," Kisuke said as he nonchalantly made his way over to the park bench with his hands in his pockets. Stopping several feet in front of the thief who looked about his age, Kisuke said "Make this easier on yourself and dont deny it. I know your the one robbing stores in this area." "So what if I am. You and your flying rodent cant get me to come with you." Performing the summoning hand seals once again, Kisuke this time brought forward Sabaku. Crossing his arms with arrogance, the thief's eyes opened wide as when he saw the tall, muscular gargoyle summon standing before him. Raising his arms with hands wide open and standing up from the bench, the kid said in fear "Alright, I'm coming."

mission complete
1000 ryo
1000 word for my D rank summon
1049 towards my B rank summon (1049/3000)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Gotta Catch a Thief  Empty Re: Gotta Catch a Thief

Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:49 pm

Everything looks okay, have both your summons been approved though? <3
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Gotta Catch a Thief  Empty Re: Gotta Catch a Thief

Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:51 pm
yup, you approved them
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Gotta Catch a Thief  Empty Re: Gotta Catch a Thief

Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:00 pm

Oops sorry, I'm really old and my memory isn't what it used to be.

Anyway, approved <3
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